from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup from .fixtures import app_client import pytest import re import urllib.parse pytest.fixture(scope='module')(app_client) def test_homepage(app_client): response = app_client.get('/', gather_request=False) assert response.status == 200 assert 'test_tables' in response.text def test_database_page(app_client): response = app_client.get('/test_tables', allow_redirects=False, gather_request=False) assert response.status == 302 response = app_client.get('/test_tables', gather_request=False) assert 'test_tables' in response.text def test_invalid_custom_sql(app_client): response = app_client.get( '/test_tables?sql=.schema', gather_request=False ) assert response.status == 400 assert 'Statement must be a SELECT' in response.text def test_view(app_client): response = app_client.get('/test_tables/simple_view', gather_request=False) assert response.status == 200 def test_row(app_client): response = app_client.get( '/test_tables/simple_primary_key/1', allow_redirects=False, gather_request=False ) assert response.status == 302 assert response.headers['Location'].endswith('/1') response = app_client.get('/test_tables/simple_primary_key/1', gather_request=False) assert response.status == 200 def test_add_filter_redirects(app_client): filter_args = urllib.parse.urlencode({ '_filter_column': 'content', '_filter_op': 'startswith', '_filter_value': 'x' }) # First we need to resolve the correct path before testing more redirects path_base = app_client.get( '/test_tables/simple_primary_key', allow_redirects=False, gather_request=False ).headers['Location'] path = path_base + '?' + filter_args response = app_client.get(path, allow_redirects=False, gather_request=False) assert response.status == 302 assert response.headers['Location'].endswith('?content__startswith=x') # Adding a redirect to an existing querystring: path = path_base + '?foo=bar&' + filter_args response = app_client.get(path, allow_redirects=False, gather_request=False) assert response.status == 302 assert response.headers['Location'].endswith('?content__startswith=x&foo=bar') # Test that op with a __x suffix overrides the filter value path = path_base + '?' + urllib.parse.urlencode({ '_filter_column': 'content', '_filter_op': 'isnull__5', '_filter_value': 'x' }) response = app_client.get(path, allow_redirects=False, gather_request=False) assert response.status == 302 assert response.headers['Location'].endswith('?content__isnull=5') def test_existing_filter_redirects(app_client): filter_args = { '_filter_column_1': 'name', '_filter_op_1': 'contains', '_filter_value_1': 'hello', '_filter_column_2': 'age', '_filter_op_2': 'gte', '_filter_value_2': '22', '_filter_column_3': 'age', '_filter_op_3': 'lt', '_filter_value_3': '30', '_filter_column_4': 'name', '_filter_op_4': 'contains', '_filter_value_4': 'world', } path_base = app_client.get( '/test_tables/simple_primary_key', allow_redirects=False, gather_request=False ).headers['Location'] path = path_base + '?' + urllib.parse.urlencode(filter_args) response = app_client.get(path, allow_redirects=False, gather_request=False) assert response.status == 302 assert response.headers['Location'].endswith( '?age__gte=22&age__lt=30&name__contains=hello&name__contains=world' ) # Setting _filter_column_3 to empty string should remove *_3 entirely filter_args['_filter_column_3'] = '' path = path_base + '?' + urllib.parse.urlencode(filter_args) response = app_client.get(path, allow_redirects=False, gather_request=False) assert response.status == 302 assert response.headers['Location'].endswith( '?age__gte=22&name__contains=hello&name__contains=world' ) # ?_filter_op=exact should be removed if unaccompanied by _fiter_column response = app_client.get(path_base + '?