import asyncio from typing import Sequence, Union, Tuple import asgi_csrf import collections import datetime import functools import glob import hashlib import httpx import inspect from itsdangerous import BadSignature import json import os import pkg_resources import re import secrets import sys import threading import urllib.parse from concurrent import futures from pathlib import Path from markupsafe import Markup, escape from itsdangerous import URLSafeSerializer from jinja2 import ChoiceLoader, Environment, FileSystemLoader, PrefixLoader from jinja2.environment import Template from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateNotFound from .views.base import ureg from .views.database import DatabaseDownload, DatabaseView from .views.index import IndexView from .views.special import ( JsonDataView, PatternPortfolioView, AuthTokenView, LogoutView, AllowDebugView, PermissionsDebugView, MessagesDebugView, ) from .views.table import TableView from .views.row import RowView from .renderer import json_renderer from .url_builder import Urls from .database import Database, QueryInterrupted from .utils import ( PrefixedUrlString, SPATIALITE_FUNCTIONS, StartupError, async_call_with_supported_arguments, await_me_maybe, call_with_supported_arguments, display_actor, escape_css_string, escape_sqlite, find_spatialite, format_bytes, module_from_path, parse_metadata, resolve_env_secrets, resolve_routes, to_css_class, ) from .utils.asgi import ( AsgiLifespan, Base400, Forbidden, NotFound, Request, Response, asgi_static, asgi_send, asgi_send_file, asgi_send_html, asgi_send_json, asgi_send_redirect, ) from .utils.internal_db import init_internal_db, populate_schema_tables from .utils.sqlite import ( sqlite3, using_pysqlite3, ) from .tracer import AsgiTracer from .plugins import pm, DEFAULT_PLUGINS, get_plugins from .version import __version__ app_root = Path(__file__).parent.parent # SQLITE_LIMIT_ATTACHED = 10 Setting = collections.namedtuple("Setting", ("name", "default", "help")) SETTINGS = ( Setting("default_page_size", 100, "Default page size for the table view"), Setting( "max_returned_rows", 1000, "Maximum rows that can be returned from a table or custom query", ), Setting( "num_sql_threads", 3, "Number of threads in the thread pool for executing SQLite queries", ), Setting("sql_time_limit_ms", 1000, "Time limit for a SQL query in milliseconds"), Setting( "default_facet_size", 30, "Number of values to return for requested facets" ), Setting("facet_time_limit_ms", 200, "Time limit for calculating a requested facet"), Setting( "facet_suggest_time_limit_ms", 50, "Time limit for calculating a suggested facet", ), Setting( "allow_facet", True, "Allow users to specify columns to facet using ?_facet= parameter", ), Setting( "allow_download", True, "Allow users to download the original SQLite database files", ), Setting("suggest_facets", True, "Calculate and display suggested facets"), Setting( "default_cache_ttl", 5, "Default HTTP cache TTL (used in Cache-Control: max-age= header)", ), Setting("cache_size_kb", 0, "SQLite cache size in KB (0 == use SQLite default)"), Setting( "allow_csv_stream", True, "Allow .csv?_stream=1 to download all rows (ignoring max_returned_rows)", ), Setting( "max_csv_mb", 100, "Maximum size allowed for CSV export in MB - set 0 to disable this limit", ), Setting( "truncate_cells_html", 2048, "Truncate cells longer than this in HTML table view - set 0 to disable", ), Setting( "force_https_urls", False, "Force URLs in API output to always use https:// protocol", ), Setting( "template_debug", False, "Allow display of template debug information with ?_context=1", ), Setting( "trace_debug", False, "Allow display of SQL trace debug information with ?_trace=1", ), Setting("base_url", "/", "Datasette URLs should use this base path"), ) _HASH_URLS_REMOVED = "The hash_urls setting has been removed, try the datasette-hashed-urls plugin instead" OBSOLETE_SETTINGS = { "hash_urls": _HASH_URLS_REMOVED, "default_cache_ttl_hashed": _HASH_URLS_REMOVED, } DEFAULT_SETTINGS = { option.default for option in SETTINGS} FAVICON_PATH = app_root / "datasette" / "static" / "favicon.png" async def favicon(request, send): await asgi_send_file( send, str(FAVICON_PATH), content_type="image/png", headers={"Cache-Control": "max-age=3600, immutable, public"}, ) class Datasette: # Message constants: INFO = 1 WARNING = 2 ERROR = 3 def __init__( self, files=None, immutables=None, cache_headers=True, cors=False, inspect_data=None, metadata=None, sqlite_extensions=None, template_dir=None, plugins_dir=None, static_mounts=None, memory=False, settings=None, secret=None, version_note=None, config_dir=None, pdb=False, crossdb=False, nolock=False, ): assert config_dir is None or isinstance( config_dir, Path ), "config_dir= should be a pathlib.Path" self.config_dir = config_dir self.pdb = pdb self._secret = secret or secrets.token_hex(32) self.files = tuple(files or []) + tuple(immutables or []) if config_dir: self.files += tuple([str(p) for p in config_dir.glob("*.db")]) if ( config_dir and (config_dir / "inspect-data.json").exists() and not inspect_data ): inspect_data = json.loads((config_dir / "inspect-data.json").read_text()) if not immutables: immutable_filenames = [i["file"] for i in inspect_data.values()] immutables = [ f for f in self.files if Path(f).name in immutable_filenames ] self.inspect_data = inspect_data self.immutables = set(immutables or []) self.databases = collections.OrderedDict() try: self._refresh_schemas_lock = asyncio.Lock() except RuntimeError as rex: # Workaround for intermittent test failure, see: # if "There is no current event loop in thread" in str(rex): loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) self._refresh_schemas_lock = asyncio.Lock() else: raise self.crossdb = crossdb self.nolock = nolock if memory or crossdb or not self.files: self.add_database(Database(self, is_memory=True), name="_memory") # memory_name is a random string so that each Datasette instance gets its own # unique in-memory named database - otherwise unit tests can fail with weird # errors when different instances accidentally share an in-memory database self.add_database( Database(self, memory_name=secrets.token_hex()), name="_internal" ) self.internal_db_created = False for file in self.files: self.add_database( Database(self, file, is_mutable=file not in self.immutables) ) self.cache_headers = cache_headers self.cors = cors metadata_files = [] if config_dir: metadata_files = [ config_dir / filename for filename in ("metadata.json", "metadata.yaml", "metadata.yml") if (config_dir / filename).exists() ] if config_dir and metadata_files and not metadata: with metadata_files[0].open() as fp: metadata = parse_metadata( self._metadata_local = metadata or {} self.sqlite_extensions = [] for extension in sqlite_extensions or []: # Resolve spatialite, if requested if extension == "spatialite": # Could raise SpatialiteNotFound self.sqlite_extensions.append(find_spatialite()) else: self.sqlite_extensions.append(extension) if config_dir and (config_dir / "templates").is_dir() and not template_dir: template_dir = str((config_dir / "templates").resolve()) self.template_dir = template_dir if config_dir and (config_dir / "plugins").is_dir() and not plugins_dir: plugins_dir = str((config_dir / "plugins").resolve()) self.plugins_dir = plugins_dir if config_dir and (config_dir / "static").is_dir() and not static_mounts: static_mounts = [("static", str((config_dir / "static").resolve()))] self.static_mounts = static_mounts or [] if config_dir and (config_dir / "config.json").exists(): raise StartupError("config.json should be renamed to settings.json") if config_dir and (config_dir / "settings.json").exists() and not settings: settings = json.loads((config_dir / "settings.json").read_text()) self._settings = dict(DEFAULT_SETTINGS, **(settings or {})) self.renderers = {} # File extension -> (renderer, can_render) functions self.version_note = version_note if self.setting("num_sql_threads") == 0: self.executor = None else: self.executor = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=self.setting("num_sql_threads") ) self.max_returned_rows = self.setting("max_returned_rows") self.sql_time_limit_ms = self.setting("sql_time_limit_ms") self.page_size = self.setting("default_page_size") # Execute plugins in constructor, to ensure they are available # when the rest of `datasette inspect` executes if self.plugins_dir: for filepath in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.plugins_dir, "*.py")): if not os.path.isfile(filepath): continue mod = module_from_path(filepath, name=os.path.basename(filepath)) try: pm.register(mod) except ValueError: # Plugin already registered pass # Configure Jinja default_templates = str(app_root / "datasette" / "templates") template_paths = [] if self.template_dir: template_paths.append(self.template_dir) plugin_template_paths = [ plugin["templates_path"] for plugin in get_plugins() if plugin["templates_path"] ] template_paths.extend(plugin_template_paths) template_paths.append(default_templates) template_loader = ChoiceLoader( [ FileSystemLoader(template_paths), # Support {% extends "default:table.html" %}: PrefixLoader( {"default": FileSystemLoader(default_templates)}, delimiter=":" ), ] ) self.jinja_env = Environment( loader=template_loader, autoescape=True, enable_async=True ) self.jinja_env.filters["escape_css_string"] = escape_css_string self.jinja_env.filters["quote_plus"] = urllib.parse.quote_plus self.jinja_env.filters["escape_sqlite"] = escape_sqlite self.jinja_env.filters["to_css_class"] = to_css_class # pylint: disable=no-member pm.hook.prepare_jinja2_environment(env=self.jinja_env) self._register_renderers() self._permission_checks = collections.deque(maxlen=200) self._root_token = secrets.token_hex(32) self.client = DatasetteClient(self) async def refresh_schemas(self): if self._refresh_schemas_lock.locked(): return async with self._refresh_schemas_lock: await self._refresh_schemas() async def _refresh_schemas(self): internal_db = self.databases["_internal"] if not self.internal_db_created: await init_internal_db(internal_db) self.internal_db_created = True current_schema_versions = { row["database_name"]: row["schema_version"] for row in await