from import Datasette import itertools import os import random import sqlite3 import sys import string import tempfile import time def app_client(sql_time_limit_ms=None, max_returned_rows=None): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: filepath = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test_tables.db') conn = sqlite3.connect(filepath) conn.executescript(TABLES) os.chdir(os.path.dirname(filepath)) plugins_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'plugins') os.mkdir(plugins_dir) open(os.path.join(plugins_dir, ''), 'w').write(PLUGIN) ds = Datasette( [filepath], page_size=50, max_returned_rows=max_returned_rows or 100, sql_time_limit_ms=sql_time_limit_ms or 20, metadata=METADATA, plugins_dir=plugins_dir, ) ds.sqlite_functions.append( ('sleep', 1, lambda n: time.sleep(float(n))), ) client = client.ds = ds yield client def app_client_longer_time_limit(): yield from app_client(200) def app_client_returend_rows_matches_page_size(): yield from app_client(max_returned_rows=50) def generate_compound_rows(num): for a, b, c in itertools.islice( itertools.product(string.ascii_lowercase, repeat=3), num ): yield a, b, c, '{}-{}-{}'.format(a, b, c) def generate_sortable_rows(num): rand = random.Random(42) for a, b in itertools.islice( itertools.product(string.ascii_lowercase, repeat=2), num ): yield { 'pk1': a, 'pk2': b, 'content': '{}-{}'.format(a, b), 'sortable': rand.randint(-100, 100), 'sortable_with_nulls': rand.choice([ None, rand.random(), rand.random() ]), 'sortable_with_nulls_2': rand.choice([ None, rand.random(), rand.random() ]), 'text': rand.choice(['$null', '$blah']), } METADATA = { 'title': 'Datasette Title', 'description': 'Datasette Description', 'license': 'License', 'license_url': '', 'source': 'Source', 'source_url': '', 'databases': { 'test_tables': { 'description': 'Test tables description', 'tables': { 'simple_primary_key': { 'description_html': 'Simple primary key', 'title': 'This HTML is escaped', }, 'sortable': { 'sortable_columns': [ 'sortable', 'sortable_with_nulls', 'sortable_with_nulls_2', 'text', ] }, 'no_primary_key': { 'sortable_columns': [], 'hidden': True, }, 'units': { 'units': { 'distance': 'm', 'frequency': 'Hz' } }, 'primary_key_multiple_columns_explicit_label': { 'label_column': 'content2', }, } }, } } PLUGIN = ''' from datasette import hookimpl import pint ureg = pint.UnitRegistry() @hookimpl def prepare_connection(conn): def convert_units(amount, from_, to_): "select convert_units(100, 'm', 'ft');" return (amount * ureg(from_)).to(to_).to_tuple()[0] conn.create_function('convert_units', 3, convert_units) @hookimpl def extra_css_urls(): return [''] @hookimpl def extra_js_urls(): return [{ 'url': '', 'sri': 'SRIHASH', }] ''' TABLES = ''' CREATE TABLE simple_primary_key ( id varchar(30) primary key, content text ); CREATE TABLE primary_key_multiple_columns ( id varchar(30) primary key, content text, content2 text ); CREATE TABLE primary_key_multiple_columns_explicit_label ( id varchar(30) primary key, content text, content2 text ); CREATE TABLE compound_primary_key ( pk1 varchar(30), pk2 varchar(30), content text, PRIMARY KEY (pk1, pk2) ); INSERT INTO compound_primary_key VALUES ('a', 'b', 'c'); CREATE TABLE compound_three_primary_keys ( pk1 varchar(30), pk2 varchar(30), pk3 varchar(30), content text, PRIMARY KEY (pk1, pk2, pk3) ); CREATE TABLE foreign_key_references ( pk varchar(30) primary key, foreign_key_with_label varchar(30), foreign_key_with_no_label varchar(30), FOREIGN KEY (foreign_key_with_label) REFERENCES simple_primary_key(id), FOREIGN KEY (foreign_key_with_no_label) REFERENCES primary_key_multiple_columns(id) ); CREATE TABLE sortable ( pk1 varchar(30), pk2 varchar(30), content text, sortable integer, sortable_with_nulls real, sortable_with_nulls_2 real, text text, PRIMARY KEY (pk1, pk2) ); CREATE TABLE no_primary_key ( content text, a text, b text, c text ); CREATE TABLE [123_starts_with_digits] ( content text ); CREATE VIEW paginated_view AS SELECT content, '- ' || content || ' -' AS content_extra FROM no_primary_key; CREATE TABLE "Table With Space In Name" ( pk varchar(30) primary key, content text ); CREATE TABLE "table/with/slashes.csv" ( pk varchar(30) primary key, content text ); CREATE TABLE "complex_foreign_keys" ( pk varchar(30) primary key, f1 text, f2 text, f3 text, FOREIGN KEY ("f1") REFERENCES [simple_primary_key](id), FOREIGN KEY ("f2") REFERENCES [simple_primary_key](id), FOREIGN KEY ("f3") REFERENCES [simple_primary_key](id) ); CREATE TABLE "custom_foreign_key_label" ( pk varchar(30) primary key, foreign_key_with_custom_label text, FOREIGN KEY ("foreign_key_with_custom_label") REFERENCES [primary_key_multiple_columns_explicit_label](id) ); CREATE TABLE units ( pk integer primary key, distance int, frequency int ); INSERT INTO units VALUES (1, 1, 100); INSERT INTO units VALUES (2, 5000, 2500); INSERT INTO units VALUES (3, 100000, 75000); CREATE TABLE searchable ( pk integer primary key, text1 text, text2 text, [name with . and spaces] text ); INSERT INTO searchable VALUES (1, 'barry cat', 'terry dog', 'panther'); INSERT INTO searchable VALUES (2, 'terry dog', 'sara weasel', 'puma'); CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE "searchable_fts" USING FTS3 (text1, text2, [name with . and spaces], content="searchable"); INSERT INTO "searchable_fts" (rowid, text1, text2, [name with . and spaces]) SELECT rowid, text1, text2, [name with . and spaces] FROM searchable; CREATE TABLE [select] ( [group] text, [having] text, [and] text ); INSERT INTO [select] VALUES ('group', 'having', 'and'); INSERT INTO simple_primary_key VALUES (1, 'hello'); INSERT INTO simple_primary_key VALUES (2, 'world'); INSERT INTO simple_primary_key VALUES (3, ''); INSERT INTO primary_key_multiple_columns VALUES (1, 'hey', 'world'); INSERT INTO primary_key_multiple_columns_explicit_label VALUES (1, 'hey', 'world2'); INSERT INTO foreign_key_references VALUES (1, 1, 1); INSERT INTO complex_foreign_keys VALUES (1, 1, 2, 1); INSERT INTO custom_foreign_key_label VALUES (1, 1); INSERT INTO [table/with/slashes.csv] VALUES (3, 'hey'); CREATE VIEW simple_view AS SELECT content, upper(content) AS upper_content FROM simple_primary_key; ''' + '\n'.join([ 'INSERT INTO no_primary_key VALUES ({i}, "a{i}", "b{i}", "c{i}");'.format(i=i + 1) for i in range(201) ]) + '\n'.join([ 'INSERT INTO compound_three_primary_keys VALUES ("{a}", "{b}", "{c}", "{content}");'.format( a=a, b=b, c=c, content=content ) for a, b, c, content in generate_compound_rows(1001) ]) + '\n'.join([ '''INSERT INTO sortable VALUES ( "{pk1}", "{pk2}", "{content}", {sortable}, {sortable_with_nulls}, {sortable_with_nulls_2}, "{text}"); '''.format( **row ).replace('None', 'null') for row in generate_sortable_rows(201) ]) if __name__ == '__main__': filename = sys.argv[-1] if filename.endswith('.db'): conn = sqlite3.connect(filename) conn.executescript(TABLES) print('Test tables written to {}'.format(filename)) else: print('Usage: {} name_of_file_to_write.db'.format(sys.argv[0]))