#!/bin/bash # Version 0.2.4 PE1RRR WEB Portal for Packet # # Configuration # LynxBin="/usr/bin/lynx" # sudo apt install lynx CurlBin="/usr/bin/curl" # sudo apt install curl UserAgent="User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:58.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/58.0" WebLogFile="/tmp/bpq-browser.log" # sudo touch /var/log/bpq-browser; sudo chmod bpq:bpq /var/log/bpq-browser Version="0.2.4" # It is recommended to set up a proxy server locally to handle the requests from this script # it adds a level of control over which content can and cannot be requested, squid proxy is # utilized for this, but if you do not want to use it, comment the 2 lines out below. # I have set up my squid proxy to use alternate DNS servers of OpenDNS FamilyShield. #myproxy="" #export http_proxy=$myproxy # # Usage & Installation # # For simplicity, I use openbsd's inetd which is available for Debian/Raspbian with sudo apt install openbsd-inetd # # Add the following line to /etc/inetd.conf # # browse stream tcp nowait bpq /full/path/to/your/packet-scriptlets/browse.sh client ax25 # # The word 'bpq' above refers to the userid that this process will run under. # # Add the following line to /etc/services and make a note of the port number you choose. Make sure the one you pick does # not exist and is within the range of ports available. # # browse 63004/tcp # Browser # # Enable inetd: sudo systemctl enable inetd # sudo service inetd start # # In bpq32.cfg add the port specified above (63004) to the BPQ Telnet port list, CMDPORT= # # Note the port's position offset in the list as that will be referenced in the APPLICATION line next. # The first port in the CMDPORT= line is position 0 (zero), the next would be 1, then 2 and so on. # # Locate your APPLICATION line definitions in bpq32.cfg and another one next in the sequence. Make # sure it has a unique between 1-32. # # Syntax: # APPLICATION ,, # # APPLICATION 25,WEB,C 10 HOST 1 S # # is where the command 'web' is told to use BPQ port 10 (the telnet port, yours may be different!) # HOST is a command to tell BPQ to look at the BPQ Telnet CMDPORT= list, and '1' is to pick offset position 1, that # in turn resolves to TCP port 63004. The 'S' tells the node to return the user back to the node when they exit # the web portal instead of disconnecting them, it refers to the word 'Stay'. # Further config is at the bottom of the file for customization of the menu options as well as welcome message. ##### End of Config - Do not change anything below here. # # Global Vars LinkRegex='[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,7}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)' QuitCommandRegex='^(0|q|Q)$' MenuCommandRegex='^(m|M)$' ListCommandRegex='^(l|L)$' BackCommandRegex='^(B|b)$' NewCommandRegex='^(n|N)$' RedisplayCommandRegex='^(r|R)$' WarningLimit=30 BackPage="none" Referrer="none" declare -A GlobalLinksArray # I'm an associative array! set -e trap 'catch $? $LINENO' EXIT catch() { if [ "$1" != "0" ]; then # error handling goes here exit fi } function CheckURLSanity() { local CheckURL=$1 local ContentType local ContentTypeRegex # Ignore case with ,, below if ! [[ ${CheckURL,,} =~ $LinkRegex ]] then ReturnVal="Error: Address provided is not a valid URL" return 1 fi # Ignore case with ,, below if [[ ${CheckURL,,} =~ ^(gopher:|mailto:|ftp:|file:).*$ ]] then ReturnVal="Error: That type of URL is not allowed. Supported: http or https." return 1 fi if $CurlBin -H "${UserAgent}" --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "${CheckURL}"; then ContentType=$($CurlBin -H "${UserAgent}" -s -L -I --head -XGET "${CheckURL}" --output /dev/null -w '%{content_type}\n') echo "Content: $ContentType" ContentTypeRegex='^(text\/html|text\/plain).