internal_db.execute( "select database_name, schema_version from databases" ) } for database_name, db in self.databases.items(): schema_version = (await db.execute("PRAGMA schema_version")).first()[0] # Compare schema versions to see if we should skip it if schema_version == current_schema_versions.get(database_name): continue await internal_db.execute_write( """ INSERT OR REPLACE INTO databases (database_name, path, is_memory, schema_version) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) """, [database_name, str(db.path), db.is_memory, schema_version], ) await populate_schema_tables(internal_db, db) @property def urls(self): return Urls(self) async def invoke_startup(self): for hook in pm.hook.startup(datasette=self): await await_me_maybe(hook) def sign(self, value, namespace="default"): return URLSafeSerializer(self._secret, namespace).dumps(value) def unsign(self, signed, namespace="default"): return URLSafeSerializer(self._secret, namespace).loads(signed) def get_database(self, name=None, route=None): if route is not None: matches = [db for db in self.databases.values() if db.route == route] if not matches: raise KeyError return matches[0] if name is None: # Return first database that isn't "_internal" name = [key for key in self.databases.keys() if key != "_internal"][0] return self.databases[name] def add_database(self, db, name=None, route=None): new_databases = self.databases.copy() if name is None: # Pick a unique name for this database suggestion = db.suggest_name() name = suggestion else: suggestion = name i = 2 while name in self.databases: name = "{}_{}".format(suggestion, i) i += 1 = name db.route = route or name new_databases[name] = db # don't mutate! that causes race conditions with live import self.databases = new_databases return db def add_memory_database(self, memory_name): return self.add_database(Database(self, memory_name=memory_name)) def remove_database(self, name): new_databases = self.databases.copy() new_databases.pop(name) self.databases = new_databases def setting(self, key): return self._settings.get(key, None) def settings_dict(self): # Returns a fully resolved settings dictionary, useful for templates return { self.setting( for option in SETTINGS} def _metadata_recursive_update(self, orig, updated): if not isinstance(orig, dict) or not isinstance(updated, dict): return orig for key, upd_value in updated.items(): if isinstance(upd_value, dict) and isinstance(orig.get(key), dict): orig[key] = self._metadata_recursive_update(orig[key], upd_value) else: orig[key] = upd_value return orig def metadata(self, key=None, database=None, table=None, fallback=True): """ Looks up metadata, cascading backwards from specified level. Returns None if metadata value is not found. """ assert not ( database is None and table is not None ), "Cannot call metadata() with table= specified but not database=" metadata = {} for hook_dbs in pm.hook.get_metadata( datasette=self, key=key, database=database, table=table ): metadata = self._metadata_recursive_update(metadata, hook_dbs) # security precaution!! don't allow anything in the local config # to be overwritten. this is a temporary measure, not sure if this # is a good idea long term or maybe if it should just be a concern # of the plugin's implemtnation metadata = self._metadata_recursive_update(metadata, self._metadata_local) databases = metadata.get("databases") or {} search_list = [] if database is not None: search_list.append(databases.get(database) or {}) if table is not None: table_metadata = ((databases.get(database) or {}).get("tables") or {}).get( table ) or {} search_list.insert(0, table_metadata) search_list.append(metadata) if not fallback: # No fallback allowed, so just use the first one in the list search_list = search_list[:1] if key is not None: for item in search_list: if key in item: return item[key] return None else: # Return the merged list m = {} for item in search_list: m.update(item) return m @property def _metadata(self): return self.metadata() def plugin_config(self, plugin_name, database=None, table=None, fallback=True): """Return config for plugin, falling back from specified database/table""" plugins = self.metadata( "plugins", database=database, table=table, fallback=fallback ) if plugins is None: return None plugin_config = plugins.get(plugin_name) # Resolve any $file and $env keys plugin_config = resolve_env_secrets(plugin_config, os.environ) return plugin_config def app_css_hash(self): if not hasattr(self, "_app_css_hash"): with open(os.path.join(str(app_root), "datasette/static/app.css")) as fp: self._app_css_hash = hashlib.sha1("utf8")).hexdigest()[ :6 ] return self._app_css_hash async def get_canned_queries(self, database_name, actor): queries = self.metadata("queries", database=database_name, fallback=False) or {} for more_queries in pm.hook.canned_queries( datasette=self, database=database_name, actor=actor, ): more_queries = await await_me_maybe(more_queries) queries.update(more_queries or {}) # Fix any {"name": "select ..."} queries to be {"name": {"sql": "select ..."