from import Datasette, Database from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup from .fixtures import ( # noqa app_client, make_app_client, ) import pathlib import pytest import urllib.parse from .utils import assert_footer_links, inner_html @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,expected_definition_sql", [ ( "/fixtures/facet_cities", """ CREATE TABLE facet_cities ( id integer primary key, name text ); """.strip(), ), ( "/fixtures/compound_three_primary_keys", """ CREATE TABLE compound_three_primary_keys ( pk1 varchar(30), pk2 varchar(30), pk3 varchar(30), content text, PRIMARY KEY (pk1, pk2, pk3) ); CREATE INDEX idx_compound_three_primary_keys_content ON compound_three_primary_keys(content); """.strip(), ), ], ) def test_table_definition_sql(path, expected_definition_sql, app_client): response = app_client.get(path) pre = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").select_one("pre.wrapped-sql") assert expected_definition_sql == pre.string def test_table_cell_truncation(): with make_app_client(settings={"truncate_cells_html": 5}) as client: response = client.get("/fixtures/facetable") assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("table") assert table["class"] == ["rows-and-columns"] assert [ "Missi…", "Dogpa…", "SOMA", "Tende…", "Berna…", "Hayes…", "Holly…", "Downt…", "Los F…", "Korea…", "Downt…", "Greek…", "Corkt…", "Mexic…", "Arcad…", ] == [ td.string for td in table.findAll("td", {"class": "col-neighborhood-b352a7"}) ] # URLs should be truncated too response2 = client.get("/fixtures/roadside_attractions") assert response2.status == 200 table = Soup(response2.body, "html.parser").find("table") tds = table.findAll("td", {"class": "col-url"}) assert [str(td) for td in tds] == [ 'http…', 'http…', '\xa0', 'http…', ] def test_add_filter_redirects(app_client): filter_args = urllib.parse.urlencode( {"_filter_column": "content", "_filter_op": "startswith", "_filter_value": "x"} ) path_base = "/fixtures/simple_primary_key" path = path_base + "?" + filter_args response = app_client.get(path) assert response.status == 302 assert response.headers["Location"].endswith("?content__startswith=x") # Adding a redirect to an existing query string: path = path_base + "?foo=bar&" + filter_args response = app_client.get(path) assert response.status == 302 assert response.headers["Location"].endswith("?foo=bar&content__startswith=x") # Test that op with a __x suffix overrides the filter value path = ( path_base + "?" + urllib.parse.urlencode( { "_filter_column": "content", "_filter_op": "isnull__5", "_filter_value": "x", } ) ) response = app_client.get(path) assert response.status == 302 assert response.headers["Location"].endswith("?content__isnull=5") def test_existing_filter_redirects(app_client): filter_args = { "_filter_column_1": "name", "_filter_op_1": "contains", "_filter_value_1": "hello", "_filter_column_2": "age", "_filter_op_2": "gte", "_filter_value_2": "22", "_filter_column_3": "age", "_filter_op_3": "lt", "_filter_value_3": "30", "_filter_column_4": "name", "_filter_op_4": "contains", "_filter_value_4": "world", } path_base = "/fixtures/simple_primary_key" path = path_base + "?" + urllib.parse.urlencode(filter_args) response = app_client.get(path) assert response.status == 302 assert_querystring_equal( "name__contains=hello&age__gte=22&age__lt=30&name__contains=world", response.headers["Location"].split("?")[1], ) # Setting _filter_column_3 to empty string should remove *_3 entirely filter_args["_filter_column_3"] = "" path = path_base + "?" + urllib.parse.urlencode(filter_args) response = app_client.get(path) assert response.status == 302 assert_querystring_equal( "name__contains=hello&age__gte=22&name__contains=world", response.headers["Location"].split("?")[1], ) # ?_filter_op=exact should be removed if unaccompanied by _fiter_column response = app_client.get(path_base + "?