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from import Datasette
from datasette.utils import sqlite3
from asgiref.testing import ApplicationCommunicator
from asgiref.sync import async_to_sync
import itertools
import json
import os
import pathlib
import pytest
import random
import sys
import string
import tempfile
import time
from urllib.parse import unquote, quote
# This temp file is used by one of the plugin config tests
TEMP_PLUGIN_SECRET_FILE = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "plugin-secret")
class TestResponse:
def __init__(self, status, headers, body):
self.status = status
self.headers = headers
self.body = body
def json(self):
return json.loads(self.text)
def text(self):
return self.body.decode("utf8")
class TestClient:
max_redirects = 5
def __init__(self, asgi_app):
self.asgi_app = asgi_app
async def get(self, path, allow_redirects=True, redirect_count=0, method="GET"):
return await self._get(path, allow_redirects, redirect_count, method)
async def _get(self, path, allow_redirects=True, redirect_count=0, method="GET"):
query_string = b""
if "?" in path:
path, _, query_string = path.partition("?")
query_string = query_string.encode("utf8")
if "%" in path:
raw_path = path.encode("latin-1")
raw_path = quote(path, safe="/:,").encode("latin-1")
scope = {
"type": "http",
"http_version": "1.0",
"method": method,
"path": unquote(path),
"raw_path": raw_path,
"query_string": query_string,
"headers": [[b"host", b"localhost"]],
instance = ApplicationCommunicator(self.asgi_app, scope)
await instance.send_input({"type": "http.request"})
# First message back should be response.start with headers and status
messages = []
start = await instance.receive_output(2)
assert start["type"] == "http.response.start"
headers = dict(
[(k.decode("utf8"), v.decode("utf8")) for k, v in start["headers"]]
status = start["status"]
# Now loop until we run out of response.body
body = b""
while True:
message = await instance.receive_output(2)
assert message["type"] == "http.response.body"
body += message["body"]
if not message.get("more_body"):
response = TestResponse(status, headers, body)
if allow_redirects and response.status in (301, 302):
assert (
redirect_count < self.max_redirects
), "Redirected {} times, max_redirects={}".format(
redirect_count, self.max_redirects
location = response.headers["Location"]
return await self._get(
location, allow_redirects=True, redirect_count=redirect_count + 1
return response
def make_app_client(
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
filepath = os.path.join(tmpdir, filename)
if is_immutable:
files = []
immutables = [filepath]
files = [filepath]
immutables = []
conn = sqlite3.connect(filepath)
for sql, params in TABLE_PARAMETERIZED_SQL:
with conn:
conn.execute(sql, params)
if extra_databases is not None:
for extra_filename, extra_sql in extra_databases.items():
extra_filepath = os.path.join(tmpdir, extra_filename)
plugins_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "plugins")
open(os.path.join(plugins_dir, ""), "w").write(PLUGIN1)
open(os.path.join(plugins_dir, ""), "w").write(PLUGIN2)
config = config or {}
"default_page_size": 50,
"max_returned_rows": max_returned_rows or 100,
"sql_time_limit_ms": sql_time_limit_ms or 200,
ds = Datasette(
ds.sqlite_functions.append(("sleep", 1, lambda n: time.sleep(float(n))))
client = TestClient(
client.ds = ds
yield client
def app_client():
yield from make_app_client()
def app_client_no_files():
ds = Datasette([])
client = TestClient(
client.ds = ds
yield client
def app_client_two_attached_databases():
yield from make_app_client(
