Running SQL queries =================== Datasette treats SQLite database files as read-only and immutable. This means it is not possible to execute INSERT or UPDATE statements using Datasette, which allows us to expose SELECT statements to the outside world without needing to worry about SQL injection attacks. The easiest way to execute custom SQL against Datasette is through the web UI. The database index page includes a SQL editor that lets you run any SELECT query you like. You can also construct queries using the filter interface on the tables page, then click "View and edit SQL" to open that query in the cgustom SQL editor. Any Datasette SQL query is reflected in the URL of the page, allowing you to bookmark them, share them with others and navigate through previous queries using your browser back button. You can also retrieve the results of any query as JSON by adding ``.json`` to the base URL. Named parameters ---------------- Datasette has special support for SQLite named parameters. Consider a SQL query like this:: select * from Street_Tree_List where "PermitNotes" like :notes and "qSpecies" = :species If you execute this query using the custom query editor, Datasette will extract the two named parameters and use them to construct form fields for you to provide values. You can also provide values for these fields by constructing a URL:: /mydatabase?sql=select...&species=44 SQLite string escaping rules will be applied to values passed using named parameters - they will be wrapped in quotes and their content will be correctly escaped. Datasette disallows custom SQL containing the string PRAGMA, as SQLite pragma statements can be used to change database settings at runtime. If you need to include the string "pragma" in a query you can do so safely using a named parameter. Query limits ------------ To prevent rogue, long-running queries from making a Datasette instance inaccessible to other users, Datasette imposes some limits on the SQL that you can execute. By default, queries have a time limit of one second. If a query takes longer than this to run Datasette will terminate the query and return an error. If this time limit is too short for you, you can customize it using the ``sql_time_limit_ms`` option - for example, to increase it to 3.5 seconds:: datasette mydatabase.db --sql_time_limit_ms=3500 You can optionally set a lower time limit for an individual query using the ``_sql_time_limit_ms`` query string argument:: /my-database/my-table?qSpecies=44&_sql_time_limit_ms=100 This would set the time limit to 100ms for that specific query. This feature is useful if you are working with databases of unknown size and complexity - a query that might make perfect sense for a smaller table could take too long to execute on a table with millions of rows. By setting custom time limits you can execute queries "optimistically" - e.g. give me an exact count of rows matching this query but only if it takes less than 100ms to calculate. Datasette returns a maximum of 1,000 rows of data at a time. If you execute a query that returns more than 1,000 rows, Datasette will return the first 1,000 and include a warning that the result set has been truncated. You can use OFFSET/LIMIT or other methods in your SQL to implement pagination if you need to return more than 1,000 rows. Views ----- If you want to bundle some pre-written SQL queries with your Datasette-hosted database you can do so in two ways. The first is to include SQL views in your database - Datasette will then list those views on your database index page. The easiest way to create views is with the SQLite command-line interface:: $ sqlite3 sf-trees.db SQLite version 3.19.3 2017-06-27 16:48:08 Enter ".help" for usage hints. sqlite> CREATE VIEW demo_view AS select qSpecies from Street_Tree_List; Canned queries -------------- As an alternative to adding views to your database, you can define canned queries inside your ``metadata.json`` file. Here's an example:: { "databases": { "sf-trees": { "queries": { "just_species": "select qSpecies from Street_Tree_List" } } } } Then run datasette like this:: datasette sf-trees.db -m metadata.json Each canned query will be listed on the database index page, and will also get its own URL at:: /database-name/canned-query-name For the above example, that URL would be:: /sf-trees/just_species Canned queries support named parameters, so if you include those in the SQL you will then be able to enter them using the form fields on the canned query page or by adding them to the URL. This means canned queries can be used to create custom JSON APIs based on a carefully designed SQL.