_filter_op=exact', allow_redirects=False, gather_request=False) assert response.status == 302 assert '?' not in response.headers['Location'] def test_empty_search_parameter_gets_removed(app_client): path_base = app_client.get( '/test_tables/simple_primary_key', allow_redirects=False, gather_request=False ).headers['Location'] path = path_base + '?' + urllib.parse.urlencode({ '_search': '', '_filter_column': 'name', '_filter_op': 'exact', '_filter_value': 'chidi', }) response = app_client.get(path, allow_redirects=False, gather_request=False) assert response.status == 302 assert response.headers['Location'].endswith( '?name__exact=chidi' ) def test_sort_by_desc_redirects(app_client): path_base = app_client.get( '/test_tables/sortable', allow_redirects=False, gather_request=False ).headers['Location'] path = path_base + '?' + urllib.parse.urlencode({ '_sort': 'sortable', '_sort_by_desc': '1', }) response = app_client.get(path, allow_redirects=False, gather_request=False) assert response.status == 302 assert response.headers['Location'].endswith('?_sort_desc=sortable') @pytest.mark.parametrize('path,expected_classes', [ ('/', ['index']), ('/test_tables', ['db', 'db-test_tables']), ('/test_tables/simple_primary_key', [ 'table', 'db-test_tables', 'table-simple_primary_key' ]), ('/test_tables/table%2Fwith%2Fslashes.csv', [ 'table', 'db-test_tables', 'table-tablewithslashescsv-fa7563' ]), ('/test_tables/simple_primary_key/1', [ 'row', 'db-test_tables', 'table-simple_primary_key' ]), ]) def test_css_classes_on_body(app_client, path, expected_classes): response = app_client.get(path, gather_request=False) assert response.status == 200 classes ='', response.text).group(1).split() assert classes == expected_classes def test_table_html_simple_primary_key(app_client): response = app_client.get('/test_tables/simple_primary_key', gather_request=False) assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, 'html.parser').find('table') assert table['class'] == ['rows-and-columns'] ths = table.findAll('th') assert 'id' == ths[0].find('a').string.strip() for expected_col, th in zip(('content',), ths[1:]): a = th.find('a') assert expected_col == a.string assert a['href'].endswith('/simple_primary_key?_sort={}'.format( expected_col )) assert ['nofollow'] == a['rel'] assert [ [ '1', 'hello' ], [ '2', 'world' ], [ '3', '' ] ] == [[str(td) for td in'td')] for tr in'tbody tr')] def test_row_html_simple_primary_key(app_client): response = app_client.get('/test_tables/simple_primary_key/1', gather_request=False) assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, 'html.parser').find('table') assert [ 'id', 'content' ] == [th.string.strip() for th in'thead th')] assert [ [ '1', 'hello' ] ] == [[str(td) for td in'td')] for tr in'tbody tr')] def test_table_not_exists(app_client): assert 'Table not found: blah' in app_client.get( '/test_tables/blah', gather_request=False ).body.decode('utf8') def test_table_html_no_primary_key(app_client): response = app_client.get('/test_tables/no_primary_key', gather_request=False) assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, 'html.parser').find('table') # We have disabled sorting for this table using metadata.json assert [ 'content', 'a', 'b', 'c' ] == [th.string.strip() for th in'thead th')[2:]] expected = [ [ '{}'.format(i, i), '{}'.format(i), '{}'.format(i), 'a{}'.format(i), 'b{}'.format(i), 'c{}'.format(i), ] for i in range(1, 51) ] assert expected == [[str(td) for td in'td')] for tr in'tbody tr')] def test_row_html_no_primary_key(app_client): response = app_client.get('/test_tables/no_primary_key/1', gather_request=False) assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, 'html.parser').find('table') assert [ 'rowid', 'content', 'a', 'b', 'c' ] == [th.string.strip() for th in'thead th')] expected = [ [ '1', '1', 'a1', 'b1', 'c1', ] ] assert expected == [[str(td) for td in'td')] for tr in'tbody tr')] def test_table_html_compound_primary_key(app_client): response = app_client.get('/test_tables/compound_primary_key', gather_request=False) assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, 'html.parser').find('table') ths = table.findAll('th') assert 'Link' == ths[0].string.strip() for expected_col, th in zip(('pk1', 'pk2', 'content'), ths[1:]): a = th.find('a') assert expected_col == a.string assert th['class'] == ['col-{}'.format(expected_col)] assert a['href'].endswith('/compound_primary_key?