import collections from import Datasette from datasette.cli import cli from datasette.default_permissions import restrictions_allow_action from .fixtures import app_client, assert_permissions_checked, make_app_client from click.testing import CliRunner from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup import copy import json from pprint import pprint import pytest_asyncio import pytest import re import time import urllib @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def padlock_client(): with make_app_client( config={ "databases": { "fixtures": { "queries": {"two": {"sql": "select 1 + 1"}}, } } } ) as client: yield client @pytest_asyncio.fixture async def perms_ds(): ds = Datasette() await ds.invoke_startup() one = ds.add_memory_database("perms_ds_one") two = ds.add_memory_database("perms_ds_two") await one.execute_write("create table if not exists t1 (id integer primary key)") await one.execute_write("insert or ignore into t1 (id) values (1)") await one.execute_write("create view if not exists v1 as select * from t1") await one.execute_write("create table if not exists t2 (id integer primary key)") await two.execute_write("create table if not exists t1 (id integer primary key)") return ds @pytest.mark.parametrize( "allow,expected_anon,expected_auth", [ (None, 200, 200), ({}, 403, 403), ({"id": "root"}, 403, 200), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path", ( "/", "/fixtures", "/-/api", "/fixtures/compound_three_primary_keys", "/fixtures/compound_three_primary_keys/a,a,a", "/fixtures/two", # Query ), ) def test_view_padlock(allow, expected_anon, expected_auth, path, padlock_client): padlock_client.ds.config["allow"] = allow fragment = "🔒" anon_response = padlock_client.get(path) assert expected_anon == anon_response.status if allow and anon_response.status == 200: # Should be no padlock assert fragment not in anon_response.text auth_response = padlock_client.get( path, cookies={"ds_actor": padlock_client.actor_cookie({"id": "root"})}, ) assert expected_auth == auth_response.status # Check for the padlock if allow and expected_anon == 403 and expected_auth == 200: assert fragment in auth_response.text del padlock_client.ds.config["allow"] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "allow,expected_anon,expected_auth", [ (None, 200, 200), ({}, 403, 403), ({"id": "root"}, 403, 200), ], ) def test_view_database(allow, expected_anon, expected_auth): with make_app_client( config={"databases": {"fixtures": {"allow": allow}}} ) as client: for path in ( "/fixtures", "/fixtures/compound_three_primary_keys", "/fixtures/compound_three_primary_keys/a,a,a", ): anon_response = client.get(path) assert expected_anon == anon_response.status, path if allow and path == "/fixtures" and anon_response.status == 200: # Should be no padlock assert ">fixtures 🔒" not in anon_response.text auth_response = client.get( path, cookies={"ds_actor": client.actor_cookie({"id": "root"})}, ) assert expected_auth == auth_response.status if ( allow and path == "/fixtures" and expected_anon == 403 and expected_auth == 200 ): assert ">fixtures 🔒" in auth_response.text def test_database_list_respects_view_database(): with make_app_client( config={"databases": {"fixtures": {"allow": {"id": "root"}}}}, extra_databases={"data.db": "create table names (name text)"}, ) as client: anon_response = client.get("/") assert 'data' in anon_response.text assert 'fixtures' not in anon_response.text auth_response = client.get( "/", cookies={"ds_actor": client.actor_cookie({"id": "root"})}, ) assert 'data' in auth_response.text assert 'fixtures 🔒' in auth_response.text def test_database_list_respects_view_table(): with