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$ datasette serve --help
Usage: datasette serve [OPTIONS] [FILES]...
Serve up specified SQLite database files with a web UI
-i, --immutable PATH Database files to open in immutable mode
-h, --host TEXT Host for server. Defaults to which means only
connections from the local machine will be allowed. Use to listen to all IPs and allow access from other
-p, --port INTEGER Port for server, defaults to 8001. Use -p 0 to automatically
assign an available port.
--debug Enable debug mode - useful for development
--reload Automatically reload if database or code change detected -
useful for development
--cors Enable CORS by serving Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
--load-extension PATH Path to a SQLite extension to load
--inspect-file TEXT Path to JSON file created using "datasette inspect"
-m, --metadata FILENAME Path to JSON file containing license/source metadata
--template-dir DIRECTORY Path to directory containing custom templates
--plugins-dir DIRECTORY Path to directory containing custom plugins
--static MOUNT:DIRECTORY Serve static files from this directory at /MOUNT/...
--memory Make :memory: database available
--config CONFIG Set config option using configname:value
--version-note TEXT Additional note to show on /-/versions
--help-config Show available config options
--help Show this message and exit.