extra_databases={"extra_database.db": EXTRA_DATABASE_SQL}
def app_client_conflicting_database_names():
yield from make_app_client(
extra_databases={"foo.db": EXTRA_DATABASE_SQL, "foo-bar.db": EXTRA_DATABASE_SQL}
def app_client_two_attached_databases_one_immutable():
yield from make_app_client(
is_immutable=True, extra_databases={"extra_database.db": EXTRA_DATABASE_SQL}
def app_client_with_hash():
yield from make_app_client(config={"hash_urls": True}, is_immutable=True)
def app_client_shorter_time_limit():
yield from make_app_client(20)
def app_client_returned_rows_matches_page_size():
yield from make_app_client(max_returned_rows=50)
def app_client_larger_cache_size():
yield from make_app_client(config={"cache_size_kb": 2500})
def app_client_csv_max_mb_one():
yield from make_app_client(config={"max_csv_mb": 1})
def app_client_with_dot():
yield from make_app_client(filename="")
def app_client_with_cors():
yield from make_app_client(cors=True)
def generate_compound_rows(num):
for a, b, c in itertools.islice(
itertools.product(string.ascii_lowercase, repeat=3), num
yield a, b, c, "{}-{}-{}".format(a, b, c)
def generate_sortable_rows(num):
rand = random.Random(42)
for a, b in itertools.islice(
itertools.product(string.ascii_lowercase, repeat=2), num
yield {
"pk1": a,
"pk2": b,
"content": "{}-{}".format(a, b),
"sortable": rand.randint(-100, 100),
"sortable_with_nulls": rand.choice([None, rand.random(), rand.random()]),
"sortable_with_nulls_2": rand.choice([None, rand.random(), rand.random()]),
"text": rand.choice(["$null", "$blah"]),
"title": "Datasette Fixtures",
"description": "An example SQLite database demonstrating Datasette",
"license": "Apache License 2.0",
"license_url": "",
"source": "tests/",
"source_url": "",
"about": "About Datasette",
"about_url": "",
"plugins": {
"name-of-plugin": {"depth": "root"},
"env-plugin": {"foo": {"$env": "FOO_ENV"}},
"file-plugin": {"foo": {"$file": TEMP_PLUGIN_SECRET_FILE}},
"databases": {
"fixtures": {
"description": "Test tables description",
"plugins": {"name-of-plugin": {"depth": "database"}},
"tables": {
"simple_primary_key": {
"description_html": "Simple <em>primary</em> key",
"title": "This <em>HTML</em> is escaped",
"plugins": {
"name-of-plugin": {
"depth": "table",
"special": "this-is-simple_primary_key",
"sortable": {
"sortable_columns": [
"plugins": {"name-of-plugin": {"depth": "table"}},
"no_primary_key": {"sortable_columns": [], "hidden": True},
"units": {"units": {"distance": "m", "frequency": "Hz"}},
"primary_key_multiple_columns_explicit_label": {
"label_column": "content2"
"simple_view": {"sortable_columns": ["content"]},
"searchable_view_configured_by_metadata": {
"fts_table": "searchable_fts",
"fts_pk": "pk",
"queries": {
"𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬": "select id, name from facet_cities order by id limit 1;",
"pragma_cache_size": "PRAGMA cache_size;",
"neighborhood_search": {
"sql": """
select neighborhood,, state
from facetable
join facet_cities
on facetable.city_id =
where neighborhood like '%' || :text || '%'
order by neighborhood;
"title": "Search neighborhoods",
"description_html": "<b>Demonstrating</b> simple like search",
PLUGIN1 = """
from datasette import hookimpl
import base64
import pint
import json
ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()
def prepare_connection(conn):
def convert_units(amount, from_, to_):
"select convert_units(100, 'm', 'ft');"
return (amount * ureg(from_)).to(to_).to_tuple()[0]
conn.create_function('convert_units', 3, convert_units)
def extra_css_urls(template, database, table, datasette):
return ['{}/extra-css-urls-demo.css'.format(
