#!/usr/bin/python # g e t s y s o p . p y # $Revision: 165 $ # $Author: eckertb $ # $Id: getsysop.py 165 2014-06-05 11:28:26Z eckertb $ # # Description: # RMS Gateway - get the sysop info currently stored in # by the winlink system # # RMS Gateway # # Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Hans-J. Barthen - DL5DI # Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Brian R. Eckert - W3SG # # Questions or problems regarding this program can be emailed # to linux-rmsgw@w3sg.org # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # import os import sys import re import requests import json import platform import datetime from xml.etree import ElementTree from optparse import OptionParser from distutils.version import LooseVersion ################################# # BEGIN CONFIGURATION SECTION ################################# gateway_config = '/etc/rmsgw/gateway.conf' service_config_xml = '/etc/rmsgw/winlinkservice.xml' channel_config_xml = '/etc/rmsgw/channels.xml' version_info = '/etc/rmsgw/.version_info' py_version_require='2.7.9' ################################# # END CONFIGURATION SECTION ################################# cmdlineparser = OptionParser() cmdlineparser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest="DEBUG", default=False, help="turn on debug output") cmdlineparser.add_option("-c", "--callsign", action="store", metavar="CALLSIGN", dest="callsign", default=None, help="get a specific callsign") (options, args) = cmdlineparser.parse_args() # # Check running as root # if os.geteuid() != 0: print("Must be root, exiting ...") sys.exit(1) # # check python version # python_version=platform.python_version() # This does not work with release candidates (Python 2.7.15rc1) # if StrictVersion(python_version) >= StrictVersion(py_version_require): # This does not work with release candidates (Python 2.7.15+) # if parse_version(python_version) >= parse_version(py_version_require): if LooseVersion(python_version) >= LooseVersion(py_version_require): if options.DEBUG: print('Python Version Check: ' + str(python_version) + ' OK') else: print('Need more current Python version than: ' + str(python_version) + ' require version: ' + str(py_version_require) + ' or newer') print('Exiting ...') sys.exit(1) # # load channel config from XML - need password # document = ElementTree.parse(channel_config_xml) rmschannels = document.getroot() # # dictionaries for config info # rms_chans = {} gw_config = {} ws_config = {} svc_calls = {} version = {} param_roots = {} # # load gateway config # with open(gateway_config) as gwfile: for line in gwfile: if not line.strip().startswith('#'): name, val = line.partition("=")[::2] gw_config[name.strip()] = val.strip() gwfile.close() if options.DEBUG: print('Gateway config =', gw_config) # # load version info # with open(version_info) as versionfile: for line in versionfile: if not line.strip().startswith('#'): name, val = line.partition("=")[::2] version[name.strip()] = val.strip() versionfile.close() if options.DEBUG: print('version_program = {}'.format(version['PROGRAM'])) # # load service config from XML # winlink_service = ElementTree.parse(service_config_xml) winlink_config = winlink_service.getroot() for svc_config in winlink_config.iter('config'): # basic configuration data ws_config['WebServiceAccessCode'] = svc_config.find('WebServiceAccessCode').text ws_config['svchost'] = svc_config.find('svchost').text ws_config['svcport'] = svc_config.find('svcport').text ws_config['namespace'] = svc_config.find('namespace').text # for the service operations, the tags are the operations, # element text is the service call detail for svc_ops in svc_config.findall('svcops'): for svc_call in svc_ops: svc_calls[svc_call.tag] = svc_call.text param_roots[svc_call.tag] = svc_call.attrib['paramRoot'] # # load channel config from XML - need password # ns = '{http://www.namespace.org}' for channel in rmschannels.findall("%schannel" % (ns)): # if options.DEBUG: print('channel xml = {}'.format(ElementTree.tostring(channel))) callsign = channel.find("%scallsign" % (ns)).text rms_chans['callsign'] = callsign password = channel.find("%spassword" % (ns)).text rms_chans['password'] = password if options.DEBUG: print('ws_config =', ws_config) if options.DEBUG: print('svc_calls =', svc_calls) if options.DEBUG: print('param_roots =', param_roots) # # need a callsign - unless we have a command line parameter # first try the gateway