import sqlite3 import urllib from click.testing import CliRunner from datasette.cli import cli from .fixtures import app_client_two_attached_databases_crossdb_enabled def test_crossdb_join(app_client_two_attached_databases_crossdb_enabled): app_client = app_client_two_attached_databases_crossdb_enabled sql = """ select 'extra database' as db, pk, text1, text2 from [extra database].searchable union all select 'fixtures' as db, pk, text1, text2 from fixtures.searchable """ response = app_client.get( "/_memory.json?" + urllib.parse.urlencode({"sql": sql, "_shape": "array"}) ) assert response.status == 200 assert response.json == [ {"db": "extra database", "pk": 1, "text1": "barry cat", "text2": "terry dog"}, {"db": "extra database", "pk": 2, "text1": "terry dog", "text2": "sara weasel"}, {"db": "fixtures", "pk": 1, "text1": "barry cat", "text2": "terry dog"}, {"db": "fixtures", "pk": 2, "text1": "terry dog", "text2": "sara weasel"}, ] def test_crossdb_warning_if_too_many_databases(tmp_path_factory): db_dir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("dbs") dbs = [] for i in range(11): path = str(db_dir / "db_{}.db".format(i)) conn = sqlite3.connect(path) conn.execute("vacuum") dbs.append(path) runner = CliRunner(mix_stderr=False) result = runner.invoke( cli, [ "serve", "--crossdb", "--get", "/", ] + dbs, catch_exceptions=False, ) assert ( "Warning: --crossdb only works with the first 10 attached databases" in result.stderr ) def test_crossdb_attached_database_list_display( app_client_two_attached_databases_crossdb_enabled, ): app_client = app_client_two_attached_databases_crossdb_enabled response = app_client.get("/_memory") for fragment in ( "databases are attached to this connection", "
  • fixtures - ", "
  • extra database - ", ): assert fragment in response.text