}} for key in queries: if not isinstance(queries[key], dict): queries[key] = {"sql": queries[key]} # Also make sure "name" is available: queries[key]["name"] = key return queries async def get_canned_query(self, database_name, query_name, actor): queries = await self.get_canned_queries(database_name, actor) query = queries.get(query_name) if query: return query def update_with_inherited_metadata(self, metadata): # Fills in source/license with defaults, if available metadata.update( { "source": metadata.get("source") or self.metadata("source"), "source_url": metadata.get("source_url") or self.metadata("source_url"), "license": metadata.get("license") or self.metadata("license"), "license_url": metadata.get("license_url") or self.metadata("license_url"), "about": metadata.get("about") or self.metadata("about"), "about_url": metadata.get("about_url") or self.metadata("about_url"), } ) def _prepare_connection(self, conn, database): conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row conn.text_factory = lambda x: str(x, "utf-8", "replace") if self.sqlite_extensions: conn.enable_load_extension(True) for extension in self.sqlite_extensions: # "extension" is either a string path to the extension # or a 2-item tuple that specifies which entrypoint to load. if isinstance(extension, tuple): path, entrypoint = extension conn.execute("SELECT load_extension(?, ?)", [path, entrypoint]) else: conn.execute("SELECT load_extension(?)", [extension]) if self.setting("cache_size_kb"): conn.execute(f"PRAGMA cache_size=-{self.setting('cache_size_kb')}") # pylint: disable=no-member pm.hook.prepare_connection(conn=conn, database=database, datasette=self) # If self.crossdb and this is _memory, connect the first SQLITE_LIMIT_ATTACHED databases if self.crossdb and database == "_memory": count = 0 for db_name, db in self.databases.items(): if count >= SQLITE_LIMIT_ATTACHED or db.is_memory: continue sql = 'ATTACH DATABASE "file:{path}?{qs}" AS [{name}];'.format( path=db.path, qs="mode=ro" if db.is_mutable else "immutable=1", name=db_name, ) conn.execute(sql) count += 1 def add_message(self, request, message, type=INFO): if not hasattr(request, "_messages"): request._messages = [] request._messages_should_clear = False request._messages.append((message, type)) def _write_messages_to_response(self, request, response): if getattr(request, "_messages", None): # Set those messages response.set_cookie("ds_messages", self.sign(request._messages, "messages")) elif getattr(request, "_messages_should_clear", False): response.set_cookie("ds_messages", "", expires=0, max_age=0) def _show_messages(self, request): if getattr(request, "_messages", None): request._messages_should_clear = True messages = request._messages request._messages = [] return messages else: return [] async def permission_allowed(self, actor, action, resource=None, default=False): """Check permissions using the permissions_allowed plugin hook""" result = None for check in pm.hook.permission_allowed( datasette=self, actor=actor, action=action, resource=resource, ): check = await await_me_maybe(check) if check is not None: result = check used_default = False if result is None: result = default used_default = True self._permission_checks.append( { "when": datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), "actor": actor, "action": action, "resource": resource, "used_default": used_default, "result": result, } ) return result async def ensure_permissions( self, actor: dict, permissions: Sequence[Union[Tuple[str, Union[str, Tuple[str, str]]], str]], ): """ permissions is a list of (action, resource) tuples or 'action' strings Raises datasette.Forbidden() if any of the checks fail """ assert actor is None or isinstance(actor, dict) for permission in permissions: if isinstance(permission, str): action = permission resource = None elif isinstance(permission, (tuple, list)) and len(permission) == 2: action, resource = permission else: assert ( False ), "permission should be string or tuple of two items: {}".format( repr(permission) ) ok = await self.permission_allowed( actor, action, resource=resource, default=None, ) if ok is not None: if ok: return else: raise Forbidden(action) async def check_visibility(self, actor, action, resource): """Returns (visible, private) - visible = can you see it, private = can others see it too""" visible = await self.permission_allowed( actor, action, resource=resource, default=True, ) if not visible: return False, False private = not await self.permission_allowed( None, action, resource=resource, default=True, ) return visible, private async def execute( self, db_name, sql, params=None, truncate=False, custom_time_limit=None, page_size=None, log_sql_errors=True, ): return await self.databases[db_name].execute( sql, params=params, truncate=truncate, custom_time_limit=custom_time_limit, page_size=page_size, log_sql_errors=log_sql_errors, ) async def expand_foreign_keys(self, database, table, column, values): """Returns dict mapping (column, value) -> label""" labeled_fks = {} db = self.databases[database] foreign_keys = await db.foreign_keys_for_table(table) # Find the foreign_key for this column try: fk = [ foreign_key for foreign_key in foreign_keys if