
376 wiersze
11 KiB

import asyncio
from datasette import hookimpl
from datasette.facets import Facet
from datasette import tracer
from datasette.utils import path_with_added_args
from datasette.utils.asgi import asgi_send_json, Response
import base64
import pint
import json
ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()
def prepare_connection(conn, database, datasette):
def convert_units(amount, from_, to_):
"""select convert_units(100, 'm', 'ft');"""
return (amount * ureg(from_)).to(to_).to_tuple()[0]
conn.create_function("convert_units", 3, convert_units)
def prepare_connection_args():
return 'database={}, datasette.plugin_config("name-of-plugin")={}'.format(
database, datasette.plugin_config("name-of-plugin")
conn.create_function("prepare_connection_args", 0, prepare_connection_args)
def extra_css_urls(template, database, table, view_name, columns, request, datasette):
async def inner():
return [
"template": template,
"database": database,
"table": table,
"view_name": view_name,
"request_path": request.path
if request is not None
else None,
"added": (
await datasette.get_database().execute("select 3 * 5")
"columns": columns,
return inner
def extra_js_urls():
return [
"url": "",
"sri": "SRIHASH",
{"url": "", "module": True},
def extra_body_script(
template, database, table, view_name, columns, request, datasette
async def inner():
script = "var extra_body_script = {};".format(
"template": template,
"database": database,
"table": table,
"config": datasette.plugin_config(
"view_name": view_name,
"request_path": request.path if request is not None else None,
"added": (
await datasette.get_database().execute("select 3 * 5")
"columns": columns,
return {"script": script, "module": True}
return inner
def render_cell(value, column, table, database, datasette):
async def inner():
# Render some debug output in cell with value RENDER_CELL_DEMO
if value == "RENDER_CELL_DEMO":
return json.dumps(
"column": column,
"table": table,
"database": database,
"config": datasette.plugin_config(
elif value == "RENDER_CELL_ASYNC":
return (
await datasette.get_database(database).execute(
return inner
def extra_template_vars(
template, database, table, view_name, columns, request, datasette
return {
"extra_template_vars": json.dumps(
"template": template,
"scope_path": request.scope["path"] if request else None,
"columns": columns,
default=lambda b: b.decode("utf8"),
def prepare_jinja2_environment(env):
env.filters["format_numeric"] = lambda s: f"{float(s):,.0f}"
def register_facet_classes():
return [DummyFacet]
class DummyFacet(Facet):
type = "dummy"
async def suggest(self):
columns = await self.get_columns(self.sql, self.params)
return (
"name": column,
"toggle_url": self.ds.absolute_url(
path_with_added_args(self.request, {"_facet_dummy": column}),
"type": "dummy",
for column in columns
if self.request.args.get("_dummy_facet")
else []
async def facet_results(self):
facet_results = {}
facets_timed_out = []
return facet_results, facets_timed_out
def actor_from_request(datasette, request):
if request.args.get("_bot"):
return {"id": "bot"}
return None
def asgi_wrapper():
def wrap(app):
async def maybe_set_actor_in_scope(scope, receive, send):
if b"_actor_in_scope" in scope.get("query_string", b""):
scope = dict(scope, actor={"id": "from-scope"})
await app(scope, receive, send)
return maybe_set_actor_in_scope
return wrap
def permission_allowed(actor, action):
if action == "this_is_allowed":
return True
elif action == "this_is_denied":
return False
elif action == "view-database-download":
return actor.get("can_download") if actor else None
def register_routes():
async def one(datasette):
return Response.text(
(await datasette.get_database().execute("select 1 + 1")).first()[0]
async def two(request):
name = request.url_vars["name"]
greeting = request.args.get("greeting")
return Response.text(f"{greeting} {name}")
async def three(scope, send):
await asgi_send_json(
send, {"hello": "world"}, status=200, headers={"x-three": "1"}
async def post(request):
if request.method == "GET":
return Response.html(request.scope["csrftoken"]())
return Response.json(await request.post_vars())
async def csrftoken_form(request, datasette):
return Response.html(
await datasette.render_template("csrftoken_form.html", request=request)
def not_async():
return Response.html("This was not async")
def add_message(datasette, request):
datasette.add_message(request, "Hello from messages")
return Response.html("Added message")
async def render_message(datasette, request):
return Response.html(
await datasette.render_template("render_message.html", request=request)
def login_as_root(datasette, request):
# Mainly for the demo
if request.method == "POST":
response = Response.redirect("/")
"ds_actor", datasette.sign({"a": {"id": "root"}}, "actor")
return response
return Response.html(
<form action="{}" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="csrftoken" value="{}">
<input type="submit" value="Sign in as root user"></p>
request.path, request.scope["csrftoken"]()
def asgi_scope(scope):
return Response.json(scope, default=repr)
async def parallel_queries(datasette):
db = datasette.get_database()
with tracer.trace_child_tasks():
one, two = await asyncio.gather(
db.execute("select coalesce(sleep(0.1), 1)"),
db.execute("select coalesce(sleep(0.1), 2)"),
return Response.json({"one": one.single_value(), "two": two.single_value()})
return [
(r"/one/$", one),
(r"/two/(?P<name>.*)$", two),
(r"/three/$", three),
(r"/post/$", post),
(r"/csrftoken-form/$", csrftoken_form),
(r"/login-as-root$", login_as_root),
(r"/not-async/$", not_async),
(r"/add-message/$", add_message),
(r"/render-message/$", render_message),
(r"/asgi-scope$", asgi_scope),
(r"/parallel-queries$", parallel_queries),
def startup(datasette):
datasette._startup_hook_fired = True
def canned_queries(datasette, database, actor):
return {"from_hook": f"select 1, '{actor['id'] if actor else 'null'}' as actor_id"}
def register_magic_parameters():
from uuid import uuid4
def uuid(key, request):
if key == "new":
return str(uuid4())
raise KeyError
def request(key, request):
if key == "http_version":
return request.scope["http_version"]
raise KeyError
return [
("request", request),
("uuid", uuid),
def forbidden(datasette, request, message):
datasette._last_forbidden_message = message
if request.path == "/data2":
return Response.redirect("/login?message=" + message)
def menu_links(datasette, actor, request):
if actor:
label = "Hello"
if request.args.get("_hello"):
label += ", " + request.args["_hello"]
return [{"href": datasette.urls.instance(), "label": label}]
def table_actions(datasette, database, table, actor):
if actor:
return [
"href": datasette.urls.instance(),
"label": f"Database: {database}",
{"href": datasette.urls.instance(), "label": f"Table: {table}"},
def database_actions(datasette, database, actor, request):
if actor:
label = f"Database: {database}"
if request.args.get("_hello"):
label += " - " + request.args["_hello"]
return [
"href": datasette.urls.instance(),
"label": label,
def skip_csrf(scope):
return scope["path"] == "/skip-csrf"