from import Datasette from datasette.plugins import DEFAULT_PLUGINS from datasette.utils import detect_json1 from datasette.utils.sqlite import sqlite3, sqlite_version, supports_table_xinfo from datasette.version import __version__ from .fixtures import ( # noqa app_client, app_client_no_files, app_client_with_hash, app_client_shorter_time_limit, app_client_larger_cache_size, app_client_returned_rows_matches_page_size, app_client_two_attached_databases, app_client_two_attached_databases_one_immutable, app_client_conflicting_database_names, app_client_with_cors, app_client_with_dot, app_client_immutable_and_inspect_file, generate_compound_rows, generate_sortable_rows, make_app_client, supports_generated_columns, EXPECTED_PLUGINS, METADATA, ) import json import pytest import sys import urllib def test_homepage(app_client): response = app_client.get("/.json") assert response.status == 200 assert "application/json; charset=utf-8" == response.headers["content-type"] assert response.json.keys() == {"fixtures": 0}.keys() d = response.json["fixtures"] assert d["name"] == "fixtures" assert d["tables_count"] == 25 if supports_generated_columns() else 24 assert len(d["tables_and_views_truncated"]) == 5 assert d["tables_and_views_more"] is True # 4 hidden FTS tables + no_primary_key (hidden in metadata) assert d["hidden_tables_count"] == 6 # 201 in no_primary_key, plus 6 in other hidden tables: assert d["hidden_table_rows_sum"] == 207 assert d["views_count"] == 4 def test_homepage_sort_by_relationships(app_client): response = app_client.get("/.json?_sort=relationships") assert response.status == 200 tables = [ t["name"] for t in response.json["fixtures"]["tables_and_views_truncated"] ] assert tables == [ "simple_primary_key", "foreign_key_references", "complex_foreign_keys", "roadside_attraction_characteristics", "searchable_tags", ] def test_database_page(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures.json") assert response.status == 200 data = response.json assert data["database"] == "fixtures" assert data["tables"] == [ { "name": "123_starts_with_digits", "columns": ["content"], "primary_keys": [], "count": 0, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": {"incoming": [], "outgoing": []}, "private": False, }, { "name": "Table With Space In Name", "columns": ["pk", "content"], "primary_keys": ["pk"], "count": 0, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": {"incoming": [], "outgoing": []}, "private": False, }, { "name": "attraction_characteristic", "columns": ["pk", "name"], "primary_keys": ["pk"], "count": 2, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": { "incoming": [ { "other_table": "roadside_attraction_characteristics", "column": "pk", "other_column": "characteristic_id", } ], "outgoing": [], }, "private": False, }, { "name": "binary_data", "columns": ["data"], "primary_keys": [], "count": 3, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": {"incoming": [], "outgoing": []}, "private": False, }, { "name": "complex_foreign_keys", "columns": ["pk", "f1", "f2", "f3"], "primary_keys": ["pk"], "count": 1, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": { "incoming": [], "outgoing": [ { "other_table": "simple_primary_key", "column": "f3", "other_column": "id", }, { "other_table": "simple_primary_key", "column": "f2", "other_column": "id", }, { "other_table": "simple_primary_key", "column": "f1", "other_column": "id", }, ], }, "private": False, }, { "name": "compound_primary_key", "columns": ["pk1", "pk2", "content"], "primary_keys": ["pk1", "pk2"], "count": 1, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": {"incoming": [], "outgoing": []}, "private": False, }, { "name": "compound_three_primary_keys", "columns": ["pk1", "pk2", "pk3", "content"], "primary_keys": ["pk1", "pk2", "pk3"], "count": 1001, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": {"incoming": [], "outgoing": []}, "private": False, }, { "name": "custom_foreign_key_label", "columns": ["pk", "foreign_key_with_custom_label"], "primary_keys": ["pk"], "count": 1, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": { "incoming": [], "outgoing": [ { "other_table": "primary_key_multiple_columns_explicit_label", "column": "foreign_key_with_custom_label", "other_column": "id", } ], }, "private": False, }, { "name": "facet_cities", "columns": ["id", "name"], "primary_keys": ["id"], "count": 4, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": { "incoming": [ { "other_table": "facetable", "column": "id", "other_column": "city_id", } ], "outgoing": [], }, "private": False, }, { "name": "facetable", "columns": [ "pk", "created", "planet_int", "on_earth", "state", "city_id", "neighborhood", "tags", "complex_array", "distinct_some_null", ], "primary_keys": ["pk"], "count": 15, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": { "incoming": [], "outgoing": [ { "other_table": "facet_cities", "column": "city_id", "other_column": "id", } ], }, "private": False, }, { "name": "foreign_key_references", "columns": [ "pk", "foreign_key_with_label", "foreign_key_with_blank_label", "foreign_key_with_no_label", "foreign_key_compound_pk1", "foreign_key_compound_pk2", ], "primary_keys": ["pk"], "count": 2, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": { "incoming": [], "outgoing": [ { "other_table": "primary_key_multiple_columns", "column": "foreign_key_with_no_label", "other_column": "id", }, { "other_table": "simple_primary_key", "column": "foreign_key_with_blank_label", "other_column": "id", }, { "other_table": "simple_primary_key", "column": "foreign_key_with_label", "other_column": "id", }, ], }, "private": False, }, ] + ( [ { "columns": ["body", "id", "consideration"], "count": 1, "foreign_keys": {"incoming": [], "outgoing": []}, "fts_table": None, "hidden": False, "name": "generated_columns", "primary_keys": [], "private": False, } ] if supports_generated_columns() else [] ) + [ { "name": "infinity", "columns": ["value"], "primary_keys": [], "count": 3, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": {"incoming": [], "outgoing": []}, "private": False, }, { "name": "primary_key_multiple_columns", "columns": ["id", "content", "content2"], "primary_keys": ["id"], "count": 1, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": { "incoming": [ { "other_table": "foreign_key_references", "column": "id", "other_column": "foreign_key_with_no_label", } ], "outgoing": [], }, "private": False, }, { "name": "primary_key_multiple_columns_explicit_label", "columns": ["id", "content", "content2"], "primary_keys": ["id"], "count": 1, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": { "incoming": [ { "other_table": "custom_foreign_key_label", "column": "id", "other_column": "foreign_key_with_custom_label", } ], "outgoing": [], }, "private": False, }, { "name": "roadside_attraction_characteristics", "columns": ["attraction_id", "characteristic_id"], "primary_keys": [], "count": 5, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": { "incoming": [], "outgoing": [ { "other_table": "attraction_characteristic", "column": "characteristic_id", "other_column": "pk", }, { "other_table": "roadside_attractions", "column": "attraction_id", "other_column": "pk", }, ], }, "private": False, }, { "name": "roadside_attractions", "columns": ["pk", "name", "address", "latitude", "longitude"], "primary_keys": ["pk"], "count": 4, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": { "incoming": [ { "other_table": "roadside_attraction_characteristics", "column": "pk", "other_column": "attraction_id", } ], "outgoing": [], }, "private": False, }, { "name": "searchable", "columns": ["pk", "text1", "text2", "name with . and spaces"], "primary_keys": ["pk"], "count": 2, "hidden": False, "fts_table": "searchable_fts", "foreign_keys": { "incoming": [ { "other_table": "searchable_tags", "column": "pk", "other_column": "searchable_id", } ], "outgoing": [], }, "private": False, }, { "name": "searchable_tags", "columns": ["searchable_id", "tag"], "primary_keys": ["searchable_id", "tag"], "count": 2, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": { "incoming": [], "outgoing": [ {"other_table": "tags", "column": "tag", "other_column": "tag"}, { "other_table": "searchable", "column": "searchable_id", "other_column": "pk", }, ], }, "private": False, }, { "name": "select", "columns": ["group", "having", "and", "json"], "primary_keys": [], "count": 1, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": {"incoming": [], "outgoing": []}, "private": False, }, { "name": "simple_primary_key", "columns": ["id", "content"], "primary_keys": ["id"], "count": 4, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": { "incoming": [ { "other_table": "foreign_key_references", "column": "id", "other_column": "foreign_key_with_blank_label", }, { "other_table": "foreign_key_references", "column": "id", "other_column": "foreign_key_with_label", }, { "other_table": "complex_foreign_keys", "column": "id", "other_column": "f3", }, { "other_table": "complex_foreign_keys", "column": "id", "other_column": "f2", }, { "other_table": "complex_foreign_keys", "column": "id", "other_column": "f1", }, ], "outgoing": [], }, "private": False, }, { "name": "sortable", "columns": [ "pk1", "pk2", "content", "sortable", "sortable_with_nulls", "sortable_with_nulls_2", "text", ], "primary_keys": ["pk1", "pk2"], "count": 201, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": {"incoming": [], "outgoing": []}, "private": False, }, { "name": "table/with/slashes.csv", "columns": ["pk", "content"], "primary_keys": ["pk"], "count": 1, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": {"incoming": [], "outgoing": []}, "private": False, }, { "name": "tags", "columns": ["tag"], "primary_keys": ["tag"], "count": 2, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": { "incoming": [ { "other_table": "searchable_tags", "column": "tag", "other_column": "tag", } ], "outgoing": [], }, "private": False, }, { "name": "units", "columns": ["pk", "distance", "frequency"], "primary_keys": ["pk"], "count": 3, "hidden": False, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": {"incoming": [], "outgoing": []}, "private": False, }, { "name": "no_primary_key", "columns": ["content", "a", "b", "c"], "primary_keys": [], "count": 201, "hidden": True, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": {"incoming": [], "outgoing": []}, "private": False, }, { "name": "searchable_fts", "columns": [ "text1", "text2", "name with . and spaces", ] + ( [ "searchable_fts", "docid", "__langid", ] if supports_table_xinfo() else [] ), "primary_keys": [], "count": 2, "hidden": True, "fts_table": "searchable_fts", "foreign_keys": {"incoming": [], "outgoing": []}, "private": False, }, { "name": "searchable_fts_docsize", "columns": ["docid", "size"], "primary_keys": ["docid"], "count": 2, "hidden": True, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": {"incoming": [], "outgoing": []}, "private": False, }, { "name": "searchable_fts_segdir", "columns": [ "level", "idx", "start_block", "leaves_end_block", "end_block", "root", ], "primary_keys": ["level", "idx"], "count": 1, "hidden": True, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": {"incoming": [], "outgoing": []}, "private": False, }, { "name": "searchable_fts_segments", "columns": ["blockid", "block"], "primary_keys": ["blockid"], "count": 0, "hidden": True, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": {"incoming": [], "outgoing": []}, "private": False, }, { "name": "searchable_fts_stat", "columns": ["id", "value"], "primary_keys": ["id"], "count": 1, "hidden": True, "fts_table": None, "foreign_keys": {"incoming": [], "outgoing": []}, "private": False, }, ] def test_no_files_uses_memory_database(app_client_no_files): response = app_client_no_files.get("/.json") assert response.status == 200 assert { "_memory": { "name": "_memory", "hash": None, "color": "a6c7b9", "path": "/_memory", "tables_and_views_truncated": [], "tables_and_views_more": False, "tables_count": 0, "table_rows_sum": 0, "show_table_row_counts": False, "hidden_table_rows_sum": 0, "hidden_tables_count": 0, "views_count": 0, "private": False, } } == response.json # Try that SQL query response = app_client_no_files.get( "/_memory.json?sql=select+sqlite_version()&_shape=array" ) assert 1 == len(response.json) assert ["sqlite_version()"] == list(response.json[0].keys()) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,expected_redirect", ( ("/:memory:", "/_memory"), ("/:memory:.json", "/_memory.json"), ("/:memory:?sql=select+1", "/_memory?sql=select+1"), ("/:memory:.json?sql=select+1", "/_memory.json?sql=select+1"), ("/:memory:.csv?sql=select+1", "/_memory.csv?sql=select+1"), ), ) def test_old_memory_urls_redirect(app_client_no_files, path, expected_redirect): response = app_client_no_files.get(path, allow_redirects=False) assert response.status == 301 assert response.headers["location"] == expected_redirect def test_database_page_for_database_with_dot_in_name(app_client_with_dot): response = app_client_with_dot.get("/") assert 200 == response.status def test_custom_sql(app_client): response = app_client.get( "/fixtures.json?sql=select+content+from+simple_primary_key&_shape=objects" ) data = response.json assert {"sql": "select content from simple_primary_key", "params": {}} == data[ "query" ] assert [ {"content": "hello"}, {"content": "world"}, {"content": ""}, {"content": "RENDER_CELL_DEMO"}, ] == data["rows"] assert ["content"] == data["columns"] assert "fixtures" == data["database"] assert not data["truncated"] def test_sql_time_limit(app_client_shorter_time_limit): response = app_client_shorter_time_limit.get("/fixtures.json?sql=select+sleep(0.5)") assert 400 == response.status assert "SQL Interrupted" == response.json["title"] def test_custom_sql_time_limit(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures.json?sql=select+sleep(0.01)") assert 200 == response.status response = app_client.get("/fixtures.json?sql=select+sleep(0.01)&_timelimit=5") assert 400 == response.status assert "SQL Interrupted" == response.json["title"] def test_invalid_custom_sql(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures.json?sql=.schema") assert response.status == 400 assert response.json["ok"] is False assert "Statement must be a SELECT" == response.json["error"] def test_table_json(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/simple_primary_key.json?_shape=objects") assert response.status == 200 data = response.json assert ( data["query"]["sql"] == "select id, content from simple_primary_key order by id limit 51" ) assert data["query"]["params"] == {} assert data["rows"] == [ {"id": "1", "content": "hello"}, {"id": "2", "content": "world"}, {"id": "3", "content": ""}, {"id": "4", "content": "RENDER_CELL_DEMO"}, ] def test_table_not_exists_json(app_client): assert { "ok": False, "error": "Table not found: blah", "status": 404, "title": None, } == app_client.get("/fixtures/blah.json").json def test_jsono_redirects_to_shape_objects(app_client_with_hash): response_1 = app_client_with_hash.get( "/fixtures/simple_primary_key.jsono", allow_redirects=False ) response = app_client_with_hash.get( response_1.headers["Location"], allow_redirects=False ) assert response.status == 302 assert response.headers["Location"].endswith("?_shape=objects") def test_table_shape_arrays(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/simple_primary_key.json?_shape=arrays") assert [ ["1", "hello"], ["2", "world"], ["3", ""], ["4", "RENDER_CELL_DEMO"], ] == response.json["rows"] def test_table_shape_arrayfirst(app_client): response = app_client.get( "/fixtures.json?" + urllib.parse.urlencode( { "sql": "select content from simple_primary_key order by id", "_shape": "arrayfirst", } ) ) assert ["hello", "world", "", "RENDER_CELL_DEMO"] == response.json def test_table_shape_objects(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/simple_primary_key.json?_shape=objects") assert [ {"id": "1", "content": "hello"}, {"id": "2", "content": "world"}, {"id": "3", "content": ""}, {"id": "4", "content": "RENDER_CELL_DEMO"}, ] == response.json["rows"] def test_table_shape_array(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/simple_primary_key.json?_shape=array") assert [ {"id": "1", "content": "hello"}, {"id": "2", "content": "world"}, {"id": "3", "content": ""}, {"id": "4", "content": "RENDER_CELL_DEMO"}, ] == response.json def test_table_shape_array_nl(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/simple_primary_key.json?_shape=array&_nl=on") lines = response.text.split("\n") results = [json.loads(line) for line in lines] assert [ {"id": "1", "content": "hello"}, {"id": "2", "content": "world"}, {"id": "3", "content": ""}, {"id": "4", "content": "RENDER_CELL_DEMO"}, ] == results def test_table_shape_invalid(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/simple_primary_key.json?_shape=invalid") assert { "ok": False, "error": "Invalid _shape: invalid", "status": 400, "title": None, } == response.json def test_table_shape_object(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/simple_primary_key.json?_shape=object") assert { "1": {"id": "1", "content": "hello"}, "2": {"id": "2", "content": "world"}, "3": {"id": "3", "content": ""}, "4": {"id": "4", "content": "RENDER_CELL_DEMO"}, } == response.json def test_table_shape_object_compound_primary_key(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/compound_primary_key.json?_shape=object") assert {"a,b": {"pk1": "a", "pk2": "b", "content": "c"}} == response.json def test_table_with_slashes_in_name(app_client): response = app_client.get( "/fixtures/table%2Fwith%2Fslashes.csv?_shape=objects&_format=json" ) assert response.status == 200 data = response.json assert data["rows"] == [{"pk": "3", "content": "hey"}] def test_table_with_reserved_word_name(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/select.json?_shape=objects") assert response.status == 200 data = response.json assert data["rows"] == [ { "rowid": 1, "group": "group", "having": "having", "and": "and", "json": '{"href": "", "label":"Example"}', } ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,expected_rows,expected_pages", [ ("/fixtures/no_primary_key.json", 201, 5), ("/fixtures/paginated_view.json", 201, 9), ("/fixtures/no_primary_key.json?_size=25", 201, 9), ("/fixtures/paginated_view.json?_size=50", 201, 5), ("/fixtures/paginated_view.json?