""" Tests for various datasette helper functions. """ from datasette import utils from datasette.utils.asgi import Request from datasette.filters import Filters import json import os import pytest import sqlite3 import tempfile from unittest.mock import patch @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,expected", [ ("foo", ["foo"]), ("foo,bar", ["foo", "bar"]), ("123,433,112", ["123", "433", "112"]), ("123%2C433,112", ["123,433", "112"]), ("123%2F433%2F112", ["123/433/112"]), ], ) def test_urlsafe_components(path, expected): assert expected == utils.urlsafe_components(path) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,added_args,expected", [ ("/foo", {"bar": 1}, "/foo?bar=1"), ("/foo?bar=1", {"baz": 2}, "/foo?bar=1&baz=2"), ("/foo?bar=1&bar=2", {"baz": 3}, "/foo?bar=1&bar=2&baz=3"), ("/foo?bar=1", {"bar": None}, "/foo"), # Test order is preserved ( "/?_facet=prim_state&_facet=area_name", (("prim_state", "GA"),), "/?_facet=prim_state&_facet=area_name&prim_state=GA", ), ( "/?_facet=state&_facet=city&state=MI", (("city", "Detroit"),), "/?_facet=state&_facet=city&state=MI&city=Detroit", ), ( "/?_facet=state&_facet=city", (("_facet", "planet_int"),), "/?_facet=state&_facet=city&_facet=planet_int", ), ], ) def test_path_with_added_args(path, added_args, expected): request = Request.fake(path) actual = utils.path_with_added_args(request, added_args) assert expected == actual @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,args,expected", [ ("/foo?bar=1", {"bar"}, "/foo"), ("/foo?bar=1&baz=2", {"bar"}, "/foo?baz=2"), ("/foo?bar=1&bar=2&bar=3", {"bar": "2"}, "/foo?bar=1&bar=3"), ], ) def test_path_with_removed_args(path, args, expected): request = Request.fake(path) actual = utils.path_with_removed_args(request, args) assert expected == actual # Run the test again but this time use the path= argument request = Request.fake("/") actual = utils.path_with_removed_args(request, args, path=path) assert expected == actual @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,args,expected", [ ("/foo?bar=1", {"bar": 2}, "/foo?bar=2"), ("/foo?bar=1&baz=2", {"bar": None}, "/foo?baz=2"), ], ) def test_path_with_replaced_args(path, args, expected): request = Request.fake(path) actual = utils.path_with_replaced_args(request, args) assert expected == actual @pytest.mark.parametrize( "row,pks,expected_path", [ ({"A": "foo", "B": "bar"}, ["A", "B"], "foo,bar"), ({"A": "f,o", "B": "bar"}, ["A", "B"], "f%2Co,bar"), ({"A": 123}, ["A"], "123"), ( utils.CustomRow( ["searchable_id", "tag"], [ ("searchable_id", {"value": 1, "label": "1"}), ("tag", {"value": "feline", "label": "feline"}), ], ), ["searchable_id", "tag"], "1,feline", ), ], ) def test_path_from_row_pks(row, pks, expected_path): actual_path = utils.path_from_row_pks(row, pks, False) assert expected_path == actual_path @pytest.mark.parametrize( "obj,expected", [ ( { "Description": "Soft drinks", "Picture": b"\x15\x1c\x02\xc7\xad\x05\xfe", "CategoryID": 1, }, """ {"CategoryID": 1, "Description": "Soft drinks", "Picture": {"$base64": true, "encoded": "FRwCx60F/g=="}} """.strip(), ) ], ) def test_custom_json_encoder(obj, expected): actual = json.dumps(obj, cls=utils.CustomJSONEncoder, sort_keys=True) assert expected == actual @pytest.mark.parametrize( "bad_sql", [ "update blah;", "PRAGMA case_sensitive_like = true" "SELECT * FROM pragma_index_info('idx52')", ], ) def test_validate_sql_select_bad(bad_sql): with pytest.raises(utils.InvalidSql): utils.validate_sql_select(bad_sql) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "good_sql", [ "select count(*) from airports", "select foo from bar", "select 1 + 1", "SELECT\nblah FROM foo", "WITH RECURSIVE cnt(x) AS (SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT x+1 FROM cnt LIMIT 10) SELECT x FROM cnt;", ], ) def test_validate_sql_select_good(good_sql): utils.validate_sql_select(good_sql) def test_detect_fts(): sql = """ CREATE TABLE "Dumb_Table" ( "TreeID" INTEGER, "qSpecies" TEXT ); CREATE TABLE "Street_Tree_List" ( "TreeID" INTEGER, "qSpecies" TEXT, "qAddress" TEXT, "SiteOrder" INTEGER, "qSiteInfo" TEXT, "PlantType" TEXT, "qCaretaker" TEXT ); CREATE VIEW Test_View AS SELECT * FROM Dumb_Table; CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE "Street_Tree_List_fts" USING FTS4 ("qAddress", "qCaretaker", "qSpecies", content="Street_Tree_List"); CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE r USING rtree(a, b, c); """ conn = utils.sqlite3.connect(":memory:") conn.executescript(sql) assert None is utils.detect_fts(conn, "Dumb_Table") assert None is utils.detect_fts(conn, "Test_View") assert None is utils.detect_fts(conn, "r") assert "Street_Tree_List_fts" == utils.detect_fts(conn, "Street_Tree_List") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "url,expected", [ ("http://www.google.com/", True), ("https://example.com/", True), ("www.google.com", False), ("http://www.google.com/ is a search engine", False), ], ) def test_is_url(url, expected): assert expected == utils.is_url(url) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "s,expected", [ ("simple", "simple"), ("MixedCase", "MixedCase"), ("-no-leading-hyphens", "no-leading-hyphens-65bea6"), ("_no-leading-underscores", "no-leading-underscores-b921bc"), ("no spaces", "no-spaces-7088d7"), ("-", "336d5e"), ("no $ characters", "no--characters-59e024"), ], ) def test_to_css_class(s, expected): assert expected == utils.to_css_class(s) def test_temporary_docker_directory_uses_hard_link(): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as td: os.chdir(td) open("hello", "w").write("world") # Default usage of this should use symlink with utils.temporary_docker_directory( files=["hello"], name="t", metadata=None, extra_options=None, branch=None, template_dir=None, plugins_dir=None, static=[], install=[], spatialite=False, version_note=None, ) as temp_docker: hello = os.path.join(temp_docker, "hello") assert "world" == open(hello).read() # It should be a hard link assert 2 == os.stat(hello).st_nlink @patch("os.link") def test_temporary_docker_directory_uses_copy_if_hard_link_fails(mock_link): # Copy instead if os.link raises OSError (normally due to different device) mock_link.side_effect = OSError with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as td: os.chdir(td) open("hello", "w").write("world") # Default usage of this should use symlink with utils.temporary_docker_directory( files=["hello"], name="t", metadata=None, extra_options=None, branch=None, template_dir=None, plugins_dir=None, static=[], install=[], spatialite=False, version_note=None, ) as temp_docker: hello = os.path.join(temp_docker, "hello") assert "world" == open(hello).read() # It should be a copy, not a hard link assert 1 == os.stat(hello).st_nlink def test_temporary_docker_directory_quotes_args(): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as td: os.chdir(td) open("hello", "w").write("world") with utils.temporary_docker_directory( files=["hello"], name="t", metadata=None, extra_options="--$HOME", branch=None, template_dir=None, plugins_dir=None, static=[], install=[], spatialite=False, version_note="$PWD", ) as temp_docker: df = os.path.join(temp_docker, "Dockerfile") df_contents = open(df).read() assert "'$PWD'" in df_contents assert "'--$HOME'" in df_contents def test_compound_keys_after_sql(): assert "((a > :p0))" == utils.compound_keys_after_sql(["a"]) assert """ ((a > :p0) or (a = :p0 and b > :p1)) """.strip() == utils.compound_keys_after_sql( ["a", "b"] ) assert """ ((a > :p0) or (a = :p0 and b > :p1) or (a = :p0 and b = :p1 and c > :p2)) """.strip() == utils.compound_keys_after_sql( ["a", "b", "c"] ) async def table_exists(table): return table == "exists.csv" @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize( "table_and_format,expected_table,expected_format", [ ("blah", "blah", None), ("blah.csv", "blah", "csv"), ("blah.json", "blah", "json"), ("blah.baz", "blah.baz", None), ("exists.csv", "exists.csv", None), ], ) async def test_resolve_table_and_format( table_and_format, expected_table, expected_format ): actual_table, actual_format = await utils.resolve_table_and_format( table_and_format, table_exists, ["json"] ) assert expected_table == actual_table assert expected_format == actual_format def test_table_columns(): conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:") conn.executescript( """ create table places (id integer primary key, name text, bob integer) """ ) assert ["id", "name", "bob"] == utils.table_columns(conn, "places") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,format,extra_qs,expected", [ ("/foo?sql=select+1", "csv", {}, "/foo.csv?sql=select+1"), ("/foo?sql=select+1", "json", {}, "/foo.json?sql=select+1"), ("/foo/bar", "json", {}, "/foo/bar.json"), ("/foo/bar", "csv", {}, "/foo/bar.csv"), ("/foo/bar.csv", "json", {}, "/foo/bar.csv?_format=json"), ("/foo/bar", "csv", {"_dl": 1}, "/foo/bar.csv?_dl=1"), ("/foo/b.csv", "json", {"_dl": 1}, "/foo/b.csv?_dl=1&_format=json"), ( "/sf-trees/Street_Tree_List?_search=cherry&_size=1000", "csv", {"_dl": 1}, "/sf-trees/Street_Tree_List.csv?_search=cherry&_size=1000&_dl=1", ), ], ) def test_path_with_format(path, format, extra_qs, expected): request = Request.fake(path) actual = utils.path_with_format(request, format, extra_qs) assert expected == actual @pytest.mark.parametrize( "bytes,expected", [ (120, "120 bytes"), (1024, "1.0 KB"), (1024 * 1024, "1.0 MB"), (1024 * 1024 * 1024, "1.0 GB"), (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1.3, "1.3 GB"), (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, "1.0 TB"), ], ) def test_format_bytes(bytes, expected): assert expected == utils.format_bytes(bytes)