from datasette import hookimpl import click import json import os import re from subprocess import check_call, check_output from .common import ( add_common_publish_arguments_and_options, fail_if_publish_binary_not_installed, ) from ..utils import temporary_docker_directory @hookimpl def publish_subcommand(publish): @publish.command() @add_common_publish_arguments_and_options @click.option( "-n", "--name", default="datasette", help="Application name to use when building", ) @click.option( "--service", default="", help="Cloud Run service to deploy (or over-write)" ) @click.option("--spatialite", is_flag=True, help="Enable SpatialLite extension") @click.option( "--show-files", is_flag=True, help="Output the generated Dockerfile and metadata.json", ) @click.option( "--memory", callback=_validate_memory, help="Memory to allocate in Cloud Run, e.g. 1Gi", ) @click.option( "--cpu", type=click.Choice(["1", "2", "4"]), help="Number of vCPUs to allocate in Cloud Run", ) @click.option( "--timeout", type=int, help="Build timeout in seconds", ) @click.option( "--apt-get-install", "apt_get_extras", multiple=True, help="Additional packages to apt-get install", ) @click.option( "--max-instances", type=int, help="Maximum Cloud Run instances", ) @click.option( "--min-instances", type=int, help="Minimum Cloud Run instances", ) def cloudrun( files, metadata, extra_options, branch, template_dir, plugins_dir, static, install, plugin_secret, version_note, secret, title, license, license_url, source, source_url, about, about_url, name, service, spatialite, show_files, memory, cpu, timeout, apt_get_extras, max_instances, min_instances, ): "Publish databases to Datasette running on Cloud Run" fail_if_publish_binary_not_installed( "gcloud", "Google Cloud", "" ) project = check_output( "gcloud config get-value project", shell=True, universal_newlines=True ).strip() if not service: # Show the user their current services, then prompt for one click.echo("Please provide a service name for this deployment\n") click.echo("Using an existing service name will over-write it") click.echo("") existing_services = get_existing_services() if existing_services: click.echo("Your existing services:\n") for existing_service in existing_services: click.echo( " {name} - created {created} - {url}".format( **existing_service ) ) click.echo("") service = click.prompt("Service name", type=str) extra_metadata = { "title": title, "license": license, "license_url": license_url, "source": source, "source_url": source_url, "about": about, "about_url": about_url, } if not extra_options: extra_options = "" if "force_https_urls" not in extra_options: if extra_options: extra_options += " " extra_options += "--setting force_https_urls on" environment_variables = {} if plugin_secret: extra_metadata["plugins"] = {} for plugin_name, plugin_setting, setting_value in plugin_secret: environment_variable = ( f"{plugin_name}_{plugin_setting}".upper().replace("-", "_") ) environment_variables[environment_variable] = setting_value extra_metadata["plugins"].setdefault(plugin_name, {})[ plugin_setting ] = {"$env": environment_variable} with temporary_docker_directory( files, name, metadata, extra_options, branch, template_dir, plugins_dir, static, install, spatialite, version_note, secret, extra_metadata, environment_variables, apt_get_extras=apt_get_extras, ): if show_files: if os.path.exists("metadata.json"): print("=== metadata.json ===\n") with open("metadata.json") as fp: print( print("\n==== Dockerfile ====\n") with open("Dockerfile") as fp: print( print("\n====================\n") image_id = f"{project}/datasette-{service}" check_call( "gcloud builds submit --tag {}{}".format( image_id, " --timeout {}".format(timeout) if timeout else "" ), shell=True, ) extra_deploy_options = [] for option, value in ( ("--memory", memory), ("--cpu", cpu), ("--max-instances", max_instances), ("--min-instances", min_instances), ): if value: extra_deploy_options.append("{} {}".format(option, value)) check_call( "gcloud run deploy --allow-unauthenticated --platform=managed --image {} {}{}".format( image_id, service, " " + " ".join(extra_deploy_options) if extra_deploy_options else "", ), shell=True, ) def get_existing_services(): services = json.loads( check_output( "gcloud run services list --platform=managed --format json", shell=True, universal_newlines=True, ) ) return [ { "name": service["metadata"]["name"], "created": service["metadata"]["creationTimestamp"], "url": service["status"]["address"]["url"], } for service in services ] def _validate_memory(ctx, param, value): if value and re.match(r"^\d+(Gi|G|Mi|M)$", value) is None: raise click.BadParameter("--memory should be a number then Gi/G/Mi/M e.g 1Gi") return value