_size=max", 201, 3), ("/fixtures/123_starts_with_digits.json", 0, 1), # Ensure faceting doesn't break pagination: ("/fixtures/compound_three_primary_keys.json?_facet=pk1", 1001, 21), # Paginating while sorted by an expanded foreign key should work ( "/fixtures/roadside_attraction_characteristics.json?_size=2&_sort=attraction_id&_labels=on", 5, 3, ), ], ) def test_paginate_tables_and_views(app_client, path, expected_rows, expected_pages): fetched = [] count = 0 while path: response = app_client.get(path) assert 200 == response.status count += 1 fetched.extend(response.json["rows"]) path = response.json["next_url"] if path: assert urllib.parse.urlencode({"_next": response.json["next"]}) in path path = path.replace("http://localhost", "") assert count < 30, "Possible infinite loop detected" assert expected_rows == len(fetched) assert expected_pages == count @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,expected_error", [ ("/fixtures/no_primary_key.json?_size=-4", "_size must be a positive integer"), ("/fixtures/no_primary_key.json?_size=dog", "_size must be a positive integer"), ("/fixtures/no_primary_key.json?_size=1001", "_size must be <= 100"), ], ) def test_validate_page_size(app_client, path, expected_error): response = app_client.get(path) assert expected_error == response.json["error"] assert 400 == response.status def test_page_size_zero(app_client): """For _size=0 we return the counts, empty rows and no continuation token""" response = app_client.get("/fixtures/no_primary_key.json?_size=0") assert 200 == response.status assert [] == response.json["rows"] assert 201 == response.json["filtered_table_rows_count"] assert None is response.json["next"] assert None is response.json["next_url"] def test_paginate_compound_keys(app_client): fetched = [] path = "/fixtures/compound_three_primary_keys.json?_shape=objects" page = 0 while path: page += 1 response = app_client.get(path) fetched.extend(response.json["rows"]) path = response.json["next_url"] if path: path = path.replace("http://localhost", "") assert page < 100 assert 1001 == len(fetched) assert 21 == page # Should be correctly ordered contents = [f["content"] for f in fetched] expected = [r[3] for r in generate_compound_rows(1001)] assert expected == contents def test_paginate_compound_keys_with_extra_filters(app_client): fetched = [] path = ( "/fixtures/compound_three_primary_keys.json?content__contains=d&_shape=objects" ) page = 0 while path: page += 1 assert page < 100 response = app_client.get(path) fetched.extend(response.json["rows"]) path = response.json["next_url"] if path: path = path.replace("http://localhost", "") assert 2 == page expected = [r[3] for r in generate_compound_rows(1001) if "d" in r[3]] assert expected == [f["content"] for f in fetched] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "query_string,sort_key,human_description_en", [ ("_sort=sortable", lambda row: row["sortable"], "sorted by sortable"), ( "_sort_desc=sortable", lambda row: -row["sortable"], "sorted by sortable descending", ), ( "_sort=sortable_with_nulls", lambda row: ( 1 if row["sortable_with_nulls"] is not None else 0, row["sortable_with_nulls"], ), "sorted by sortable_with_nulls", ), ( "_sort_desc=sortable_with_nulls", lambda row: ( 1 if row["sortable_with_nulls"] is None else 0, -row["sortable_with_nulls"] if row["sortable_with_nulls"] is not None else 0, row["content"], ), "sorted by sortable_with_nulls descending", ), # text column contains '$null' - ensure it doesn't confuse pagination: ("_sort=text", lambda row: row["text"], "sorted by text"), ], ) def test_sortable(app_client, query_string, sort_key, human_description_en): path = f"/fixtures/sortable.json?_shape=objects&{query_string}" fetched = [] page = 0 while path: page += 1 assert page < 100 response = app_client.get(path) assert human_description_en == response.json["human_description_en"] fetched.extend(response.json["rows"]) path = response.json["next_url"] if path: path = path.replace("http://localhost", "") assert 5 == page expected = list(generate_sortable_rows(201)) expected.sort(key=sort_key) assert [r["content"] for r in expected] == [r["content"] for r in fetched] def test_sortable_and_filtered(app_client): path = ( "/fixtures/sortable.json" "?content__contains=d&_sort_desc=sortable&_shape=objects" ) response = app_client.get(path) fetched = response.json["rows"] assert ( 'where content contains "d" sorted by sortable descending' == response.json["human_description_en"] ) expected = [row for row in generate_sortable_rows(201) if "d" in row["content"]] assert len(expected) == response.json["filtered_table_rows_count"] expected.sort(key=lambda row: -row["sortable"]) assert [r["content"] for r in expected] == [r["content"] for r in fetched] def test_sortable_argument_errors(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/sortable.json?_sort=badcolumn") assert "Cannot sort table by badcolumn" == response.json["error"] response = app_client.get("/fixtures/sortable.json?_sort_desc=badcolumn2") assert "Cannot sort table by badcolumn2" == response.json["error"] response = app_client.get( "/fixtures/sortable.json?_sort=sortable_with_nulls&_sort_desc=sortable" ) assert "Cannot use _sort and _sort_desc at the same time" == response.json["error"] def test_sortable_columns_metadata(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/sortable.json?_sort=content") assert "Cannot sort table by content" == response.json["error"] # no_primary_key has ALL sort options disabled for column in ("content", "a", "b", "c"): response = app_client.get(f"/fixtures/sortable.json?_sort={column}") assert f"Cannot sort table by {column}" == response.json["error"] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,expected_rows", [ ( "/fixtures/searchable.json?_search=dog", [ [1, "barry cat", "terry dog", "panther"], [2, "terry dog", "sara weasel", "puma"], ], ), ( # Special keyword shouldn't break FTS query "/fixtures/searchable.json?_search=AND", [], ), ( # Without _searchmode=raw this should return no results "/fixtures/searchable.json?_search=te*+AND+do*", [], ), ( # _searchmode=raw "/fixtures/searchable.json?