
980 wiersze
33 KiB

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup
from .fixtures import (
TestClient as _TestClient,
) # noqa
from click.testing import CliRunner
from import Datasette
from datasette import cli, hookimpl
from datasette.plugins import get_plugins, DEFAULT_PLUGINS, pm
from datasette.utils.sqlite import sqlite3
from datasette.utils import CustomRow
from jinja2.environment import Template
import base64
import importlib
import json
import os
import pathlib
import re
import textwrap
import pytest
import urllib
at_memory_re = re.compile(r" at 0x\w+")
"plugin_hook", [name for name in dir(pm.hook) if not name.startswith("_")]
def test_plugin_hooks_have_tests(plugin_hook):
"""Every plugin hook should be referenced in this test module"""
tests_in_this_module = [t for t in globals().keys() if t.startswith("test_hook_")]
ok = False
for test in tests_in_this_module:
if plugin_hook in test:
ok = True
assert ok, f"Plugin hook is missing tests: {plugin_hook}"
def test_hook_plugins_dir_plugin_prepare_connection(app_client):
response = app_client.get(
assert pytest.approx(328.0839) == response.json["rows"][0][0]
def test_hook_plugin_prepare_connection_arguments(app_client):
response = app_client.get(
assert [
"database=fixtures, datasette.plugin_config(\"name-of-plugin\")={'depth': 'root'}"
] == response.json
"template": "index.html",
"database": None,
"table": None,
"view_name": "index",
"request_path": "/",
"added": 15,
"columns": None,
"template": "database.html",
"database": "fixtures",
"table": None,
"view_name": "database",
"request_path": "/fixtures",
"added": 15,
"columns": None,
"template": "table.html",
"database": "fixtures",
"table": "sortable",
"view_name": "table",
"request_path": "/fixtures/sortable",
"added": 15,
"columns": [
def test_hook_extra_css_urls(app_client, path, expected_decoded_object):
response = app_client.get(path)
assert response.status == 200
links = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").findAll("link")
special_href = [
l for l in links if l.attrs["href"].endswith("/extra-css-urls-demo.css")
# This link has a base64-encoded JSON blob in it
encoded = special_href.split("/")[3]
assert expected_decoded_object == json.loads(
def test_hook_extra_js_urls(app_client):
response = app_client.get("/")
scripts = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").findAll("script")
script_attrs = [s.attrs for s in scripts]
for attrs in [
"integrity": "SRIHASH",
"crossorigin": "anonymous",
"src": "",
"src": "",
"type": "module",
assert any(s == attrs for s in script_attrs), "Expected: {}".format(attrs)
def test_plugins_with_duplicate_js_urls(app_client):
# If two plugins both require jQuery, jQuery should be loaded only once
response = app_client.get("/fixtures")
# This test is a little tricky, as if the user has any other plugins in
# their current virtual environment those may affect what comes back too.
# What matters is that is only there once
# and it comes before plugin1.js and plugin2.js which could be in either
# order
scripts = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").findAll("script")
srcs = [s["src"] for s in scripts if s.get("src")]
# No duplicates allowed:
assert len(srcs) == len(set(srcs))
# jquery.js loaded once:
assert 1 == srcs.count("")
# plugin1.js and plugin2.js are both there:
assert 1 == srcs.count("")
assert 1 == srcs.count("")
# jquery comes before them both
assert srcs.index("") < srcs.index(
assert srcs.index("") < srcs.index(
def test_hook_render_cell_link_from_json(app_client):
sql = """
select '{"href": "", "label":"Example"}'
path = "/fixtures?" + urllib.parse.urlencode({"sql": sql})
response = app_client.get(path)
td = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("table").find("tbody").find("td")
a = td.find("a")
assert a is not None, str(a)
assert a.attrs["href"] == ""
assert a.attrs["data-database"] == "fixtures"
assert a.text == "Example"
def test_hook_render_cell_demo(app_client):
response = app_client.get("/fixtures/simple_primary_key?id=4")
soup = Soup(response.body, "html.parser")
td = soup.find("td", {"class": "col-content"})
assert {
"column": "content",
"table": "simple_primary_key",
"database": "fixtures",
"config": {"depth": "table", "special": "this-is-simple_primary_key"},
} == json.loads(td.string)
"path", ("/fixtures?sql=select+'RENDER_CELL_ASYNC'", "/fixtures/simple_primary_key")
def test_hook_render_cell_async(app_client, path):
