
3114 wiersze
82 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

2024-01-05 18:33:27 +00:00
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Ensure user wants to leave flgidi -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Show tx timer on menu bar -->
<!-- type: int; default: 5
TX deadman timeout in minutes -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Save current configuration on exit -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Noise test on/off -->
<!-- type: double; default: +20.0
Signal to Noise ratio for test -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
RSID detector searches the entire passband -->
<!-- type: int; default: 5
RSID detection opens squelch for nn seconds -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Enable Reed Soloman ID decoding -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Send RSID at beginning and end of transmission -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Append marker (for the previous modem and frequency) to the RX text
widget before changing to the new modem and/or frequency -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Trigger RSID notifications but do not change modem and frequency -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Disable RSID detection when RsID signal is detected -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Transmit an RSID signal when modem data is concluded -->
<!-- type: mode_set_t; default: mode_set_t()
Mode names for which RSID reception is disabled -->
<!-- type: mode_set_t; default: mode_set_t()
Mode names for which RSID transmission is disabled -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
values (low, medium, high) 0, 1, 2 -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
disable displaying the rsid warning dialog box -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Disable expensive processing in some decoders -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
disable changing frequency on rsid modem change/reset -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
retain frequency lock on rsid modem change/reset -->
<!-- type: double; default: 0.0
Waterfall reference level (dB) -->
<!-- type: double; default: 60.0
Waterfall amplitude span (dB) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
WF_UI - enable reverse button -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
WF_UI - enable scale multiplication button -->
<!-- type: int; default: 8
DROP_SPEED - slow rate waterfall drop speed -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
WF_UI - enable wf carrier button -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
WF_UI - enable wf shift buttons -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
WF_UI - enable rf level and range controls -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
WF_UI - enable wf drop rate control -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
WF_UI - enable wf amp span control -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
WF_UI - enable wf memory store button -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
WF_UI - enable wf mode control -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
WF_UI - enable wf qsy button -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
WF_UI - enable wf transmit lock button -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
Lowest frequency shown on waterfall (Hz) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 3000
Highest frequency shown on waterfall (Hz) -->
<!-- type: double; default: 1500
Default CW tracking point (Hz) -->
<!-- type: double; default: 1500
Default RTTY tracking point (Hz) -->
<!-- type: double; default: 1500
Default tracking point for all other modems (Hz) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Always start new modems at sweet spot frequencies -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Select if waterfall should compensate for BFO offset in CW -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Select if BFO is injected as LSB instead of USB -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Replay audio history when changing frequency by clicking on
the waterfall -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Change rig frequency by dragging the mouse cursor on the waterfall
frequency scale area -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Insert text to the RX text widget when changing frequency by left
clicking on the waterfall -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;\n&lt;FREQ&gt;\n&quot;
Waterfall left click text for WATERFALLCLICKINSERT -->
<!-- type: int; default: waterfall::WF_CARRIER
Describes how waterfall mouse wheel events are handled
0: do nothing; 1: change AFC width or decoder bandwidth;
2: signal search; 3: change squelch level; 4: change modem carrier;
5: change modem; 6: scroll visible area. The default is 4. -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Print Rx in lowercase for CW, RTTY, CONTESTIA and THROB -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Transmit all text in lowercase -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
0 - PskCore filter
1 - Raised cosine / sinc filter
2 - G3PLX (gmfsk) filter -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Enable psk multi-channel detector - disable for very slow cpus -->
<!-- type: int; default: 50
PSK signal acquisition search range (Hz) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Vestigial pilot tone on = 1, off = 0 -->
<!-- type: double; default: -30.0
Pilot tone relative power level -->
<!-- type: double; default: 9.0
PSK signal acquisition S/N (dB) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Send s2n report to pskmail client/server -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Behaviour of status (S/N and IMD) fields:
0: Clear after timeout
1: Dim after timeout
<!-- type: double; default: 15.0
Dim or Clear timeout (seconds) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Reset to carrier when no signal is present -->
<!-- type: int; default: 50
Listen for signals within this range (Hz) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1500
Default PSKMail listen / transmit frequency -->
<!-- type: int; default: 25
Limit AFC movement to this range (Hz) -->
<!-- type: double; default: 9.0
Acquisition S/N (dB) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
1 - use Kahn power demodulator
0 - use ATC (Kok Chen) demodulator -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Enabled - XY scope displays Mark/Space channel signals
Disabled - XY scope displays pseudo M/S signals -->
<!-- type: int; default: 3
Carrier shift (Hz). Values are as follows:
0: 23; 1: 85; 2: 160; 3: 170; 4: 182; 5: 200; 6: 240; 7: 350;
8: 425; 9: 850; -1: custom -->
<!-- type: int; default: 450
Custom shift (Hz) -->
<!-- type: double; default: 68.0
Receive filter bandwidth (Hz) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
Selective decoding of mark/space tones
0 - both
1 - mark only
2 - space only -->
<!-- type: double; default: 1.25
Rtty Rx Filter shape factor, K * (t/T)
You may alter this value using a text editor
change will be effective when restarting fldigi
K = 1.25; best for W1HKJ (default)
K = 1.5 - best for DO2SMF -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
Carrier baud rate. Values are as follows:
1: 45; 1: 45.45; 2: 50; 3: 56; 4: 75; 5: 100; 6: 110; 7: 150;
8: 200; 9: 300 -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
Bits per character. Values are as follows:
0: 5 (baudot); 1: 7 (ascii); 2: 8 (ascii) -->
<!-- type: int; default: rtty::RTTY_PARITY_NONE
Parity. Values are as folows:
0: none; 1: even; 2: odd: 3: zero; 4: one -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
Stop bits. Values are as folows:
0: 1; 1: 1.5; 2: 2 -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
This setting is currently unused -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
This setting is currently unused -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Use "CR CR LF" for "CR LF" -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Automatically add CRLF after `page width' characters -->
<!-- type: int; default: 72
Page width for RTTYAUTOCRLF -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
AFC tracking speed. Values are as follows:
0: slow; 1: normal; 2: fast -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Default to crosshair digiscope -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Generate Pseudo-FSK signal on right audio channel -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Enable kml server threads -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Decoding of Synop weather information on RTTY to ADIF log -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Decoding of Synop weather information on RTTY to KML file -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Decoding of Synop interleaved with coded text, or replaces it -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Revert to unshifted chars on a space (RX) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Revert to unshifted chars on a space (TX) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Use MARK frequency for logging -->