_search=te*+AND+do*&_searchmode=raw", [ [1, "barry cat", "terry dog", "panther"], [2, "terry dog", "sara weasel", "puma"], ], ), ( # _searchmode=raw combined with _search_COLUMN "/fixtures/searchable.json?_search_text2=te*&_searchmode=raw", [ [1, "barry cat", "terry dog", "panther"], ], ), ( "/fixtures/searchable.json?_search=weasel", [[2, "terry dog", "sara weasel", "puma"]], ), ( "/fixtures/searchable.json?_search_text2=dog", [[1, "barry cat", "terry dog", "panther"]], ), ( "/fixtures/searchable.json?_search_name%20with%20.%20and%20spaces=panther", [[1, "barry cat", "terry dog", "panther"]], ), ], ) def test_searchable(app_client, path, expected_rows): response = app_client.get(path) assert expected_rows == response.json["rows"] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,expected_rows", [ ( "/fixtures/searchable_view_configured_by_metadata.json?_search=weasel", [[2, "terry dog", "sara weasel", "puma"]], ), # This should return all results because search is not configured: ( "/fixtures/searchable_view.json?_search=weasel", [ [1, "barry cat", "terry dog", "panther"], [2, "terry dog", "sara weasel", "puma"], ], ), ( "/fixtures/searchable_view.json?_search=weasel&_fts_table=searchable_fts&_fts_pk=pk", [[2, "terry dog", "sara weasel", "puma"]], ), ], ) def test_searchable_views(app_client, path, expected_rows): response = app_client.get(path) assert expected_rows == response.json["rows"] def test_searchable_invalid_column(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/searchable.json?_search_invalid=x") assert 400 == response.status assert { "ok": False, "error": "Cannot search by that column", "status": 400, "title": None, } == response.json @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,expected_rows", [ ("/fixtures/simple_primary_key.json?content=hello", [["1", "hello"]]), ( "/fixtures/simple_primary_key.json?content__contains=o", [["1", "hello"], ["2", "world"], ["4", "RENDER_CELL_DEMO"]], ), ("/fixtures/simple_primary_key.json?content__exact=", [["3", ""]]), ( "/fixtures/simple_primary_key.json?content__not=world", [["1", "hello"], ["3", ""], ["4", "RENDER_CELL_DEMO"]], ), ], ) def test_table_filter_queries(app_client, path, expected_rows): response = app_client.get(path) assert expected_rows == response.json["rows"] def test_table_filter_queries_multiple_of_same_type(app_client): response = app_client.get( "/fixtures/simple_primary_key.json?content__not=world&content__not=hello" ) assert [["3", ""], ["4", "RENDER_CELL_DEMO"]] == response.json["rows"] @pytest.mark.skipif(not detect_json1(), reason="Requires the SQLite json1 module") def test_table_filter_json_arraycontains(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/facetable.json?tags__arraycontains=tag1") assert response.json["rows"] == [ [ 1, "2019-01-14 08:00:00", 1, 1, "CA", 1, "Mission", '["tag1", "tag2"]', '[{"foo": "bar"}]', "one", ], [ 2, "2019-01-14 08:00:00", 1, 1, "CA", 1, "Dogpatch", '["tag1", "tag3"]', "[]", "two", ], ] @pytest.mark.skipif(not detect_json1(), reason="Requires the SQLite json1 module") def test_table_filter_json_arraynotcontains(app_client): response = app_client.get( "/fixtures/facetable.json?tags__arraynotcontains=tag3&tags__not=[]" ) assert response.json["rows"] == [ [ 1, "2019-01-14 08:00:00", 1, 1, "CA", 1, "Mission", '["tag1", "tag2"]', '[{"foo": "bar"}]', "one", ] ] def test_table_filter_extra_where(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/facetable.json?_where=neighborhood='Dogpatch'") assert [ [ 2, "2019-01-14 08:00:00", 1, 1, "CA", 1, "Dogpatch", '["tag1", "tag3"]', "[]", "two", ] ] == response.json["rows"] def test_table_filter_extra_where_invalid(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/facetable.json?_where=neighborhood=Dogpatch'") assert 400 == response.status assert "Invalid SQL" == response.json["title"] def test_table_filter_extra_where_disabled_if_no_sql_allowed(): with make_app_client(metadata={"allow_sql": {}}) as client: response = client.get("/fixtures/facetable.json?_where=neighborhood='Dogpatch'") assert 403 == response.status assert "_where= is not allowed" == response.json["error"] def test_table_through(app_client): # Just the museums: response = app_client.get( '/fixtures/roadside_attractions.json?_through={"table":"roadside_attraction_characteristics","column":"characteristic_id","value":"1"}' ) assert [ [ 3, "Burlingame Museum of PEZ Memorabilia", "214 California Drive, Burlingame, CA 94010", 37.5793, -122.3442, ], [ 4, "Bigfoot Discovery Museum", "5497 Highway 9, Felton, CA 95018", 37.0414, -122.0725, ], ] == response.json["rows"] assert ( 'where roadside_attraction_characteristics.characteristic_id = "1"' == response.json["human_description_en"] ) def test_max_returned_rows(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures.json?sql=select+content+from+no_primary_key") data = response.json assert {"sql": "select content from no_primary_key", "params": {}} == data["query"] assert data["truncated"] assert 100 == len(data["rows"]) def test_view(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/simple_view.json?_shape=objects") assert response.status == 200 data = response.json assert data["rows"] == [ {"upper_content": "HELLO", "content": "hello"}, {"upper_content": "WORLD", "content": "world"}, {"upper_content": "", "content": ""}, {"upper_content": "RENDER_CELL_DEMO", "content": "RENDER_CELL_DEMO"}, ] def test_row(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/simple_primary_key/1.json?_shape=objects") assert response.status == 200 assert [{"id": "1", "content": "hello"}] == response.json["rows"] def test_row_format_in_querystring(app_client): # regression test for response = app_client.get( "/fixtures/simple_primary_key/1?_format=json&_shape=objects" ) assert response.status == 200 assert [{"id": "1", "content": "hello"}] == response.json["rows"] def test_row_strange_table_name(app_client): response = app_client.get( "/fixtures/table%2Fwith%2Fslashes.csv/3.json?_shape=objects" ) assert response.status == 200 assert [{"pk": "3", "content": "hey"}] == response.json["rows"] def test_row_foreign_key_tables(app_client): response = app_client.get( "/fixtures/simple_primary_key/1.json?