from .fixtures import app_client import pytest pytest.fixture(scope='module')(app_client) def test_homepage(app_client): _, response = app_client.get('/.json') assert response.status == 200 assert response.json.keys() == {'test_tables': 0}.keys() d = response.json['test_tables'] assert d['name'] == 'test_tables' assert d['tables_count'] == 7 def test_database_page(app_client): response = app_client.get('/test_tables.json', gather_request=False) data = response.json assert 'test_tables' == data['database'] assert [{ 'columns': ['content'], 'name': '123_starts_with_digits', 'count': 0, 'hidden': False, 'foreign_keys': {'incoming': [], 'outgoing': []}, 'label_column': None, }, { 'columns': ['pk', 'content'], 'name': 'Table With Space In Name', 'count': 0, 'hidden': False, 'foreign_keys': {'incoming': [], 'outgoing': []}, 'label_column': None, }, { 'columns': ['pk', 'f1', 'f2', 'f3'], 'name': 'complex_foreign_keys', 'count': 1, 'foreign_keys': { 'incoming': [], 'outgoing': [{ 'column': 'f3', 'other_column': 'id', 'other_table': 'simple_primary_key' }, { 'column': 'f2', 'other_column': 'id', 'other_table': 'simple_primary_key' }, { 'column': 'f1', 'other_column': 'id', 'other_table': 'simple_primary_key' }], }, 'hidden': False, 'label_column': None, }, { 'columns': ['pk1', 'pk2', 'content'], 'name': 'compound_primary_key', 'count': 1, 'hidden': False, 'foreign_keys': {'incoming': [], 'outgoing': []}, 'label_column': None, }, { 'columns': ['content', 'a', 'b', 'c'], 'name': 'no_primary_key', 'count': 201, 'hidden': False, 'foreign_keys': {'incoming': [], 'outgoing': []}, 'label_column': None, }, { 'columns': ['pk', 'content'], 'name': 'simple_primary_key', 'count': 3, 'hidden': False, 'foreign_keys': { 'incoming': [{ 'column': 'id', 'other_column': 'f3', 'other_table': 'complex_foreign_keys' }, { 'column': 'id', 'other_column': 'f2', 'other_table': 'complex_foreign_keys' }, { 'column': 'id', 'other_column': 'f1', 'other_table': 'complex_foreign_keys' }], 'outgoing': [], }, 'label_column': None, }, { 'columns': ['pk', 'content'], 'name': 'table/with/slashes.csv', 'count': 1, 'hidden': False, 'foreign_keys': {'incoming': [], 'outgoing': []}, 'label_column': None, }] == data['tables'] def test_custom_sql(app_client): response = app_client.get( '/test_tables.jsono?sql=select+content+from+simple_primary_key', gather_request=False ) data = response.json assert { 'sql': 'select content from simple_primary_key', 'params': {} } == data['query'] assert [ {'content': 'hello'}, {'content': 'world'}, {'content': ''} ] == data['rows'] assert ['content'] == data['columns'] assert 'test_tables' == data['database'] assert not data['truncated'] def test_sql_time_limit(app_client): response = app_client.get( '/test_tables.jsono?sql=select+sleep(0.5)', gather_request=False ) assert 400 == response.status assert 'interrupted' == response.json['error'] def test_custom_sql_time_limit(app_client): response = app_client.get( '/test_tables.jsono?sql=select+sleep(0.01)', gather_request=False ) assert 200 == response.status response = app_client.get( '/test_tables.jsono?sql=select+sleep(0.01)&_sql_time_limit_ms=5', gather_request=False ) assert 400 == response.status assert 'interrupted' == response.json['error'] def test_invalid_custom_sql(app_client): response = app_client.get( '/test_tables.json?sql=.schema', gather_request=False ) assert response.status == 400 assert response.json['ok'] is False assert 'Statement must be a SELECT' == response.json['error'] def test_table_json(app_client): response = app_client.get('/test_tables/simple_primary_key.jsono', gather_request=False) assert response.status == 200 data = response.json assert data['query']['sql'] == 'select * from simple_primary_key order by pk limit 51' assert data['query']['params'] == {} assert data['rows'] == [{ 'pk': '1', 'content': 'hello', }, { 'pk': '2', 'content': 'world', }, { 'pk': '3', 'content': '', }] def test_table_with_slashes_in_name(app_client): response = app_client.get('/test_tables/table%2Fwith%2Fslashes.csv.jsono', gather_request=False) assert response.status == 200 data = response.json assert data['rows'] == [{ 'pk': '3', 'content': 'hey', }] @pytest.mark.parametrize('path,expected_rows,expected_pages', [ ('/test_tables/no_primary_key.jsono', 201, 5), ('/test_tables/paginated_view.jsono', 201, 5), ('/test_tables/123_starts_with_digits.jsono', 0, 1), ]) def test_paginate_tables_and_views(app_client, path, expected_rows, expected_pages): fetched = [] count = 0 while path: response = app_client.get(path, gather_request=False) count += 1 fetched.extend(response.json['rows']) path = response.json['next_url'] if path: assert response.json['next'] and path.endswith(response.json['next']) assert count < 10, 'Possible infinite loop detected' assert expected_rows == len(fetched) assert expected_pages == count @pytest.mark.parametrize('path,expected_rows', [ ('/test_tables/simple_primary_key.json?content=hello', [ ['1', 'hello'], ]), ('/test_tables/simple_primary_key.json?content__contains=o', [ ['1', 'hello'], ['2', 'world'], ]), ('/test_tables/simple_primary_key.json?content__exact=', [ ['3', ''], ]), ('/test_tables/simple_primary_key.json?content__not=world', [ ['1', 'hello'], ['3', ''], ]), ]) def test_table_filter_queries(app_client, path, expected_rows): response = app_client.get(path, gather_request=False) assert expected_rows == response.json['rows'] def test_max_returned_rows(app_client): response = app_client.get( '/test_tables.jsono?sql=select+content+from+no_primary_key', gather_request=False ) data = response.json assert { 'sql': 'select content from no_primary_key', 'params': {} } == data['query'] assert data['truncated'] assert 100 == len(data['rows']) def test_view(app_client): response = app_client.get('/test_tables/simple_view.jsono', gather_request=False) assert response.status == 200 data = response.json assert data['rows'] == [{ 'upper_content': 'HELLO', 'content': 'hello', }, { 'upper_content': 'WORLD', 'content': 'world', }, { 'upper_content': '', 'content': '', }] def test_row(app_client): response = app_client.get('/test_tables/simple_primary_key/1.jsono', gather_request=False) assert response.status == 200 assert [{'pk': '1', 'content': 'hello'}] == response.json['rows'] def test_row_foreign_key_tables(app_client): response = app_client.get('/test_tables/simple_primary_key/1.json?_extras=foreign_key_tables', gather_request=False) assert response.status == 200 assert [{ 'column': 'id', 'count': 1, 'other_column': 'f3', 'other_table': 'complex_foreign_keys' }, { 'column': 'id', 'count': 0, 'other_column': 'f2', 'other_table': 'complex_foreign_keys' }, { 'column': 'id', 'count': 1, 'other_column': 'f1', 'other_table': 'complex_foreign_keys' }] == response.json['foreign_key_tables']