response = app_client.get(path)
assert b"RENDER_CELL_ASYNC_RESULT" in response.body
def test_plugin_config(app_client):
assert {"depth": "table"} == app_client.ds.plugin_config(
"name-of-plugin", database="fixtures", table="sortable"
assert {"depth": "database"} == app_client.ds.plugin_config(
"name-of-plugin", database="fixtures", table="unknown_table"
assert {"depth": "database"} == app_client.ds.plugin_config(
"name-of-plugin", database="fixtures"
assert {"depth": "root"} == app_client.ds.plugin_config(
"name-of-plugin", database="unknown_database"
assert {"depth": "root"} == app_client.ds.plugin_config("name-of-plugin")
assert None is app_client.ds.plugin_config("unknown-plugin")
def test_plugin_config_env(app_client):
os.environ["FOO_ENV"] = "FROM_ENVIRONMENT"
assert {"foo": "FROM_ENVIRONMENT"} == app_client.ds.plugin_config("env-plugin")
# Ensure secrets aren't visible in /-/metadata.json
metadata = app_client.get("/-/metadata.json")
assert {"foo": {"$env": "FOO_ENV"}} == metadata.json["plugins"]["env-plugin"]
del os.environ["FOO_ENV"]
def test_plugin_config_env_from_list(app_client):
os.environ["FOO_ENV"] = "FROM_ENVIRONMENT"
assert [{"in_a_list": "FROM_ENVIRONMENT"}] == app_client.ds.plugin_config(
# Ensure secrets aren't visible in /-/metadata.json
metadata = app_client.get("/-/metadata.json")
assert [{"in_a_list": {"$env": "FOO_ENV"}}] == metadata.json["plugins"][
del os.environ["FOO_ENV"]
def test_plugin_config_file(app_client):
with open(TEMP_PLUGIN_SECRET_FILE, "w") as fp:
assert {"foo": "FROM_FILE"} == app_client.ds.plugin_config("file-plugin")
# Ensure secrets aren't visible in /-/metadata.json
metadata = app_client.get("/-/metadata.json")
assert {"foo": {"$file": TEMP_PLUGIN_SECRET_FILE}} == metadata.json["plugins"][
"template": "index.html",
"database": None,
"table": None,
"config": {"depth": "root"},
"view_name": "index",
"request_path": "/",
"added": 15,
"columns": None,
"template": "database.html",
"database": "fixtures",
"table": None,
"config": {"depth": "database"},
"view_name": "database",
"request_path": "/fixtures",
"added": 15,
"columns": None,
"template": "table.html",
"database": "fixtures",
"table": "sortable",
"config": {"depth": "table"},
"view_name": "table",
"request_path": "/fixtures/sortable",
"added": 15,
"columns": [
def test_hook_extra_body_script(app_client, path, expected_extra_body_script):
r = re.compile(r"<script type=\"module\">var extra_body_script = (.*?);</script>")
json_data =
actual_data = json.loads(json_data)
assert expected_extra_body_script == actual_data
def test_hook_asgi_wrapper(app_client):
response = app_client.get("/fixtures")
assert "_internal, fixtures" == response.headers["x-databases"]
def test_hook_extra_template_vars(restore_working_directory):
with make_app_client(
template_dir=str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "test_templates")
) as client:
response = client.get("/-/metadata")
assert response.status == 200
extra_template_vars = json.loads(
Soup(response.body, "html.parser").select("pre.extra_template_vars")[0].text
assert {
"template": "show_json.html",
"scope_path": "/-/metadata",
"columns": None,
} == extra_template_vars
extra_template_vars_from_awaitable = json.loads(
Soup(response.body, "html.parser")
assert {
"template": "show_json.html",
"awaitable": True,
"scope_path": "/-/metadata",
} == extra_template_vars_from_awaitable
def test_plugins_async_template_function(restore_working_directory):
with make_app_client(
template_dir=str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "test_templates")
) as client:
response = client.get("/-/metadata")
assert response.status == 200
extra_from_awaitable_function = (
Soup(response.body, "html.parser")
expected = (
sqlite3.connect(":memory:").execute("select sqlite_version()").fetchone()[0]
assert expected == extra_from_awaitable_function
def test_default_plugins_have_no_templates_path_or_static_path():
# The default plugins that ship with Datasette should have their static_path and
# templates_path all set to None
plugins = get_plugins()
for plugin in plugins:
if plugin["name"] in DEFAULT_PLUGINS:
assert None is plugin["static_path"]
assert None is plugin["templates_path"]
def view_names_client(tmp_path_factory):
tmpdir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("test-view-names")
templates = tmpdir / "templates"
plugins = tmpdir / "plugins"
for template in (