<!-- type: int; default: 50
Dot to dot-space ratio -->
<!-- type: int; default: 18
Transmit speed (WPM) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 18
Speed for Farnsworth timing (WPM) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Use Farnsworth timing -->
<!-- type: int; default: 24
Default speed (WPM) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 150
Filter bandwidth (Hz) -->
<!-- type: double; default: 0.4
Detector hysterisis, lower threshold -->
<!-- type: double; default: 0.6
Detector hysterisis, upper threshold -->
<!-- type: int; default: 100
Matched Filter length -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Automatic receive speed tracking -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Matched Filter in use -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Self Organizing Map decoding -->
<!-- type: int; default: 10
Tracking range for CWTRACK (WPM) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 5
Lower RX limit (WPM) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 50
Upper TX limit (WPM) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
rx squelch attack timing
SLOW = 0 (100)
MEDIUM = 1 (50)
FAST = 2 (25) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
rx squelch decay timing
SLOW = 0 (1000)
MEDIUM = 1 (500)
FAST = 2 (250) -->
<!-- type: double; default: 3.0
Dash to dot ratio -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Generate QSK signal on right audio channel -->
<!-- type: double; default: 4.0
Pre-keydown timing (milliseconds) -->
<!-- type: double; default: 4.0
Post-keydown timing (milliseconds) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Send callsign in CW at the end of every transmission -->
<!-- type: int; default: 18
CW ID speed (WPM) -->
<!-- type: mode_set_t; default: mode_set_t()
Mode names for which CWID transmission is disabled -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Send a continuous stream of test characters as the QSK signal -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
Test character for QSKADJUST (ASCII value) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
QSK edge shape. Values are as follows:
0: Hanning; 1: Blackman;Raised cosine = Hanning. -->
<!-- type: double; default: 4.0
Leading and trailing edge rise times (milliseconds) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Enable filtering of transmit audio -->
<!-- type: double; default: 100.0
Transmit filter hi cutoff frequency
f0 +/- CW_bpf/2 -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Weight decreases with increasing edge timing -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Use open paren character; typically used in MARS ops -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;=~&lt;&gt;%+&amp;{}&quot;
CW prosigns BT AA AS AR SK KN INT HM VE -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Use Ä extended CW character -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Use Æ extended CW character -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Use Ä extended CW character -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Use Ç extended CW character -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Use È extended CW character -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Use É extended CW character -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Use Ó extended CW character -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Use Ö extended CW character -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Use Ø extended CW character -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Use Ñ extended CW character -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Use Ü extended CW character -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Use Û extended CW character -->
<!-- type: double; default: 245.0
Feld Hell working bandwidth -->
<!-- type: double; default: 245.0
FH bandwidth -->
<!-- type: double; default: 30.0
Slow Hell bandwidth -->
<!-- type: double; default: 1225.
X5 Hell bandwidth -->
<!-- type: double; default: 2205.0
X9 Hell bandwidth -->
<!-- type: double; default: 180.0
FSK Hell bandwidth -->
<!-- type: double; default: 100.0
FSK105 Hell bandwidth -->
<!-- type: double; default: 450.0
HELL80 bandwidth -->
<!-- type: int; default: 2
Horizontal size multiplier for each hell character, 1, 2, or 3 -->
<!-- type: int; default: 20
Vertical char size in pixels -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Display RX in reverse video -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Display RX as scrolling marquee -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
Transmit width (number of multiple scans per character line) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Transmit periods (.) when idle -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
Raised cosine pulse shape factor. Values are as follows:
0: slow (4 ms)
1: med (2 ms)
2: fast (1 ms)
3: Hard (off) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 2
1 - slow, 2 - medium, 3 - fast -->
<!-- type: int; default: 2
Number of tones. Values are as follows:
0: 2; 1: 4; 2: 8; 3: 16; 4: 32; 5: 64; 6: 128; 7: 256 -->
<!-- type: int; default: 2
Bandwidth (Hz). Values are as follows:
0: 125; 1: 250; 2: 500; 3: 1000; 4: 2000. -->
<!-- type: int; default: 8
Tune margin (tone frequency spacing) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 4
Integration period (FEC blocks) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Force Integration (FEC) depth to be reset when new BW/Tones selected -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
8-bit extended characters -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Send start/stop tones -->
<!-- type: int; default: 2
Number of tones. Values are as follows:
0: 2; 1: 4; 2: 8; 3: 16; 4: 32; 5: 64; 6: 128; 7: 256 -->
<!-- type: int; default: 2
Bandwidth (Hz). Values are as follows:
0: 125; 1: 250; 2: 500; 3: 1000; 4: 2000. -->
<!-- type: int; default: 8
Tune margin (tone frequency spacing) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 4
Integration period (FEC blocks) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
8-bit extended characters -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Force Integration (FEC) depth to be reset when new BW/Tones selected -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Send start/stop tones -->
<!-- type: double; default: 2.0
Filter bandwidth factor (bandwidth relative to signal width) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Enable filtering before decoding -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Secondary text (sent during keyboard idle times) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 5
This setting is currently unused -->
<!-- type: double; default: 0.0
CWI threshold (CWI detection and suppression) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Detect THOR preamble (and flush Rx pipeline) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Enable Soft-symbol decoding -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Enable Soft-bit decoding -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
No timestamps on RX packets by default -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
decode received Mic-E data -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
decode received PHG data -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
decode received Compressed Position data -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
display decoded data in SI units -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
display decoded data in English units -->
<!-- type: double; default: 2.0
Filter bandwidth factor (bandwidth relative to signal width) -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Secondary text (sent during keyboard idle times) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Enable filtering before decoding -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Enable MultiPSK-compatible FEC -->
<!-- type: int; default: 5
This setting is currently unused -->
<!-- type: double; default: 0.0
CWI threshold (CWI detection and suppression) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
8-bit extended characters -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Long receive integration -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Also transmit upper start tone (only if MT63USETONES is enabled) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Transmit lower start tone -->