foreign_key["column"] == column ][0] except IndexError: return {} label_column = await db.label_column_for_table(fk["other_table"]) if not label_column: return {(fk["column"], value): str(value) for value in values} labeled_fks = {} sql = """ select {other_column}, {label_column} from {other_table} where {other_column} in ({placeholders}) """.format( other_column=escape_sqlite(fk["other_column"]), label_column=escape_sqlite(label_column), other_table=escape_sqlite(fk["other_table"]), placeholders=", ".join(["?"] * len(set(values))), ) try: results = await self.execute(database, sql, list(set(values))) except QueryInterrupted: pass else: for id, value in results: labeled_fks[(fk["column"], id)] = value return labeled_fks def absolute_url(self, request, path): url = urllib.parse.urljoin(request.url, path) if url.startswith("http://") and self.setting("force_https_urls"): url = "https://" + url[len("http://") :] return url def _register_custom_units(self): """Register any custom units defined in the metadata.json with Pint""" for unit in self.metadata("custom_units") or []: ureg.define(unit) def _connected_databases(self): return [ { "name":, "route": d.route, "path": d.path, "size": d.size, "is_mutable": d.is_mutable, "is_memory": d.is_memory, "hash": d.hash, } for name, d in self.databases.items() if name != "_internal" ] def _versions(self): conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:") self._prepare_connection(conn, "_memory") sqlite_version = conn.execute("select sqlite_version()").fetchone()[0] sqlite_extensions = {} for extension, testsql, hasversion in ( ("json1", "SELECT json('{}')", False), ("spatialite", "SELECT spatialite_version()", True), ): try: result = conn.execute(testsql) if hasversion: sqlite_extensions[extension] = result.fetchone()[0] else: sqlite_extensions[extension] = None except Exception: pass # More details on SpatiaLite if "spatialite" in sqlite_extensions: spatialite_details = {} for fn in SPATIALITE_FUNCTIONS: try: result = conn.execute("select {}()".format(fn)) spatialite_details[fn] = result.fetchone()[0] except Exception as e: spatialite_details[fn] = {"error": str(e)} sqlite_extensions["spatialite"] = spatialite_details # Figure out supported FTS versions fts_versions = [] for fts in ("FTS5", "FTS4", "FTS3"): try: conn.execute( "CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE v{fts} USING {fts} (data)".format(fts=fts) ) fts_versions.append(fts) except sqlite3.OperationalError: continue datasette_version = {"version": __version__} if self.version_note: datasette_version["note"] = self.version_note try: # Optional import to avoid breaking Pyodide # import uvicorn uvicorn_version = uvicorn.__version__ except ImportError: uvicorn_version = None info = { "python": { "version": ".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3])), "full": sys.version, }, "datasette": datasette_version, "asgi": "3.0", "uvicorn": uvicorn_version, "sqlite": { "version": sqlite_version, "fts_versions": fts_versions, "extensions": sqlite_extensions, "compile_options": [ r[0] for r in conn.execute("pragma compile_options;").fetchall() ], }, } if using_pysqlite3: for package in ("pysqlite3", "pysqlite3-binary"): try: info["pysqlite3"] = pkg_resources.get_distribution(package).version break except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: pass return info def _plugins(self, request=None, all=False): ps = list(get_plugins()) should_show_all = False if request is not None: should_show_all = request.args.get("all") else: should_show_all = all if not should_show_all: ps = [p for p in ps if p["name"] not in DEFAULT_PLUGINS] ps.sort(key=lambda p: p["name"]) return [ { "name": p["name"], "static": p["static_path"] is not None, "templates": p["templates_path"] is not None, "version": p.get("version"), "hooks": list(sorted(set(p["hooks"]))), } for p in ps ] def _threads(self): if self.setting("num_sql_threads") == 0: return {"num_threads": 0, "threads": []} threads = list(threading.enumerate()) d = { "num_threads": len(threads), "threads": [ {"name":, "ident": t.ident, "daemon": t.daemon} for t in threads ], } # Only available in Python 3.7+ if hasattr(asyncio, "all_tasks"): tasks = asyncio.all_tasks() d.update( { "num_tasks": len(tasks), "tasks": [_cleaner_task_str(t) for t in tasks], } ) return d def _actor(self, request): return {"actor":} def table_metadata(self, database, table): """Fetch table-specific metadata.""" return ( (self.metadata("databases") or {}) .get(database, {}) .get("tables", {}) .get(table, {}) ) def _register_renderers(self): """Register output renderers which output data in custom formats.""" # Built-in renderers self.renderers["json"] = (json_renderer, lambda: True) # Hooks hook_renderers = [] # pylint: disable=no-member for hook in pm.hook.register_output_renderer(datasette=self): if type(hook) is list: hook_renderers += hook else: hook_renderers.append(hook) for renderer in hook_renderers: self.renderers[renderer["extension"]] = ( # It used to be called "callback" - remove this in Datasette 1.0 renderer.get("render") or renderer["callback"], renderer.get("can_render") or (lambda: