import json import os import pathlib import shlex import shutil import tempfile from contextlib import contextmanager from subprocess import call, check_output import click from datasette import hookimpl from datasette.utils import link_or_copy, link_or_copy_directory, parse_metadata from .common import ( add_common_publish_arguments_and_options, fail_if_publish_binary_not_installed, ) @hookimpl def publish_subcommand(publish): @publish.command() @add_common_publish_arguments_and_options @click.option( "-n", "--name", default="datasette", help="Application name to use when deploying", ) @click.option( "--tar", help="--tar option to pass to Heroku, e.g. --tar=/usr/local/bin/gtar", ) @click.option( "--generate-dir", type=click.Path(dir_okay=True, file_okay=False), help="Output generated application files and stop without deploying", ) def heroku( files, metadata, extra_options, branch, template_dir, plugins_dir, static, install, plugin_secret, version_note, secret, title, license, license_url, source, source_url, about, about_url, name, tar, generate_dir, ): "Publish databases to Datasette running on Heroku" fail_if_publish_binary_not_installed( "heroku", "Heroku", "" ) # Check for heroku-builds plugin plugins = [ line.split()[0] for line in check_output(["heroku", "plugins"]).splitlines() ] if b"heroku-builds" not in plugins: click.echo( "Publishing to Heroku requires the heroku-builds plugin to be installed." ) click.confirm( "Install it? (this will run `heroku plugins:install heroku-builds`)", abort=True, ) call(["heroku", "plugins:install", "heroku-builds"]) extra_metadata = { "title": title, "license": license, "license_url": license_url, "source": source, "source_url": source_url, "about": about, "about_url": about_url, } environment_variables = {} if plugin_secret: extra_metadata["plugins"] = {} for plugin_name, plugin_setting, setting_value in plugin_secret: environment_variable = ( f"{plugin_name}_{plugin_setting}".upper().replace("-", "_") ) environment_variables[environment_variable] = setting_value extra_metadata["plugins"].setdefault(plugin_name, {})[ plugin_setting ] = {"$env": environment_variable} with temporary_heroku_directory( files, name, metadata, extra_options, branch, template_dir, plugins_dir, static, install, version_note, secret, extra_metadata, ): if generate_dir: # Recursively copy files from current working directory to it if pathlib.Path(generate_dir).exists(): raise click.ClickException("Directory already exists") shutil.copytree(".", generate_dir) click.echo( f"Generated files written to {generate_dir}, stopping without deploying", err=True, ) return app_name = None if name: # Check to see if this app already exists list_output = check_output(["heroku", "apps:list", "--json"]).decode( "utf8" ) apps = json.loads(list_output) for app in apps: if app["name"] == name: app_name = name break if not app_name: # Create a new app cmd = ["heroku", "apps:create"] if name: cmd.append(name) cmd.append("--json") create_output = check_output(cmd).decode("utf8") app_name = json.loads(create_output)["name"] for key, value in environment_variables.items(): call(["heroku", "config:set", "-a", app_name, f"{key}={value}"]) tar_option = [] if tar: tar_option = ["--tar", tar] call( ["heroku", "builds:create", "-a", app_name, "--include-vcs-ignore"] + tar_option ) @contextmanager def temporary_heroku_directory( files, name, metadata, extra_options, branch, template_dir, plugins_dir, static, install, version_note, secret, extra_metadata=None, ): extra_metadata = extra_metadata or {} tmp = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() saved_cwd = os.getcwd() file_paths = [os.path.join(saved_cwd, file_path) for file_path in files] file_names = [os.path.split(f)[-1] for f in files] if metadata: metadata_content = parse_metadata( else: metadata_content = {} for key, value in extra_metadata.items(): if value: metadata_content[key] = value try: os.chdir( if metadata_content: with open("metadata.json", "w") as fp: fp.write(json.dumps(metadata_content, indent=2)) with open("runtime.txt", "w") as fp: fp.write("python-3.11.0") if branch: install = [ f"{branch}.zip" ] + list(install) else: install = ["datasette"] + list(install) with open("requirements.txt", "w") as fp: fp.write("\n".join(install)) os.mkdir("bin") with open("bin/post_compile", "w") as fp: fp.write("datasette inspect --inspect-file inspect-data.json") extras = [] if template_dir: link_or_copy_directory( os.path.join(saved_cwd, template_dir), os.path.join(, "templates"), ) extras.extend(["--template-dir", "templates/"]) if plugins_dir: link_or_copy_directory( os.path.join(saved_cwd, plugins_dir), os.path.join(, "plugins") ) extras.extend(["--plugins-dir", "plugins/"]) if version_note: extras.extend(["--version-note", version_note]) if metadata_content: extras.extend(["--metadata", "metadata.json"]) if extra_options: extras.extend(extra_options.split()) for mount_point, path in static: link_or_copy_directory( os.path.join(saved_cwd, path), os.path.join(, mount_point) ) extras.extend(["--static", f"{mount_point}:{mount_point}"]) quoted_files = " ".join( ["-i {}".format(shlex.quote(file_name)) for file_name in file_names] ) procfile_cmd = "web: datasette serve --host {quoted_files} --cors --port $PORT --inspect-file inspect-data.json {extras}".format( quoted_files=quoted_files, extras=" ".join(extras) ) with open("Procfile", "w") as fp: fp.write(procfile_cmd) for path, filename in zip(file_paths, file_names): link_or_copy(path, os.path.join(, filename)) yield finally: tmp.cleanup() os.chdir(saved_cwd)