import asyncio import uvicorn import click from click import formatting from click_default_group import DefaultGroup import json import os import pathlib import shutil from subprocess import call import sys from runpy import run_module import webbrowser from .app import Datasette, DEFAULT_CONFIG, CONFIG_OPTIONS, pm from .utils import ( check_connection, parse_metadata, ConnectionProblem, SpatialiteConnectionProblem, temporary_docker_directory, value_as_boolean, StaticMount, ValueAsBooleanError, ) from .utils.testing import TestClient class Config(click.ParamType): name = "config" def convert(self, config, param, ctx): if ":" not in config:'"{}" should be name:value'.format(config), param, ctx) return name, value = config.split(":", 1) if name not in DEFAULT_CONFIG: "{} is not a valid option (--help-config to see all)".format(name), param, ctx, ) return # Type checking default = DEFAULT_CONFIG[name] if isinstance(default, bool): try: return name, value_as_boolean(value) except ValueAsBooleanError: '"{}" should be on/off/true/false/1/0'.format(name), param, ctx ) return elif isinstance(default, int): if not value.isdigit():'"{}" should be an integer'.format(name), param, ctx) return return name, int(value) elif isinstance(default, str): return name, value else: # Should never happen:"Invalid option"), default="serve", default_if_no_args=True) @click.version_option() def cli(): """ Datasette! """ @cli.command() @click.argument("files", type=click.Path(exists=True), nargs=-1) @click.option("--inspect-file", default="-") @click.option( "sqlite_extensions", "--load-extension", envvar="SQLITE_EXTENSIONS", multiple=True, type=click.Path(exists=True, resolve_path=True), help="Path to a SQLite extension to load", ) def inspect(files, inspect_file, sqlite_extensions): app = Datasette([], immutables=files, sqlite_extensions=sqlite_extensions) if inspect_file == "-": out = sys.stdout else: out = open(inspect_file, "w") loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() inspect_data = loop.run_until_complete(inspect_(files, sqlite_extensions)) out.write(json.dumps(inspect_data, indent=2)) async def inspect_(files, sqlite_extensions): app = Datasette([], immutables=files, sqlite_extensions=sqlite_extensions) data = {} for name, database in app.databases.items(): counts = await database.table_counts(limit=3600 * 1000) data[name] = { "hash": database.hash, "size": database.size, "file": database.path, "tables": { table_name: {"count": table_count} for table_name, table_count in counts.items() }, } return data def publish(): "Publish specified SQLite database files to the internet along with a Datasette-powered interface and API" pass # Register publish plugins pm.hook.publish_subcommand(publish=publish) @cli.command() @click.option("--all", help="Include built-in default plugins", is_flag=True) @click.option( "--plugins-dir", type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False, dir_okay=True), help="Path to directory containing custom plugins", ) def plugins(all, plugins_dir): "List currently available plugins" app = Datasette([], plugins_dir=plugins_dir) click.echo(json.dumps(app._plugins(all=all), indent=4)) @cli.command() @click.argument("files", type=click.Path(exists=True), nargs=-1, required=True) @click.option( "-t", "--tag", help="Name for the resulting Docker container, can optionally use name:tag format", ) @click.option( "-m", "--metadata", type=click.File(mode="r"), help="Path to JSON/YAML file containing metadata to publish", ) @click.option("--extra-options", help="Extra options to pass to datasette serve") @click.option("--branch", help="Install datasette from a GitHub branch e.g. master") @click.option( "--template-dir", type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False, dir_okay=True), help="Path to directory containing custom templates", ) @click.option( "--plugins-dir", type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False, dir_okay=True), help="Path to directory containing custom plugins", ) @click.option( "--static", type=StaticMount(), help="Serve static files from this directory at /MOUNT/...", multiple=True, ) @click.option( "--install", help="Additional packages (e.g. plugins) to install", multiple=True ) @click.option("--spatialite", is_flag=True, help="Enable SpatialLite extension") @click.option("--version-note", help="Additional note to show on /-/versions") @click.option( "--secret", help="Secret used for signing secure values, such as signed cookies", envvar="DATASETTE_PUBLISH_SECRET", default=lambda: os.urandom(32).hex(), ) @click.option( "-p", "--port", default=8001, help="Port to run the server on, defaults to 8001", ) @click.option("--title", help="Title for metadata") @click.option("--license", help="License label for metadata") @click.option("--license_url", help="License URL for metadata") @click.option("--source", help="Source label for metadata") @click.option("--source_url", help="Source URL for metadata") @click.option("--about", help="About label for metadata") @click.option("--about_url", help="About URL for metadata") def package( files, tag, metadata, extra_options, branch, template_dir, plugins_dir, static, install, spatialite, version_note, secret, port, **extra_metadata ): "Package specified SQLite files into a new datasette Docker container" if not shutil.which("docker"): click.secho( ' The package command requires "docker" to be installed and configured ', bg="red", fg="white", bold=True, err=True, ) sys.exit(1) with temporary_docker_directory( files, "datasette", metadata=metadata, extra_options=extra_options, branch=branch, template_dir=template_dir, plugins_dir=plugins_dir, static=static, install=install, spatialite=spatialite, version_note=version_note, secret=secret, extra_metadata=extra_metadata, port=port, ): args = ["docker", "build"] if tag: args.append("-t") args.append(tag) args.append(".") call(args) @cli.command() @click.argument("packages", nargs=-1, required=True) @click.option( "-U", "--upgrade", is_flag=True, help="Upgrade