*$' if ! [[ $ContentType =~ $ContentTypeRegex ]] then ReturnVal="Error: Sorry, that content is not text!" return 1 fi return 0 else ReturnVal="Error: Sorry, ${CheckURL} does not appear to exist." return 1 fi } function Quit() { echo "Exiting... Bye!" exit } function Begin() { local Address local URL local URLFix local Text Referrer="Begin" echo "Enter a web address (Q = quit, M = main menu):" read Address # Trim Input URLFix=${Address//[$'\t\r\n']} && Address=${Address%%*( )} if [[ $URLFix =~ $QuitCommandRegex ]] then Quit exit elif [[ $URLFix =~ $MenuCommandRegex ]] then MainMenu elif [[ $URLFix =~ ^https?:\/\/ ]] then URL="${URLFix}" else URL="http://${URLFix}" fi echo "Requesting ${URL}..." # Update Last Page Global BackPage="${URL}" LogUser "${Address}" GetPage "${URL}" "Begin" "${URL}" } function GetPage() { local URL local ReferrerFunc local ReferrerURL local Links URL=$1 ReferrerFunc=$2 ReferrerURL=$3 # Generate Initial Page echo "One moment please..." DownloadPage "${URL}" "${ReferrerFunc}" "${ReferrerURL}" Text=$GlobalText # Global Conversion Links=$GlobalLinks # Global Conversion # Display The Page LineCount=0 OldIFS=$IFS IFS='\n' for i in $Text do LineCount=$((LineCount+1)) done IFS=$OldIFS if [ $LineCount -gt $WarningLimit ] then echo "This page is ${LineCount} lines long, are you sure you want to continue? (Y/n)" unset AskThem local AskThem read AskThem AskThemClean=${AskThem//[$'\t\r\n']} && AskThem=${AskThem%%*( )} if ! [[ $AskThemClean =~ ^(Y|y).*$ ]] then echo "Okay lets not do that then..." Prompt "${URL}" fi fi echo -e "Displaying ${URL}" echo -e "${Text}" echo -e "The previous page was: ${BackPage}" # Prompt Menu Prompt "${URL}" } function LogUser() { local URL local Date URL=$1 Date=`date` if ! [ -e ${WebLogFile} ] then touch ${WebLogFile} fi echo "${Date}: ${Callsign} requested ${URL}" >> ${WebLogFile} } function DownloadPage() { local URL local ReferrerFunc local ReferrerURL URL=$1 ReferrerFunc=$2 ReferrerURL=$3 # Sanity Check the URL if ! CheckURLSanity "${URL}" then echo $ReturnVal unset ReturnVal $ReferrerFunc "${ReferrerURL}" fi local Text Text=`$LynxBin -useragent=SimplePktPortal_L_y_n_x -unique_urls -number_links -hiddenlinks=ignore -nolist -nomore -trim_input_fields -trim_blank_lines -justify -dump ${URL} | sed '/^$/d'` local Links Links=`${LynxBin} -useragent=SimplePktPortal_L_y_n_x -hiddenlinks=ignore -dump -unique_urls -listonly ${URL}` # Compile list of results into an array. local OldIFS OldIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' # SOME Pages will return links that Lynx will skip over yet still increments the Lynx link number displayed... # This logic sets the links into an array where the index of the array is identical to the link number Lynx displayed. local IndexRegex local HttpRegex GlobalLinkList="" for Results in ${Links} do IndexRegex='^((\ )+|)+([0-9]+)' # Bleugh HttpRegex='(https?.*)' # Barf [[ $Results =~ $IndexRegex ]] && IndexID=`echo ${BASH_REMATCH[0]} | xargs` # Trim the whitepaces [[ $Results =~ $HttpRegex ]] && HttpURL=${BASH_REMATCH[0]} # It's an URL baby. if ! [ -z $IndexID ] # There's always one, grrr. Lynx returns a line "References" before the link list... then GlobalLinksArray[$IndexID]=$HttpURL # Build the human readable list of links GlobalLinkList+="$IndexID = $HttpURL\n" fi done IFS=$OldIFS # The Globals: # GlobalLinksArray # GlobalLinkList GlobalText="${Text}" } function Prompt() { local URL local RestartURL URL=$1 RestartURL=$1 # Prompt local MyLinkID echo "Enter Link Number: (Q = quit, L = list links, B = back, N = open new link, M = main menu, R = Redisplay Page)" read MyLinkID # Trim Input local LinkIDFix LinkIDFix=${MyLinkID//[$'\t\r\n']} && MyLinkID=${MyLinkID%%*( )} # Handle Link Choice local LinkIDRegex LinkIDRegex='^([0-9])+$' if [[ $LinkIDFix =~ $QuitCommandRegex ]] then Quit elif [[ $LinkIDFix =~ $ListCommandRegex ]] then LinkCount=${#GlobalLinksArray[*]} if [ $LinkCount -gt $WarningLimit ] then echo "The link list is ${LinkCount} lines long, are you sure you want to continue? (Y/n)" unset AskThem local AskThem read AskThem AskThemClean=${AskThem//[$'\t\r\n']} && AskThem=${AskThem%%*( )} if ! [[ $AskThemClean =~ ^(Y|y).