make_app_client( config={ "databases": { "data": { "tables": { "names": {"allow": {"id": "root"}}, "v": {"allow": {"id": "root"}}, } } } }, extra_databases={ "data.db": "create table names (name text); create view v as select * from names" }, ) as client: html_fragments = [ ">names 🔒", ">v 🔒", ] anon_response_text = client.get("/").text assert "0 rows in 0 tables" in anon_response_text for html_fragment in html_fragments: assert html_fragment not in anon_response_text auth_response_text = client.get( "/", cookies={"ds_actor": client.actor_cookie({"id": "root"})}, ).text for html_fragment in html_fragments: assert html_fragment in auth_response_text @pytest.mark.parametrize( "allow,expected_anon,expected_auth", [ (None, 200, 200), ({}, 403, 403), ({"id": "root"}, 403, 200), ], ) def test_view_table(allow, expected_anon, expected_auth): with make_app_client( config={ "databases": { "fixtures": { "tables": {"compound_three_primary_keys": {"allow": allow}} } } } ) as client: anon_response = client.get("/fixtures/compound_three_primary_keys") assert expected_anon == anon_response.status if allow and anon_response.status == 200: # Should be no padlock assert ">compound_three_primary_keys 🔒" not in anon_response.text auth_response = client.get( "/fixtures/compound_three_primary_keys", cookies={"ds_actor": client.actor_cookie({"id": "root"})}, ) assert expected_auth == auth_response.status if allow and expected_anon == 403 and expected_auth == 200: assert ">compound_three_primary_keys 🔒" in auth_response.text def test_table_list_respects_view_table(): with make_app_client( config={ "databases": { "fixtures": { "tables": { "compound_three_primary_keys": {"allow": {"id": "root"}}, # And a SQL view too: "paginated_view": {"allow": {"id": "root"}}, } } } } ) as client: html_fragments = [ ">compound_three_primary_keys 🔒", ">paginated_view 🔒", ] anon_response = client.get("/fixtures") for html_fragment in html_fragments: assert html_fragment not in anon_response.text auth_response = client.get( "/fixtures", cookies={"ds_actor": client.actor_cookie({"id": "root"})} ) for html_fragment in html_fragments: assert html_fragment in auth_response.text @pytest.mark.parametrize( "allow,expected_anon,expected_auth", [ (None, 200, 200), ({}, 403, 403), ({"id": "root"}, 403, 200), ], ) def test_view_query(allow, expected_anon, expected_auth): with make_app_client( config={ "databases": { "fixtures": {"queries": {"q": {"sql": "select 1 + 1", "allow": allow}}} } } ) as client: anon_response = client.get("/fixtures/q") assert expected_anon == anon_response.status if allow and anon_response.status == 200: # Should be no padlock assert "🔒" not in anon_response.text auth_response = client.get( "/fixtures/q", cookies={"ds_actor": client.actor_cookie({"id": "root"})} ) assert expected_auth == auth_response.status if allow and expected_anon == 403 and expected_auth == 200: assert ">fixtures: q 🔒" in auth_response.text @pytest.mark.parametrize( "config", [ {"allow_sql": {"id": "root"}}, {"databases": {"fixtures": {"allow_sql": {"id": "root"}}}}, ], ) def test_execute_sql(config): schema_re = re.compile("const schema = ({.*?});", re.DOTALL) with make_app_client(config=config) as client: form_fragment = '
