from .fixtures import ( app_client, make_app_client, TestClient as _TestClient, EXPECTED_PLUGINS, ) from datasette.plugins import DEFAULT_PLUGINS from datasette.cli import cli, serve from click.testing import CliRunner import io import json import pathlib import pytest import sys import textwrap from unittest import mock def test_inspect_cli(app_client): runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(cli, ["inspect", "fixtures.db"]) data = json.loads(result.output) assert ["fixtures"] == list(data.keys()) database = data["fixtures"] assert "fixtures.db" == database["file"] assert isinstance(database["hash"], str) assert 64 == len(database["hash"]) for table_name, expected_count in { "Table With Space In Name": 0, "facetable": 15, }.items(): assert expected_count == database["tables"][table_name]["count"] def test_inspect_cli_writes_to_file(app_client): runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke( cli, ["inspect", "fixtures.db", "--inspect-file", "foo.json"] ) assert 0 == result.exit_code, result.output data = json.load(open("foo.json")) assert ["fixtures"] == list(data.keys()) def test_serve_with_inspect_file_prepopulates_table_counts_cache(): inspect_data = {"fixtures": {"tables": {"hithere": {"count": 44}}}} with make_app_client(inspect_data=inspect_data, is_immutable=True) as client: assert inspect_data == client.ds.inspect_data db = client.ds.databases["fixtures"] assert {"hithere": 44} == db.cached_table_counts def test_spatialite_error_if_attempt_to_open_spatialite(): runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke( cli, ["serve", str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "spatialite.db")] ) assert result.exit_code != 0 assert "trying to load a SpatiaLite database" in result.output def test_plugins_cli(app_client): runner = CliRunner() result1 = runner.invoke(cli, ["plugins"]) assert sorted(EXPECTED_PLUGINS, key=lambda p: p["name"]) == sorted( json.loads(result1.output), key=lambda p: p["name"] ) # Try with --all result2 = runner.invoke(cli, ["plugins", "--all"]) names = [p["name"] for p in json.loads(result2.output)] # Should have all the EXPECTED_PLUGINS assert set(names).issuperset(set(p["name"] for p in EXPECTED_PLUGINS)) # And the following too: assert set(names).issuperset(DEFAULT_PLUGINS) def test_metadata_yaml(): yaml_file = io.StringIO( textwrap.dedent( """ title: Hello from YAML """ ) ) # Annoyingly we have to provide all default arguments here: ds = serve.callback( [], metadata=yaml_file, immutable=[], host="", port=8001, debug=False, reload=False, cors=False, sqlite_extensions=[], inspect_file=None, template_dir=None, plugins_dir=None, static=[], memory=False, config=[], secret=None, root=False, version_note=None, help_config=False, return_instance=True, ) client = _TestClient( client.ds = ds response = client.get("/-/metadata.json") assert {"title": "Hello from YAML"} == response.json @mock.patch("datasette.cli.run_module") def test_install(run_module): runner = CliRunner() runner.invoke(cli, ["install", "datasette-mock-plugin", "datasette-mock-plugin2"]) run_module.assert_called_once_with("pip", run_name="__main__") assert sys.argv == [ "pip", "install", "datasette-mock-plugin", "datasette-mock-plugin2", ] @mock.patch("datasette.cli.run_module") def test_uninstall(run_module): runner = CliRunner() runner.invoke(cli, ["uninstall", "datasette-mock-plugin", "-y"]) run_module.assert_called_once_with("pip", run_name="__main__") assert sys.argv == ["pip", "uninstall", "datasette-mock-plugin", "-y"]