(templates / template).write_text("view_name:{{ view_name }}", "utf-8")
(plugins / "").write_text(
from datasette import hookimpl
def extra_template_vars(view_name):
return {"view_name": view_name}
db_path = str(tmpdir / "fixtures.db")
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
return _TestClient(
Datasette([db_path], template_dir=str(templates), plugins_dir=str(plugins))
("/", "index"),
("/fixtures", "database"),
("/fixtures/units", "table"),
("/fixtures/units/1", "row"),
("/-/metadata", "json_data"),
("/fixtures?sql=select+1", "database"),
def test_view_names(view_names_client, path, view_name):
response = view_names_client.get(path)
assert response.status == 200
assert f"view_name:{view_name}" == response.text
def test_hook_register_output_renderer_no_parameters(app_client):
response = app_client.get("/fixtures/facetable.testnone")
assert 200 == response.status
assert b"Hello" == response.body
def test_hook_register_output_renderer_all_parameters(app_client):
response = app_client.get("/fixtures/facetable.testall")
assert 200 == response.status
# Lots of 'at 0x103a4a690' in here - replace those so we can do
# an easy comparison
body = at_memory_re.sub(" at 0xXXX", response.text)
assert json.loads(body) == {
"datasette": "< object at 0xXXX>",
"columns": [
"rows": [
"<sqlite3.Row object at 0xXXX>",
"<sqlite3.Row object at 0xXXX>",
"<sqlite3.Row object at 0xXXX>",
"<sqlite3.Row object at 0xXXX>",
"<sqlite3.Row object at 0xXXX>",
"<sqlite3.Row object at 0xXXX>",
"<sqlite3.Row object at 0xXXX>",
"<sqlite3.Row object at 0xXXX>",
"<sqlite3.Row object at 0xXXX>",
"<sqlite3.Row object at 0xXXX>",
"<sqlite3.Row object at 0xXXX>",
"<sqlite3.Row object at 0xXXX>",
"<sqlite3.Row object at 0xXXX>",
"<sqlite3.Row object at 0xXXX>",
"<sqlite3.Row object at 0xXXX>",
"sql": "select pk, created, planet_int, on_earth, state, _city_id, _neighborhood, tags, complex_array, distinct_some_null from facetable order by pk limit 51",
"query_name": None,
"database": "fixtures",
"table": "facetable",
"request": '<asgi.Request method="GET" url="http://localhost/fixtures/facetable.testall">',
"view_name": "table",
"1+1": 2,
# Test that query_name is set correctly
query_response = app_client.get("/fixtures/pragma_cache_size.testall")
assert "pragma_cache_size" == json.loads(query_response.body)["query_name"]
def test_hook_register_output_renderer_custom_status_code(app_client):
response = app_client.get("/fixtures/pragma_cache_size.testall?status_code=202")
assert 202 == response.status
def test_hook_register_output_renderer_custom_content_type(app_client):
response = app_client.get(
assert "text/blah" == response.headers["content-type"]
def test_hook_register_output_renderer_custom_headers(app_client):
response = app_client.get(
assert "1" == response.headers["x-wow"]
assert "2" == response.headers["x-gosh"]
def test_hook_register_output_renderer_returning_response(app_client):
response = app_client.get("/fixtures/facetable.testresponse")
assert 200 == response.status
assert response.json == {"this_is": "json"}
def test_hook_register_output_renderer_returning_broken_value(app_client):
response = app_client.get("/fixtures/facetable.testresponse?_broken=1")
assert 500 == response.status
assert "this should break should be dict or Response" in response.text
def test_hook_register_output_renderer_can_render(app_client):
response = app_client.get("/fixtures/facetable?_no_can_render=1")
assert response.status == 200
links = (
Soup(response.body, "html.parser")
.find("p", {"class": "export-links"})
actual = [l["href"] for l in links]
# Should not be present because we sent ?_no_can_render=1
assert "/fixtures/facetable.testall?_labels=on" not in actual
# Check that it was passed the values we expected
assert hasattr(app_client.ds, "_can_render_saw")
assert {
"datasette": app_client.ds,
"columns": [
"sql": "select pk, created, planet_int, on_earth, state, _city_id, _neighborhood, tags, complex_array, distinct_some_null from facetable order by pk limit 51",
"query_name": None,
"database": "fixtures",
"table": "facetable",
"view_name": "table",
}.items() <= app_client.ds._can_render_saw.items()
async def test_hook_prepare_jinja2_environment(app_client):
template = app_client.ds.jinja_env.from_string(
"Hello there, {{ a|format_numeric }}", {"a": 3412341}
rendered = await app_client.ds.render_template(template)
assert "Hello there, 3,412,341" == rendered
def test_hook_publish_subcommand():