123_starts_with_digits" in response.text assert ">Table With Space In Name 🔒" in response.text # Queries assert ">from_async_hook 🔒" in response.text assert ">query_two" in response.text # Views assert ">paginated_view 🔒" in response.text assert ">simple_view" in response.text finally: cascade_app_client.ds.config = previous_config DEF = "USE_DEFAULT" @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize( "actor,permission,resource_1,resource_2,expected_result", ( # Without restrictions the defaults apply ({"id": "t"}, "view-instance", None, None, DEF), ({"id": "t"}, "view-database", "one", None, DEF), ({"id": "t"}, "view-table", "one", "t1", DEF), # If there is an _r block, everything gets denied unless explicitly allowed ({"id": "t", "_r": {}}, "view-instance", None, None, False), ({"id": "t", "_r": {}}, "view-database", "one", None, False), ({"id": "t", "_r": {}}, "view-table", "one", "t1", False), # Explicit allowing works at the "a" for all level: ({"id": "t", "_r": {"a": ["vi"]}}, "view-instance", None, None, DEF), ({"id": "t", "_r": {"a": ["vd"]}}, "view-database", "one", None, DEF), ({"id": "t", "_r": {"a": ["vt"]}}, "view-table", "one", "t1", DEF), # But not if it's the wrong permission ({"id": "t", "_r": {"a": ["vi"]}}, "view-database", "one", None, False), ({"id": "t", "_r": {"a": ["vd"]}}, "view-table", "one", "t1", False), # Works at the "d" for database level: ({"id": "t", "_r": {"d": {"one": ["vd"]}}}, "view-database", "one", None, DEF), ( {"id": "t", "_r": {"d": {"one": ["vdd"]}}}, "view-database-download", "one", None, DEF, ), ({"id": "t", "_r": {"d": {"one": ["es"]}}}, "execute-sql", "one", None, DEF), # Works at the "r" for table level: ( {"id": "t", "_r": {"r": {"one": {"t1": ["vt"]}}}}, "view-table", "one", "t1", DEF, ), ( {"id": "t", "_r": {"r": {"one": {"t1": ["vt"]}}}}, "view-table", "one", "t2", False, ), # non-abbreviations should work too ({"id": "t", "_r": {"a": ["view-instance"]}}, "view-instance", None, None, DEF), ( {"id": "t", "_r": {"d": {"one": ["view-database"]}}}, "view-database", "one", None, DEF, ), ( {"id": "t", "_r": {"r": {"one": {"t1": ["view-table"]}}}}, "view-table", "one", "t1", DEF, ), # view-instance is granted if you have view-database ({"id": "t", "_r": {"a": ["vd"]}}, "view-instance", None, None, DEF), ), ) async def test_actor_restricted_permissions( perms_ds, actor, permission, resource_1, resource_2, expected_result ): perms_ds.pdb = True cookies = {"ds_actor": perms_ds.sign({"a": {"id": "root"}}, "actor")} csrftoken = (await perms_ds.client.get("/-/permissions", cookies=cookies)).cookies[ "ds_csrftoken" ] cookies["ds_csrftoken"] = csrftoken response = await "/-/permissions", data={ "actor": json.dumps(actor), "permission": permission, "resource_1": resource_1, "resource_2": resource_2, "csrftoken": csrftoken, }, cookies=cookies, ) expected_resource = [] if resource_1: expected_resource.append(resource_1) if resource_2: expected_resource.append(resource_2) if len(expected_resource) == 1: expected_resource = expected_resource[0] expected = { "actor": actor, "permission": permission, "resource": expected_resource, "result": expected_result, } assert response.json() == expected PermConfigTestCase = collections.namedtuple( "PermConfigTestCase", "config,actor,action,resource,expected_result", ) @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize( "config,actor,action,resource,expected_result", ( # Simple view-instance default=True example PermConfigTestCase( config={}, actor=None, action="view-instance", resource=None, expected_result=True, ), # debug-menu on root PermConfigTestCase( config={"permissions": {"debug-menu": {"id": "user"}}}, actor={"id": "user"}, action="debug-menu", resource=None, expected_result=True, ), # debug-menu on root, wrong actor PermConfigTestCase( config={"permissions": {"debug-menu": {"id": "user"}}}, actor={"id": "user2"}, action="debug-menu", resource=None, expected_result=False, ), # create-table on root PermConfigTestCase( config={"permissions": {"create-table": {"id": "user"}}}, actor={"id": "user"}, action="create-table", resource=None, expected_result=True, ), # create-table