_filter_op=exact") assert response.status == 302 assert "?" not in response.headers["Location"] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "qs,expected_hidden", ( # Things that should be reflected in hidden form fields: ("_facet=_neighborhood", {"_facet": "_neighborhood"}), ("_where=1+=+1&_col=_city_id", {"_where": "1 = 1", "_col": "_city_id"}), # Things that should NOT be reflected in hidden form fields: ( "_facet=_neighborhood&_neighborhood__exact=Downtown", {"_facet": "_neighborhood"}, ), ("_facet=_neighborhood&_city_id__gt=1", {"_facet": "_neighborhood"}), ), ) def test_reflected_hidden_form_fields(app_client, qs, expected_hidden): # response = app_client.get("/fixtures/facetable?{}".format(qs)) # In this case we should NOT have a hidden _neighborhood__exact=Downtown field form = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("form") hidden_inputs = { input["name"]: input["value"] for input in"input[type=hidden]") } assert hidden_inputs == expected_hidden def test_empty_search_parameter_gets_removed(app_client): path_base = "/fixtures/simple_primary_key" path = ( path_base + "?" + urllib.parse.urlencode( { "_search": "", "_filter_column": "name", "_filter_op": "exact", "_filter_value": "chidi", } ) ) response = app_client.get(path) assert response.status == 302 assert response.headers["Location"].endswith("?name__exact=chidi") def test_searchable_view_persists_fts_table(app_client): # The search form should persist ?_fts_table as a hidden field response = app_client.get( "/fixtures/searchable_view?_fts_table=searchable_fts&_fts_pk=pk" ) inputs = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("form").findAll("input") hiddens = [i for i in inputs if i["type"] == "hidden"] assert [("_fts_table", "searchable_fts"), ("_fts_pk", "pk")] == [ (hidden["name"], hidden["value"]) for hidden in hiddens ] def test_sort_by_desc_redirects(app_client): path_base = "/fixtures/sortable" path = ( path_base + "?" + urllib.parse.urlencode({"_sort": "sortable", "_sort_by_desc": "1"}) ) response = app_client.get(path) assert response.status == 302 assert response.headers["Location"].endswith("?_sort_desc=sortable") def test_sort_links(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/sortable?_sort=sortable") assert response.status == 200 ths = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").findAll("th") attrs_and_link_attrs = [ { "attrs": th.attrs, "a_href": (th.find("a")["href"] if th.find("a") else None), } for th in ths ] assert attrs_and_link_attrs == [ { "attrs": { "class": ["col-Link"], "scope": "col", "data-column": "Link", "data-column-type": "", "data-column-not-null": "0", "data-is-pk": "0", }, "a_href": None, }, { "attrs": { "class": ["col-pk1"], "scope": "col", "data-column": "pk1", "data-column-type": "varchar(30)", "data-column-not-null": "0", "data-is-pk": "1", }, "a_href": None, }, { "attrs": { "class": ["col-pk2"], "scope": "col", "data-column": "pk2", "data-column-type": "varchar(30)", "data-column-not-null": "0", "data-is-pk": "1", }, "a_href": None, }, { "attrs": { "class": ["col-content"], "scope": "col", "data-column": "content", "data-column-type": "text", "data-column-not-null": "0", "data-is-pk": "0", }, "a_href": None, }, { "attrs": { "class": ["col-sortable"], "scope": "col", "data-column": "sortable", "data-column-type": "integer", "data-column-not-null": "0", "data-is-pk": "0", }, "a_href": "/fixtures/sortable?_sort_desc=sortable", }, { "attrs": { "class": ["col-sortable_with_nulls"], "scope": "col", "data-column": "sortable_with_nulls", "data-column-type": "real", "data-column-not-null": "0", "data-is-pk": "0", }, "a_href": "/fixtures/sortable?_sort=sortable_with_nulls", }, { "attrs": { "class": ["col-sortable_with_nulls_2"], "scope": "col", "data-column": "sortable_with_nulls_2", "data-column-type": "real", "data-column-not-null": "0", "data-is-pk": "0", }, "a_href": "/fixtures/sortable?_sort=sortable_with_nulls_2", }, { "attrs": { "class": ["col-text"], "scope": "col", "data-column": "text", "data-column-type": "text", "data-column-not-null": "0", "data-is-pk": "0", }, "a_href": "/fixtures/sortable?