# This is hard to test properly, because publish subcommand plugins
# cannot be loaded using the --plugins-dir mechanism - they need
# to be installed using "pip install". So I'm cheating and taking
# advantage of the fact that cloudrun/heroku use the plugin hook
# to register themselves as default plugins.
assert ["cloudrun", "heroku"] == cli.publish.list_commands({})
def test_hook_register_facet_classes(app_client):
response = app_client.get(
assert [
"name": "pk1",
"toggle_url": "http://localhost/fixtures/compound_three_primary_keys.json?_dummy_facet=1&_facet_dummy=pk1",
"type": "dummy",
"name": "pk2",
"toggle_url": "http://localhost/fixtures/compound_three_primary_keys.json?_dummy_facet=1&_facet_dummy=pk2",
"type": "dummy",
"name": "pk3",
"toggle_url": "http://localhost/fixtures/compound_three_primary_keys.json?_dummy_facet=1&_facet_dummy=pk3",
"type": "dummy",
"name": "content",
"toggle_url": "http://localhost/fixtures/compound_three_primary_keys.json?_dummy_facet=1&_facet_dummy=content",
"type": "dummy",
"name": "pk1",
"toggle_url": "http://localhost/fixtures/compound_three_primary_keys.json?_dummy_facet=1&_facet=pk1",
"name": "pk2",
"toggle_url": "http://localhost/fixtures/compound_three_primary_keys.json?_dummy_facet=1&_facet=pk2",
"name": "pk3",
"toggle_url": "http://localhost/fixtures/compound_three_primary_keys.json?_dummy_facet=1&_facet=pk3",
] == response.json["suggested_facets"]
def test_hook_actor_from_request(app_client):
# Should have no actor
assert None == app_client.ds._last_request.scope["actor"]
# Should have bot actor
assert {"id": "bot"} == app_client.ds._last_request.scope["actor"]
def test_hook_actor_from_request_async(app_client):
# Should have no actor
assert None == app_client.ds._last_request.scope["actor"]
# Should have bot2 actor
assert {"id": "bot2", "1+1": 2} == app_client.ds._last_request.scope["actor"]
def test_existing_scope_actor_respected(app_client):
assert {"id": "from-scope"} == app_client.ds._last_request.scope["actor"]
("this_is_allowed", True),
("this_is_denied", False),
("this_is_allowed_async", True),
("this_is_denied_async", False),
("no_match", None),
async def test_hook_permission_allowed(app_client, action, expected):
actual = await app_client.ds.permission_allowed(
{"id": "actor"}, action, default=None
assert expected == actual
def test_actor_json(app_client):
assert {"actor": None} == app_client.get("/-/actor.json").json
assert {"actor": {"id": "bot2", "1+1": 2}} == app_client.get(
("/one/", "2"),
("/two/Ray?greeting=Hail", "Hail Ray"),
("/not-async/", "This was not async"),
def test_hook_register_routes(app_client, path, body):
response = app_client.get(path)
assert 200 == response.status
assert body == response.text
@pytest.mark.parametrize("configured_path", ("path1", "path2"))
def test_hook_register_routes_with_datasette(configured_path):
with make_app_client(
"plugins": {
"register-route-demo": {
"path": configured_path,
) as client:
response = client.get(f"/{configured_path}/")
assert response.status == 200
assert configured_path.upper() == response.text
# Other one should 404
other_path = [p for p in ("path1", "path2") if configured_path != p][0]
assert client.get(f"/{other_path}/", follow_redirects=True).status == 404
def test_hook_register_routes_override():
"Plugins can over-ride default paths such as /db/table"
with make_app_client(
"plugins": {
"register-route-demo": {
"path": "blah",
) as client:
response = client.get("/db/table")
assert response.status == 200
assert (
== "/db/table: [('db_name', 'db'), ('table_and_format', 'table')]"
def test_hook_register_routes_post(app_client):
response ="/post/", {"this is": "post data"}, csrftoken_from=True)
assert 200 == response.status