*$ ]] then echo "Okay lets not do that then..." Prompt "${URL}" fi fi echo -e ${GlobalLinkList} # Display Links Prompt "${URL}" # Prompt elif [[ $LinkIDFix =~ $NewCommandRegex ]] then unset GlobalLinkList unset GlobalLinkArray unset GlobalText Begin elif [[ $LinkIDFix =~ $RedisplayCommandRegex ]] then echo -e "Redisplaying Page..." echo -e "$GlobalText" Prompt "${URL}" elif [[ $LinkIDFix =~ $MenuCommandRegex ]] then unset GlobalLinkList unset GlobalLinkArray unset GlobalText MainMenu elif [[ $LinkIDFix =~ $BackCommandRegex ]] then if [[ ${BackPage} == "none" ]] then echo "Error: We can't go there!" Prompt "${URL}" # Again exit else unset GlobalLinkList unset GlobalLinkArray unset GlobalText GetPage "${BackPage}" "Prompt" "${URL}" fi elif [[ $LinkIDFix =~ $LinkIDRegex ]] then # So an actual link ID has been requested... # LinkRegex is Global local LinkURL LinkURL=${GlobalLinksArray[${LinkIDFix}]} if ! [[ $LinkURL =~ $LinkRegex ]] then echo "Error: Sorry, ${LinkURL} cannot be accessed via this portal." Prompt "${URL}" # Again fi # Update Back-Page Global BackPage="${LinkURL}" unset GlobalLinkList unset GlobalLinkArray unset GlobalText LogUser "${LinkURL}" GetPage "${LinkURL}" "Prompt" "${URL}" else echo "Error: Oops! Invalid Link Number." Prompt "${URL}" # Again exit fi } function MainMenu() { # echo "This portal is a work in progress. Please report bugs to pe1rrr@pe1rrr.#nbw.nld.euro" echo "" echo "[1] Enter your own web address" echo "" echo "Bookmarks" echo "[100] W6EK.org Sierra Foothills ARC" echo "[200] craiger.org/bbs info about this node" echo "" echo "Enter Choice: (Q = quit)" local IDRegex local Choice local URL read Choice # Trim Selection=${Choice//[$'\t\r\n']} && Choice=${Choice%%*( )} IDRegex='^([0-9]|q|Q)+$' if ! [[ $Selection =~ $IDRegex ]] then echo "Error: Sorry, that selection was not valid, please check and try again." MainMenu exit fi if [[ $Selection =~ $QuitCommandRegex ]] then Quit exit fi if [ $Selection -eq 0 ] then exit elif [ $Selection -eq 1 ] then Begin exit elif [ $Selection -eq 100 ] then URL="http://w6ek.org/" GetPage "${URL}" "MainMenu" elif [ $Selection -eq 101 ] then URL="https://rsgb.org" GetPage "${URL}" "MainMenu" elif [ $Selection -eq 200 ] then URL="http://craiger.org/bbs.html" GetPage "${URL}" "MainMenu" elif [ $Selection -eq 202 ] then URL="https://www.amsat.org" GetPage "${URL}" "MainMenu" elif [ $Selection -eq 400 ] then URL="https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/coronavirus-covid-19" GetPage "${URL}" "MainMenu" elif [ $Selection -eq 401 ] then URL="https://veron.nl" GetPage "${URL}" "MainMenu" elif [ $Selection -eq 402 ] then URL="https://www.VRZA.nl/wp" GetPage "${URL}" "MainMenu" elif [ $Selection -eq 403 ] then URL="https://dares.nl" GetPage "${URL}" "MainMenu" else echo "Error: Sorry, you must make a selection from the menu!" MainMenu fi } function WelcomeMsg() { local Callsign Callsign=$1 # echo "Hello ${Callsign}, welcome to Simple Packet Web - by PE1RRR Version ${Version}" # echo "All requests are logged, inappropriate sites are blocked by OpenDNS FamilyShield" return 0 } function CheckCallsign() { local Call local CallsignRegex Call=$1 CallsignRegex="[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,3}[0123456789][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,3}[a-zA-Z]" if [[ $Call =~ $CallsignRegex ]] then return 0 else return 1 fi } # Inetd Connectivity- BPQ Node Connect and Telnet IP connect are handled differently. Client=$1 if [ -z $Client ] then echo "Misconfigured, please ensure this script is called with the 'client ' argument from inetd" exit fi if [ ${Client} == "ip" ] then # Connection from 2nd param of inetd after 'client' on 'ip' port so standard telnet user is prompted for a callsign. echo "Please enter your callsign:" read CallsignIn elif [ ${Client} == "ax25" ] then # Connection came from a linbpq client on 'ax25' port which by default sends callsign on connect. read CallsignIn fi # Trim BPQ-Term added CRs and Newlines. Callsign=${CallsignIn//[$'\t\r\n']} && CallsignIn=${CallsignIn%%*( )} # Get rid of SSIDs CallsignNOSSID=`echo ${Callsign} | cut -d'-' -f1` # Check Validity of callsign if ! CheckCallsign "${CallsignNOSSID}" then echo "Error: Invalid Callsign..." Quit exit fi WelcomeMsg "${CallsignNOSSID}" MainMenu