True), ) async def render_template( self, templates, context=None, request=None, view_name=None ): context = context or {} if isinstance(templates, Template): template = templates else: if isinstance(templates, str): templates = [templates] template = self.jinja_env.select_template(templates) body_scripts = [] # pylint: disable=no-member for extra_script in pm.hook.extra_body_script(, database=context.get("database"), table=context.get("table"), columns=context.get("columns"), view_name=view_name, request=request, datasette=self, ): extra_script = await await_me_maybe(extra_script) if isinstance(extra_script, dict): script = extra_script["script"] module = bool(extra_script.get("module")) else: script = extra_script module = False body_scripts.append({"script": Markup(script), "module": module}) extra_template_vars = {} # pylint: disable=no-member for extra_vars in pm.hook.extra_template_vars(, database=context.get("database"), table=context.get("table"), columns=context.get("columns"), view_name=view_name, request=request, datasette=self, ): extra_vars = await await_me_maybe(extra_vars) assert isinstance(extra_vars, dict), "extra_vars is of type {}".format( type(extra_vars) ) extra_template_vars.update(extra_vars) async def menu_links(): links = [] for hook in pm.hook.menu_links( datasette=self, if request else None, request=request or None, ): extra_links = await await_me_maybe(hook) if extra_links: links.extend(extra_links) return links template_context = { **context, **{ "urls": self.urls, "actor": if request else None, "menu_links": menu_links, "display_actor": display_actor, "show_logout": request is not None and "ds_actor" in request.cookies and, "app_css_hash": self.app_css_hash(), "zip": zip, "body_scripts": body_scripts, "format_bytes": format_bytes, "show_messages": lambda: self._show_messages(request), "extra_css_urls": await self._asset_urls( "extra_css_urls", template, context, request, view_name ), "extra_js_urls": await self._asset_urls( "extra_js_urls", template, context, request, view_name ), "base_url": self.setting("base_url"), "csrftoken": request.scope["csrftoken"] if request else lambda: "", }, **extra_template_vars, } if request and request.args.get("_context") and self.setting("template_debug"): return "
".format( escape(json.dumps(template_context, default=repr, indent=4)) ) return await template.render_async(template_context) async def _asset_urls(self, key, template, context, request, view_name): # Flatten list-of-lists from plugins: seen_urls = set() collected = [] for hook in getattr(pm.hook, key)(, database=context.get("database"), table=context.get("table"), columns=context.get("columns"), view_name=view_name, request=request, datasette=self, ): hook = await await_me_maybe(hook) collected.extend(hook) collected.extend(self.metadata(key) or []) output = [] for url_or_dict in collected: if isinstance(url_or_dict, dict): url = url_or_dict["url"] sri = url_or_dict.get("sri") module = bool(url_or_dict.get("module")) else: url = url_or_dict sri = None module = False if url in seen_urls: continue seen_urls.add(url) if url.startswith("/"): # Take base_url into account: url = self.urls.path(url) script = {"url": url} if sri: script["sri"] = sri if module: script["module"] = True output.append(script) return output def _routes(self): routes = [] for routes_to_add in pm.hook.register_routes(datasette=self): for regex, view_fn in routes_to_add: routes.append((regex, wrap_view(view_fn, self))) def add_route(view, regex): routes.append((regex, view)) add_route(IndexView.as_view(self), r"/(\.(?Pjsono?))?$") # TODO: /favicon.ico and /-/static/ deserve far-future cache expires add_route(favicon, "/favicon.ico") add_route( asgi_static(app_root / "datasette" / "static"), r"/-/static/(?P.*)$" ) for path, dirname in self.static_mounts: add_route(asgi_static(dirname), r"/" + path + "/(?P.*)$") # Mount any plugin static/ directories for plugin in get_plugins(): if plugin["static_path"]: add_route( asgi_static(plugin["static_path"]), f"/-/static-plugins/{plugin['name']}/(?P.*)$", ) # Support underscores in name in addition to hyphens, see add_route( asgi_static(plugin["static_path"]), "/-/static-plugins/{}/(?P.*)$".format( plugin["name"].replace("-", "_") ), ) add_route( permanent_redirect( "/_memory", forward_query_string=True, forward_rest=True ), r"/:memory:(?P.*)$", ) add_route( JsonDataView.as_view(self, "metadata.json", lambda: self.metadata()), r"/-/metadata(\.(?Pjson))?$", ) add_route( JsonDataView.as_view(self, "versions.json", self._versions), r"/-/versions(\.(?Pjson))?$", ) add_route( JsonDataView.as_view( self, "plugins.json", self._plugins, needs_request=True ), r"/-/plugins(\.(?Pjson))?$", ) add_route( JsonDataView.as_view(self, "settings.json", lambda: self._settings), r"/-/settings(\.(?Pjson))?$", ) add_route( permanent_redirect("/-/settings.json"), r"/-/config.json", ) add_route( permanent_redirect("/-/settings"), r"/-/config", ) add_route( JsonDataView.as_view(self, "threads.json", self._threads), r"/-/threads(\.(?Pjson))?$", ) add_route( JsonDataView.as_view(self, "databases.json", self._connected_databases), r"/-/databases(\.