on database - no resource specified PermConfigTestCase( config={ "databases": { "perms_ds_one": {"permissions": {"create-table": {"id": "user"}}} } }, actor={"id": "user"}, action="create-table", resource=None, expected_result=False, ), # create-table on database PermConfigTestCase( config={ "databases": { "perms_ds_one": {"permissions": {"create-table": {"id": "user"}}} } }, actor={"id": "user"}, action="create-table", resource="perms_ds_one", expected_result=True, ), # insert-row on root, wrong actor PermConfigTestCase( config={"permissions": {"insert-row": {"id": "user"}}}, actor={"id": "user2"}, action="insert-row", resource=("perms_ds_one", "t1"), expected_result=False, ), # insert-row on root, right actor PermConfigTestCase( config={"permissions": {"insert-row": {"id": "user"}}}, actor={"id": "user"}, action="insert-row", resource=("perms_ds_one", "t1"), expected_result=True, ), # insert-row on database PermConfigTestCase( config={ "databases": { "perms_ds_one": {"permissions": {"insert-row": {"id": "user"}}} } }, actor={"id": "user"}, action="insert-row", resource="perms_ds_one", expected_result=True, ), # insert-row on table, wrong table PermConfigTestCase( config={ "databases": { "perms_ds_one": { "tables": { "t1": {"permissions": {"insert-row": {"id": "user"}}} } } } }, actor={"id": "user"}, action="insert-row", resource=("perms_ds_one", "t2"), expected_result=False, ), # insert-row on table, right table PermConfigTestCase( config={ "databases": { "perms_ds_one": { "tables": { "t1": {"permissions": {"insert-row": {"id": "user"}}} } } } }, actor={"id": "user"}, action="insert-row", resource=("perms_ds_one", "t1"), expected_result=True, ), # view-query on canned query, wrong actor PermConfigTestCase( config={ "databases": { "perms_ds_one": { "queries": { "q1": { "sql": "select 1 + 1", "permissions": {"view-query": {"id": "user"}}, } } } } }, actor={"id": "user2"}, action="view-query", resource=("perms_ds_one", "q1"), expected_result=False, ), # view-query on canned query, right actor PermConfigTestCase( config={ "databases": { "perms_ds_one": { "queries": { "q1": { "sql": "select 1 + 1", "permissions": {"view-query": {"id": "user"}}, } } } } }, actor={"id": "user"}, action="view-query", resource=("perms_ds_one", "q1"), expected_result=True, ), ), ) async def test_permissions_in_config( perms_ds, config, actor, action, resource, expected_result ): previous_config = perms_ds.config updated_config = copy.deepcopy(previous_config) updated_config.update(config) perms_ds.config = updated_config try: result = await perms_ds.permission_allowed(actor, action, resource) if result != expected_result: pprint(perms_ds._permission_checks) assert result == expected_result finally: perms_ds.config = previous_config @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_actor_endpoint_allows_any_token(): ds = Datasette() token = ds.sign( { "a": "root", "token": "dstok", "t": int(time.time()), "_r": {"a": ["debug-menu"]}, }, namespace="token", ) response = await ds.client.get( "/-/actor.json", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer dstok_{token}"} ) assert response.status_code == 200 assert response.json()["actor"] == { "id": "root", "token": "dstok", "_r": {"a": ["debug-menu"]}, } @pytest.mark.parametrize( "options,expected", ( ([], {"id": "root", "token": "dstok"}), ( ["--all", "debug-menu"], {"_r": {"a": ["dm"]}, "id": "root", "token": "dstok"}, ), ( ["-a", "debug-menu", "--all", "create-table"], {"_r": {"a": ["dm", "ct"]}, "id": "root", "token": "dstok"}, ), ( ["-r", "db1", "t1", "insert-row"], {"_r": {"r": {"db1": {"t1": ["ir"]}}}, "id": "root", "token": "dstok"}, ), ( ["-d", "db1", "create-table"], {"_r": {"d": {"db1": ["ct"]}}, "id": "root", "token": "dstok"}, ), # And