_extras=foreign_key_tables" ) assert response.status == 200 assert response.json["foreign_key_tables"] == [ { "other_table": "foreign_key_references", "column": "id", "other_column": "foreign_key_with_blank_label", "count": 0, }, { "other_table": "foreign_key_references", "column": "id", "other_column": "foreign_key_with_label", "count": 1, }, { "other_table": "complex_foreign_keys", "column": "id", "other_column": "f3", "count": 1, }, { "other_table": "complex_foreign_keys", "column": "id", "other_column": "f2", "count": 0, }, { "other_table": "complex_foreign_keys", "column": "id", "other_column": "f1", "count": 1, }, ] def test_unit_filters(app_client): response = app_client.get( "/fixtures/units.json?distance__lt=75km&frequency__gt=1kHz" ) assert response.status == 200 data = response.json assert data["units"]["distance"] == "m" assert data["units"]["frequency"] == "Hz" assert len(data["rows"]) == 1 assert data["rows"][0][0] == 2 def test_databases_json(app_client_two_attached_databases_one_immutable): response = app_client_two_attached_databases_one_immutable.get("/-/databases.json") databases = response.json assert 2 == len(databases) extra_database, fixtures_database = databases assert "extra database" == extra_database["name"] assert None == extra_database["hash"] assert True == extra_database["is_mutable"] assert False == extra_database["is_memory"] assert "fixtures" == fixtures_database["name"] assert fixtures_database["hash"] is not None assert False == fixtures_database["is_mutable"] assert False == fixtures_database["is_memory"] def test_metadata_json(app_client): response = app_client.get("/-/metadata.json") assert METADATA == response.json def test_threads_json(app_client): response = app_client.get("/-/threads.json") expected_keys = {"threads", "num_threads"} if sys.version_info >= (3, 7, 0): expected_keys.update({"tasks", "num_tasks"}) assert expected_keys == set(response.json.keys()) def test_plugins_json(app_client): response = app_client.get("/-/plugins.json") assert EXPECTED_PLUGINS == sorted(response.json, key=lambda p: p["name"]) # Try with ?all=1 response = app_client.get("/-/plugins.json?all=1") names = {p["name"] for p in response.json} assert names.issuperset(p["name"] for p in EXPECTED_PLUGINS) assert names.issuperset(DEFAULT_PLUGINS) def test_versions_json(app_client): response = app_client.get("/-/versions.json") assert "python" in response.json assert "3.0" == response.json.get("asgi") assert "version" in response.json["python"] assert "full" in response.json["python"] assert "datasette" in response.json assert "version" in response.json["datasette"] assert response.json["datasette"]["version"] == __version__ assert "sqlite" in response.json assert "version" in response.json["sqlite"] assert "fts_versions" in response.json["sqlite"] assert "compile_options" in response.json["sqlite"] def test_settings_json(app_client): response = app_client.get("/-/settings.json") assert { "default_page_size": 50, "default_facet_size": 30, "facet_suggest_time_limit_ms": 50, "facet_time_limit_ms": 200, "max_returned_rows": 100, "sql_time_limit_ms": 200, "allow_download": True, "allow_facet": True, "suggest_facets": True, "default_cache_ttl": 5, "default_cache_ttl_hashed": 365 * 24 * 60 * 60, "num_sql_threads": 1, "cache_size_kb": 0, "allow_csv_stream": True, "max_csv_mb": 100, "truncate_cells_html": 2048, "force_https_urls": False, "hash_urls": False, "template_debug": False, "base_url": "/", } == response.json @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,expected_redirect", ( ("/-/config.json", "/-/settings.json"), ("/-/config", "/-/settings"), ), ) def test_config_redirects_to_settings(app_client, path, expected_redirect): response = app_client.get(path, allow_redirects=False) assert response.status == 301 assert response.headers["Location"] == expected_redirect def test_page_size_matching_max_returned_rows( app_client_returned_rows_matches_page_size, ): fetched = [] path = "/fixtures/no_primary_key.json" while path: response = app_client_returned_rows_matches_page_size.get(path) fetched.extend(response.json["rows"]) assert len(response.json["rows"]) in (1, 50) path = response.json["next_url"] if path: path = path.replace("http://localhost", "") assert 201 == len(fetched) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,expected_facet_results", [ ( "/fixtures/facetable.json?_facet=state&_facet=city_id", { "state": { "name": "state", "hideable": True, "type": "column", "toggle_url": "/fixtures/facetable.json?_facet=city_id", "results": [ { "value": "CA", "label": "CA", "count": 10, "toggle_url": "_facet=state&_facet=city_id&state=CA", "selected": False, }, { "value": "MI", "label": "MI", "count": 4, "toggle_url": "_facet=state&_facet=city_id&state=MI", "selected": False, }, { "value": "MC", "label": "MC", "count": 1, "toggle_url": "_facet=state&_facet=city_id&state=MC", "selected": False, }, ], "truncated": False, }, "city_id": { "name": "city_id", "hideable": True, "type": "column", "toggle_url": "/fixtures/facetable.json?_facet=state", "results": [ { "value": 1, "label": "San Francisco", "count": 6, "toggle_url": "_facet=state&_facet=city_id&city_id=1", "selected": False, }, { "value": 2, "label": "Los Angeles", "count": 4, "toggle_url": "_facet=state&_facet=city_id&city_id=2", "selected": False, }, { "value": 3, "label": "Detroit", "count": 4, "toggle_url": "_facet=state&_facet=city_id&city_id=3", "selected": False, }, { "value": 4, "label": "Memnonia", "count": 1, "toggle_url": "_facet=state&_facet=city_id&city_id=4", "selected": False, }, ], "truncated": False, }, }, ), ( "/fixtures/facetable.json?_facet=state&_facet=city_id&state=MI", { "state": { "name": "state", "hideable": True, "type": "column", "toggle_url": "/fixtures/facetable.json?_facet=city_id&state=MI", "results": [ { "value": "MI", "label": "MI", "count": 4, "selected": True, "toggle_url": "_facet=state&_facet=city_id", } ], "truncated": False, }, "city_id": { "name": "city_id", "hideable": True, "type": "column", "toggle_url": "/fixtures/facetable.json?_facet=state&state=MI", "results": [ { "value": 3, "label": "Detroit", "count": 4, "selected": False, "toggle_url": "_facet=state&_facet=city_id&state=MI&city_id=3", } ], "truncated": False, }, }, ), ( "/fixtures/facetable.json?