from .fixtures import app_client import pytest from unittest.mock import patch from import Datasette from datasette.database import Database def test_internal_only_available_to_root(app_client): cookie = app_client.actor_cookie({"id": "root"}) assert app_client.get("/_internal").status == 403 assert app_client.get("/_internal", cookies={"ds_actor": cookie}).status == 200 def test_internal_databases(app_client): cookie = app_client.actor_cookie({"id": "root"}) databases = app_client.get( "/_internal/databases.json?_shape=array", cookies={"ds_actor": cookie} ).json assert len(databases) == 2 assert databases[0]["database_name"] == "_internal" assert databases[1]["database_name"] == "fixtures" def test_internal_tables(app_client): cookie = app_client.actor_cookie({"id": "root"}) tables = app_client.get( "/_internal/tables.json?_shape=array", cookies={"ds_actor": cookie} ).json assert len(tables) > 5 table = tables[0] assert set(table.keys()) == {"rootpage", "table_name", "database_name", "sql"} def test_internal_indexes(app_client): cookie = app_client.actor_cookie({"id": "root"}) indexes = app_client.get( "/_internal/indexes.json?_shape=array", cookies={"ds_actor": cookie} ).json assert len(indexes) > 5 index = indexes[0] assert set(index.keys()) == { "partial", "name", "table_name", "unique", "seq", "database_name", "origin", } def test_internal_foreign_keys(app_client): cookie = app_client.actor_cookie({"id": "root"}) foreign_keys = app_client.get( "/_internal/foreign_keys.json?_shape=array", cookies={"ds_actor": cookie} ).json assert len(foreign_keys) > 5 foreign_key = foreign_keys[0] assert set(foreign_key.keys()) == { "table", "seq", "on_update", "on_delete", "to", "id", "match", "database_name", "table_name", "from", } @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize("schema_version_returns_none", (True, False)) async def test_detects_schema_changes(schema_version_returns_none): ds = Datasette() db_name = "test_detects_schema_changes_{}".format(schema_version_returns_none) db = ds.add_memory_database(db_name) # Test if Datasette correctly detects schema changes, whether or not # the schema_version method is working. # _internal = ds.get_database("_internal") async def get_tables(): return [ dict(r) for r in await _internal.execute( "select table_name from tables where database_name = ?", [db_name] ) ] async def test_it(): await ds.refresh_schemas() initial_hash = await db.schema_hash() # _internal should list zero tables tables = await get_tables() assert tables == [] # Create a new table await db.execute_write("CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)") await ds.refresh_schemas() assert await db.schema_hash() != initial_hash # _internal should list one table tables = await get_tables() assert tables == [ {"table_name": "test"}, ] async def schema_version_none(self): return None if schema_version_returns_none: with patch( "datasette.database.Database.schema_version", new=schema_version_none ): await test_it() else: await test_it()