(?Pjson))?$", ) add_route( JsonDataView.as_view(self, "actor.json", self._actor, needs_request=True), r"/-/actor(\.(?Pjson))?$", ) add_route( AuthTokenView.as_view(self), r"/-/auth-token$", ) add_route( LogoutView.as_view(self), r"/-/logout$", ) add_route( PermissionsDebugView.as_view(self), r"/-/permissions$", ) add_route( MessagesDebugView.as_view(self), r"/-/messages$", ) add_route( AllowDebugView.as_view(self), r"/-/allow-debug$", ) add_route( PatternPortfolioView.as_view(self), r"/-/patterns$", ) add_route(DatabaseDownload.as_view(self), r"/(?P[^\/\.]+)\.db$") add_route( DatabaseView.as_view(self), r"/(?P[^\/\.]+)(\.(?P\w+))?$" ) add_route( TableView.as_view(self), r"/(?P[^\/\.]+)/(?P[^\/\.]+)(\.(?P\w+))?$", ) add_route( RowView.as_view(self), r"/(?P[^\/\.]+)/(?P
[^/]+?)/(?P[^/]+?)(\.(?P\w+))?$", ) return [ # Compile any strings to regular expressions ((re.compile(pattern) if isinstance(pattern, str) else pattern), view) for pattern, view in routes ] def app(self): """Returns an ASGI app function that serves the whole of Datasette""" routes = self._routes() self._register_custom_units() async def setup_db(): # First time server starts up, calculate table counts for immutable databases for dbname, database in self.databases.items(): if not database.is_mutable: await database.table_counts(limit=60 * 60 * 1000) asgi = asgi_csrf.asgi_csrf( DatasetteRouter(self, routes), signing_secret=self._secret, cookie_name="ds_csrftoken", skip_if_scope=lambda scope: any( pm.hook.skip_csrf(datasette=self, scope=scope) ), ) if self.setting("trace_debug"): asgi = AsgiTracer(asgi) asgi = AsgiLifespan( asgi, on_startup=setup_db, ) for wrapper in pm.hook.asgi_wrapper(datasette=self): asgi = wrapper(asgi) return asgi class DatasetteRouter: def __init__(self, datasette, routes): self.ds = datasette self.routes = routes or [] # Build a list of pages/blah/{name}.html matching expressions pattern_templates = [ filepath for filepath in self.ds.jinja_env.list_templates() if "{" in filepath and filepath.startswith("pages/") ] self.page_routes = [ (route_pattern_from_filepath(filepath[len("pages/") :]), filepath) for filepath in pattern_templates ] async def __call__(self, scope, receive, send): # Because we care about "foo/bar" v.s. "foo%2Fbar" we decode raw_path ourselves path = scope["path"] raw_path = scope.get("raw_path") if raw_path: path = raw_path.decode("ascii") path = path.partition("?")[0] return await self.route_path(scope, receive, send, path) async def route_path(self, scope, receive, send, path): # Strip off base_url if present before routing base_url = self.ds.setting("base_url") if base_url != "/" and path.startswith(base_url): path = "/" + path[len(base_url) :] scope = dict(scope, route_path=path) request = Request(scope, receive) # Populate request_messages if ds_messages cookie is present try: request._messages = self.ds.unsign( request.cookies.get("ds_messages", ""), "messages" ) except BadSignature: pass scope_modifications = {} # Apply force_https_urls, if set if ( self.ds.setting("force_https_urls") and scope["type"] == "http" and scope.get("scheme") != "https" ): scope_modifications["scheme"] = "https" # Handle authentication default_actor = scope.get("actor") or None actor = None for actor in pm.hook.actor_from_request(datasette=self.ds, request=request): actor = await await_me_maybe(actor) if actor: break scope_modifications["actor"] = actor or default_actor scope = dict(scope, **scope_modifications) match, view = resolve_routes(self.routes, path) if match is None: return await self.handle_404(request, send) new_scope = dict(scope, url_route={"kwargs": match.groupdict()}) request.scope = new_scope try: response = await view(request, send) if response: self.ds._write_messages_to_response(request, response) await response.asgi_send(send) return except NotFound as exception: return await self.handle_404(request, send, exception) except Forbidden as exception: # Try the forbidden() plugin hook for custom_response in pm.hook.forbidden( datasette=self.ds, request=request, message=exception.args[0] ): custom_response = await await_me_maybe(custom_response) assert ( custom_response ), "Default forbidden() hook should have been called" return await custom_response.asgi_send(send) except Exception as exception: return await self.handle_exception(request, send, exception) async def handle_404(self, request, send, exception=None): # If path contains % encoding, redirect to tilde encoding if "%" in request.path: # Try the same path but with "%" replaced by "~" # and "~" replaced with "~7E" # and "." replaced with "~2E" new_path = ( request.path.replace("~", "~7E").replace("%", "~").replace(".", "~2E") ) if request.query_string: new_path += "?{}".format(request.query_string) await asgi_send_redirect(send, new_path) return # If URL has a trailing slash, redirect to URL without it path = request.scope.get( "raw_path", request.scope["path"].encode("utf8") ).partition(b"?")