from datasette.cli import cli, serve from datasette.plugins import pm from click.testing import CliRunner import textwrap import json def test_serve_with_get(tmp_path_factory): plugins_dir = tmp_path_factory.mktemp("plugins_for_serve_with_get") (plugins_dir / "").write_text( textwrap.dedent( """ from datasette import hookimpl @hookimpl def startup(datasette): open("{}", "w").write("hello") """.format( str(plugins_dir / "hello.txt") ), ), "utf-8", ) runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke( cli, [ "serve", "--memory", "--plugins-dir", str(plugins_dir), "--get", "/:memory:.json?sql=select+sqlite_version()", ], ) assert 0 == result.exit_code, result.output assert { "database": ":memory:", "truncated": False, "columns": ["sqlite_version()"], }.items() <= json.loads(result.output).items() # The plugin should have created hello.txt assert (plugins_dir / "hello.txt").read_text() == "hello" # Annoyingly that new test plugin stays resident - we need # to manually unregister it to avoid conflict with other tests to_unregister = [ p for p in pm.get_plugins() if p.__name__ == "" ][0] pm.unregister(to_unregister) def test_serve_with_get_exit_code_for_error(tmp_path_factory): runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke( cli, [ "serve", "--memory", "--get", "/this-is-404", ], catch_exceptions=False, ) assert result.exit_code == 1 assert "404" in result.output