_sort=text", }, ] def test_facet_display(app_client): response = app_client.get( "/fixtures/facetable?_facet=planet_int&_facet=_city_id&_facet=on_earth" ) assert response.status == 200 soup = Soup(response.body, "html.parser") divs = soup.find("div", {"class": "facet-results"}).findAll("div") actual = [] for div in divs: actual.append( { "name": div.find("strong").text.split()[0], "items": [ { "name": a.text, "qs": a["href"].split("?")[-1], "count": int(str(a.parent).split("")[1].split("<")[0]), } for a in div.find("ul").findAll("a") ], } ) assert actual == [ { "name": "_city_id", "items": [ { "name": "San Francisco", "qs": "_facet=planet_int&_facet=_city_id&_facet=on_earth&_city_id__exact=1", "count": 6, }, { "name": "Los Angeles", "qs": "_facet=planet_int&_facet=_city_id&_facet=on_earth&_city_id__exact=2", "count": 4, }, { "name": "Detroit", "qs": "_facet=planet_int&_facet=_city_id&_facet=on_earth&_city_id__exact=3", "count": 4, }, { "name": "Memnonia", "qs": "_facet=planet_int&_facet=_city_id&_facet=on_earth&_city_id__exact=4", "count": 1, }, ], }, { "name": "planet_int", "items": [ { "name": "1", "qs": "_facet=planet_int&_facet=_city_id&_facet=on_earth&planet_int=1", "count": 14, }, { "name": "2", "qs": "_facet=planet_int&_facet=_city_id&_facet=on_earth&planet_int=2", "count": 1, }, ], }, { "name": "on_earth", "items": [ { "name": "1", "qs": "_facet=planet_int&_facet=_city_id&_facet=on_earth&on_earth=1", "count": 14, }, { "name": "0", "qs": "_facet=planet_int&_facet=_city_id&_facet=on_earth&on_earth=0", "count": 1, }, ], }, ] def test_facets_persist_through_filter_form(app_client): response = app_client.get( "/fixtures/facetable?_facet=planet_int&_facet=_city_id&_facet_array=tags" ) assert response.status == 200 inputs = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("form").findAll("input") hiddens = [i for i in inputs if i["type"] == "hidden"] assert [(hidden["name"], hidden["value"]) for hidden in hiddens] == [ ("_facet", "planet_int"), ("_facet", "_city_id"), ("_facet_array", "tags"), ] def test_next_does_not_persist_in_hidden_field(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/searchable?_size=1&_next=1") assert response.status == 200 inputs = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("form").findAll("input") hiddens = [i for i in inputs if i["type"] == "hidden"] assert [(hidden["name"], hidden["value"]) for hidden in hiddens] == [ ("_size", "1"), ] def test_table_html_simple_primary_key(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/simple_primary_key?_size=3") assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("table") assert table["class"] == ["rows-and-columns"] ths = table.findAll("th") assert "id\xa0▼" == ths[0].find("a").string.strip() for expected_col, th in zip(("content",), ths[1:]): a = th.find("a") assert expected_col == a.string assert a["href"].endswith(f"/simple_primary_key?_size=3&_sort={expected_col}") assert ["nofollow"] == a["rel"] assert [ [ '1', 'hello', ], [ '2', 'world', ], [ '3', '\xa0', ], ] == [[str(td) for td in"td")] for tr in"tbody tr")] def test_table_csv_json_export_interface(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/simple_primary_key?id__gt=2") assert response.status == 200 # The links at the top of the page links = ( Soup(response.body, "html.parser") .find("p", {"class": "export-links"}) .findAll("a") ) actual = [l["href"] for l in links] expected = [ "/fixtures/simple_primary_key.json?id__gt=2", "/fixtures/simple_primary_key.testall?id__gt=2", "/fixtures/simple_primary_key.testnone?id__gt=2", "/fixtures/simple_primary_key.testresponse?id__gt=2", "/fixtures/simple_primary_key.csv?id__gt=2&_size=max", "#export", ] assert expected == actual # And the advaced export box at the bottom: div = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("div", {"class": "advanced-export"}) json_links = [a["href"] for a in div.find("p").findAll("a")] assert [ "/fixtures/simple_primary_key.json?id__gt=2", "/fixtures/simple_primary_key.json?id__gt=2&_shape=array", "/fixtures/simple_primary_key.json?id__gt=2&_shape=array&_nl=on", "/fixtures/simple_primary_key.json?id__gt=2&_shape=object", ] == json_links # And the CSV form form = div.find("form") assert form["action"].endswith("/simple_primary_key.csv") inputs = [str(input) for input in form.findAll("input")] assert [ '', '', '', '', ] == inputs def test_csv_json_export_links_include_labels_if_foreign_keys(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/facetable") assert response.status == 200 links = ( Soup(response.body, "html.parser") .find("p", {"class": "export-links"}) .findAll("a") ) actual = [l["href"] for l in links] expected = [ "/fixtures/facetable.json?_labels=on", "/fixtures/facetable.testall?_labels=on", "/fixtures/facetable.testnone?_labels=on", "/fixtures/facetable.testresponse?_labels=on", "/fixtures/facetable.csv?_labels=on&_size=max", "#export", ] assert expected == actual def test_table_not_exists(app_client): assert "Table not found: blah" in app_client.get("/fixtures/blah").text def test_table_html_no_primary_key(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/no_primary_key") assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("table") # We have disabled sorting for this table using metadata.json assert ["content", "a", "b", "c"] == [ th.string.strip() for th in"thead th")[2:] ] expected = [ [ '{}'.format( i, i ), f'{i}', f'{i}', f'a{i}', f'b{i}', f'c{i}', ] for i in range(1, 51) ] assert expected == [ [str(td) for td in"td")] for tr in"tbody tr") ] def test_rowid_sortable_no_primary_key(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/no_primary_key") assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("table") assert table["class"] == ["rows-and-columns"] ths = table.findAll("th") assert "rowid\xa0▼" == ths[1].find("a").string.strip() def test_table_html_compound_primary_key(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/compound_primary_key") assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("table") ths = table.findAll("th") assert "Link" == ths[0].string.strip() for expected_col, th in zip(("pk1", "pk2", "content"), ths[1:]): a = th.find("a") assert expected_col == a.string assert th["class"] == [f"col-{expected_col}"] assert a["href"].endswith(f"/compound_primary_key?_sort={expected_col}") expected = [ [ 'a,b', 'a', 'b', 'c', ], [ 'a/b,.c-d', 'a/b', '.c-d', 'c', ], ] assert [ [str(td) for td in"td")] for tr in"tbody tr") ] == expected def test_table_html_foreign_key_links(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/foreign_key_references") assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("table") actual = [[str(td) for td in"td")] for tr in"tbody tr")] assert actual == [ [ '1', 'hello\xa01', '-\xa03', '1', 'a', 'b', ], [ '2', '\xa0', '\xa0', '\xa0', '\xa0', '\xa0', ], ] def test_table_html_foreign_key_facets(app_client): response = app_client.get( "/fixtures/foreign_key_references?_facet=foreign_key_with_blank_label" ) assert response.status == 200 assert ( '
  • - 1
  • ' ) in response.text def test_table_html_disable_foreign_key_links_with_labels(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/foreign_key_references?_labels=off&_size=1") assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("table") actual = [[str(td) for td in"td")] for tr in"tbody tr")] assert actual == [ [ '1', '1', '3', '1', 'a', 'b', ] ] def test_table_html_foreign_key_custom_label_column(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/custom_foreign_key_label") assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("table") expected = [ [ '1', 'world2\xa01', ] ] assert expected == [ [str(td) for td in"td")] for tr in"tbody tr") ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,expected_column_options", [ ("/fixtures/infinity", ["- column -", "rowid", "value"]), ( "/fixtures/primary_key_multiple_columns", ["- column -", "id", "content", "content2"], ), ("/fixtures/compound_primary_key", ["- column -", "pk1", "pk2", "content"]), ], ) def test_table_html_filter_form_column_options( path, expected_column_options, app_client ): response = app_client.get(path) assert response.status == 200 form = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("form") column_options = [ o.attrs.get("value") or o.string for o in"select[name=_filter_column] option") ] assert expected_column_options == column_options def test_table_html_filter_form_still_shows_nocol_columns(app_client): # response = app_client.get("/fixtures/sortable?