one with all of them multiple times using all the names ( [ "-a", "debug-menu", "--all", "create-table", "-r", "db1", "t1", "insert-row", "--resource", "db1", "t2", "update-row", "-d", "db1", "create-table", "--database", "db2", "drop-table", ], { "_r": { "a": ["dm", "ct"], "d": {"db1": ["ct"], "db2": ["dt"]}, "r": {"db1": {"t1": ["ir"], "t2": ["ur"]}}, }, "id": "root", "token": "dstok", }, ), ), ) def test_cli_create_token(options, expected): runner = CliRunner() result1 = runner.invoke( cli, [ "create-token", "--secret", "sekrit", "root", ] + options, ) token = result1.output.strip() result2 = runner.invoke( cli, [ "serve", "--secret", "sekrit", "--get", "/-/actor.json", "--token", token, ], ) assert 0 == result2.exit_code, result2.output assert json.loads(result2.output) == {"actor": expected} _visible_tables_re = re.compile(r">\/((\w+)\/(\w+))\.json<\/a> - Get rows for") @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize( "is_logged_in,config,expected_visible_tables", ( # Unprotected instance logged out user sees everything: ( False, None, ["perms_ds_one/t1", "perms_ds_one/t2", "perms_ds_two/t1"], ), # Fully protected instance logged out user sees nothing (False, {"allow": {"id": "user"}}, None), # User with visibility of just perms_ds_one sees both tables there ( True, { "databases": { "perms_ds_one": {"allow": {"id": "user"}}, "perms_ds_two": {"allow": False}, } }, ["perms_ds_one/t1", "perms_ds_one/t2"], ), # User with visibility of only table perms_ds_one/t1 sees just that one ( True, { "databases": { "perms_ds_one": { "allow": {"id": "user"}, "tables": {"t2": {"allow": False}}, }, "perms_ds_two": {"allow": False}, } }, ["perms_ds_one/t1"], ), ), ) async def test_api_explorer_visibility( perms_ds, is_logged_in, config, expected_visible_tables ): try: prev_config = perms_ds.config perms_ds.config = config or {} cookies = {} if is_logged_in: cookies = {"ds_actor": perms_ds.client.actor_cookie({"id": "user"})} response = await perms_ds.client.get("/-/api", cookies=cookies) if expected_visible_tables: assert response.status_code == 200 # Search HTML for stuff matching: # '>/perms_ds_one/t2.json - Get rows for' visible_tables = [ match[0] for match in _visible_tables_re.findall(response.text) ] assert visible_tables == expected_visible_tables else: assert response.status_code == 403 finally: perms_ds.config = prev_config @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_view_table_token_can_access_table(perms_ds): actor = { "id": "restricted-token", "token": "dstok", # Restricted to just view-table on perms_ds_two/t1 "_r": {"r": {"perms_ds_two": {"t1": ["vt"]}}}, } cookies = {"ds_actor": perms_ds.client.actor_cookie(actor)} response = await perms_ds.client.get("/perms_ds_two/t1.json", cookies=cookies) assert response.status_code == 200 @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize( "restrictions,verb,path,body,expected_status", ( # No restrictions (None, "get", "/.json", None, 200), (None, "get", "/perms_ds_one.json", None, 200), (None, "get", "/perms_ds_one/t1.json", None, 200), (None, "get", "/perms_ds_one/t1/1.json", None, 200), (None, "get", "/perms_ds_one/v1.json", None, 200), # Restricted to just view-instance ({"a": ["vi"]}, "get", "/.json", None, 200), ({"a": ["vi"]}, "get", "/perms_ds_one.json", None, 403), ({"a": ["vi"]}, "get", "/perms_ds_one/t1.json", None, 403), ({"a": ["vi"]}, "get", "/perms_ds_one/t1/1.json", None, 403), ({"a": ["vi"]}, "get", "/perms_ds_one/v1.json", None, 403), # Restricted to just view-database ({"a": ["vd"]}, "get", "/.json", None, 200), # Can see instance