_facet=planet_int", { "planet_int": { "name": "planet_int", "hideable": True, "type": "column", "toggle_url": "/fixtures/facetable.json", "results": [ { "value": 1, "label": 1, "count": 14, "selected": False, "toggle_url": "_facet=planet_int&planet_int=1", }, { "value": 2, "label": 2, "count": 1, "selected": False, "toggle_url": "_facet=planet_int&planet_int=2", }, ], "truncated": False, } }, ), ( # planet_int is an integer field: "/fixtures/facetable.json?_facet=planet_int&planet_int=1", { "planet_int": { "name": "planet_int", "hideable": True, "type": "column", "toggle_url": "/fixtures/facetable.json?planet_int=1", "results": [ { "value": 1, "label": 1, "count": 14, "selected": True, "toggle_url": "_facet=planet_int", } ], "truncated": False, } }, ), ], ) def test_facets(app_client, path, expected_facet_results): response = app_client.get(path) facet_results = response.json["facet_results"] # We only compare the querystring portion of the taggle_url for facet_name, facet_info in facet_results.items(): assert facet_name == facet_info["name"] assert False is facet_info["truncated"] for facet_value in facet_info["results"]: facet_value["toggle_url"] = facet_value["toggle_url"].split("?")[1] assert expected_facet_results == facet_results def test_suggested_facets(app_client): suggestions = [ { "name": suggestion["name"], "querystring": suggestion["toggle_url"].split("?")[-1], } for suggestion in app_client.get("/fixtures/facetable.json").json[ "suggested_facets" ] ] expected = [ {"name": "created", "querystring": "_facet=created"}, {"name": "planet_int", "querystring": "_facet=planet_int"}, {"name": "on_earth", "querystring": "_facet=on_earth"}, {"name": "state", "querystring": "_facet=state"}, {"name": "city_id", "querystring": "_facet=city_id"}, {"name": "neighborhood", "querystring": "_facet=neighborhood"}, {"name": "tags", "querystring": "_facet=tags"}, {"name": "complex_array", "querystring": "_facet=complex_array"}, {"name": "created", "querystring": "_facet_date=created"}, ] if detect_json1(): expected.append({"name": "tags", "querystring": "_facet_array=tags"}) assert expected == suggestions def test_allow_facet_off(): with make_app_client(config={"allow_facet": False}) as client: assert 400 == client.get("/fixtures/facetable.json?_facet=planet_int").status # Should not suggest any facets either: assert [] == client.get("/fixtures/facetable.json").json["suggested_facets"] def test_suggest_facets_off(): with make_app_client(config={"suggest_facets": False}) as client: # Now suggested_facets should be [] assert [] == client.get("/fixtures/facetable.json").json["suggested_facets"] def test_expand_labels(app_client): response = app_client.get( "/fixtures/facetable.json?_shape=object&_labels=1&_size=2" "&neighborhood__contains=c" ) assert { "2": { "pk": 2, "created": "2019-01-14 08:00:00", "planet_int": 1, "on_earth": 1, "state": "CA", "city_id": {"value": 1, "label": "San Francisco"}, "neighborhood": "Dogpatch", "tags": '["tag1", "tag3"]', "complex_array": "[]", "distinct_some_null": "two", }, "13": { "pk": 13, "created": "2019-01-17 08:00:00", "planet_int": 1, "on_earth": 1, "state": "MI", "city_id": {"value": 3, "label": "Detroit"}, "neighborhood": "Corktown", "tags": "[]", "complex_array": "[]", "distinct_some_null": None, }, } == response.json def test_expand_label(app_client): response = app_client.get( "/fixtures/foreign_key_references.json?_shape=object" "&_label=foreign_key_with_label&_size=1" ) assert response.json == { "1": { "pk": "1", "foreign_key_with_label": {"value": "1", "label": "hello"}, "foreign_key_with_blank_label": "3", "foreign_key_with_no_label": "1", "foreign_key_compound_pk1": "a", "foreign_key_compound_pk2": "b", } } @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,expected_cache_control", [ ("/fixtures/facetable.json", "max-age=5"), ("/fixtures/facetable.json?_ttl=invalid", "max-age=5"), ("/fixtures/facetable.json?_ttl=10", "max-age=10"), ("/fixtures/facetable.json?_ttl=0", "no-cache"), ], ) def test_ttl_parameter(app_client, path, expected_cache_control): response = app_client.get(path) assert expected_cache_control == response.headers["Cache-Control"] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,expected_redirect", [ ("/fixtures/facetable.json?_hash=1", "/fixtures-HASH/facetable.json"), ( "/fixtures/facetable.json?city_id=1&_hash=1", "/fixtures-HASH/facetable.json?city_id=1", ), ], ) def test_hash_parameter( app_client_two_attached_databases_one_immutable, path, expected_redirect ): # First get the current hash for the fixtures database current_hash = app_client_two_attached_databases_one_immutable.ds.databases[ "fixtures" ].hash[:7] response = app_client_two_attached_databases_one_immutable.get( path, allow_redirects=False ) assert response.status == 302 location = response.headers["Location"] assert expected_redirect.replace("HASH", current_hash) == location def test_hash_parameter_ignored_for_mutable_databases(app_client): path = "/fixtures/facetable.json?_hash=1" response = app_client.get(path, allow_redirects=False) assert response.status == 200 test_json_columns_default_expected = [ {"intval": 1, "strval": "s", "floatval": 0.5, "jsonval": '{"foo": "bar"}'} ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "extra_args,expected", [ ("", test_json_columns_default_expected), ("&_json=intval", test_json_columns_default_expected), ("&_json=strval", test_json_columns_default_expected), ("&_json=floatval", test_json_columns_default_expected), ( "&_json=jsonval", [{"intval": 1, "strval": "s", "floatval": 0.5, "jsonval": {"foo": "bar"}}], ), ], ) def test_json_columns(app_client, extra_args, expected): sql = """ select 1 as intval, "s" as strval, 0.5 as floatval, '{"foo": "bar"}' as jsonval """ path = "/fixtures.json?" + urllib.parse.urlencode({"sql": sql, "_shape": "array"}) path += extra_args response = app_client.get(path) assert expected == response.json def test_config_cache_size(app_client_larger_cache_size): response = app_client_larger_cache_size.get("/fixtures/pragma_cache_size.json") assert [[-2500]] == response.json["rows"] def test_config_force_https_urls(): with make_app_client(config={"force_https_urls": True}) as client: response = client.get("/fixtures/facetable.json?