<!-- type: int; default: 4
Tone duration (seconds) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Always transmit lowest tone at 500 Hz -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Always transmit centered at 1500 Hz (SHARES requirement) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
0 - 1150 Hz, 1 - 1500 Hz, 2 - Variable -->
<!-- type: int; default: 4
size of moving average filter for bin filtering
value 2 to 8 -->
<!-- type: double; default: 2
0 - 300 Hz, 1 - 400 Hz, 2 - 500 Hz (default) -->
<!-- type: double; default: 4.5
6, 4.5, 3 or 2 baud -->
<!-- type: int; default: 3
3 / 6 -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
FSQCALL directed mode -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Show fsq monitor text panel -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Symbol averaging: true = fast, false = slow -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;cq cq cq de nocall&quot;
QTC text string -->
<FSQQTCTEXT>cq cq cq de nocall</FSQQTCTEXT>
<!-- type: int; default: 0
0 - NEVER (default)
1 - 1 minute, 2 - 5 minutes, 3 - 10 minutes
4 - 20 minutes, 5 - 30 minutes -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
0 - OFF (default)
1 - 1 minute, 2 - 10 minutes, 3 - 30 minutes -->
<!-- type: bool; default: 0
0 - NO, 1 - YES
convert operator MYCALL to lower case for directed call triggers -->
<!-- type: int; default: 6
Time out auto replies after XX seconds -->
<!-- type: int; default: 10
FSQ notifier dialog time out XX seconds
00 == no time out -->
<!-- type: bool; default: 1
FSQ enable heard log file -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;fsq_heard_log.txt&quot;
FSQ heard log pathname -->
<!-- type: bool; default: 1
FSQ enable audit log file -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;fsq_audit_log.txt&quot;
FSQ audit log pathname -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_RED
Color for FSQ xmt text -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_BLUE
Color for FSQ directed text -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_DARK_GREEN
Color for FSQ undirected text -->
<!-- type: bool; default: 1
Add date-time stamp to each # type received message -->
<!-- type: bool; default: 1
Enable to always append # directive messages to named file -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
1, 2, 3 -->
<!-- type: bool; default: 1
IFKP enable heard log file -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;ifkp_heard_log.txt&quot;
IFKP heard log pathname -->
<!-- type: bool; default: 1
IFKP enable audit log file -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;ifkp_audit_log.txt&quot;
IFKP audit log pathname -->
<!-- type: bool; default: 1
0 - NO, 1 - YES
convert operator MYCALL to lower case for all IFKP macros -->
<!-- type: bool; default: 1
0 - NO, 1 - YES
convert other CALLSIGN to lower case for all IFKP macros -->
<!-- type: bool; default: 1
0 - NO, 1 - YES
Always t/r at 1500 Hz -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
Waterfal FFT prefilter window function. Values are as follows:
0: Rectangular; 1: Blackman; 2: Hamming; 3: Hanning; 4: Triangular -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Use FFT averaging to decrease waterfall noise -->
<!-- type: int; default: 8
Waterfal latency, 1...16 -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Draw cursor with vertical lines -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Draw cursor center line -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Draw bandwidth marker with vertical lines -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Draw bandwidth marker with 3x vertical lines -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Draw cursor with 3x vertical lines -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Draw center line marker with 3x vertical lines -->
<!-- type: RGBI; default: {255, 255, 0, 255}
Color of cursor lines (RGBI) -->
<!-- type: RGBI; default: {255, 255, 255, 255}
Color of cursor center line (RGBI) -->
<CCCOLORS>255 255 255</CCCOLORS>
<!-- type: RGBI; default: {255, 0, 0, 255}
Color of bandwidth marker (RGBI) -->
<!-- type: RGBI; default: {255, 255, 255, 255}
Color of notch marker (RGBI) -->
<!-- type: RGBI; default: {255, 120, 0, 255}
Color of RTTY MARK freq marker (RGBI) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 4
Index of raster font used for transmission -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Show transmit signal on waterfall -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Send video ID containing modem name -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
This setting is currently unused -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Send video ID containing arbitrary text -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;CQ&quot;
Video ID text for SENDTEXTID (keep short!) -->
<!-- type: double; default: 0.0
Single tone at center of modem BW, carrier detect for amplifiers -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Decode received DTMF tones -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
Video ID text width (characters per row) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Limit video width to 500 Hz -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Limit video width to mode bandwidth -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Use small video ID font -->
<!-- type: mode_set_t; default: mode_set_t()
Mode names for which Video ID transmission is disabled -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Docked rig control -->
<!-- type: int; default: 125
Waterfall height (pixels) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Show tooltips -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Prompt to save log -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Clear log fields on save -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Sort log by date/time off -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Force date/time ON == OFF -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Show menu icons -->
<!-- type: mode_set_t; default: mode_set_t()
Modes that are not shown in the opmodes menu -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Double-click on RX text enters QSO data -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Show callsign tooltips in received text -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Auto-fill Country and Azimuth QSO fields -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Convert callsign field to upper case -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Default outgoing RST to 599/59 -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Default incoming RST to 599/59 -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Enable detection and extraction of "wrapped" text -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Open flmsg with the autoextract file -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Transfer incoming flmsg autosend file to open flmsg application -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Open flmsg with the autoextract file
print to browser
close flmsg -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Open NBEMS folder upon receipt of an autoextract file -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Full pathname to the flmsg executable -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;dinner_bell&quot;
audio alert audio clip name / file -->
<!-- type: int; default: 8
menu selector -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
enable audio alert when regex match is detected in browser -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;dinner_bell&quot;
audio alert audio clip name / file -->
<!-- type: int; default: 8
menu selector -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
enable audio alert when MYCALL is detected in browser -->
<!-- type: double; default: 2.0
Abort message extraction after nn.n seconds of inactivity -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;phone&quot;
audio alert audio clip name / file -->
<!-- type: int; default: 7
menu selector -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
enable audio alert when flmsg received -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;beeboo&quot;
audio alert audio clip name / file -->
<!-- type: int; default: 6
menu selector -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
enable audio alert when flmsg reception times out -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;phone&quot;
audio alert audio clip name / file -->
<!-- type: int; default: 7
menu selector -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