_sort={}'.format( expected_col )) expected = [ [ 'a,b', 'a', 'b', 'c', ] ] assert expected == [[str(td) for td in'td')] for tr in'tbody tr')] def test_table_html_foreign_key_links(app_client): response = app_client.get('/test_tables/foreign_key_references', gather_request=False) assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, 'html.parser').find('table') expected = [ [ '1', 'hello\xa01', '1' ] ] assert expected == [[str(td) for td in'td')] for tr in'tbody tr')] def test_table_html_foreign_key_custom_label_column(app_client): response = app_client.get('/test_tables/custom_foreign_key_label', gather_request=False) assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, 'html.parser').find('table') expected = [ [ '1', 'world2\xa01', ] ] assert expected == [[str(td) for td in'td')] for tr in'tbody tr')] def test_row_html_compound_primary_key(app_client): response = app_client.get('/test_tables/compound_primary_key/a,b', gather_request=False) assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, 'html.parser').find('table') assert [ 'pk1', 'pk2', 'content' ] == [th.string.strip() for th in'thead th')] expected = [ [ 'a', 'b', 'c', ] ] assert expected == [[str(td) for td in'td')] for tr in'tbody tr')] def test_view_html(app_client): response = app_client.get('/test_tables/simple_view', gather_request=False) assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, 'html.parser').find('table') assert [ 'content', 'upper_content' ] == [th.string.strip() for th in'thead th')] expected = [ [ 'hello', 'HELLO' ], [ 'world', 'WORLD' ], [ '', '' ] ] assert expected == [[str(td) for td in'td')] for tr in'tbody tr')] def test_plugin_extra_css_urls(app_client): response = app_client.get('/', gather_request=False) assert b'' in response.body def test_plugin_extra_js_urls(app_client): response = app_client.get('/', gather_request=False) assert ( b'' in response.body ) def test_index_metadata(app_client): response = app_client.get('/', gather_request=False) assert response.status == 200 soup = Soup(response.body, 'html.parser') assert 'Datasette Title' == soup.find('h1').text assert 'Datasette Description' == inner_html( soup.find('div', {'class': 'metadata-description'}) ) assert_footer_links(soup) def test_database_metadata(app_client): response = app_client.get('/test_tables', gather_request=False) assert response.status == 200 soup = Soup(response.body, 'html.parser') # Page title should be the default assert 'test_tables' == soup.find('h1').text # Description should be custom assert 'Test tables description' == inner_html( soup.find('div', {'class': 'metadata-description'}) ) # The source/license should be inherited assert_footer_links(soup) def test_table_metadata(app_client): response = app_client.get('/test_tables/simple_primary_key', gather_request=False) assert response.status == 200 soup = Soup(response.body, 'html.parser') # Page title should be custom and should be HTML escaped assert 'This <em>HTML</em> is escaped' == inner_html(soup.find('h1')) # Description should be custom and NOT escaped (we used description_html) assert 'Simple primary key' == inner_html(soup.find( 'div', {'class': 'metadata-description'}) ) # The source/license should be inherited assert_footer_links(soup) def assert_footer_links(soup): footer_links = soup.find('div', {'class': 'ft'}).findAll('a') assert 3 == len(footer_links) datasette_link, license_link, source_link = footer_links assert 'Datasette' == datasette_link.text.strip() assert 'Source' == source_link.text.strip() assert 'License' == license_link.text.strip() assert '' == datasette_link['href'] assert '' == source_link['href'] assert '' == license_link['href'] def inner_html(soup): html = str(soup) # This includes the parent tag - so remove that inner_html = html.split('>', 1)[1].rsplit('<', 1)[0] return inner_html.strip()