Changelog ========= 0.11 (2017-11-14) ----------------- - Added ``datasette publish now --force`` option. This calls ``now`` with ``--force`` - useful as it means you get a fresh copy of datasette even if Now has already cached that docker layer. - Enable ``--cors`` by default when running in a container. 0.10 (2017-11-14) ----------------- - Fixed `#83`_ - 500 error on individual row pages. - Stop using sqlite WITH RECURSIVE in our tests. The version of Python 3 running in Travis CI doesn't support this. .. _#83: 0.9 (2017-11-13) ---------------- - Added ``--sql_time_limit_ms`` and ``--extra-options``. The serve command now accepts ``--sql_time_limit_ms`` for customizing the SQL time limit. The publish and package commands now accept ``--extra-options`` which can be used to specify additional options to be passed to the datasite serve command when it executes inside the resulting Docker containers. 0.8 (2017-11-13) ---------------- - V0.8 - added PyPI metadata, ready to ship. - Implemented offset/limit pagination for views (`#70`_). - Improved pagination. (`#78`_) - Limit on max rows returned, controlled by ``--max_returned_rows`` option. (`#69`_) If someone executes 'select * from table' against a table with a million rows in it, we could run into problems: just serializing that much data as JSON is likely to lock up the server. Solution: we now have a hard limit on the maximum number of rows that can be returned by a query. If that limit is exceeded, the server will return a ``"truncated": true`` field in the JSON. This limit can be optionally controlled by the new ``--max_returned_rows`` option. Setting that option to 0 disables the limit entirely. .. _#70: .. _#78: .. _#69: