
183 wiersze
6.1 KiB

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup
from .fixtures import app_client, make_app_client, TEMP_PLUGIN_SECRET_FILE # noqa
import base64
import json
import os
import re
import pytest
import urllib
def test_plugins_dir_plugin(app_client):
response = app_client.get(
assert pytest.approx(328.0839) == response.json["rows"][0][0]
("/", {"template": "index.html", "database": None, "table": None}),
{"template": "database.html", "database": "fixtures", "table": None},
{"template": "table.html", "database": "fixtures", "table": "sortable"},
def test_plugin_extra_css_urls(app_client, path, expected_decoded_object):
response = app_client.get(path)
links = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").findAll("link")
special_href = [
l for l in links if l.attrs["href"].endswith("/extra-css-urls-demo.css")
# This link has a base64-encoded JSON blob in it
encoded = special_href.split("/")[3]
assert expected_decoded_object == json.loads(
def test_plugin_extra_js_urls(app_client):
response = app_client.get("/")
scripts = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").findAll("script")
assert [
for s in scripts
if s.attrs
== {
"integrity": "SRIHASH",
"crossorigin": "anonymous",
"src": "",
def test_plugins_with_duplicate_js_urls(app_client):
# If two plugins both require jQuery, jQuery should be loaded only once
response = app_client.get("/fixtures")
# This test is a little tricky, as if the user has any other plugins in
# their current virtual environment those may affect what comes back too.
# What matters is that is only there once
# and it comes before plugin1.js and plugin2.js which could be in either
# order
scripts = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").findAll("script")
srcs = [s["src"] for s in scripts if s.get("src")]
# No duplicates allowed:
assert len(srcs) == len(set(srcs))
# jquery.js loaded once:
assert 1 == srcs.count("")
# plugin1.js and plugin2.js are both there:
assert 1 == srcs.count("")
assert 1 == srcs.count("")
# jquery comes before them both
assert srcs.index("") < srcs.index(
assert srcs.index("") < srcs.index(
def test_plugins_render_cell_link_from_json(app_client):
sql = """
select '{"href": "", "label":"Example"}'
path = "/fixtures?" + urllib.parse.urlencode({"sql": sql})
response = app_client.get(path)
td = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("table").find("tbody").find("td")
a = td.find("a")
assert a is not None, str(a)
assert a.attrs["href"] == ""
assert a.attrs["data-database"] == "fixtures"
assert a.text == "Example"
def test_plugins_render_cell_demo(app_client):
response = app_client.get("/fixtures/simple_primary_key?id=4")
soup = Soup(response.body, "html.parser")
td = soup.find("td", {"class": "col-content"})
assert {
"column": "content",
"table": "simple_primary_key",
"database": "fixtures",
"config": {"depth": "table", "special": "this-is-simple_primary_key"},
} == json.loads(td.string)
def test_plugin_config(app_client):
assert {"depth": "table"} == app_client.ds.plugin_config(
"name-of-plugin", database="fixtures", table="sortable"
assert {"depth": "database"} == app_client.ds.plugin_config(
"name-of-plugin", database="fixtures", table="unknown_table"
assert {"depth": "database"} == app_client.ds.plugin_config(
"name-of-plugin", database="fixtures"
assert {"depth": "root"} == app_client.ds.plugin_config(
"name-of-plugin", database="unknown_database"
assert {"depth": "root"} == app_client.ds.plugin_config("name-of-plugin")
assert None is app_client.ds.plugin_config("unknown-plugin")
def test_plugin_config_env(app_client):
os.environ["FOO_ENV"] = "FROM_ENVIRONMENT"
assert {"foo": "FROM_ENVIRONMENT"} == app_client.ds.plugin_config("env-plugin")
del os.environ["FOO_ENV"]
def test_plugin_config_file(app_client):
assert {"foo": "FROM_FILE"} == app_client.ds.plugin_config("file-plugin")
"template": "index.html",
"database": None,
"table": None,
"config": {"depth": "root"},
"template": "database.html",
"database": "fixtures",
"table": None,
"config": {"depth": "database"},
"template": "table.html",
"database": "fixtures",
"table": "sortable",
"config": {"depth": "table"},
def test_plugins_extra_body_script(app_client, path, expected_extra_body_script):
r = re.compile(r"<script>var extra_body_script = (.*?);</script>")
json_data ="utf8")).group(1)
actual_data = json.loads(json_data)
assert expected_extra_body_script == actual_data
def test_plugins_asgi_wrapper(app_client):
response = app_client.get("/fixtures")
assert "fixtures" == response.headers["x-databases"]