enable audio alert when RsID is detected -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Full pathname to the cty.dat data file -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Capture text to file 'talk/textout.txt' -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Connect to Digitalk socket server during program initialization -->
<!-- type: int; default: QRZXMLNONE
Callsign xml query type. Values are as follows:
0: none; 1: QRZ (paid sub.); 2: QRZ cdrom; 3: HamCall (paid sub.);
4: callook free US calls xml service; 5: hamQTH free xml service.
The default is none. -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;http://www.hamcall.net/&quot;
web address of hamcall -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;https://www.hamqth.com/&quot;
web address of hamqth -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;http://www.qrz.com/&quot;
web address of QRZ.com -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;http://callook.info/&quot;
web address of callook -->
<!-- type: int; default: QRZWEBNONE
Callsign browser query type. Values are as follows:
0: none; 1: QRZ web browser; 2: HamCall web browser
3: hamQTH web browser.
The default is none. -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
QRZ cdrom path -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
QRZ or HamCall subscriber username -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
QRZ or HamCall subscriber password -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Populate logbook notes (comment) field with mailing address -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Clear notes control when making a new QRZ query -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
eQSL login id -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
eQSL login password -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
eQSL nickname -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
eQSl default message -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Send eQSL when other log action invoked -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Send logbook date/time off vice date on (default) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Send adif record to LoTW -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Add -q to tqsl command line parameters -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Path-name of tqsl executable -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Password to access tqsl executable -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Send -p <password> with each upload -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Tqsl station location for uploading records -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Connect to MacLogger UDP server on / 9932 -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Capture and use UDP Radio Report data -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Capture and use UDP Spot Tune data -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Capture and use UDP Spot Report data -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Capture and use UDP Log Report data -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Capture and use UDP Lookup Report data -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Enable UDP string capture to file -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;maclogger_udp_strings.txt&quot;
Filename for maclogger UDP datastream file -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;;
IP Address of N3FJP socket -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;1100&quot;
IP port number of N3FJP socket -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Enable data stream logging. -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Connect to the N3FJP log server -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Use N3FJP spot report as signal center freq.
Center the target at mode sweet spot -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Use actual modem carrier frequency for logging -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
<!-- type: bool; default: true
PTT change at flrig changes Rx/Tx state
set to false if multple instance of fldigi used with single flrig -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
True if flrig xmlrpc server is used for xcvr control -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
This setting is currently unused -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
RTS is PTT signal line -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
DTR is PTT signal line -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Initial voltage on RTS is +V -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Initial voltage on DTR is +V -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Serial port is SCU-17 (requires 0 stop bits -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Generate PTT signal on right audio channel -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
Use Hamlib rig control -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
Use RigCAT rig control -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
Use XML-RPC rig control -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: DEFAULT_PTTDEV
PTT device -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: DEFAULT_HAMRIGDEVICE
Hamlib rig device -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Hamlib rig name -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
Hamlib rig model -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Hamlib configuration (param=val, ...) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
Hamlib rig baud rate. Values are as follows:
0: 300; 1: 600; 2: 1200; 3: 2400; 4: 4800; 5: 9600; 6: 19200;
7: 38400; 8: 57600; 9: 115200; 10: 230400; 11: 460800. -->
<!-- type: int; default: 2
Hamlib stopbits <1/2>. -->
<!-- type: int; default: 250
250 - 2000 in 50 msec increments -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
Hamlib PTT for xmt audio on data port -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Hamlib xcvr uses LSB for CW -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Hamlib xcvr uses USB for RTTY -->
<!-- type: int; default: 200
wait NN msec after sending mode change
before next transceiver CAT query
0 - 2000 in 100 msec increments -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
RigCAT XML file name -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: DEFAULT_HAMRIGDEVICE
RigCAT device -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
RigCAT rig baud rate. See HAMRIGBAUDRATE. -->
<!-- type: int; default: 2
RigCAT stopbits. <1/2> -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Use separate device for PTT -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
PTT via Hamlib command -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
PTT via RigCAT command -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Use uHRouter PTT (OS X only) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Use parallel port PTT -->
<!-- type: long; default: 0
GPIO enable
bits 0 - 16; bit 0 : gpio pin N -->
<!-- type: long; default: 0
GPIO State
bits 0 - 16; bit 0 : PTT ON state on pin N -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
GPIO pulse width setting for PiHpSDR PTT -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Initial state of RTS -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Initial state of DTR -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Toggle RTS for PTT -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Toggle DTR for PTT -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
RTS/CTS flow control -->
<!-- type: int; default: 2
Number of retries before giving up -->
<!-- type: int; default: 10
Retry interval (milliseconds) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 50
Write delay (milliseconds) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 200
Wait delay (milliseconds) on first command to serial device -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Commands are echoed -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
VSP support enabled -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Restore original state of comm port when closing -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
RTS +12 -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
DTR +12 -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
RTS/CTS flow control -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
XON/XOFF flow control -->
<!-- type: int; default: 2
Number of times to resend command before giving up -->
<!-- type: int; default: 10
Retry interval (milliseconds) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 5
Wait interval before reading response (milliseconds) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
Write delay (milliseconds) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
Force the rig sideband (for the purpose of calculating frequencies).
