
340 wiersze
12 KiB

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup
from .fixtures import app_client
from .utils import cookie_was_deleted, last_event
from click.testing import CliRunner
from datasette.utils import baseconv
from datasette.cli import cli
import pytest
import time
async def test_auth_token(ds_client):
"""The /-/auth-token endpoint sets the correct cookie"""
assert ds_client.ds._root_token is not None
path = f"/-/auth-token?token={ds_client.ds._root_token}"
response = await ds_client.get(path)
assert response.status_code == 302
assert "/" == response.headers["Location"]
assert {"a": {"id": "root"}} == ds_client.ds.unsign(
response.cookies["ds_actor"], "actor"
# Should have recorded a login event
event = last_event(ds_client.ds)
assert == "login"
assert == {"id": "root"}
# Check that a second with same token fails
assert ds_client.ds._root_token is None
assert (await ds_client.get(path)).status_code == 403
# But attempting with same token while logged in as root should redirect to /
response = await ds_client.get(
path, cookies={"ds_actor": ds_client.actor_cookie({"id": "root"})}
assert response.status_code == 302
assert response.headers["Location"] == "/"
async def test_actor_cookie(ds_client):
"""A valid actor cookie sets request.scope['actor']"""
cookie = ds_client.actor_cookie({"id": "test"})
await ds_client.get("/", cookies={"ds_actor": cookie})
assert ds_client.ds._last_request.scope["actor"] == {"id": "test"}
async def test_actor_cookie_invalid(ds_client):
cookie = ds_client.actor_cookie({"id": "test"})
# Break the signature
await ds_client.get("/", cookies={"ds_actor": cookie[:-1] + "."})
assert ds_client.ds._last_request.scope["actor"] is None
# Break the cookie format
cookie = ds_client.ds.sign({"b": {"id": "test"}}, "actor")
await ds_client.get("/", cookies={"ds_actor": cookie})
assert ds_client.ds._last_request.scope["actor"] is None
((24 * 60 * 60), {"id": "test"}),
(-(24 * 60 * 60), None),
async def test_actor_cookie_that_expires(ds_client, offset, expected):
expires_at = int(time.time()) + offset
cookie = ds_client.ds.sign(
{"a": {"id": "test"}, "e": baseconv.base62.encode(expires_at)}, "actor"
await ds_client.get("/", cookies={"ds_actor": cookie})
assert ds_client.ds._last_request.scope["actor"] == expected
def test_logout(app_client):
# Keeping app_client for the moment because of csrftoken_from
response = app_client.get(
"/-/logout", cookies={"ds_actor": app_client.actor_cookie({"id": "test"})}
assert 200 == response.status
assert "<p>You are logged in as <strong>test</strong></p>" in response.text
# Actors without an id get full serialization
response2 = app_client.get(
"/-/logout", cookies={"ds_actor": app_client.actor_cookie({"name2": "bob"})}
assert 200 == response2.status
assert (
"<p>You are logged in as <strong>{&#39;name2&#39;: &#39;bob&#39;}</strong></p>"
in response2.text
# If logged out you get a redirect to /
response3 = app_client.get("/-/logout")
assert 302 == response3.status
# A POST to that page should log the user out
response4 =
cookies={"ds_actor": app_client.actor_cookie({"id": "test"})},
# Should have recorded a logout event
event = last_event(app_client.ds)
assert == "logout"
assert == {"id": "test"}
# The ds_actor cookie should have been unset
assert cookie_was_deleted(response4, "ds_actor")
# Should also have set a message
messages = app_client.ds.unsign(response4.cookies["ds_messages"], "messages")
assert [["You are now logged out", 2]] == messages
@pytest.mark.parametrize("path", ["/", "/fixtures", "/fixtures/facetable"])
async def test_logout_button_in_navigation(ds_client, path):
response = await ds_client.get(
path, cookies={"ds_actor": ds_client.actor_cookie({"id": "test"})}
anon_response = await ds_client.get(path)
for fragment in (
'<form class="nav-menu-logout" action="/-/logout" method="post">',
assert fragment in response.text
assert fragment not in anon_response.text
@pytest.mark.parametrize("path", ["/", "/fixtures", "/fixtures/facetable"])
async def test_no_logout_button_in_navigation_if_no_ds_actor_cookie(ds_client, path):
response = await ds_client.get(path + "?_bot=1")
assert "<strong>bot</strong>" in response.text
assert (
'<form class="nav-menu-logout" action="/-/logout" method="post">'
not in response.text
({"expire_type": ""}, [], None, None),
({"expire_type": "x"}, ["Invalid expire duration"], None, None),
({"expire_type": "minutes"}, ["Invalid expire duration"], None, None),
{"expire_type": "minutes", "expire_duration": "x"},
["Invalid expire duration"],
{"expire_type": "minutes", "expire_duration": "-1"},
["Invalid expire duration"],
{"expire_type": "minutes", "expire_duration": "0"},
["Invalid expire duration"],
({"expire_type": "minutes", "expire_duration": "10"}, [], 600, None),
({"expire_type": "hours", "expire_duration": "10"}, [], 10 * 60 * 60, None),
({"expire_type": "days", "expire_duration": "3"}, [], 60 * 60 * 24 * 3, None),
# Token restrictions
({"all:view-instance": "on"}, [], None, {"a": ["vi"]}),
