
389 wiersze
16 KiB

.. _cli_reference:
CLI reference
This page lists the ``--help`` for every ``datasette`` CLI command.
.. [[[cog
from datasette import cli
from click.testing import CliRunner
import textwrap
commands = [
["serve", "--help"],
["serve", "--help-settings"],
["plugins", "--help"],
["publish", "--help"],
["publish", "cloudrun", "--help"],
["publish", "heroku", "--help"],
["package", "--help"],
["inspect", "--help"],
["install", "--help"],
["uninstall", "--help"],
for command in commands:
title = "datasette " + " ".join(command)
ref = "_cli_help_" + ("_".join(command).replace("-", "_"))
cog.out(".. {}:\n\n".format(ref))
cog.out(title + "\n")
cog.out(("=" * len(title)) + "\n\n")
result = CliRunner().invoke(cli.cli, command)
output = result.output.replace("Usage: cli ", "Usage: datasette ")
cog.out(textwrap.indent(output, ' '))
.. ]]]
.. _cli_help___help:
datasette --help
Usage: datasette [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Datasette is an open source multi-tool for exploring and publishing data
About Datasette:
Full documentation:
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
serve* Serve up specified SQLite database files with a web UI
inspect Generate JSON summary of provided database files
install Install plugins and packages from PyPI into the same...
package Package specified SQLite files into a new datasette Docker...
plugins List currently installed plugins
publish Publish specified SQLite database files to the internet along...
uninstall Uninstall plugins and Python packages from the Datasette...
.. _cli_help_serve___help:
datasette serve --help
Usage: datasette serve [OPTIONS] [FILES]...
Serve up specified SQLite database files with a web UI
-i, --immutable PATH Database files to open in immutable mode
-h, --host TEXT Host for server. Defaults to which means
only connections from the local machine will be
allowed. Use to listen to all IPs and allow
access from other machines.
-p, --port INTEGER RANGE Port for server, defaults to 8001. Use -p 0 to
automatically assign an available port.
--uds TEXT Bind to a Unix domain socket
--reload Automatically reload if code or metadata change
detected - useful for development
--cors Enable CORS by serving Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
--load-extension TEXT Path to a SQLite extension to load
--inspect-file TEXT Path to JSON file created using "datasette inspect"
-m, --metadata FILENAME Path to JSON/YAML file containing license/source
--template-dir DIRECTORY Path to directory containing custom templates
--plugins-dir DIRECTORY Path to directory containing custom plugins
--static MOUNT:DIRECTORY Serve static files from this directory at /MOUNT/...
--memory Make /_memory database available
--config CONFIG Deprecated: set config option using
configname:value. Use --setting instead.
--setting SETTING... Setting, see
--secret TEXT Secret used for signing secure values, such as
signed cookies
--root Output URL that sets a cookie authenticating the
root user
--get TEXT Run an HTTP GET request against this path, print
results and exit
--version-note TEXT Additional note to show on /-/versions
--help-settings Show available settings
--pdb Launch debugger on any errors
-o, --open Open Datasette in your web browser
--create Create database files if they do not exist
--crossdb Enable cross-database joins using the /_memory
--nolock Ignore locking, open locked files in read-only mode
--ssl-keyfile TEXT SSL key file
--ssl-certfile TEXT SSL certificate file
--help Show this message and exit.
.. _cli_help_serve___help_settings:
datasette serve --help-settings
default_page_size Default page size for the table view
max_returned_rows Maximum rows that can be returned from a table or
custom query (default=1000)
num_sql_threads Number of threads in the thread pool for
executing SQLite queries (default=3)
sql_time_limit_ms Time limit for a SQL query in milliseconds
default_facet_size Number of values to return for requested facets
facet_time_limit_ms Time limit for calculating a requested facet
facet_suggest_time_limit_ms Time limit for calculating a suggested facet
allow_facet Allow users to specify columns to facet using
?_facet= parameter (default=True)
allow_download Allow users to download the original SQLite
database files (default=True)
suggest_facets Calculate and display suggested facets
default_cache_ttl Default HTTP cache TTL (used in Cache-Control:
max-age= header) (default=5)
cache_size_kb SQLite cache size in KB (0 == use SQLite default)
allow_csv_stream Allow .csv?_stream=1 to download all rows
(ignoring max_returned_rows) (default=True)
max_csv_mb Maximum size allowed for CSV export in MB - set 0
to disable this limit (default=100)
truncate_cells_html Truncate cells longer than this in HTML table
view - set 0 to disable (default=2048)
force_https_urls Force URLs in API output to always use https://
protocol (default=False)
template_debug Allow display of template debug information with
?_context=1 (default=False)
trace_debug Allow display of SQL trace debug information with
?_trace=1 (default=False)
base_url Datasette URLs should use this base path
.. _cli_help_plugins___help:
datasette plugins --help
Usage: datasette plugins [OPTIONS]
List currently installed plugins
--all Include built-in default plugins
--plugins-dir DIRECTORY Path to directory containing custom plugins
--help Show this message and exit.