assert "csrftoken" in response.json
assert "post data" == response.json["this is"]
def test_hook_register_routes_csrftoken(restore_working_directory, tmpdir_factory):
templates = tmpdir_factory.mktemp("templates")
(templates / "csrftoken_form.html").write_text(
"CSRFTOKEN: {{ csrftoken() }}", "utf-8"
with make_app_client(template_dir=templates) as client:
response = client.get("/csrftoken-form/")
expected_token = client.ds._last_request.scope["csrftoken"]()
assert f"CSRFTOKEN: {expected_token}" == response.text
def test_hook_register_routes_asgi(app_client):
response = app_client.get("/three/")
assert {"hello": "world"} == response.json
assert "1" == response.headers["x-three"]
def test_hook_register_routes_add_message(app_client):
response = app_client.get("/add-message/")
assert 200 == response.status
assert "Added message" == response.text
decoded = app_client.ds.unsign(response.cookies["ds_messages"], "messages")
assert [["Hello from messages", 1]] == decoded
def test_hook_register_routes_render_message(restore_working_directory, tmpdir_factory):
templates = tmpdir_factory.mktemp("templates")
(templates / "render_message.html").write_text('{% extends "base.html" %}', "utf-8")
with make_app_client(template_dir=templates) as client:
response1 = client.get("/add-message/")
response2 = client.get("/render-message/", cookies=response1.cookies)
assert 200 == response2.status
assert "Hello from messages" in response2.text
async def test_hook_startup(app_client):
await app_client.ds.invoke_startup()
assert app_client.ds._startup_hook_fired
assert 2 == app_client.ds._startup_hook_calculation
def test_hook_canned_queries(app_client):
queries = app_client.get("/fixtures.json").json["queries"]
queries_by_name = {q["name"]: q for q in queries}
assert {
"sql": "select 2",
"name": "from_async_hook",
"private": False,
} == queries_by_name["from_async_hook"]
assert {
"sql": "select 1, 'null' as actor_id",
"name": "from_hook",
"private": False,
} == queries_by_name["from_hook"]
def test_hook_canned_queries_non_async(app_client):
response = app_client.get("/fixtures/from_hook.json?_shape=array")
assert [{"1": 1, "actor_id": "null"}] == response.json
def test_hook_canned_queries_async(app_client):
response = app_client.get("/fixtures/from_async_hook.json?_shape=array")
assert [{"2": 2}] == response.json
def test_hook_canned_queries_actor(app_client):
assert [{"1": 1, "actor_id": "bot"}] == app_client.get(
def test_hook_register_magic_parameters(restore_working_directory):
with make_app_client(
extra_databases={"data.db": "create table logs (line text)"},
"databases": {
"data": {
"queries": {
"runme": {
"sql": "insert into logs (line) values (:_request_http_version)",
"write": True,
"get_uuid": {
"sql": "select :_uuid_new",
) as client:
response ="/data/runme", {}, csrftoken_from=True)
assert 302 == response.status
actual = client.get("/data/logs.json?_sort_desc=rowid&_shape=array").json
assert [{"rowid": 1, "line": "1.1"}] == actual
# Now try the GET request against get_uuid
response_get = client.get("/data/get_uuid.json?_shape=array")
assert 200 == response_get.status
new_uuid = response_get.json[0][":_uuid_new"]
assert 4 == new_uuid.count("-")
def test_hook_forbidden(restore_working_directory):
with make_app_client(
extra_databases={"data2.db": "create table logs (line text)"},
metadata={"allow": {}},
) as client:
response = client.get("/")
assert 403 == response.status
response2 = client.get("/data2")
assert 302 == response2.status
assert "/login?message=view-database" == response2.headers["Location"]
assert "view-database" == client.ds._last_forbidden_message
def test_hook_menu_links(app_client):
def get_menu_links(html):
soup = Soup(html, "html.parser")
return [