({"database:fixtures:view-query": "on"}, [], None, {"d": {"fixtures": ["vq"]}}),
{"resource:fixtures:facetable:insert-row": "on"},
{"r": {"fixtures": {"facetable": ["ir"]}}},
def test_auth_create_token(
app_client, post_data, errors, expected_duration, expected_r
assert app_client.get("/-/create-token").status == 403
ds_actor = app_client.actor_cookie({"id": "test"})
response = app_client.get("/-/create-token", cookies={"ds_actor": ds_actor})
assert response.status == 200
assert ">Create an API token<" in response.text
# Confirm some aspects of expected set of checkboxes
soup = Soup(response.text, "html.parser")
checkbox_names = {el["name"] for el in'input[type="checkbox"]')}
assert checkbox_names.issuperset(
# Now try actually creating one
response2 =
cookies={"ds_actor": ds_actor},
assert response2.status == 200
if errors:
for error in errors:
assert '<p class="message-error">{}</p>'.format(error) in response2.text
# Check create-token event
event = last_event(app_client.ds)
assert == "create-token"
assert event.expires_after == expected_duration
assert isinstance(event.restrict_all, list)
assert isinstance(event.restrict_database, dict)
assert isinstance(event.restrict_resource, dict)
# Extract token from page
token = response2.text.split('value="dstok_')[1].split('"')[0]
details = app_client.ds.unsign(token, "token")
if expected_r:
r = details.pop("_r")
assert r == expected_r
assert details.keys() == {"a", "t", "d"} or details.keys() == {"a", "t"}
assert details["a"] == "test"
if expected_duration is None:
assert "d" not in details
assert details["d"] == expected_duration
# And test that token
response3 = app_client.get(
headers={"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format("dstok_{}".format(token))},
assert response3.status == 200
assert response3.json["actor"]["id"] == "test"
async def test_auth_create_token_not_allowed_for_tokens(ds_client):
ds_tok = ds_client.ds.sign({"a": "test", "token": "dstok"}, "token")
response = await ds_client.get(
headers={"Authorization": "Bearer dstok_{}".format(ds_tok)},
assert response.status_code == 403
async def test_auth_create_token_not_allowed_if_allow_signed_tokens_off(ds_client):
ds_client.ds._settings["allow_signed_tokens"] = False
ds_actor = ds_client.actor_cookie({"id": "test"})
response = await ds_client.get(
"/-/create-token", cookies={"ds_actor": ds_actor}
assert response.status_code == 403
ds_client.ds._settings["allow_signed_tokens"] = True
("allow_signed_tokens_off", False),
("no_token", False),
("no_timestamp", False),
("invalid_token", False),
("expired_token", False),
("valid_unlimited_token", True),
("valid_expiring_token", True),
async def test_auth_with_dstok_token(ds_client, scenario, should_work):
token = None
_time = int(time.time())
if scenario in ("valid_unlimited_token", "allow_signed_tokens_off"):
token = ds_client.ds.sign({"a": "test", "t": _time}, "token")
elif scenario == "valid_expiring_token":
token = ds_client.ds.sign({"a": "test", "t": _time - 50, "d": 1000}, "token")
elif scenario == "expired_token":
token = ds_client.ds.sign({"a": "test", "t": _time - 2000, "d": 1000}, "token")
elif scenario == "no_timestamp":
token = ds_client.ds.sign({"a": "test"}, "token")
elif scenario == "invalid_token":
token = "invalid"
if token:
token = "dstok_{}".format(token)
if scenario == "allow_signed_tokens_off":
ds_client.ds._settings["allow_signed_tokens"] = False
headers = {}
if token:
headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer {}".format(token)
response = await ds_client.get("/-/actor.json", headers=headers)
if should_work:
data = response.json()
assert data.keys() == {"actor"}
actor = data["actor"]
expected_keys = {"id", "token"}
if scenario != "valid_unlimited_token":
assert actor.keys() == expected_keys
assert actor["id"] == "test"
assert actor["token"] == "dstok"
if scenario != "valid_unlimited_token":
assert isinstance(actor["token_expires"], int)
assert response.json() == {"actor": None}
ds_client.ds._settings["allow_signed_tokens"] = True
@pytest.mark.parametrize("expires", (None, 1000, -1000))
def test_cli_create_token(app_client, expires):
secret = app_client.ds._secret
runner = CliRunner(mix_stderr=False)
args = ["create-token", "--secret", secret, "test"]
if expires:
args += ["--expires-after", str(expires)]
result = runner.invoke(cli, args)
assert result.exit_code == 0
token = result.output.strip()
assert token.startswith("dstok_")
details = app_client.ds.unsign(token[len("dstok_") :], "token")
expected_keys = {"a", "t"}
if expires:
assert details.keys() == expected_keys
assert details["a"] == "test"
response = app_client.get(
"/-/actor.json", headers={"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(token)}
if expires is None or expires > 0:
expected_actor = {
"id": "test",
"token": "dstok",
if expires and expires > 0:
expected_actor["token_expires"] = details["t"] + expires
assert response.json == {"actor": expected_actor}
expected_actor = None
assert response.json == {"actor": expected_actor}