export DATASETTE_SECRET := "not_a_secret" # Run tests and linters @default: test lint # Setup project @init: pipenv run pip install -e '.[test,docs]' # Run pytest with supplied options @test *options: pipenv run pytest {{options}} @codespell: pipenv run codespell README.md --ignore-words docs/codespell-ignore-words.txt pipenv run codespell docs/*.rst --ignore-words docs/codespell-ignore-words.txt pipenv run codespell datasette -S datasette/static --ignore-words docs/codespell-ignore-words.txt pipenv run codespell tests --ignore-words docs/codespell-ignore-words.txt # Run linters: black, flake8, mypy, cog @lint: codespell pipenv run black . --check pipenv run flake8 pipenv run cog --check README.md docs/*.rst # Rebuild docs with cog @cog: pipenv run cog -r README.md docs/*.rst # Serve live docs on localhost:8000 @docs: cog pipenv run blacken-docs -l 60 docs/*.rst cd docs && pipenv run make livehtml # Apply Black @black: pipenv run black . @serve: pipenv run sqlite-utils create-database data.db pipenv run sqlite-utils create-table data.db docs id integer title text --pk id --ignore pipenv run python -m datasette data.db --root --reload