.. _cli_help_publish___help:
datasette publish --help
Usage: datasette publish [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Publish specified SQLite database files to the internet along with a
Datasette-powered interface and API
--help Show this message and exit.
cloudrun Publish databases to Datasette running on Cloud Run
heroku Publish databases to Datasette running on Heroku
.. _cli_help_publish_cloudrun___help:
datasette publish cloudrun --help
Usage: datasette publish cloudrun [OPTIONS] [FILES]...
Publish databases to Datasette running on Cloud Run
-m, --metadata FILENAME Path to JSON/YAML file containing metadata to
--extra-options TEXT Extra options to pass to datasette serve
--branch TEXT Install datasette from a GitHub branch e.g.
--template-dir DIRECTORY Path to directory containing custom templates
--plugins-dir DIRECTORY Path to directory containing custom plugins
--static MOUNT:DIRECTORY Serve static files from this directory at
--install TEXT Additional packages (e.g. plugins) to install
--plugin-secret <TEXT TEXT TEXT>...
Secrets to pass to plugins, e.g. --plugin-
secret datasette-auth-github client_id xxx
--version-note TEXT Additional note to show on /-/versions
--secret TEXT Secret used for signing secure values, such as
signed cookies
--title TEXT Title for metadata
--license TEXT License label for metadata
--license_url TEXT License URL for metadata
--source TEXT Source label for metadata
--source_url TEXT Source URL for metadata
--about TEXT About label for metadata
--about_url TEXT About URL for metadata
-n, --name TEXT Application name to use when building
--service TEXT Cloud Run service to deploy (or over-write)
--spatialite Enable SpatialLite extension
--show-files Output the generated Dockerfile and
--memory TEXT Memory to allocate in Cloud Run, e.g. 1Gi
--cpu [1|2|4] Number of vCPUs to allocate in Cloud Run
--timeout INTEGER Build timeout in seconds
--apt-get-install TEXT Additional packages to apt-get install
--help Show this message and exit.
.. _cli_help_publish_heroku___help:
datasette publish heroku --help
Usage: datasette publish heroku [OPTIONS] [FILES]...
Publish databases to Datasette running on Heroku
-m, --metadata FILENAME Path to JSON/YAML file containing metadata to
--extra-options TEXT Extra options to pass to datasette serve
--branch TEXT Install datasette from a GitHub branch e.g.
--template-dir DIRECTORY Path to directory containing custom templates
--plugins-dir DIRECTORY Path to directory containing custom plugins
--static MOUNT:DIRECTORY Serve static files from this directory at
--install TEXT Additional packages (e.g. plugins) to install
--plugin-secret <TEXT TEXT TEXT>...
Secrets to pass to plugins, e.g. --plugin-
secret datasette-auth-github client_id xxx
--version-note TEXT Additional note to show on /-/versions
--secret TEXT Secret used for signing secure values, such as
signed cookies
--title TEXT Title for metadata
--license TEXT License label for metadata
--license_url TEXT License URL for metadata
--source TEXT Source label for metadata
--source_url TEXT Source URL for metadata
--about TEXT About label for metadata
--about_url TEXT About URL for metadata
-n, --name TEXT Application name to use when deploying
--tar TEXT --tar option to pass to Heroku, e.g.
--help Show this message and exit.
.. _cli_help_package___help:
datasette package --help
Usage: datasette package [OPTIONS] FILES...
Package specified SQLite files into a new datasette Docker container
-t, --tag TEXT Name for the resulting Docker container, can
optionally use name:tag format
-m, --metadata FILENAME Path to JSON/YAML file containing metadata to
--extra-options TEXT Extra options to pass to datasette serve
--branch TEXT Install datasette from a GitHub branch e.g. main
--template-dir DIRECTORY Path to directory containing custom templates
--plugins-dir DIRECTORY Path to directory containing custom plugins
--static MOUNT:DIRECTORY Serve static files from this directory at /MOUNT/...
--install TEXT Additional packages (e.g. plugins) to install
--spatialite Enable SpatialLite extension
--version-note TEXT Additional note to show on /-/versions
--secret TEXT Secret used for signing secure values, such as
signed cookies
-p, --port INTEGER RANGE Port to run the server on, defaults to 8001
--title TEXT Title for metadata
--license TEXT License label for metadata
--license_url TEXT License URL for metadata
--source TEXT Source label for metadata
--source_url TEXT Source URL for metadata
--about TEXT About label for metadata
--about_url TEXT About URL for metadata
--help Show this message and exit.
.. _cli_help_inspect___help:
datasette inspect --help
Usage: datasette inspect [OPTIONS] [FILES]...
Generate JSON summary of provided database files
This can then be passed to "datasette --inspect-file" to speed up count
operations against immutable database files.
--inspect-file TEXT
--load-extension TEXT Path to a SQLite extension to load
--help Show this message and exit.
.. _cli_help_install___help:
datasette install --help
Usage: datasette install [OPTIONS] PACKAGES...
Install plugins and packages from PyPI into the same environment as Datasette
-U, --upgrade Upgrade packages to latest version
--help Show this message and exit.
.. _cli_help_uninstall___help:
datasette uninstall --help
Usage: datasette uninstall [OPTIONS] PACKAGES...
Uninstall plugins and Python packages from the Datasette environment
-y, --yes Don't ask for confirmation
--help Show this message and exit.
.. [[[end]]]