""" Tests for various datasette helper functions. """ from datasette import utils import pytest import json @pytest.mark.parametrize('path,expected', [ ('foo', ['foo']), ('foo,bar', ['foo', 'bar']), ('123,433,112', ['123', '433', '112']), ('123%2C433,112', ['123,433', '112']), ('123%2F433%2F112', ['123/433/112']), ]) def test_compound_pks_from_path(path, expected): assert expected == utils.compound_pks_from_path(path) @pytest.mark.parametrize('row,pks,expected_path', [ ({'A': 'foo', 'B': 'bar'}, ['A', 'B'], 'foo,bar'), ({'A': 'f,o', 'B': 'bar'}, ['A', 'B'], 'f%2Co,bar'), ({'A': 123}, ['A'], '123'), ]) def test_path_from_row_pks(row, pks, expected_path): actual_path = utils.path_from_row_pks(row, pks, False) assert expected_path == actual_path @pytest.mark.parametrize('obj,expected', [ ({ 'Description': 'Soft drinks', 'Picture': b"\x15\x1c\x02\xc7\xad\x05\xfe", 'CategoryID': 1, }, """ {"CategoryID": 1, "Description": "Soft drinks", "Picture": {"$base64": true, "encoded": "FRwCx60F/g=="}} """.strip()), ]) def test_custom_json_encoder(obj, expected): actual = json.dumps( obj, cls=utils.CustomJSONEncoder, sort_keys=True ) assert expected == actual @pytest.mark.parametrize('args,expected_where,expected_params', [ ( { 'name_english__contains': ['foo'], }, '"name_english" like :p0', ['%foo%'] ), ( { 'foo': ['bar'], 'bar__contains': ['baz'], }, '"bar" like :p0 and "foo" = :p1', ['%baz%', 'bar'] ), ( { 'foo__startswith': ['bar'], 'bar__endswith': ['baz'], }, '"bar" like :p0 and "foo" like :p1', ['%baz', 'bar%'] ), ( { 'foo__lt': ['1'], 'bar__gt': ['2'], 'baz__gte': ['3'], 'bax__lte': ['4'], }, '"bar" > :p0 and "bax" <= :p1 and "baz" >= :p2 and "foo" < :p3', [2, 4, 3, 1] ), ( { 'foo__like': ['2%2'], 'zax__glob': ['3*'], }, '"foo" like :p0 and "zax" glob :p1', ['2%2', '3*'] ), ]) def test_build_where(args, expected_where, expected_params): sql_bits, actual_params = utils.build_where_clauses(args) actual_where = ' and '.join(sql_bits) assert expected_where == actual_where assert { 'p{}'.format(i): param for i, param in enumerate(expected_params) } == actual_params @pytest.mark.parametrize('bad_sql', [ 'update blah;', 'PRAGMA case_sensitive_like = true' "SELECT * FROM pragma_index_info('idx52')", ]) def test_validate_sql_select_bad(bad_sql): with pytest.raises(utils.InvalidSql): utils.validate_sql_select(bad_sql) @pytest.mark.parametrize('good_sql', [ 'select count(*) from airports', 'select foo from bar', 'select 1 + 1', ]) def test_validate_sql_select_good(good_sql): utils.validate_sql_select(good_sql)