_nocol=sortable") assert response.status == 200 form = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("form") assert [ o.string for o in"select[name='_filter_column']")[0].select("option") ] == [ "- column -", "pk1", "pk2", "content", "sortable_with_nulls", "sortable_with_nulls_2", "text", # Moved to the end because it is no longer returned by the query: "sortable", ] def test_compound_primary_key_with_foreign_key_references(app_client): # e.g. a many-to-many table with a compound primary key on the two columns response = app_client.get("/fixtures/searchable_tags") assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("table") expected = [ [ '1,feline', '1\xa01', 'feline', ], [ '2,canine', '2\xa02', 'canine', ], ] assert expected == [ [str(td) for td in"td")] for tr in"tbody tr") ] def test_view_html(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/simple_view?_size=3") assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("table") ths ="thead th") assert 2 == len(ths) assert ths[0].find("a") is not None assert ths[0].find("a")["href"].endswith("/simple_view?_size=3&_sort=content") assert ths[0].find("a").string.strip() == "content" assert ths[1].find("a") is None assert ths[1].string.strip() == "upper_content" expected = [ [ 'hello', 'HELLO', ], [ 'world', 'WORLD', ], [ '\xa0', '\xa0', ], ] assert expected == [ [str(td) for td in"td")] for tr in"tbody tr") ] def test_table_metadata(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/simple_primary_key") assert response.status == 200 soup = Soup(response.body, "html.parser") # Page title should be custom and should be HTML escaped assert "This <em>HTML</em> is escaped" == inner_html(soup.find("h1")) # Description should be custom and NOT escaped (we used description_html) assert "Simple primary key" == inner_html( soup.find("div", {"class": "metadata-description"}) ) # The source/license should be inherited assert_footer_links(soup) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,has_object,has_stream,has_expand", [ ("/fixtures/no_primary_key", False, True, False), ("/fixtures/complex_foreign_keys", True, False, True), ], ) def test_advanced_export_box(app_client, path, has_object, has_stream, has_expand): response = app_client.get(path) assert response.status == 200 soup = Soup(response.body, "html.parser") # JSON shape options expected_json_shapes = ["default", "array", "newline-delimited"] if has_object: expected_json_shapes.append("object") div = soup.find("div", {"class": "advanced-export"}) assert expected_json_shapes == [a.text for a in div.find("p").findAll("a")] # "stream all rows" option if has_stream: assert "stream all rows" in str(div) # "expand labels" option if has_expand: assert "expand labels" in str(div) def test_extra_where_clauses(app_client): response = app_client.get( "/fixtures/facetable?_where=_neighborhood='Dogpatch'&_where=_city_id=1" ) soup = Soup(response.body, "html.parser") div =".extra-wheres")[0] assert "2 extra where clauses" == div.find("h3").text hrefs = [a["href"] for a in div.findAll("a")] assert [ "/fixtures/facetable?_where=_city_id%3D1", "/fixtures/facetable?_where=_neighborhood%3D%27Dogpatch%27", ] == hrefs # These should also be persisted as hidden fields inputs = soup.find("form").findAll("input") hiddens = [i for i in inputs if i["type"] == "hidden"] assert [("_where", "_neighborhood='Dogpatch'"), ("_where", "_city_id=1")] == [ (hidden["name"], hidden["value"]) for hidden in hiddens ] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,expected_hidden", [ ("/fixtures/facetable?