"template": template,
"database": database,
"table": table,
def extra_js_urls():
return [{
'url': '',
'sri': 'SRIHASH',
}, '']
def extra_body_script(template, database, table, datasette):
return 'var extra_body_script = {};'.format(
"template": template,
"database": database,
"table": table,
"config": datasette.plugin_config(
def render_cell(value, column, table, database, datasette):
# Render some debug output in cell with value RENDER_CELL_DEMO
if value != "RENDER_CELL_DEMO":
return None
return json.dumps({
"column": column,
"table": table,
"database": database,
"config": datasette.plugin_config(
def extra_template_vars(template, database, table, view_name, request, datasette):
return {
"extra_template_vars": json.dumps({
"template": template,
"scope_path": request.scope["path"]
}, default=lambda b: b.decode("utf8"))
PLUGIN2 = """
from datasette import hookimpl
from functools import wraps
import jinja2
import json
def extra_js_urls():
return [{
'url': '',
'sri': 'SRIHASH',
}, '']
def render_cell(value, database):
# Render {"href": "...", "label": "..."} as link
if not isinstance(value, str):
return None
stripped = value.strip()
if not stripped.startswith("{") and stripped.endswith("}"):
return None
data = json.loads(value)
except ValueError:
return None
if not isinstance(data, dict):
return None
if set(data.keys()) != {"href", "label"}:
return None
href = data["href"]
if not (
href.startswith("/") or href.startswith("http://")
or href.startswith("https://")
return None
return jinja2.Markup(
'<a data-database="{database}" href="{href}">{label}</a>'.format(
label=jinja2.escape(data["label"] or "") or "&nbsp;"
def extra_template_vars(template, database, table, view_name, request, datasette):
async def inner():
return {
"extra_template_vars_from_awaitable": json.dumps({
"template": template,
"scope_path": request.scope["path"],
"awaitable": True,
}, default=lambda b: b.decode("utf8"))
return inner
def asgi_wrapper(datasette):
def wrap_with_databases_header(app):
async def add_x_databases_header(scope, recieve, send):
async def wrapped_send(event):
if event["type"] == "http.response.start":
original_headers = event.get("headers") or []
event = {
"type": event["type"],
"status": event["status"],
"headers": original_headers + [
", ".join(datasette.databases.keys()).encode("utf-8")]
await send(event)
await app(scope, recieve, wrapped_send)
return add_x_databases_header
return wrap_with_databases_header
CREATE TABLE simple_primary_key (
id varchar(30) primary key,
content text
CREATE TABLE primary_key_multiple_columns (
id varchar(30) primary key,
content text,
content2 text
CREATE TABLE primary_key_multiple_columns_explicit_label (
id varchar(30) primary key,
content text,
content2 text
CREATE TABLE compound_primary_key (
pk1 varchar(30),
pk2 varchar(30),
content text,
PRIMARY KEY (pk1, pk2)
INSERT INTO compound_primary_key VALUES ('a', 'b', 'c');
CREATE TABLE compound_three_primary_keys (
pk1 varchar(30),
pk2 varchar(30),
pk3 varchar(30),
content text,
PRIMARY KEY (pk1, pk2, pk3)
CREATE TABLE foreign_key_references (
pk varchar(30) primary key,
foreign_key_with_label varchar(30),
foreign_key_with_no_label varchar(30),
FOREIGN KEY (foreign_key_with_label) REFERENCES simple_primary_key(id),
FOREIGN KEY (foreign_key_with_no_label) REFERENCES primary_key_multiple_columns(id)
CREATE TABLE sortable (
pk1 varchar(30),
pk2 varchar(30),
content text,
sortable integer,
sortable_with_nulls real,
sortable_with_nulls_2 real,
text text,
PRIMARY KEY (pk1, pk2)
CREATE TABLE no_primary_key (
content text,
a text,
b text,
c text
CREATE TABLE [123_starts_with_digits] (
