# /etc/ax25/uronode.routes URONode example configuration file # This is used for quick ax25 connects so users need not add an interface # when making a connect. You also need a statement in here for flexd to # poll your flexnet neighbor. # URONode shows links with this order. Examples below: # Direct Routing # route d 'description' # #route n1uro-1 fxuro ax0 d 'N1URO FlexNet Hub' # Routing across another node with sending a string "C " # route n 'description' # #route n1uro-14 WMASS ax0 n 'N1URO-NOS' n1uro-1 # Routing via digipeaters # route v 'description' # #route n1uro-9 MACTFX ax0 v 'N1URO Xnet' n1uro-1