import asyncio import httpx import os import pathlib import pytest import pytest_asyncio import re import subprocess import tempfile import time import trustme try: import pysqlite3 as sqlite3 except ImportError: import sqlite3 UNDOCUMENTED_PERMISSIONS = { "this_is_allowed", "this_is_denied", "this_is_allowed_async", "this_is_denied_async", "no_match", } @pytest_asyncio.fixture async def ds_client(): from import Datasette from .fixtures import METADATA, PLUGINS_DIR ds = Datasette( metadata=METADATA, plugins_dir=PLUGINS_DIR, settings={ "default_page_size": 50, "max_returned_rows": 100, "sql_time_limit_ms": 200, # Default is 3 but this results in "too many open files" # errors when running the full test suite: "num_sql_threads": 1, }, ) from .fixtures import TABLES, TABLE_PARAMETERIZED_SQL db = ds.add_memory_database("fixtures") ds.remove_database("_memory") def prepare(conn): if not conn.execute("select count(*) from sqlite_master").fetchone()[0]: conn.executescript(TABLES) for sql, params in TABLE_PARAMETERIZED_SQL: with conn: conn.execute(sql, params) await db.execute_write_fn(prepare) return ds.client def pytest_report_header(config): return "SQLite: {}".format( sqlite3.connect(":memory:").execute("select sqlite_version()").fetchone()[0] ) def pytest_configure(config): import sys sys._called_from_test = True def pytest_unconfigure(config): import sys del sys._called_from_test def pytest_collection_modifyitems(items): # Ensure and and run first before any asyncio code kicks in move_to_front(items, "test_cli") move_to_front(items, "test_black") move_to_front(items, "test_inspect_cli") move_to_front(items, "test_serve_with_get") move_to_front(items, "test_serve_with_get_exit_code_for_error") move_to_front(items, "test_inspect_cli_writes_to_file") move_to_front(items, "test_spatialite_error_if_attempt_to_open_spatialite") move_to_front(items, "test_package") move_to_front(items, "test_package_with_port") def move_to_front(items, test_name): test = [fn for fn in items if == test_name] if test: items.insert(0, items.pop(items.index(test[0]))) @pytest.fixture def restore_working_directory(tmpdir, request): try: previous_cwd = os.getcwd() except OSError: # previous_cwd = None tmpdir.chdir() def return_to_previous(): os.chdir(previous_cwd) if previous_cwd is not None: request.addfinalizer(return_to_previous) @pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True) def check_permission_actions_are_documented(): from datasette.plugins import pm content = ( pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent / "docs" / "authentication.rst" ).read_text() permissions_re = re.compile(r"\.\. _permissions_([^\s:]+):") documented_permission_actions = set(permissions_re.findall(content)).union( UNDOCUMENTED_PERMISSIONS ) def before(hook_name, hook_impls, kwargs): if hook_name == "permission_allowed": datasette = kwargs["datasette"] assert kwargs["action"] in datasette.permissions, ( "'{}' has not been registered with register_permissions()".format( kwargs["action"] ) + " (or maybe a test forgot to do await ds.invoke_startup())" ) action = kwargs.get("action").replace("-", "_") assert ( action in documented_permission_actions ), "Undocumented permission action: {}, resource: {}".format( action, kwargs["resource"] ) pm.add_hookcall_monitoring( before=before, after=lambda outcome, hook_name, hook_impls, kwargs: None ) @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def ds_localhost_http_server(): ds_proc = subprocess.Popen( ["datasette", "--memory", "-p", "8041"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, # Avoid FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: cwd=tempfile.gettempdir(), ) # Loop until port 8041 serves traffic while True: try: httpx.get("http://localhost:8041/") break except httpx.ConnectError: time.sleep(0.1) # Check it started successfully assert not ds_proc.poll(),"utf-8") yield ds_proc # Shut it down at the end of the pytest session ds_proc.terminate() @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def ds_localhost_https_server(tmp_path_factory): cert_directory = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("certs") ca = trustme.CA() server_cert = ca.issue_cert("localhost") keyfile = str(cert_directory / "server.key") certfile = str(cert_directory / "server.pem") client_cert = str(cert_directory / "client.pem") server_cert.private_key_pem.write_to_path(path=keyfile) for blob in server_cert.cert_chain_pems: blob.write_to_path(path=certfile, append=True) ca.cert_pem.write_to_path(path=client_cert) ds_proc = subprocess.Popen( [ "datasette", "--memory", "-p", "8042", "--ssl-keyfile", keyfile, "--ssl-certfile", certfile, ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=tempfile.gettempdir(), ) while True: try: httpx.get("https://localhost:8042/", verify=client_cert) break except httpx.ConnectError: time.sleep(0.1) # Check it started successfully assert not ds_proc.poll(),"utf-8") yield ds_proc, client_cert # Shut it down at the end of the pytest session ds_proc.terminate() @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def ds_unix_domain_socket_server(tmp_path_factory): # This used to use tmp_path_factory.mktemp("uds") but that turned out to # produce paths that were too long to use as UDS on macOS, see # - so I switched to # using tempfile.gettempdir() uds = str(pathlib.Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / "datasette.sock") ds_proc = subprocess.Popen( ["datasette", "--memory", "--uds", uds], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=tempfile.gettempdir(), ) # Poll until available transport = httpx.HTTPTransport(uds=uds) client = httpx.Client(transport=transport) while True: try: client.get("http://localhost/_memory.json") break except httpx.ConnectError: time.sleep(0.1) # Check it started successfully assert not ds_proc.poll(),"utf-8") yield ds_proc, uds # Shut it down at the end of the pytest session ds_proc.terminate()