# APRS server we connect to #IGSERVER noam.aprs2.net IGSERVER puertorico.aprs2.net #IGSERVER sjc.aprs2.net # Our info MYCALL KM6LYW-2 IGLOGIN KM6LYW-2 22452 # Beacon to internet - DISABLED #PBEACON sendto=IG compress=1 delay=00:20 every=60:00 symbol="digi" overlay=1 lat=38^55.41N long=120^51.81W via=WIDE1-1 power=12 height=40 gain=6 comment="KM6LYW fillin digi. Testing, Tx low power." # Beacon to RF PBEACON compress=1 delay=00:20 every=20:00 symbol="digi" overlay=1 lat=38^54.60N long=120^56.05W via=WIDE1-1 power=12 height=40 gain=6 comment=" KM6LYW fillin digi. Failover for GTOWN." # Information beacon, stats - unrecognized on this ver of direwolf #IBEACON DELAY=25 EVERY=60 VIA=WIDE1-1 # Digipeat anything heard on RF with WIDE1-1 in the routing table DIGIPEAT 0 0 ^WIDE1-1$ ^WIDE1-1$ # Digipeat filtered Internet packets putting WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 in routing table IGTXVIA 0 WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 # RF->RF local filter # Don't digipeat ourself (two radio scenario) or abusive stations on RF FILTER 0 0 ! d/KM6LYW-2 & ! b/KM6LYW-2 # Internet->RF local filter # Just gate message-type packets that aren't group bulletins or weather-type packet from my wx station FILTER IG 0 ( t/m & ! g/BLN* ) | ( t/w & b/KM6LYW-3 ) # Internet->RF server-side filter # give us messages from stations 100miles away, or anything from VIP list # aprsis doesn't give us message packets unless destination was heard here recently IGFILTER t/m/KM6LYW-2/160 b/KM6LYW-9/KK7AIR # One and five minute maximum from internet to RF IGTXLIMIT 20 80 # Transmitter PTT gpio pin and timing for pi-zerow PTT RIG 135 /dev/ttyUSB0 DCD GPIO 16 TXDELAY 30 TXTAIL 10 DWAIT 0 # Yaac/xastir connections AGWPORT 8000 #KISS/TNC connection KISSPORT 8001 # Radio hat #ADEVICE plughw:0,0 # Radio on USB ADEVICE plughw:1,0