Values are as follows: 0: as reported by rig; 1: LSB; 2: USB. -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;NONE&quot;
nanoIO serial device -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
0 - 45.45, 1 - 50, 2 - 75, 3 - 100 baud -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
MARK polarity 0 - high, 1 - low -->
<!-- type: int; default: '2'
^ ' increment/decrement value
range '1' to '5' -->
<!-- type: int; default: 18
Paddle keyer WPM (0...100) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
0 - IambicA, 1 - IambicB, 2 - Straight -->
<!-- type: bool; default: 0
Disable CAT PTT signal during CW ops with expernal h/w -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
0 = LSB | 1 = USB -->
<!-- type: int; default: 2125
typical values: 1275, 1615 or 2125 for 170 Hz shift, IC7200 -->
<!-- type: int; default: 2
0 to 10, number of LTRS bytes send at beginning of xmt -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;NONE&quot;
Nav FSK serial device -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;NONE&quot;
Nav config serial device -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
0 - 45.45, 1 - 75, 2 - 100 baud -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
0 = Off | 1 = On -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
0 = Off | 1 = On -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
0 = Normal | 1 = Reversed -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
0 = 1 | 1 = 1.5 | 2 = 2 -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
0 = 15 db, 1 = None -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
0 = 15 db, 1 = None -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
0 = 20 db, 1 = None -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
0 = Off | 1 = On -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
0 = Off | 1 = On -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
0 = Off | 1 = On -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Station callsign -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Operator QTH -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Operator name -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Operator Maidenhead locator -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Antenna description (keep short!) -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Operator call sign, if distinct from the station call MYCALL -->
<!-- type: int; default: SND_IDX_NULL
Audio subsystem. Values are as follows:
0: OSS; 1: PortAudio; 2: PulseAudio; 3: File I/O -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
OSS device name -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
For compatibility with older versions -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
PortAudio input device name -->
<!-- type: int; default: -1
PortAudio input device index -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
PortAudio input device name -->
<!-- type: int; default: -1
PortAudio input device index -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
PulseAudio server string -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Audio codec supports full duplex operation -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Duplicate modem signal on left & right -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Reverse left-right rx audio channels -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Reverse left-right rx audio channels -->
<!-- type: int; default: SAMPLE_RATE_UNSET
For compatibility with older versions -->
<!-- type: int; default: SAMPLE_RATE_UNSET
Input sample rate -->
<!-- type: int; default: SAMPLE_RATE_UNSET
Output sample rate -->
<!-- type: int; default: SRC_SINC_FASTEST
Sample rate conversion type. Values are as follows:
0: Best SINC; 1: Medium SINC; 2: Fastest SINC; 3: ZOH; 4: Linear.
The default is 2. -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
Input (RX) sample rate correction (PPM) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
Output (TX) sample rate correction (PPM) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
Difference between RX and TX freq (rig offset) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
Wave file record sample rate
0 - 8000, 1 - 11025, 2 - 16000, 3 - 22050
4 - 24000, 5 - 44100, 6 - 48000 -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Enabled - record wav file in stereo
Disabled - record wav file in monaural (left channel only) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
true = continuous loop of sound file playback
false = single pass through playback file. -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
Start of transmit delay before sending audio -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
End of transmit delay before disabling PTT -->
<!-- type: double; default: 0.0
gain factor to compensate for low level output on USB A/D in dB
minimum -10.0, maximum + 10.0 -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Logbook file name -->
<!-- type: bool; default: 0
Display read # recs and logbook name on program start -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Force RST in/out to 599 -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Insert leading zeros into transmitted serial number (contest) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Send CW cut numbers -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
clear logging fields upon transfer of CALL from Rx panel -->
<!-- type: RGB; default: {185, 211, 238}
Background color of signal browser detect level -->
<!-- type: RGB; default: {54, 100, 139}
Button highlight color, signal browser detect level -->
<!-- type: int; default: FL_RED
View Browser highlight color 1, default Dark Red -->
<!-- type: int; default: FL_GREEN
View Browser highlight color 2, default Dark Green -->
<!-- type: int; default: 55
View Browser background odd lines -->
<!-- type: int; default: 53
View Browser background odd lines -->
<!-- type: int; default: FL_BLUE
View Browser line select color -->
<!-- type: RGB; default: {255, 110, 180}
Callsign background color when duplicate detected -->
<dupcolor>255 110 180</dupcolor>
<!-- type: RGB; default: {255, 255, 150}
Callsign background color when possible duplicate detected -->
<duppossiblecolor>255 255 150</duppossiblecolor>
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Check for duplicates (contest) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Predicate for ENABLEDUPCHECK (mode must match) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Predicate for ENABLEDUPCHECK (band must match) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Predicate for ENABLEDUPCHECK (state must match) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Predicate for ENABLEDUPCHECK (exchange must match) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Predicate for ENABLEDUPCHECK (QSO inside timespan) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 120
Time for DUPTIMESPAN (minutes) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
Contest starting number -->
<!-- type: int; default: 4
Number of digits in serial number -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;*,-.;&quot;
Additional characters used to delimit WORDS -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Free form exchange -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
TX power used for logbook entries -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Field Day call sign -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Field Day (w1hkj) server position operator call -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Field Day class -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Field Day section -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;5&quot;
Field Day multiplier -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
School Round Up Class -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Jamboree On The Air Troop -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
JOTA scout operator -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
Logging for:
0 - generic QSO
1 - generic contest
2 - BART
3 - Field Day
4 - Winter Field Day
5 - Kids Day
6 - Rookie Roundup
8 - School Round UP
