""" Tests for various datasette helper functions. """ from datasette import utils import json import os import pytest import sqlite3 import tempfile from unittest.mock import patch @pytest.mark.parametrize('path,expected', [ ('foo', ['foo']), ('foo,bar', ['foo', 'bar']), ('123,433,112', ['123', '433', '112']), ('123%2C433,112', ['123,433', '112']), ('123%2F433%2F112', ['123/433/112']), ]) def test_urlsafe_components(path, expected): assert expected == utils.urlsafe_components(path) @pytest.mark.parametrize('row,pks,expected_path', [ ({'A': 'foo', 'B': 'bar'}, ['A', 'B'], 'foo,bar'), ({'A': 'f,o', 'B': 'bar'}, ['A', 'B'], 'f%2Co,bar'), ({'A': 123}, ['A'], '123'), ]) def test_path_from_row_pks(row, pks, expected_path): actual_path = utils.path_from_row_pks(row, pks, False) assert expected_path == actual_path @pytest.mark.parametrize('obj,expected', [ ({ 'Description': 'Soft drinks', 'Picture': b"\x15\x1c\x02\xc7\xad\x05\xfe", 'CategoryID': 1, }, """ {"CategoryID": 1, "Description": "Soft drinks", "Picture": {"$base64": true, "encoded": "FRwCx60F/g=="}} """.strip()), ]) def test_custom_json_encoder(obj, expected): actual = json.dumps( obj, cls=utils.CustomJSONEncoder, sort_keys=True ) assert expected == actual @pytest.mark.parametrize('args,expected_where,expected_params', [ ( { 'name_english__contains': 'foo', }, ['"name_english" like :p0'], ['%foo%'] ), ( { 'foo': 'bar', 'bar__contains': 'baz', }, ['"bar" like :p0', '"foo" = :p1'], ['%baz%', 'bar'] ), ( { 'foo__startswith': 'bar', 'bar__endswith': 'baz', }, ['"bar" like :p0', '"foo" like :p1'], ['%baz', 'bar%'] ), ( { 'foo__lt': '1', 'bar__gt': '2', 'baz__gte': '3', 'bax__lte': '4', }, ['"bar" > :p0', '"bax" <= :p1', '"baz" >= :p2', '"foo" < :p3'], [2, 4, 3, 1] ), ( { 'foo__like': '2%2', 'zax__glob': '3*', }, ['"foo" like :p0', '"zax" glob :p1'], ['2%2', '3*'] ), ( { 'foo__isnull': '1', 'baz__isnull': '1', 'bar__gt': '10' }, ['"bar" > :p0', '"baz" is null', '"foo" is null'], [10] ), ]) def test_build_where(args, expected_where, expected_params): f = utils.Filters(sorted(args.items())) sql_bits, actual_params = f.build_where_clauses() assert expected_where == sql_bits assert { 'p{}'.format(i): param for i, param in enumerate(expected_params) } == actual_params @pytest.mark.parametrize('bad_sql', [ 'update blah;', 'PRAGMA case_sensitive_like = true' "SELECT * FROM pragma_index_info('idx52')", ]) def test_validate_sql_select_bad(bad_sql): with pytest.raises(utils.InvalidSql): utils.validate_sql_select(bad_sql) @pytest.mark.parametrize('good_sql', [ 'select count(*) from airports', 'select foo from bar', 'select 1 + 1', 'SELECT\nblah FROM foo', 'WITH RECURSIVE cnt(x) AS (SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT x+1 FROM cnt LIMIT 10) SELECT x FROM cnt;' ]) def test_validate_sql_select_good(good_sql): utils.validate_sql_select(good_sql) def test_detect_fts(): sql = ''' CREATE TABLE "Dumb_Table" ( "TreeID" INTEGER, "qSpecies" TEXT ); CREATE TABLE "Street_Tree_List" ( "TreeID" INTEGER, "qSpecies" TEXT, "qAddress" TEXT, "SiteOrder" INTEGER, "qSiteInfo" TEXT, "PlantType" TEXT, "qCaretaker" TEXT ); CREATE VIEW Test_View AS SELECT * FROM Dumb_Table; CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE "Street_Tree_List_fts" USING FTS4 ("qAddress", "qCaretaker", "qSpecies", content="Street_Tree_List"); CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE r USING rtree(a, b, c); ''' conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:') conn.executescript(sql) assert None is utils.detect_fts(conn, 'Dumb_Table') assert None is utils.detect_fts(conn, 'Test_View') assert None is utils.detect_fts(conn, 'r') assert 'Street_Tree_List_fts' == utils.detect_fts(conn, 'Street_Tree_List') @pytest.mark.parametrize('url,expected', [ ('http://www.google.com/', True), ('https://example.com/', True), ('www.google.com', False), ('http://www.google.com/ is a search engine', False), ]) def test_is_url(url, expected): assert expected == utils.is_url(url) @pytest.mark.parametrize('s,expected', [ ('simple', 'simple'), ('MixedCase', 'MixedCase'), ('-no-leading-hyphens', 'no-leading-hyphens-65bea6'), ('_no-leading-underscores', 'no-leading-underscores-b921bc'), ('no spaces', 'no-spaces-7088d7'), ('-', '336d5e'), ('no $ characters', 'no--characters-59e024'), ]) def test_to_css_class(s, expected): assert expected == utils.to_css_class(s) def test_temporary_docker_directory_uses_hard_link(): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as td: os.chdir(td) open('hello', 'w').write('world') # Default usage of this should use symlink with utils.temporary_docker_directory( files=['hello'], name='t', metadata=None, extra_options=None, branch=None, template_dir=None, plugins_dir=None, static=[], install=[], ) as temp_docker: hello = os.path.join(temp_docker, 'hello') assert 'world' == open(hello).read() # It should be a hard link assert 2 == os.stat(hello).st_nlink @patch('os.link') def test_temporary_docker_directory_uses_copy_if_hard_link_fails(mock_link): # Copy instead if os.link raises OSError (normally due to different device) mock_link.side_effect = OSError with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as td: os.chdir(td) open('hello', 'w').write('world') # Default usage of this should use symlink with utils.temporary_docker_directory( files=['hello'], name='t', metadata=None, extra_options=None, branch=None, template_dir=None, plugins_dir=None, static=[], install=[], ) as temp_docker: hello = os.path.join(temp_docker, 'hello') assert 'world' == open(hello).read() # It should be a copy, not a hard link assert 1 == os.stat(hello).st_nlink def test_compound_keys_after_sql(): assert '((a > :p0))' == utils.compound_keys_after_sql(['a']) assert ''' ((a > :p0) or (a = :p0 and b > :p1)) '''.strip() == utils.compound_keys_after_sql(['a', 'b']) assert ''' ((a > :p0) or (a = :p0 and b > :p1) or (a = :p0 and b = :p1 and c > :p2)) '''.strip() == utils.compound_keys_after_sql(['a', 'b', 'c'])