content text
CREATE VIEW paginated_view AS
'- ' || content || ' -' AS content_extra
FROM no_primary_key;
CREATE TABLE "Table With Space In Name" (
pk varchar(30) primary key,
content text
CREATE TABLE "table/with/slashes.csv" (
pk varchar(30) primary key,
content text
CREATE TABLE "complex_foreign_keys" (
pk varchar(30) primary key,
f1 text,
f2 text,
f3 text,
FOREIGN KEY ("f1") REFERENCES [simple_primary_key](id),
FOREIGN KEY ("f2") REFERENCES [simple_primary_key](id),
FOREIGN KEY ("f3") REFERENCES [simple_primary_key](id)
CREATE TABLE "custom_foreign_key_label" (
pk varchar(30) primary key,
foreign_key_with_custom_label text,
FOREIGN KEY ("foreign_key_with_custom_label") REFERENCES [primary_key_multiple_columns_explicit_label](id)
pk integer primary key,
distance int,
frequency int
INSERT INTO units VALUES (1, 1, 100);
INSERT INTO units VALUES (2, 5000, 2500);
INSERT INTO units VALUES (3, 100000, 75000);
CREATE TABLE searchable (
pk integer primary key,
text1 text,
text2 text,
[name with . and spaces] text
CREATE TABLE searchable_tags (
searchable_id integer,
tag text,
PRIMARY KEY (searchable_id, tag),
FOREIGN KEY (searchable_id) REFERENCES searchable(pk),
INSERT INTO searchable VALUES (1, 'barry cat', 'terry dog', 'panther');
INSERT INTO searchable VALUES (2, 'terry dog', 'sara weasel', 'puma');
INSERT INTO tags VALUES ("canine");
INSERT INTO tags VALUES ("feline");
INSERT INTO searchable_tags (searchable_id, tag) VALUES
(1, "feline"),
(2, "canine")
CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE "searchable_fts"
USING FTS3 (text1, text2, [name with . and spaces], content="searchable");
INSERT INTO "searchable_fts" (rowid, text1, text2, [name with . and spaces])
SELECT rowid, text1, text2, [name with . and spaces] FROM searchable;
CREATE TABLE [select] (
[group] text,
[having] text,
[and] text,
[json] text
INSERT INTO [select] VALUES ('group', 'having', 'and',
'{"href": "", "label":"Example"}'
CREATE TABLE infinity (
value REAL
CREATE TABLE facet_cities (
id integer primary key,
name text
INSERT INTO facet_cities (id, name) VALUES
(1, 'San Francisco'),
(2, 'Los Angeles'),
(3, 'Detroit'),
(4, 'Memnonia')
CREATE TABLE facetable (
pk integer primary key,
created text,
planet_int integer,
on_earth integer,
state text,
city_id integer,
neighborhood text,
tags text,
complex_array text,
FOREIGN KEY ("city_id") REFERENCES [facet_cities](id)
INSERT INTO facetable
(created, planet_int, on_earth, state, city_id, neighborhood, tags, complex_array)
("2019-01-14 08:00:00", 1, 1, 'CA', 1, 'Mission', '["tag1", "tag2"]', '[{"foo": "bar"}]'),
("2019-01-14 08:00:00", 1, 1, 'CA', 1, 'Dogpatch', '["tag1", "tag3"]', '[]'),
("2019-01-14 08:00:00", 1, 1, 'CA', 1, 'SOMA', '[]', '[]'),
("2019-01-14 08:00:00", 1, 1, 'CA', 1, 'Tenderloin', '[]', '[]'),
("2019-01-15 08:00:00", 1, 1, 'CA', 1, 'Bernal Heights', '[]', '[]'),
("2019-01-15 08:00:00", 1, 1, 'CA', 1, 'Hayes Valley', '[]', '[]'),
("2019-01-15 08:00:00", 1, 1, 'CA', 2, 'Hollywood', '[]', '[]'),
("2019-01-15 08:00:00", 1, 1, 'CA', 2, 'Downtown', '[]', '[]'),
("2019-01-16 08:00:00", 1, 1, 'CA', 2, 'Los Feliz', '[]', '[]'),
("2019-01-16 08:00:00", 1, 1, 'CA', 2, 'Koreatown', '[]', '[]'),
("2019-01-16 08:00:00", 1, 1, 'MI', 3, 'Downtown', '[]', '[]'),
("2019-01-17 08:00:00", 1, 1, 'MI', 3, 'Greektown', '[]', '[]'),
("2019-01-17 08:00:00", 1, 1, 'MI', 3, 'Corktown', '[]', '[]'),
("2019-01-17 08:00:00", 1, 1, 'MI', 3, 'Mexicantown', '[]', '[]'),
("2019-01-17 08:00:00", 2, 0, 'MC', 4, 'Arcadia Planitia', '[]', '[]')
CREATE TABLE binary_data (
data BLOB
-- Many 2 Many demo: roadside attractions!