_size=10", [("_size", "10")]), ( "/fixtures/facetable?_size=10&_ignore=1&_ignore=2", [ ("_size", "10"), ("_ignore", "1"), ("_ignore", "2"), ], ), ], ) def test_other_hidden_form_fields(app_client, path, expected_hidden): response = app_client.get(path) soup = Soup(response.body, "html.parser") inputs = soup.find("form").findAll("input") hiddens = [i for i in inputs if i["type"] == "hidden"] assert [(hidden["name"], hidden["value"]) for hidden in hiddens] == expected_hidden @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,expected_hidden", [ ("/fixtures/searchable?_search=terry", []), ("/fixtures/searchable?_sort=text2", []), ("/fixtures/searchable?_sort_desc=text2", []), ("/fixtures/searchable?_sort=text2&_where=1", [("_where", "1")]), ], ) def test_search_and_sort_fields_not_duplicated(app_client, path, expected_hidden): # response = app_client.get(path) soup = Soup(response.body, "html.parser") inputs = soup.find("form").findAll("input") hiddens = [i for i in inputs if i["type"] == "hidden"] assert [(hidden["name"], hidden["value"]) for hidden in hiddens] == expected_hidden def test_binary_data_display_in_table(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/binary_data") assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("table") expected_tds = [ [ '1', '1', '<Binary:\xa07\xa0bytes>', ], [ '2', '2', '<Binary:\xa07\xa0bytes>', ], [ '3', '3', '\xa0', ], ] assert expected_tds == [ [str(td) for td in"td")] for tr in"tbody tr") ] def test_custom_table_include(): with make_app_client( template_dir=str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "test_templates") ) as client: response = client.get("/fixtures/complex_foreign_keys") assert response.status == 200 assert ( '
    ' '1 - 2 - hello 1' "
    " ) == str(Soup(response.text, "html.parser").select_one("div.custom-table-row")) def test_metadata_sort(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/facet_cities") assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("table") assert table["class"] == ["rows-and-columns"] ths = table.findAll("th") assert ["id", "name\xa0▼"] == [th.find("a").string.strip() for th in ths] rows = [[str(td) for td in"td")] for tr in"tbody tr")] expected = [ [ '3', 'Detroit', ], [ '2', 'Los Angeles', ], [ '4', 'Memnonia', ], [ '1', 'San Francisco', ], ] assert expected == rows # Make sure you can reverse that sort order response = app_client.get("/fixtures/facet_cities?_sort_desc=name") assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("table") rows = [[str(td) for td in"td")] for tr in"tbody tr")] assert list(reversed(expected)) == rows def test_metadata_sort_desc(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/attraction_characteristic") assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("table") assert table["class"] == ["rows-and-columns"] ths = table.findAll("th") assert ["pk\xa0▲", "name"] == [th.find("a").string.strip() for th in ths] rows = [[str(td) for td in"td")] for tr in"tbody tr")] expected = [ [ '2', 'Paranormal', ], [ '1', 'Museum', ], ] assert expected == rows # Make sure you can reverse that sort order response = app_client.get("/fixtures/attraction_characteristic?_sort=pk") assert response.status == 200 table = Soup(response.body, "html.parser").find("table") rows = [[str(td) for td in"td")] for tr in"tbody tr")] assert list(reversed(expected)) == rows @pytest.mark.parametrize( "max_returned_rows,path,expected_num_facets,expected_ellipses,expected_ellipses_url", ( ( 5, # Default should show 2 facets "/fixtures/facetable?_facet=_neighborhood", 2, True, "/fixtures/facetable?_facet=_neighborhood&_facet_size=max", ), # _facet_size above max_returned_rows should show max_returned_rows (5) ( 5, "/fixtures/facetable?_facet=_neighborhood&_facet_size=50", 5, True, "/fixtures/facetable?_facet=_neighborhood&_facet_size=max", ), # If max_returned_rows is high enough, should return all ( 20, "/fixtures/facetable?