import asyncio import json import time import traceback from contextlib import contextmanager from contextvars import ContextVar from markupsafe import escape tracers = {} TRACE_RESERVED_KEYS = {"type", "start", "end", "duration_ms", "traceback"} trace_task_id = ContextVar("trace_task_id", default=None) def get_task_id(): current = trace_task_id.get(None) if current is not None: return current try: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() except RuntimeError: return None return id(asyncio.current_task(loop=loop)) @contextmanager def trace_child_tasks(): token = trace_task_id.set(get_task_id()) yield trace_task_id.reset(token) @contextmanager def trace(type, **kwargs): assert not TRACE_RESERVED_KEYS.intersection( kwargs.keys() ), f".trace() keyword parameters cannot include {TRACE_RESERVED_KEYS}" task_id = get_task_id() if task_id is None: yield kwargs return tracer = tracers.get(task_id) if tracer is None: yield kwargs return start = time.perf_counter() yield kwargs end = time.perf_counter() trace_info = { "type": type, "start": start, "end": end, "duration_ms": (end - start) * 1000, "traceback": traceback.format_list(traceback.extract_stack(limit=6)[:-3]), } trace_info.update(kwargs) tracer.append(trace_info) @contextmanager def capture_traces(tracer): # tracer is a list task_id = get_task_id() if task_id is None: yield return tracers[task_id] = tracer yield del tracers[task_id] class AsgiTracer: # If the body is larger than this we don't attempt to append the trace max_body_bytes = 1024 * 256 # 256 KB def __init__(self, app): = app async def __call__(self, scope, receive, send): if b"_trace=1" not in scope.get("query_string", b"").split(b"&"): await, receive, send) return trace_start = time.perf_counter() traces = [] accumulated_body = b"" size_limit_exceeded = False response_headers = [] async def wrapped_send(message): nonlocal accumulated_body, size_limit_exceeded, response_headers if message["type"] == "http.response.start": response_headers = message["headers"] await send(message) return if message["type"] != "http.response.body" or size_limit_exceeded: await send(message) return # Accumulate body until the end or until size is exceeded accumulated_body += message["body"] if len(accumulated_body) > self.max_body_bytes: await send( { "type": "http.response.body", "body": accumulated_body, "more_body": True, } ) size_limit_exceeded = True return if not message.get("more_body"): # We have all the body - modify it and send the result # TODO: What to do about Content-Type or other cases? trace_info = { "request_duration_ms": 1000 * (time.perf_counter() - trace_start), "sum_trace_duration_ms": sum(t["duration_ms"] for t in traces), "num_traces": len(traces), "traces": traces, } try: content_type = [ v.decode("utf8") for k, v in response_headers if k.lower() == b"content-type" ][0] except IndexError: content_type = "" if "text/html" in content_type and b"" in accumulated_body: extra = escape(json.dumps(trace_info, indent=2)) extra_html = f"
".encode("utf8") accumulated_body = accumulated_body.replace(b"", extra_html) elif "json" in content_type and accumulated_body.startswith(b"{"): data = json.loads(accumulated_body.decode("utf8")) if "_trace" not in data: data["_trace"] = trace_info accumulated_body = json.dumps(data).encode("utf8") await send({"type": "http.response.body", "body": accumulated_body}) with capture_traces(traces): await, receive, wrapped_send)