packages to latest version" ) def install(packages, upgrade): "Install Python packages - e.g. Datasette plugins - into the same environment as Datasette" args = ["pip", "install"] if upgrade: args += ["--upgrade"] args += list(packages) sys.argv = args run_module("pip", run_name="__main__") @cli.command() @click.argument("packages", nargs=-1, required=True) @click.option("-y", "--yes", is_flag=True, help="Don't ask for confirmation") def uninstall(packages, yes): "Uninstall Python packages (e.g. plugins) from the Datasette environment" sys.argv = ["pip", "uninstall"] + list(packages) + (["-y"] if yes else []) run_module("pip", run_name="__main__") @cli.command() @click.argument("files", type=click.Path(exists=True), nargs=-1) @click.option( "-i", "--immutable", type=click.Path(exists=True), help="Database files to open in immutable mode", multiple=True, ) @click.option( "-h", "--host", default="", help=( "Host for server. Defaults to which means only connections " "from the local machine will be allowed. Use to listen to " "all IPs and allow access from other machines." ), ) @click.option( "-p", "--port", default=8001, help="Port for server, defaults to 8001. Use -p 0 to automatically assign an available port.", ) @click.option( "--reload", is_flag=True, help="Automatically reload if database or code change detected - useful for development", ) @click.option( "--cors", is_flag=True, help="Enable CORS by serving Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *" ) @click.option( "sqlite_extensions", "--load-extension", envvar="SQLITE_EXTENSIONS", multiple=True, type=click.Path(exists=True, resolve_path=True), help="Path to a SQLite extension to load", ) @click.option( "--inspect-file", help='Path to JSON file created using "datasette inspect"' ) @click.option( "-m", "--metadata", type=click.File(mode="r"), help="Path to JSON/YAML file containing license/source metadata", ) @click.option( "--template-dir", type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False, dir_okay=True), help="Path to directory containing custom templates", ) @click.option( "--plugins-dir", type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False, dir_okay=True), help="Path to directory containing custom plugins", ) @click.option( "--static", type=StaticMount(), help="Serve static files from this directory at /MOUNT/...", multiple=True, ) @click.option("--memory", is_flag=True, help="Make :memory: database available") @click.option( "--config", type=Config(), help="Set config option using configname:value", multiple=True, ) @click.option( "--secret", help="Secret used for signing secure values, such as signed cookies", envvar="DATASETTE_SECRET", ) @click.option( "--root", help="Output URL that sets a cookie authenticating the root user", is_flag=True, ) @click.option( "--get", help="Run an HTTP GET request against this path, print results and exit", ) @click.option("--version-note", help="Additional note to show on /-/versions") @click.option("--help-config", is_flag=True, help="Show available config options") @click.option("--pdb", is_flag=True, help="Launch debugger on any errors") @click.option( "-o", "--open", "open_browser", is_flag=True, help="Open Datasette in your web browser", ) def serve( files, immutable, host, port, reload, cors, sqlite_extensions, inspect_file, metadata, template_dir, plugins_dir, static, memory, config, secret, root, get, version_note, help_config, pdb, open_browser, return_instance=False, ): """Serve up specified SQLite database files with a web UI""" if help_config: formatter = formatting.HelpFormatter() with formatter.section("Config options"): formatter.write_dl( [ (, "{} (default={})".format(, option.default)) for option in CONFIG_OPTIONS ] ) click.echo(formatter.getvalue()) sys.exit(0) if reload: import hupper reloader = hupper.start_reloader("datasette.cli.serve") if immutable: reloader.watch_files(immutable) if metadata: reloader.watch_files([]) inspect_data = None if inspect_file: inspect_data = json.load(open(inspect_file)) metadata_data = None if metadata: metadata_data = parse_metadata( kwargs = dict( immutables=immutable, cache_headers=not reload, cors=cors, inspect_data=inspect_data, metadata=metadata_data, sqlite_extensions=sqlite_extensions, template_dir=template_dir, plugins_dir=plugins_dir, static_mounts=static, config=dict(config), memory=memory, secret=secret, version_note=version_note, pdb=pdb, ) # if files is a single directory, use that as config_dir= if 1 == len(files) and os.path.isdir(files[0]): kwargs["config_dir"] = pathlib.Path(files[0]) files = [] ds = Datasette(files, **kwargs) if return_instance: # Private utility mechanism for writing unit tests return ds # Run the "startup" plugin hooks asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(ds.invoke_startup()) # Run async sanity checks - but only if we're not under pytest asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(check_databases(ds)) if get: client = TestClient(ds) response = client.get(get) click.echo(response.text) exit_code = 0 if response.status == 200 else 1 sys.exit(exit_code) return # Start the server if root: url = "http://{}:{}/-/auth-token?token={}".format(host, port, ds._root_token) print(url) else: url = "http://{}:{}/".format(host, port) if open_browser:, host=host, port=port, log_level="info", lifespan="on", workers=1 ) async def check_databases(ds): # Run check_connection against every connected database # to confirm they are all usable for database in list(ds.databases.values()): try: await database.execute_fn(check_connection) except SpatialiteConnectionProblem: raise click.UsageError( "It looks like you're trying to load a SpatiaLite" " database without first loading the SpatiaLite module." "\n\nRead more:" ) except ConnectionProblem as e: raise click.UsageError( "Connection to {} failed check: {}".format( database.path, str(e.args[0]) ) )