_size=3&_facet=state") assert response.json["next_url"].startswith("https://") assert response.json["facet_results"]["state"]["results"][0][ "toggle_url" ].startswith("https://") assert response.json["suggested_facets"][0]["toggle_url"].startswith("https://") # Also confirm that request.url and request.scheme are set correctly response = client.get("/") assert client.ds._last_request.url.startswith("https://") assert client.ds._last_request.scheme == "https" def test_infinity_returned_as_null(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/infinity.json?_shape=array") assert [ {"rowid": 1, "value": None}, {"rowid": 2, "value": None}, {"rowid": 3, "value": 1.5}, ] == response.json def test_infinity_returned_as_invalid_json_if_requested(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/infinity.json?_shape=array&_json_infinity=1") assert [ {"rowid": 1, "value": float("inf")}, {"rowid": 2, "value": float("-inf")}, {"rowid": 3, "value": 1.5}, ] == response.json def test_custom_query_with_unicode_characters(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬.json?_shape=array") assert [{"id": 1, "name": "San Francisco"}] == response.json def test_trace(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/simple_primary_key.json?_trace=1") data = response.json assert "_trace" in data trace_info = data["_trace"] assert isinstance(trace_info["request_duration_ms"], float) assert isinstance(trace_info["sum_trace_duration_ms"], float) assert isinstance(trace_info["num_traces"], int) assert isinstance(trace_info["traces"], list) assert len(trace_info["traces"]) == trace_info["num_traces"] for trace in trace_info["traces"]: assert isinstance(trace["type"], str) assert isinstance(trace["start"], float) assert isinstance(trace["end"], float) assert trace["duration_ms"] == (trace["end"] - trace["start"]) * 1000 assert isinstance(trace["traceback"], list) assert isinstance(trace["database"], str) assert isinstance(trace["sql"], str) assert isinstance(trace["params"], (list, dict, None.__class__)) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,status_code", [ ("/fixtures.db", 200), ("/fixtures.json", 200), ("/fixtures/no_primary_key.json", 200), # A 400 invalid SQL query should still have the header: ("/fixtures.json?sql=select+blah", 400), ], ) def test_cors(app_client_with_cors, path, status_code): response = app_client_with_cors.get(path) assert response.status == status_code assert "*" == response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path", ( "/", ".json", "/searchable", "/searchable.json", "/searchable_view", "/searchable_view.json", ), ) def test_database_with_space_in_name(app_client_two_attached_databases, path): response = app_client_two_attached_databases.get("/extra database" + path) assert response.status == 200 def test_common_prefix_database_names(app_client_conflicting_database_names): # assert ["fixtures", "foo", "foo-bar"] == [ d["name"] for d in app_client_conflicting_database_names.get("/-/databases.json").json ] for db_name, path in (("foo", "/foo.json"), ("foo-bar", "/foo-bar.json")): data = app_client_conflicting_database_names.get(path).json assert db_name == data["database"] def test_null_and_compound_foreign_keys_are_not_expanded(app_client): response = app_client.get( "/fixtures/foreign_key_references.json?_shape=array&_labels=on" ) assert response.json == [ { "pk": "1", "foreign_key_with_label": {"value": "1", "label": "hello"}, "foreign_key_with_blank_label": {"value": "3", "label": ""}, "foreign_key_with_no_label": {"value": "1", "label": "1"}, "foreign_key_compound_pk1": "a", "foreign_key_compound_pk2": "b", }, { "pk": "2", "foreign_key_with_label": None, "foreign_key_with_blank_label": None, "foreign_key_with_no_label": None, "foreign_key_compound_pk1": None, "foreign_key_compound_pk2": None, }, ] def test_inspect_file_used_for_count(app_client_immutable_and_inspect_file): response = app_client_immutable_and_inspect_file.get("/fixtures/sortable.json") assert response.json["filtered_table_rows_count"] == 100 @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,expected_json,expected_text", [ ( "/fixtures/binary_data.json?_shape=array", [ {"rowid": 1, "data": {"$base64": True, "encoded": "FRwCx60F/g=="}}, {"rowid": 2, "data": {"$base64": True, "encoded": "FRwDx60F/g=="}}, {"rowid": 3, "data": None}, ], None, ), ( "/fixtures/binary_data.json?_shape=array&_nl=on", None, ( '{"rowid": 1, "data": {"$base64": true, "encoded": "FRwCx60F/g=="}}\n' '{"rowid": 2, "data": {"$base64": true, "encoded": "FRwDx60F/g=="}}\n' '{"rowid": 3, "data": null}' ), ), ], ) def test_binary_data_in_json(app_client, path, expected_json, expected_text): response = app_client.get(path) if expected_json: assert response.json == expected_json else: assert response.text == expected_text @pytest.mark.parametrize( "qs", [ "", "?_shape=arrays", "?_shape=arrayfirst", "?_shape=object", "?_shape=objects", "?_shape=array", "?_shape=array&_nl=on", ], ) def test_paginate_using_link_header(app_client, qs): path = f"/fixtures/compound_three_primary_keys.json{qs}" num_pages = 0 while path: response = app_client.get(path) assert response.status == 200 num_pages += 1 link = response.headers.get("link") if link: assert link.startswith("<") assert link.endswith('>; rel="next"') path = link[1:].split(">")[0] path = path.replace("http://localhost", "") else: path = None assert num_pages == 21 @pytest.mark.skipif( sqlite_version() < (3, 31, 0), reason="generated columns were added in SQLite 3.31.0", ) def test_generated_columns_are_visible_in_datasette(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/generated_columns.json?_shape=array") assert response.json == [ { "rowid": 1, "body": '{\n "number": 1,\n "string": "This is a string"\n}', "id": 1, "consideration": "This is a string", } ] def test_http_options_request(app_client): response = app_client.request("/fixtures", method="OPTIONS") assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "ok"