_facet=_neighborhood&_facet_size=max", 14, False, None, ), # If num facets > max_returned_rows, show ... without a link # _facet_size above max_returned_rows should show max_returned_rows (5) ( 5, "/fixtures/facetable?_facet=_neighborhood&_facet_size=max", 5, True, None, ), ), ) def test_facet_more_links( max_returned_rows, path, expected_num_facets, expected_ellipses, expected_ellipses_url, ): with make_app_client( settings={"max_returned_rows": max_returned_rows, "default_facet_size": 2} ) as client: response = client.get(path) soup = Soup(response.body, "html.parser") lis ="#facet-neighborhood-b352a7 ul li:not(.facet-truncated)") facet_truncated = soup.select_one(".facet-truncated") assert len(lis) == expected_num_facets if not expected_ellipses: assert facet_truncated is None else: if expected_ellipses_url: assert facet_truncated.find("a")["href"] == expected_ellipses_url else: assert facet_truncated.find("a") is None def test_unavailable_table_does_not_break_sort_relationships(): # with make_app_client( metadata={ "databases": { "fixtures": {"tables": {"foreign_key_references": {"allow": False}}} } } ) as client: response = client.get("/?_sort=relationships") assert response.status == 200 def test_column_metadata(app_client): response = app_client.get("/fixtures/roadside_attractions") soup = Soup(response.body, "html.parser") dl = soup.find("dl") assert [(dt.text, dt.nextSibling.text) for dt in dl.findAll("dt")] == [ ("name", "The name of the attraction"), ("address", "The street address for the attraction"), ] assert ("th[data-column=name]")[0]["data-column-description"] == "The name of the attraction" ) assert ("th[data-column=address]")[0]["data-column-description"] == "The street address for the attraction" ) def test_facet_total(): # # with make_app_client(settings={"max_returned_rows": 100}) as client: path = "/fixtures/sortable?_facet=content&_facet=pk1" response = client.get(path) assert response.status == 200 fragments = ( '>30', '8', ) for fragment in fragments: assert fragment in response.text def test_sort_rowid_with_next(app_client): # response = app_client.get("/fixtures/binary_data?_size=1&_next=1&_sort=rowid") assert response.status == 200 def assert_querystring_equal(expected, actual): assert sorted(expected.split("&")) == sorted(actual.split("&")) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,expected", ( ( "/fixtures/facetable", "fixtures: facetable: 15 rows", ), ( "/fixtures/facetable?on_earth__exact=1", "fixtures: facetable: 14 rows where on_earth = 1", ), ), ) def test_table_page_title(app_client, path, expected): response = app_client.get(path) title = Soup(response.text, "html.parser").find("title").text assert title == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize("allow_facet", (True, False)) def test_allow_facet_off(allow_facet): with make_app_client(settings={"allow_facet": allow_facet}) as client: response = client.get("/fixtures/facetable") expected = "DATASETTE_ALLOW_FACET = {};".format( "true" if allow_facet else "false" ) assert expected in response.text if allow_facet: assert "Suggested facets" in response.text else: assert "Suggested facets" not in response.text @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize( "size,title,length_bytes", ( (2000, ' title="2.0 KB"', "2,000"), (20000, ' title="19.5 KB"', "20,000"), (20, "", "20"), ), ) async def test_format_of_binary_links(size, title, length_bytes): ds = Datasette() db_name = "binary-links-{}".format(size) db = ds.add_memory_database(db_name) sql = "select zeroblob({}) as blob".format(size) await db.execute_write("create table blobs as {}".format(sql)) response = await ds.client.get("/{}/blobs".format(db_name)) assert response.status_code == 200 expected = "{}><Binary: {} bytes>".format(title, length_bytes) assert expected in response.text # And test with arbitrary SQL query too sql_response = await ds.client.get("/{}".format(db_name), params={"sql": sql}) assert sql_response.status_code == 200 assert expected in sql_response.text