9 - Jamboree On The Air
10 - CQ WPX
12 - Italian ARI International DX
13 - North American QSO Party
14 - North American Sprint
15 - Sweepstakes
16 - State QSO Parties
17 - Ten Ten
18 - Africa All Mode
19 - VHF
20 - Worked All Europe -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
SQSO contest -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;CALL if (RSTr), if (LOCATOR), NAME, QTH&quot;
Notes for specfied contest -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
SQSO in-state -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
SQSO state -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
SQSO county -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
SQSO log state -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
SQSO log county -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
SQSO log serno -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
SQSO log exchange -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
SQSO log name -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
SQSO parse STCTY -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
SQSO parse CTYST -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
SQSO log rst -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
State of Maryland ... peculiar folks living there -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Connect to field day server -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;;
Field Day (w1hkj) server tcpip address -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;20001&quot;
Field Day (w1hkj) server tcpip port -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
DXCC cluster tcpip address -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;w3nr.ddns.net:7300::|dx.n8noe.us:7373::|w0mw.dynip.com:23::|&quot;
Array of dxcluster host-port-user lines
Fields separated by : character
Lines separated by | character -->
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 0, 0, 130 }
RX text font color (RGB) -->
<DX_COLOR>0 0 130</DX_COLOR>
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: 7
Even line background color in dxcluster dialog -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: 246
Odd line background color in dxcluster dialog -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_YELLOW
Text color in dxcluster dialog -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
DX cluster browser font name -->
<!-- type: Fl_Font; default: FL_COURIER
DX cluster browsers font number -->
<!-- type: int; default: 14
DX cluster browsers font size -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_YELLOW
Text color in dxcluster stream -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_DARK_RED
Alternate text color in dxcluster stream -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
DX cluster stream font name -->
<!-- type: Fl_Font; default: FL_COURIER
DX cluster stream font number -->
<!-- type: int; default: 14
DX cluster stream font size -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
DXCC cluster tcpip port number -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
DXCC cluster login call sign -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
DXCC cluster login password -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;Show DX&quot;
DXC Macro Label 1 -->
<DXC_ML1>Show DX</DXC_ML1>
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;SH/DX&quot;
DXC Macro 1 -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;dxcm 2&quot;
DXC Macro Label 2 -->
<DXC_ML2>dxcm 2</DXC_ML2>
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
DXC Macro 2 -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;dxcm 3&quot;
DXC Macro Label 3 -->
<DXC_ML3>dxcm 3</DXC_ML3>
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
DXC Macro 3 -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;dxcm 4&quot;
DXC Macro Label 4 -->
<DXC_ML4>dxcm 4</DXC_ML4>
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
DXC Macro 4 -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;dxcm 5&quot;
DXC Macro Label 5 -->
<DXC_ML5>dxcm 5</DXC_ML5>
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
DXC Macro 5 -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;dxcm 6&quot;
DXC Macro Label 6 -->
<DXC_ML6>dxcm 6</DXC_ML6>
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
DXC Macro 6 -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;dxcm 7&quot;
DXC Macro Label 7 -->
<DXC_ML7>dxcm 7</DXC_ML7>
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
DXC Macro 7 -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;dxcm 8&quot;
DXC Macro Label 8 -->
<DXC_ML8>dxcm 8</DXC_ML8>
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
DXC Macro 8 -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
DXC report order; true = new record on top line -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Create spot Cmd: string when logging contact -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Connect to HOST when starting fldigi -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Add 0..99 Hertz audio frequency factor [nn] to DX report/notes -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Load last used macro file on startup -->
<!-- type: double; default: 0.5
Delay between execution of RIGMODE and FILWID
when in the same macro definition
range 0.1 to 2.0, default = 0.5 -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Display macro filename on startup -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Save current macros on exit -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Enable mouse wheel rotation to control visible macro set -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
# and position of macro bars
0..12, 1 = default -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Position 4 bar macro sat below Tx panel
Default is above Rx panel -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
expand ^! macro tags in Rx panel when executed -->
<!-- type: double; default: -3.0
TX attenuator (db) -30 .. 0 -->
<!-- type: double; default: 0.2
Level for monitored (on waterfall) transmit signal -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;default.pal&quot;
Waterfall color palette file name -->
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 0,0,0 }
Custom palette 0 -->
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 0,0,136 }
Custom palette 1 -->
<PALETTE1>0 0 136</PALETTE1>
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 0,19,198 }
Custom palette 2 -->
<PALETTE2>0 19 198</PALETTE2>
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 0,32,239 }
Custom palette 3 -->
<PALETTE3>0 32 239</PALETTE3>
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 172,167,105 }
Custom palette 4 -->
<PALETTE4>172 167 105</PALETTE4>
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 194,198,49 }
Custom palette 5 -->
<PALETTE5>194 198 49</PALETTE5>
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 225,228,107 }
Custom palette 6 -->
<PALETTE6>225 228 107</PALETTE6>
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 255,255,0 }
Custom palette 7 -->
<PALETTE7>255 255 0</PALETTE7>
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 251,51,0 }
Custom palette 8 -->
<PALETTE8>251 51 0</PALETTE8>
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Use macro group colors -->
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 80, 144, 144 }
Macro group 1 color -->
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 144, 80, 80 }
Macro group 2 color -->
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 80, 80, 144 }
Macro group 3 color -->
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 255, 255, 255 }
Macro button foreground -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;UTF-8&quot;
Default character set -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Enable RX font warnings -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
RX text font name -->
<!-- type: Fl_Font; default: FL_HELVETICA
RX text font index -->
<!-- type: int; default: 16
RX text font size -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_BLACK
RX text font color -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Macro Btn Font Name -->
<!-- type: Fl_Font; default: FL_HELVETICA