CREATE TABLE roadside_attractions (
pk integer primary key,
name text,
address text,
latitude real,
longitude real
INSERT INTO roadside_attractions VALUES (
1, "The Mystery Spot", "465 Mystery Spot Road, Santa Cruz, CA 95065",
37.0167, -122.0024
INSERT INTO roadside_attractions VALUES (
2, "Winchester Mystery House", "525 South Winchester Boulevard, San Jose, CA 95128",
37.3184, -121.9511
INSERT INTO roadside_attractions VALUES (
3, "Burlingame Museum of PEZ Memorabilia", "214 California Drive, Burlingame, CA 94010",
37.5793, -122.3442
INSERT INTO roadside_attractions VALUES (
4, "Bigfoot Discovery Museum", "5497 Highway 9, Felton, CA 95018",
37.0414, -122.0725
CREATE TABLE attraction_characteristic (
pk integer primary key,
name text
INSERT INTO attraction_characteristic VALUES (
1, "Museum"
INSERT INTO attraction_characteristic VALUES (
2, "Paranormal"
CREATE TABLE roadside_attraction_characteristics (
attraction_id INTEGER REFERENCES roadside_attractions(pk),
characteristic_id INTEGER REFERENCES attraction_characteristic(pk)
INSERT INTO roadside_attraction_characteristics VALUES (
1, 2
INSERT INTO roadside_attraction_characteristics VALUES (
2, 2
INSERT INTO roadside_attraction_characteristics VALUES (
4, 2
INSERT INTO roadside_attraction_characteristics VALUES (
3, 1
INSERT INTO roadside_attraction_characteristics VALUES (
4, 1
INSERT INTO simple_primary_key VALUES (1, 'hello');
INSERT INTO simple_primary_key VALUES (2, 'world');
INSERT INTO simple_primary_key VALUES (3, '');
INSERT INTO simple_primary_key VALUES (4, 'RENDER_CELL_DEMO');
INSERT INTO primary_key_multiple_columns VALUES (1, 'hey', 'world');
INSERT INTO primary_key_multiple_columns_explicit_label VALUES (1, 'hey', 'world2');
INSERT INTO foreign_key_references VALUES (1, 1, 1);
INSERT INTO foreign_key_references VALUES (2, null, null);
INSERT INTO complex_foreign_keys VALUES (1, 1, 2, 1);
INSERT INTO custom_foreign_key_label VALUES (1, 1);
INSERT INTO [table/with/slashes.csv] VALUES (3, 'hey');
CREATE VIEW simple_view AS
SELECT content, upper(content) AS upper_content FROM simple_primary_key;
CREATE VIEW searchable_view AS
SELECT * from searchable;
CREATE VIEW searchable_view_configured_by_metadata AS
SELECT * from searchable;
+ "\n".join(
'INSERT INTO no_primary_key VALUES ({i}, "a{i}", "b{i}", "c{i}");'.format(
i=i + 1
for i in range(201)
+ "\n".join(
'INSERT INTO compound_three_primary_keys VALUES ("{a}", "{b}", "{c}", "{content}");'.format(
a=a, b=b, c=c, content=content
for a, b, c, content in generate_compound_rows(1001)
+ "\n".join(
"""INSERT INTO sortable VALUES (
"{pk1}", "{pk2}", "{content}", {sortable},
{sortable_with_nulls}, {sortable_with_nulls_2}, "{text}");
"None", "null"
for row in generate_sortable_rows(201)
("insert into binary_data (data) values (?);", [b"this is binary data"])
CREATE TABLE searchable (
pk integer primary key,
text1 text,
text2 text
CREATE VIEW searchable_view AS SELECT * FROM searchable;
INSERT INTO searchable VALUES (1, 'barry cat', 'terry dog');
INSERT INTO searchable VALUES (2, 'terry dog', 'sara weasel');
CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE "searchable_fts"
USING FTS3 (text1, text2, content="searchable");
INSERT INTO "searchable_fts" (rowid, text1, text2)
SELECT rowid, text1, text2 FROM searchable;
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Can be called with data.db OR data.db metadata.json
arg_index = -1
db_filename = sys.argv[arg_index]
metadata_filename = None
plugins_path = None
if db_filename.endswith("/"):
# It's the plugins dir
plugins_path = db_filename
arg_index -= 1
db_filename = sys.argv[arg_index]
if db_filename.endswith(".json"):
metadata_filename = db_filename
arg_index -= 1
db_filename = sys.argv[arg_index]
if db_filename.endswith(".db"):
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_filename)
for sql, params in TABLE_PARAMETERIZED_SQL:
with conn:
conn.execute(sql, params)
print("Test tables written to {}".format(db_filename))
if metadata_filename:
open(metadata_filename, "w").write(json.dumps(METADATA))
print("- metadata written to {}".format(metadata_filename))
if plugins_path:
path = pathlib.Path(plugins_path)
if not path.exists():
for filename, content in (
("", PLUGIN1),
("", PLUGIN2),
filepath = path / filename
print(" Wrote plugin: {}".format(filepath))
"Usage: {} db_to_write.db [metadata_to_write.json] [plugins-dir/]".format(