language: python # 3.6 is listed first so it gets used for the later build stages python: - 3.6 - 3.5 # Executed for 3.5 AND 3.5 as the first "test" stage: script: - pip install -U pip wheel - pip install .[test] - pytest cache: directories: - $HOME/.cache/pip # This defines further stages that execute after the tests jobs: include: - stage: deploy if: branch = master AND type = push script: - pip install . - npm install -g now - python tests/ fixtures.db fixtures.json - export ALIAS=`echo $TRAVIS_COMMIT | cut -c 1-7` - echo "{\"name\":\"datasette-latest-$ALIAS\",\"alias\":\"\"}" > now.json - datasette publish now fixtures.db -m fixtures.json --token=$NOW_TOKEN --branch=$TRAVIS_COMMIT --version-note=$TRAVIS_COMMIT --name=datasette-latest-$ALIAS - now alias --token=$NOW_TOKEN - echo "{\"name\":\"datasette-latest-$ALIAS\",\"alias\":\"$\"}" > now.json - now alias --token=$NOW_TOKEN - stage: release tagged version if: tag IS present python: 3.6 script: - npm install -g now - export ALIAS=`echo $TRAVIS_COMMIT | cut -c 1-7` - export TAG=`echo $TRAVIS_TAG | sed 's/\./-/g' | sed 's/.*/v&/'` - echo "{\"name\":\"datasette-latest-$ALIAS\",\"alias\":\"$\"}" > now.json - now alias --token=$NOW_TOKEN deploy: - provider: pypi user: simonw distributions: bdist_wheel password: secure: ikY6iF+/2AxFlwcun35iAEz7Wbrnp0Fp7b32Z7uob5RsGpIDCYYDa3T/qNhiyNsg5fecGp01rBf1F+dL357b0rWEeaoONtsDrTKFeBUB6bMnzNtr3QbHq/TeQ1f+Vn6FWpY9360Ihbz0pKPzWWYHJxOjXPM793rGWmPu7siCc4oQZOpwLK28GZeFP803wq/QG81hFRWR8IiMlqljkecEGhaM6ftxzizk1LBoTZCw3DdL2xDwzrLvF3Hg1jXX08pJm9WrLJNS6i+LRhiLv9IJ5KxRDwNHJhrvblRrZn0CKVbiWR/8985r4R7CXaeG68uJ505RcVoXYRsq9D7mAcYAB3U5AzU9TsPQlvUgwJlFpKOsZlCw+5AHFIYUXvlP2Qo5kfXUYC9KKdJwbWjcW7isUqWpzInGfnmRNMJGzmIm2q65ua0FNLV4vK1wl98O60HFSyhXJi84YmCAPgidJ22sEA6sHAdMEFiWglhap12zPc6i7trXKC8aLjW/3qGXhUq3BK8vQcbutGer+Q3z9UM7kthB76FtCUVc8eqljtdAcGt5kXoHIEPwGb50ikOxo/qpXsXVH36Z6plbELbayXb3ocUrMdhWP5+kfnrdLEmx+X4IpUauxGUqLGliYSQpfjp8XyA87ASCjsSqUEjr/4t4YztW5a3mWBYZ+IjjYXW6PQg= on: branch: master tags: true