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Datasette includes some pages and JSON API endpoints for introspecting the current instance. These can be used to understand some of the internals of Datasette and to see how a particular instance has been configured.
Each of these pages can be viewed in your browser. Add ``.json`` to the URL to get back the contents as JSON.
.. _JsonDataView_metadata:
Shows the contents of the ``metadata.json`` file that was passed to ``datasette serve``, if any. `Metadata example <>`_::
"license": "CC Attribution 4.0 License",
"license_url": "",
"source": "fivethirtyeight/data on GitHub",
"source_url": "",
"title": "Five Thirty Eight",
"databases": {...}
.. _JsonDataView_versions:
Shows the version of Datasette, Python and SQLite. `Versions example <>`_::
"datasette": {
"version": "0.21"
"python": {
"full": "3.6.5 (default, May 5 2018, 03:07:21) \n[GCC 6.3.0 20170516]",
"version": "3.6.5"
"sqlite": {
"extensions": {
"json1": null
"fts_versions": [
"compile_options": [
"COMPILER=gcc-6.3.0 20170516",
"version": "3.16.2"
.. _JsonDataView_plugins:
Shows a list of currently installed plugins and their versions. `Plugins example <>`_::
"name": "datasette_cluster_map",
"static": true,
"templates": false,
"version": "0.4"
.. _JsonDataView_config:
Shows the :ref:`config` options for this instance of Datasette. `Config example <>`_::
"default_facet_size": 30,
"default_page_size": 100,
"facet_suggest_time_limit_ms": 50,
"facet_time_limit_ms": 1000,
"max_returned_rows": 1000,
"sql_time_limit_ms": 1000
.. _JsonDataView_databases:
Shows currently attached databases. `Databases example <>`_::
"hash": null,
"is_memory": false,
"is_mutable": true,
"name": "fixtures",
"path": "fixtures.db",
"size": 225280
.. _JsonDataView_threads:
Shows details of threads and ``asyncio`` tasks. `Threads example <>`_::
"num_threads": 2,
"threads": [
"daemon": false,
"ident": 4759197120,
"name": "MainThread"
"daemon": true,
"ident": 123145319682048,
"name": "Thread-1"
"num_tasks": 3,
"tasks": [
"<Task pending coro=<RequestResponseCycle.run_asgi() running at uvicorn/protocols/http/> cb=[set.discard()]>",
"<Task pending coro=<Server.serve() running at uvicorn/> wait_for=<Future pending cb=[<TaskWakeupMethWrapper object at 0x10365c3d0>()]> cb=[run_until_complete.<locals>.<lambda>()]>",
"<Task pending coro=<LifespanOn.main() running at uvicorn/lifespan/> wait_for=<Future pending cb=[<TaskWakeupMethWrapper object at 0x10364f050>()]>>"