
187 wiersze
6.6 KiB

from datasette import hookimpl
from datasette.utils import actor_matches_allow
import click
import itsdangerous
import json
import time
@hookimpl(tryfirst=True, specname="permission_allowed")
def permission_allowed_default(datasette, actor, action, resource):
async def inner():
if action in (
if actor and actor.get("id") == "root":
return True
elif action == "view-instance":
allow = datasette.metadata("allow")
if allow is not None:
return actor_matches_allow(actor, allow)
elif action == "view-database":
if resource == "_internal" and (actor is None or actor.get("id") != "root"):
return False
database_allow = datasette.metadata("allow", database=resource)
if database_allow is None:
return None
return actor_matches_allow(actor, database_allow)
elif action == "view-table":
database, table = resource
tables = datasette.metadata("tables", database=database) or {}
table_allow = (tables.get(table) or {}).get("allow")
if table_allow is None:
return None
return actor_matches_allow(actor, table_allow)
elif action == "view-query":
# Check if this query has a "allow" block in metadata
database, query_name = resource
query = await datasette.get_canned_query(database, query_name, actor)
assert query is not None
allow = query.get("allow")
if allow is None:
return None
return actor_matches_allow(actor, allow)
elif action == "execute-sql":
# Use allow_sql block from database block, or from top-level
database_allow_sql = datasette.metadata("allow_sql", database=resource)
if database_allow_sql is None:
database_allow_sql = datasette.metadata("allow_sql")
if database_allow_sql is None:
return None
return actor_matches_allow(actor, database_allow_sql)
return inner
def permission_allowed_actor_restrictions(actor, action, resource):
if actor is None:
return None
if "_r" not in actor:
# No restrictions, so we have no opinion
return None
_r = actor.get("_r")
action_initials = "".join([word[0] for word in action.split("-")])
# If _r is defined then we use those to further restrict the actor
# Crucially, we only use this to say NO (return False) - we never
# use it to return YES (True) because that might over-ride other
# restrictions placed on this actor
all_allowed = _r.get("a")
if all_allowed is not None:
assert isinstance(all_allowed, list)
if action_initials in all_allowed:
return None
# How about for the current database?
if action in ("view-database", "view-database-download", "execute-sql"):
database_allowed = _r.get("d", {}).get(resource)
if database_allowed is not None:
assert isinstance(database_allowed, list)
if action_initials in database_allowed:
return None
# Or the current table? That's any time the resource is (database, table)
if not isinstance(resource, str) and len(resource) == 2:
database, table = resource
table_allowed = _r.get("t", {}).get(database, {}).get(table)
# TODO: What should this do for canned queries?
if table_allowed is not None:
assert isinstance(table_allowed, list)
if action_initials in table_allowed:
return None
# This action is not specifically allowed, so reject it
return False
def actor_from_request(datasette, request):
prefix = "dstok_"
if not datasette.setting("allow_signed_tokens"):
return None
max_signed_tokens_ttl = datasette.setting("max_signed_tokens_ttl")
authorization = request.headers.get("authorization")
if not authorization:
return None
if not authorization.startswith("Bearer "):
return None
token = authorization[len("Bearer ") :]
if not token.startswith(prefix):
return None
token = token[len(prefix) :]
decoded = datasette.unsign(token, namespace="token")
except itsdangerous.BadSignature:
return None
if "t" not in decoded:
# Missing timestamp
return None
created = decoded["t"]
if not isinstance(created, int):
# Invalid timestamp
return None
duration = decoded.get("d")
if duration is not None and not isinstance(duration, int):
# Invalid duration
return None
if (duration is None and max_signed_tokens_ttl) or (
duration is not None
and max_signed_tokens_ttl
and duration > max_signed_tokens_ttl
duration = max_signed_tokens_ttl
if duration:
if time.time() - created > duration:
# Expired
return None
actor = {"id": decoded["a"], "token": "dstok"}
if duration:
actor["token_expires"] = created + duration
return actor
def register_commands(cli):
from import Datasette
help="Secret used for signing the API tokens",
help="Token should expire after this many seconds",
help="Show decoded token",
def create_token(id, secret, expires_after, debug):
"Create a signed API token for the specified actor ID"
ds = Datasette(secret=secret)
bits = {"a": id, "token": "dstok", "t": int(time.time())}
if expires_after:
bits["d"] = expires_after
token = ds.sign(bits, namespace="token")
if debug:
click.echo(json.dumps(ds.unsign(token, namespace="token"), indent=2))
def skip_csrf(scope):
# Skip CSRF check for requests with content-type: application/json
if scope["type"] == "http":
headers = scope.get("headers") or {}
if dict(headers).get(b"content-type") == b"application/json":
return True