config then ask the user for a # callsign # if options.callsign == None: # no callsign given on cmd line? # # first check for gateway callsign and extract # the basecall # if 'GWCALL' in gw_config: options.callsign = gw_config['GWCALL'].split('-', 1)[0] # first item of list else: # ask for callsign if none given on command line # and none in the gateway config options.callsign = raw_input('Enter gateway callsign (without SSID): ') options.callsign = options.callsign.upper() if options.DEBUG: print('callsign =', options.callsign) # # prepare and make webservice call # headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/xml'} # Old winlink services url format #svc_url = 'http://' + ws_config['svchost'] + ':' + ws_config['svcport'] + svc_calls['sysopget'] # V5 CMS web services url format svc_url = 'https://' + ws_config['svchost'] + svc_calls['sysop2get'] + '?' + 'Callsign=' + format(options.callsign) + '&Program=' + format(version['PROGRAM']) + '&Password=' + format(rms_chans['password']) + '&Key=' + format(ws_config['WebServiceAccessCode'] + '&format=json') if options.DEBUG: print('svc_url =', svc_url) # # prepare xml parameters for call # sysop_get = ElementTree.Element(param_roots['sysop2get']) sysop_get.set('xmlns:i', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance') sysop_get.set('xmlns', ws_config['namespace']) child = ElementTree.SubElement(sysop_get, 'Key') child.text = ws_config['WebServiceAccessCode'] child = ElementTree.SubElement(sysop_get, 'Callsign') child.text = options.callsign if options.DEBUG: print('sysop_get XML =', ElementTree.tostring(sysop_get)) # Post the request try: response = requests.post(svc_url, data=ElementTree.tostring(sysop_get), headers=headers) except requests.ConnectionError as e: print("Error: Internet connection failure:") print('svc_url = ', svc_url) print(e) sys.exit(1) json_data = response.json() if options.DEBUG: print((json.dumps(json_data, indent=2))) json_dict = json.loads(response.text) # print the return code of this request, should be 200 which is "OK" if options.DEBUG: print("Request status code:" + str(response.status_code)) # # Verify request status code" # if response.ok: if options.DEBUG: print("Debug: Good Request status code") else: print('*** Get for', options.callsign, 'failed, ErrorCode =', str(response.status_code)) print('*** Error code: ' + json_dict['ResponseStatus']['ErrorCode']) print('*** Error message: ' + json_dict['ResponseStatus']['Message']) # sys.exit(1) # # check for errors coming back # if json_dict['ResponseStatus']: print('ResponseStatus not NULL: ', json_dict['ResponseStatus']) sys.exit(1) else: if options.DEBUG: print(('ResponseStatus is NULL: ', json_dict['ResponseStatus'])) # # display the returned data # if options.DEBUG: print("Debug: Response =", response.content) if options.DEBUG: print("Debug: Content type: " + response.headers['content-type']) # print('ResponseStatus : ', response.json().get('ResponseStatus')) print('=== Current Sysop Record From Winlink System ===') # it looks like this will be caught by the winlink system # and give an appropriate error in the response, so this # check may not be necessary. returned_callsign=json_dict['Sysop']['Callsign'] if returned_callsign and returned_callsign.strip(): print('Callsign: ' + returned_callsign) else: print('*** No record found for', options.callsign) sys.exit(2) print('GridSquare: ' + json_dict['Sysop']['GridSquare']) print('SysopName: ' + json_dict['Sysop']['SysopName']) print('StreetAddress1: ' + json_dict['Sysop']['StreetAddress1']) print('StreetAddress2: ' + json_dict['Sysop']['StreetAddress2']) print('City: ' + json_dict['Sysop']['City']) print('State: ' + json_dict['Sysop']['State']) print('Country: ' + json_dict['Sysop']['Country']) print('PostalCode: ' + json_dict['Sysop']['PostalCode']) print('Email: ' + json_dict['Sysop']['Email']) print('Phones: ' + json_dict['Sysop']['Phones']) print('Website: ' + json_dict['Sysop']['Website']) print('Comments: ' + json_dict['Sysop']['Comments']) # Convert timestamp format /Date()/ to a readable form timestamp=json_dict['Sysop']['Timestamp'] timestamp1=timestamp.split('(') timestamp=timestamp1[1].split(')')[0] # Convert string to float f_timestamp=float(timestamp) # Have time stamp in milliseconds, need seconds timeformat=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(f_timestamp/1000).strftime('%c') print('Last Updated: ' + timeformat) sys.exit(0)