too ({"a": ["vd"]}, "get", "/perms_ds_one.json", None, 200), ({"a": ["vd"]}, "get", "/perms_ds_one/t1.json", None, 403), ({"a": ["vd"]}, "get", "/perms_ds_one/t1/1.json", None, 403), ({"a": ["vd"]}, "get", "/perms_ds_one/v1.json", None, 403), # Restricted to just view-table for specific database ( {"d": {"perms_ds_one": ["vt"]}}, "get", "/.json", None, 200, ), # Can see instance ( {"d": {"perms_ds_one": ["vt"]}}, "get", "/perms_ds_one.json", None, 200, ), # and this database ( {"d": {"perms_ds_one": ["vt"]}}, "get", "/perms_ds_two.json", None, 403, ), # But not this one ( # Can see the table {"d": {"perms_ds_one": ["vt"]}}, "get", "/perms_ds_one/t1.json", None, 200, ), ( # And the view {"d": {"perms_ds_one": ["vt"]}}, "get", "/perms_ds_one/v1.json", None, 200, ), # view-table access to a specific table ( {"r": {"perms_ds_one": {"t1": ["vt"]}}}, "get", "/.json", None, 200, ), ( {"r": {"perms_ds_one": {"t1": ["vt"]}}}, "get", "/perms_ds_one.json", None, 200, ), ( {"r": {"perms_ds_one": {"t1": ["vt"]}}}, "get", "/perms_ds_one/t1.json", None, 200, ), # But cannot see the other table ( {"r": {"perms_ds_one": {"t1": ["vt"]}}}, "get", "/perms_ds_one/t2.json", None, 403, ), # Or the view ( {"r": {"perms_ds_one": {"t1": ["vt"]}}}, "get", "/perms_ds_one/v1.json", None, 403, ), ), ) async def test_actor_restrictions( perms_ds, restrictions, verb, path, body, expected_status ): actor = {"id": "user"} if restrictions: actor["_r"] = restrictions method = getattr(perms_ds.client, verb) kwargs = {"cookies": {"ds_actor": perms_ds.client.actor_cookie(actor)}} if body: kwargs["json"] = body perms_ds._permission_checks.clear() response = await method(path, **kwargs) assert response.status_code == expected_status, json.dumps( { "verb": verb, "path": path, "body": body, "restrictions": restrictions, "expected_status": expected_status, "response_status": response.status_code, "checks": [ { "action": check["action"], "resource": check["resource"], "result": check["result"], } for check in perms_ds._permission_checks ], }, indent=2, ) @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize( "restrictions,action,resource,expected", ( ({"a": ["view-instance"]}, "view-instance", None, True), # view-table and view-database implies view-instance ({"a": ["view-table"]}, "view-instance", None, True), ({"a": ["view-database"]}, "view-instance", None, True), # update-row does not imply view-instance ({"a": ["update-row"]}, "view-instance", None, False), # view-table on a resource implies view-instance ({"r": {"db1": {"t1": ["view-table"]}}}, "view-instance", None, True), # execute-sql on a database implies view-instance, view-database ({"d": {"db1": ["es"]}}, "view-instance", None, True), ({"d": {"db1": ["es"]}}, "view-database", "db1", True), ({"d": {"db1": ["es"]}}, "view-database", "db2", False), # update-row on a resource does not imply view-instance ({"r": {"db1": {"t1": ["update-row"]}}}, "view-instance", None, False), # view-database on a resource implies view-instance ({"d": {"db1": ["view-database"]}}, "view-instance", None, True), # Having view-table on "a" allows access to any specific table ({"a": ["view-table"]}, "view-table", ("dbname", "tablename"), True), # Ditto for on the database ( {"d": {"dbname": ["view-table"]}}, "view-table", ("dbname", "tablename"), True, ), # But not if it's allowed on a different database ( {"d": {"dbname": ["view-table"]}}, "view-table", ("dbname2", "tablename"), False, ), ), ) async def test_restrictions_allow_action(restrictions, action, resource, expected): ds = Datasette() await ds.invoke_startup() actual = restrictions_allow_action(ds, restrictions, action, resource) assert actual == expected