[0] context = {} if path.endswith(b"/"): path = path.rstrip(b"/") if request.scope["query_string"]: path += b"?" + request.scope["query_string"] await asgi_send_redirect(send, path.decode("latin1")) else: # Is there a pages/* template matching this path? route_path = request.scope.get("route_path", request.scope["path"]) # Jinja requires template names to use "/" even on Windows template_name = "pages" + route_path + ".html" try: template = self.ds.jinja_env.select_template([template_name]) except TemplateNotFound: template = None if template is None: # Try for a pages/blah/{name}.html template match for regex, wildcard_template in self.page_routes: match = regex.match(route_path) if match is not None: context.update(match.groupdict()) template = wildcard_template break if template: headers = {} status = [200] def custom_header(name, value): headers[name] = value return "" def custom_status(code): status[0] = code return "" def custom_redirect(location, code=302): status[0] = code headers["Location"] = location return "" def raise_404(message=""): raise NotFoundExplicit(message) context.update( { "custom_header": custom_header, "custom_status": custom_status, "custom_redirect": custom_redirect, "raise_404": raise_404, } ) try: body = await self.ds.render_template( template, context, request=request, view_name="page", ) except NotFoundExplicit as e: await self.handle_exception(request, send, e) return # Pull content-type out into separate parameter content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8" matches = [k for k in headers if k.lower() == "content-type"] if matches: content_type = headers[matches[0]] await asgi_send( send, body, status=status[0], headers=headers, content_type=content_type, ) else: await self.handle_exception(request, send, exception or NotFound("404")) async def handle_exception(self, request, send, exception): responses = [] for hook in pm.hook.handle_exception( datasette=self.ds, request=request, exception=exception, ): response = await await_me_maybe(hook) if response is not None: responses.append(response) assert responses, "Default exception handler should have returned something" # Even if there are multiple responses use just the first one response = responses[0] await response.asgi_send(send) _cleaner_task_str_re = re.compile(r"\S*site-packages/") def _cleaner_task_str(task): s = str(task) # This has something like the following in it: # running at /Users/simonw/Dropbox/Development/datasette/venv-3.7.5/lib/python3.7/site-packages/uvicorn/> # Clean up everything up to and including site-packages return _cleaner_task_str_re.sub("", s) def wrap_view(view_fn, datasette): @functools.wraps(view_fn) async def async_view_fn(request, send): if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(view_fn): response = await async_call_with_supported_arguments( view_fn, scope=request.scope, receive=request.receive, send=send, request=request, datasette=datasette, ) else: response = call_with_supported_arguments( view_fn, scope=request.scope, receive=request.receive, send=send, request=request, datasette=datasette, ) if response is not None: return response return async_view_fn def permanent_redirect(path, forward_query_string=False, forward_rest=False): return wrap_view( lambda request, send: Response.redirect( path + (request.url_vars["rest"] if forward_rest else "") + ( ("?" + request.query_string) if forward_query_string and request.query_string else "" ), status=301, ), datasette=None, ) _curly_re = re.compile(r"({.*?})") def route_pattern_from_filepath(filepath): # Drop the ".html" suffix if filepath.endswith(".html"): filepath = filepath[: -len(".html")] re_bits = ["/"] for bit in _curly_re.split(filepath): if _curly_re.match(bit): re_bits.append(f"(?P<{bit[1:-1]}>[^/]*)") else: re_bits.append(re.escape(bit)) return re.compile("^" + "".join(re_bits) + "$") class NotFoundExplicit(NotFound): pass class DatasetteClient: def __init__(self, ds): self.ds = ds = def _fix(self, path, avoid_path_rewrites=False): if not isinstance(path, PrefixedUrlString) and not avoid_path_rewrites: path = self.ds.urls.path(path) if path.startswith("/"): path = f"http://localhost{path}" return path async def get(self, path, **kwargs): async with httpx.AsyncClient( as client: return await client.get(self._fix(path), **kwargs) async def options(self, path, **kwargs): async with httpx.AsyncClient( as client: return await client.options(self._fix(path), **kwargs) async def head(self, path, **kwargs): async with httpx.AsyncClient( as client: return await client.head(self._fix(path), **kwargs) async def post(self, path, **kwargs): async with httpx.AsyncClient( as client: return await, **kwargs) async def put(self, path, **kwargs): async with httpx.AsyncClient( as client: return await client.put(self._fix(path), **kwargs) async def patch(self, path, **kwargs): async with httpx.AsyncClient( as client: return await client.patch(self._fix(path), **kwargs) async def delete(self, path, **kwargs): async with httpx.AsyncClient( as client: return await client.delete(self._fix(path), **kwargs) async def request(self, method, path, **kwargs): avoid_path_rewrites = kwargs.pop("avoid_path_rewrites", None) async with httpx.AsyncClient( as client: return await client.request( method, self._fix(path, avoid_path_rewrites), **kwargs )