{"label": a.text, "href": a["href"]} for a in soup.find("nav").select("a")
response = app_client.get("/")
assert get_menu_links(response.text) == []
response_2 = app_client.get("/?_bot=1&_hello=BOB")
assert get_menu_links(response_2.text) == [
{"label": "Hello, BOB", "href": "/"},
{"label": "Hello 2", "href": "/"},
@pytest.mark.parametrize("table_or_view", ["facetable", "simple_view"])
def test_hook_table_actions(app_client, table_or_view):
def get_table_actions_links(html):
soup = Soup(html, "html.parser")
details = soup.find("details", {"class": "actions-menu-links"})
if details is None:
return []
return [{"label": a.text, "href": a["href"]} for a in"a")]
response = app_client.get(f"/fixtures/{table_or_view}")
assert get_table_actions_links(response.text) == []
response_2 = app_client.get(f"/fixtures/{table_or_view}?_bot=1&_hello=BOB")
assert sorted(
get_table_actions_links(response_2.text), key=lambda l: l["label"]
) == [
{"label": "Database: fixtures", "href": "/"},
{"label": "From async BOB", "href": "/"},
{"label": f"Table: {table_or_view}", "href": "/"},
def test_hook_database_actions(app_client):
def get_table_actions_links(html):
soup = Soup(html, "html.parser")
details = soup.find("details", {"class": "actions-menu-links"})
if details is None:
return []
return [{"label": a.text, "href": a["href"]} for a in"a")]
response = app_client.get("/fixtures")
assert get_table_actions_links(response.text) == []
response_2 = app_client.get("/fixtures?_bot=1&_hello=BOB")
assert get_table_actions_links(response_2.text) == [
{"label": "Database: fixtures - BOB", "href": "/"},
def test_hook_skip_csrf(app_client):
cookie = app_client.actor_cookie({"id": "test"})
csrf_response =
post_data={"this is": "post data"},
cookies={"ds_actor": cookie},
assert csrf_response.status == 200
missing_csrf_response =
"/post/", post_data={"this is": "post data"}, cookies={"ds_actor": cookie}
assert missing_csrf_response.status == 403
# But "/skip-csrf" should allow
allow_csrf_response =
"/skip-csrf", post_data={"this is": "post data"}, cookies={"ds_actor": cookie}
assert allow_csrf_response.status == 405 # Method not allowed
# /skip-csrf-2 should not
second_missing_csrf_response =
"/skip-csrf-2", post_data={"this is": "post data"}, cookies={"ds_actor": cookie}
assert second_missing_csrf_response.status == 403
def test_hook_get_metadata(app_client):
app_client.ds._metadata_local = {
"title": "Testing get_metadata hook!",
"databases": {"from-local": {"title": "Hello from local metadata"}},
og_pm_hook_get_metadata = pm.hook.get_metadata
def get_metadata_mock(*args, **kwargs):
return [
"databases": {
"from-hook": {"title": "Hello from the plugin hook"},
"from-local": {"title": "This will be overwritten!"},
pm.hook.get_metadata = get_metadata_mock
meta = app_client.ds.metadata()
assert "Testing get_metadata hook!" == meta["title"]
assert "Hello from local metadata" == meta["databases"]["from-local"]["title"]
assert "Hello from the plugin hook" == meta["databases"]["from-hook"]["title"]
pm.hook.get_metadata = og_pm_hook_get_metadata
def _extract_commands(output):
lines = output.split("Commands:\n", 1)[1].split("\n")
return {line.split()[0].replace("*", "") for line in lines if line.strip()}
def test_hook_register_commands():
# Without the plugin should have seven commands
runner = CliRunner()
result = runner.invoke(cli.cli, "--help")
commands = _extract_commands(result.output)
assert commands == {
# Now install a plugin
class VerifyPlugin:
__name__ = "VerifyPlugin"
def register_commands(self, cli):
def verify():
def unverify():
pm.register(VerifyPlugin(), name="verify")
result2 = runner.invoke(cli.cli, "--help")
commands2 = _extract_commands(result2.output)
assert commands2 == {