""" Tests for the datasette.database.Database class """ from datasette.database import Database, Results, MultipleValues from datasette.utils.sqlite import sqlite3 from datasette.utils import Column from .fixtures import app_client, app_client_two_attached_databases_crossdb_enabled import pytest import time import uuid @pytest.fixture def db(app_client): return app_client.ds.get_database("fixtures") @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_execute(db): results = await db.execute("select * from facetable") assert isinstance(results, Results) assert 15 == len(results) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_results_first(db): assert None is (await db.execute("select * from facetable where pk > 100")).first() results = await db.execute("select * from facetable") row = results.first() assert isinstance(row, sqlite3.Row) @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize("expected", (True, False)) async def test_results_bool(db, expected): where = "" if expected else "where pk = 0" results = await db.execute("select * from facetable {}".format(where)) assert bool(results) is expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "query,expected", [ ("select 1", 1), ("select 1, 2", None), ("select 1 as num union select 2 as num", None), ], ) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_results_single_value(db, query, expected): results = await db.execute(query) if expected: assert expected == results.single_value() else: with pytest.raises(MultipleValues): results.single_value() @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_execute_fn(db): def get_1_plus_1(conn): return conn.execute("select 1 + 1").fetchall()[0][0] assert 2 == await db.execute_fn(get_1_plus_1) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "tables,exists", ( (["facetable", "searchable", "tags", "searchable_tags"], True), (["foo", "bar", "baz"], False), ), ) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_table_exists(db, tables, exists): for table in tables: actual = await db.table_exists(table) assert exists == actual @pytest.mark.parametrize( "table,expected", ( ( "facetable", [ "pk", "created", "planet_int", "on_earth", "state", "_city_id", "_neighborhood", "tags", "complex_array", "distinct_some_null", "n", ], ), ( "sortable", [ "pk1", "pk2", "content", "sortable", "sortable_with_nulls", "sortable_with_nulls_2", "text", ], ), ), ) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_table_columns(db, table, expected): columns = await db.table_columns(table) assert columns == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "table,expected", ( ( "facetable", [ Column( cid=0, name="pk", type="integer", notnull=0, default_value=None, is_pk=1, hidden=0, ), Column( cid=1, name="created", type="text", notnull=0, default_value=None, is_pk=0, hidden=0, ), Column( cid=2, name="planet_int", type="integer", notnull=0, default_value=None, is_pk=0, hidden=0, ), Column( cid=3, name="on_earth", type="integer", notnull=0, default_value=None, is_pk=0, hidden=0, ), Column( cid=4, name="state", type="text", notnull=0, default_value=None, is_pk=0, hidden=0, ), Column( cid=5, name="_city_id", type="integer", notnull=0, default_value=None, is_pk=0, hidden=0, ), Column( cid=6, name="_neighborhood", type="text", notnull=0, default_value=None, is_pk=0, hidden=0, ), Column( cid=7, name="tags", type="text", notnull=0, default_value=None, is_pk=0, hidden=0, ), Column( cid=8, name="complex_array", type="text", notnull=0, default_value=None, is_pk=0, hidden=0, ), Column( cid=9, name="distinct_some_null", type="", notnull=0, default_value=None, is_pk=0, hidden=0, ), Column( cid=10, name="n", type="text", notnull=0, default_value=None, is_pk=0, hidden=0, ), ], ), ( "sortable", [ Column( cid=0, name="pk1", type="varchar(30)", notnull=0, default_value=None, is_pk=1, hidden=0, ), Column( cid=1, name="pk2", type="varchar(30)", notnull=0, default_value=None, is_pk=2, hidden=0, ), Column( cid=2, name="content", type="text", notnull=0, default_value=None, is_pk=0, hidden=0, ), Column( cid=3, name="sortable", type="integer", notnull=0, default_value=None, is_pk=0, hidden=0, ), Column( cid=4, name="sortable_with_nulls", type="real", notnull=0, default_value=None, is_pk=0, hidden=0, ), Column( cid=5, name="sortable_with_nulls_2", type="real", notnull=0, default_value=None, is_pk=0, hidden=0, ), Column( cid=6, name="text", type="text", notnull=0, default_value=None, is_pk=0, hidden=0, ), ], ), ), ) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_table_column_details(db, table, expected): columns = await db.table_column_details(table) # Convert "type" to lowercase before comparison # https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1647 compare_columns = [ Column( c.cid, c.name, c.type.lower(), c.notnull, c.default_value, c.is_pk, c.hidden ) for c in columns ] assert compare_columns == expected @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_get_all_foreign_keys(db): all_foreign_keys = await db.get_all_foreign_keys() assert all_foreign_keys["roadside_attraction_characteristics"] == { "incoming": [], "outgoing": [ { "other_table": "attraction_characteristic", "column": "characteristic_id", "other_column": "pk", }, { "other_table": "roadside_attractions", "column": "attraction_id", "other_column": "pk", }, ], } assert all_foreign_keys["attraction_characteristic"] == { "incoming": [ { "other_table": "roadside_attraction_characteristics", "column": "pk", "other_column": "characteristic_id", } ], "outgoing": [], } assert all_foreign_keys["compound_primary_key"] == { # No incoming because these are compound foreign keys, which we currently ignore "incoming": [], "outgoing": [], } assert all_foreign_keys["foreign_key_references"] == { "incoming": [], "outgoing": [ { "other_table": "primary_key_multiple_columns", "column": "foreign_key_with_no_label", "other_column": "id", }, { "other_table": "simple_primary_key", "column": "foreign_key_with_blank_label", "other_column": "id", }, { "other_table": "simple_primary_key", "column": "foreign_key_with_label", "other_column": "id", }, ], } @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_table_names(db): table_names = await db.table_names() assert table_names == [ "simple_primary_key", "primary_key_multiple_columns", "primary_key_multiple_columns_explicit_label", "compound_primary_key", "compound_three_primary_keys", "foreign_key_references", "sortable", "no_primary_key", "123_starts_with_digits", "Table With Space In Name", "table/with/slashes.csv", "complex_foreign_keys", "custom_foreign_key_label", "units", "tags", "searchable", "searchable_tags", "searchable_fts", "searchable_fts_segments", "searchable_fts_segdir", "searchable_fts_docsize", "searchable_fts_stat", "select", "infinity", "facet_cities", "facetable", "binary_data", "roadside_attractions", "attraction_characteristic", "roadside_attraction_characteristics", ] @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_view_names(db): view_names = await db.view_names() assert view_names == [ "paginated_view", "simple_view", "searchable_view", "searchable_view_configured_by_metadata", ] @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_execute_write_block_true(db): await db.execute_write( "update roadside_attractions set name = ? where pk = ?", ["Mystery!", 1] ) rows = await db.execute("select name from roadside_attractions where pk = 1") assert "Mystery!" == rows.rows[0][0] @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_execute_write_block_false(db): await db.execute_write( "update roadside_attractions set name = ? where pk = ?", ["Mystery!", 1], ) time.sleep(0.1) rows = await db.execute("select name from roadside_attractions where pk = 1") assert "Mystery!" == rows.rows[0][0] @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_execute_write_script(db): await db.execute_write_script( "create table foo (id integer primary key); create table bar (id integer primary key);" ) table_names = await db.table_names() assert {"foo", "bar"}.issubset(table_names) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_execute_write_many(db): await db.execute_write_script("create table foomany (id integer primary key)") await db.execute_write_many( "insert into foomany (id) values (?)", [(1,), (10,), (100,)] ) result = await db.execute("select * from foomany") assert [r[0] for r in result.rows] == [1, 10, 100] @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_execute_write_has_correctly_prepared_connection(db): # The sleep() function is only available if ds._prepare_connection() was called await db.execute_write("select sleep(0.01)") @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_execute_write_fn_block_false(db): def write_fn(conn): with conn: conn.execute("delete from roadside_attractions where pk = 1;") row = conn.execute("select count(*) from roadside_attractions").fetchone() return row[0] task_id = await db.execute_write_fn(write_fn, block=False) assert isinstance(task_id, uuid.UUID) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_execute_write_fn_block_true(db): def write_fn(conn): with conn: conn.execute("delete from roadside_attractions where pk = 1;") row = conn.execute("select count(*) from roadside_attractions").fetchone() return row[0] new_count = await db.execute_write_fn(write_fn) assert 3 == new_count @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_execute_write_fn_exception(db): def write_fn(conn): assert False with pytest.raises(AssertionError): await db.execute_write_fn(write_fn) @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.timeout(1) async def test_execute_write_fn_connection_exception(tmpdir, app_client): path = str(tmpdir / "immutable.db") sqlite3.connect(path).execute("vacuum") db = Database(app_client.ds, path=path, is_mutable=False) app_client.ds.add_database(db, name="immutable-db") def write_fn(conn): assert False with pytest.raises(AssertionError): await db.execute_write_fn(write_fn) app_client.ds.remove_database("immutable-db") @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_mtime_ns(db): assert isinstance(db.mtime_ns, int) def test_mtime_ns_is_none_for_memory(app_client): memory_db = Database(app_client.ds, is_memory=True) assert memory_db.is_memory is True assert None is memory_db.mtime_ns def test_is_mutable(app_client): assert Database(app_client.ds, is_memory=True).is_mutable is True assert Database(app_client.ds, is_memory=True, is_mutable=True).is_mutable is True assert Database(app_client.ds, is_memory=True, is_mutable=False).is_mutable is False @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_attached_databases(app_client_two_attached_databases_crossdb_enabled): database = app_client_two_attached_databases_crossdb_enabled.ds.get_database( "_memory" ) attached = await database.attached_databases() assert {a.name for a in attached} == {"extra database", "fixtures"} @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_database_memory_name(app_client): ds = app_client.ds foo1 = ds.add_database(Database(ds, memory_name="foo")) foo2 = ds.add_memory_database("foo") bar1 = ds.add_database(Database(ds, memory_name="bar")) bar2 = ds.add_memory_database("bar") for db in (foo1, foo2, bar1, bar2): table_names = await db.table_names() assert table_names == [] # Now create a table in foo await foo1.execute_write("create table foo (t text)") assert await foo1.table_names() == ["foo"] assert await foo2.table_names() == ["foo"] assert await bar1.table_names() == [] assert await bar2.table_names() == [] @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_in_memory_databases_forbid_writes(app_client): ds = app_client.ds db = ds.add_database(Database(ds, memory_name="test")) with pytest.raises(sqlite3.OperationalError): await db.execute("create table foo (t text)") assert await db.table_names() == [] # Using db.execute_write() should work: await db.execute_write("create table foo (t text)") assert await db.table_names() == ["foo"]