Macro Btn font index -->
<!-- type: int; default: 12
Macro btn font size -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_WHITE
Macro btn font color -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_MAGENTA
RX/TX text select color -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Enable TX font warnings -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
TX text font name -->
<!-- type: Fl_Font; default: FL_HELVETICA
TX text font index -->
<!-- type: int; default: 16
TX text font size -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_BLACK
TX text font color -->
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 255, 242, 190 }
RX text font color (RGB) -->
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 200, 235, 255 }
TX text font color (RGB) -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_RED
Color for Transmit text style -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_DARK_GREEN
Color for Control text style -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_BLUE
Color for Skipped text style -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_DARK_MAGENTA
Color for Alternate text style -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_BLACK
Color for low signal level -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_GREEN
Color for normal signal level -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_YELLOW
Color for high signal level -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_RED
Color for over driven signal -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Waterfall font name -->
<!-- type: Fl_Font; default: FL_HELVETICA
Waterfall font number -->
<!-- type: int; default: 12
Waterfall font size -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_BLACK
Text color in logging controls -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_BACKGROUND2_COLOR
Background color in logging controls -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
LOGGING text font name -->
<!-- type: Fl_Font; default: FL_HELVETICA
Logging Controls font number -->
<!-- type: int; default: 12
Logging Controls font size -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_BLACK
Text color in logbook dialog -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_BACKGROUND2_COLOR
Background color in logbook dialog -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Logbook text font name -->
<!-- type: Fl_Font; default: FL_HELVETICA
Logbook dialog controls font number -->
<!-- type: int; default: 12
Logbook dialog controls font size -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Frequency Control font name -->
<!-- type: Fl_Font; default: FL_HELVETICA
Frequency Control font number -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;gtk+&quot;
FLTK UI scheme (none or base, gtk+, plastic) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
UI language -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Always show audio frequencies on waterfall -->
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 255, 253, 222 }
Frequency display background color -->
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 0, 0, 0 }
Frequency display foreground color -->
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 255, 253, 222 }
S-meter background color -->
<SMETERBG>255 253 222</SMETERBG>
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 0, 0, 0 }
S-meter scale color -->
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 0, 200, 0 }
S-meter meter color -->
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 255, 253, 222 }
Power meter background color -->
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 0, 0, 0 }
Power meter scale color -->
<!-- type: RGB; default: { 200, 0, 0 }
Power meter meter color -->
<!-- type: int; default: 4
Power meter type:
0: 25 W, 1: 50 W, 2: 100 W, 3: 200 W, 4: AUTO -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_BACKGROUND2_COLOR
UI tabs color -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Low frequency on bottom of viewer -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Signal Viewer text continuous scrolling -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Signal Viewer sort after channel changes- unused -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Signal Viewer playback history on select -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Signal Viewer data displayed on fixed 100 Hz intervals -->
<!-- type: int; default: VIEWER_LABEL_RF
Signal Viewer label type. Values are as follows:
0: None; 1: Audio freq; 2: Radio freq; 2: Channel #. -->
<!-- type: int; default: 30
Number of Signal Viewer Channels -->
<!-- type: int; default: 25
Width of viewer (% of full panel width) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 15
Signal Viewer inactivity timeout (to clear text) -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Signal Viewer font name -->
<!-- type: Fl_Font; default: FL_HELVETICA
Signal Viewer font index -->
<!-- type: int; default: FL_NORMAL_SIZE
Signal Viewer font size -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_YELLOW
UI SQL button select color 1 -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_GREEN
UI SQL button select color 2 -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_GREEN
UI AFC button select color -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_GREEN
UI Lk xmt frequ select color -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_GREEN
UI Rev select color -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_RED
UI T/R select color -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_GREEN
UI Spot select color -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_GREEN
UI RxID select color -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_DARK_RED
UI RxID WIDE search select color -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_GREEN
UI TxID select color -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_RED
UI Tune select color -->
<!-- type: Fl_Color; default: FL_YELLOW
Default color of lighted buttons -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Try to open remote xml logbook -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;;
Logbook server address -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;8421&quot;
Logbook server port -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Check for updates when starting program -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: DEFAULT_XMLPRC_IP_ADDRESS
IP Address of XMLRPC Socket -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: DEFAULT_XMLRPC_IP_PORT
IP port number of XMLRPC socket -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: DEFAULT_ARQ_IP_ADDRESS
IP Address of ARQ socket -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: DEFAULT_ARQ_IP_PORT
IP port number of ARQ socket -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: DEFAULT_KISS_IP_ADDRESS
IP Address of KISS socket -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: DEFAULT_KISS_IP_IO_PORT
IP port number of KISS socket -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: DEFAULT_KISS_IP_OUT_PORT
Out udp port used when ip address is the same -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
Required when same IP address is used. -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
Disabled (0) ARQ socket enabled (1) KISS socket enabled (2) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Dissasemble AX25 packet into human readable form -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Detect busy channel and wait for a period of time before txing -->
<!-- type: int; default: 3
Number of seconds to wait before transmit resume -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Display / Enable PSM button on main dialog -->
<!-- type: int; default: 2
KPSQL Attenuation in 1/n of 1:1 Gain -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Use CSMA on heavy traffic channels (AX25) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Connect kiss io via TCP/IP vise UDP/IP -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Listen for TCP connection (Server mode) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Enable/Disable PSM -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Make Connect Attemp on Fldigi Start -->
