.. _changelog: ========= Changelog ========= .. _v0_59_1: 0.59.1 (2021-10-24) ------------------- - Fix compatibility with Python 3.10. (:issue:`1482`) - Documentation on how to use :ref:`sql_parameters` with integer and floating point values. (:issue:`1496`) .. _v0_59: 0.59 (2021-10-14) ----------------- - Columns can now have associated metadata descriptions in ``metadata.json``, see :ref:`metadata_column_descriptions`. (:issue:`942`) - New :ref:`register_commands() ` plugin hook allows plugins to register additional Datasette CLI commands, e.g. ``datasette mycommand file.db``. (:issue:`1449`) - Adding ``?_facet_size=max`` to a table page now shows the number of unique values in each facet. (:issue:`1423`) - Upgraded dependency `httpx 0.20 `__ - the undocumented ``allow_redirects=`` parameter to :ref:`internals_datasette_client` is now ``follow_redirects=``, and defaults to ``False`` where it previously defaulted to ``True``. (:issue:`1488`) - The ``--cors`` option now causes Datasette to return the ``Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization`` header, in addition to ``Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *``. (`#1467 `__) - Code that figures out which named parameters a SQL query takes in order to display form fields for them is no longer confused by strings that contain colon characters. (:issue:`1421`) - Renamed ``--help-config`` option to ``--help-settings``. (:issue:`1431`) - ``datasette.databases`` property is now a documented API. (:issue:`1443`) - The ``base.html`` template now wraps everything other than the ``