<!-- type: int; default: 63
CSMA Persistance -->
<!-- type: int; default: 10
CSMA Slot Time -->
<!-- type: int; default: 50
CSMA Transit Delay -->
<!-- type: int; default: 15
Flush buffer timout -->
<!-- type: int; default: 100
PSM minimum measured bandwidth -->
<!-- type: int; default: 10
PSM minimum measured bandwidth margin -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Histogram threshold -->
<!-- type: int; default: 3
Histogram theshold referece level -->
<!-- type: int; default: 15
Valid signal test rate (milliseconds) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 15
Transmit buffer timeout (minutes) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Enable/Disable Modem Change to a non 8 bit when KISS IO is in use -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: DEFAULT_FLRIG_IP_ADDRESS
IP Address of flrig server -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: DEFAULT_FLRIG_IP_PORT
IP port number of flrig server -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Display all rx char's using ascii3 table -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Enable to start pskrep interface when starting fldigi -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
(Set by fldigi) -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Report callsigns spotted in received text -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Report callsigns in logged QSOs -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Include rig frequency in reception report -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Enable Reporter ONLY when a signal browser is visible -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;report.pskreporter.info&quot;
Reception report server address -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;4739&quot;
Reception report server port -->
<!-- type: double; default: 0.0
Slant correction for wefax Rx -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Target directory for storing automatically received images storage -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Source directory for sending images -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
Input filter for image reception -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Embedded GUI -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Hide transmission window -->
<!-- type: int; default: 800
Shift (Standard 800Hz) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 2900
Received fax maximum number of rows -->
<!-- type: int; default: 1
Pixel margin for noise removal -->
<!-- type: int; default: 5
Threshold level for noise detection and removal -->
<!-- type: int; default: true
Save fax image as monochrome -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Logs wefax file names in Adif log file -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Logs Navtex messages in Adig log file -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Logs Navtex messages to KML document -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
Minimum length of logged messages -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;http://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/data/observations/metar/decoded/&quot;
Internet URL used to fetch METAR data using wget symbology -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;Connection: close&quot;
Text at end of METAR report header
default = Connection: close -->
<WX_EOH>Connection: close</WX_EOH>
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;KMDQ&quot;
4 letter specifier for wx station -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Weather conditions -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Report in Fahrenheit -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Report in Celsius -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Report speed in miles per hour -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Report speed in kilometers per hour -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Report pressure in inches of mercury -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Report pressure in millibars -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Use complete METAR report -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
Report station noun name -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Purge KML data at startup -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Destination directory for generated KML documents -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Command executed when creating KML files -->
<!-- type: int; default: 10000
Minimum distance for splitting alias nodes -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
Number of hours for keeping data in each node -->
<!-- type: int; default: 120
Refresh interval written in KML files (In seconds) -->
<!-- type: int; default: 2
KML balloons data displayed as text, HTML tables, HTML single matrix -->
<!-- type: double; default: 60.0
Display range in dB for dft scan modem -->
<!-- type: int; default: 100
Number of scans over which the average signal level is measured. -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Plot vertical scale as dB relative to maximum value -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Full pathname to the flrig executable -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Full pathname to the flamp executable -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Full pathname to the flnet executable -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Full pathname to the fllog executable -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Full pathname to the prog1 executable -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Full pathname to the prog2 executable -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Full pathname to the prog3 executable -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Enable on program start -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Enable on program start -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Enable on program start -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Enable on program start -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Enable on program start -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Enable on program start -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Enable on program start -->
<!-- type: int; default: 0
Frequency control by keyboard arrow keys
Least significant digit are left/right keys
0 : 1 Hz, 1 : 10 Hz, 2 : 100 Hz, 3 : 1000 Hz -->
<!-- type: int; default: 22
Height of macro bar
22 .. 66, default = 22, step size 2 -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Enabled, Tx above Rx panel
Disable, Rx above Tx panel (default -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Enabled, View smeter & power meter
Disable, (default) -->
<!-- type: std::string; default: &quot;&quot;
Macro editor font name -->
<!-- type: Fl_Font; default: FL_HELVETICA
RX text font index -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Use US units of distance for QRB -->
<!-- type: int; default: 16
RX text font size -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Flag: Change DCD pre-ample length -->
<!-- type: bool; default: false
Allow dockable macros -->
<!-- type: double; default: 0.0
Upper axis in dB for spectrum viewer -->
<!-- type: double; default: 60.0
Display range in dB for spectrum viewer -->
<!-- type: int; default: 100
Number of scans over which the average signal level is measured. -->
<!-- type: double; default: 2000.0
Scan center frequency in Hertz -->
<!-- type: double; default: 4000.0
Frequency scan range in Hertz -->
<!-- type: int; default: 500
Initial spectrum range -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
left click on waterfall transfers to spectrum center -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
scale spectrum display frequency linked to modem bandwidth -->
<!-- type: int; default: 5
scale factor for spectrum display linked to modem bandwidth -->
<!-- type: bool; default: true
use waterfall db range and offset values for spectrum scope -->