from contextlib import contextmanager from collections import OrderedDict import base64 import click import hashlib import inspect import json import mergedeep import os import re import shlex import tempfile import time import types import shutil import urllib import numbers import yaml from .shutil_backport import copytree try: import pysqlite3 as sqlite3 except ImportError: import sqlite3 # From reserved_words = set( ( "abort action add after all alter analyze and as asc attach autoincrement " "before begin between by cascade case cast check collate column commit " "conflict constraint create cross current_date current_time " "current_timestamp database default deferrable deferred delete desc detach " "distinct drop each else end escape except exclusive exists explain fail " "for foreign from full glob group having if ignore immediate in index " "indexed initially inner insert instead intersect into is isnull join key " "left like limit match natural no not notnull null of offset on or order " "outer plan pragma primary query raise recursive references regexp reindex " "release rename replace restrict right rollback row savepoint select set " "table temp temporary then to transaction trigger union unique update using " "vacuum values view virtual when where with without" ).split() ) SPATIALITE_DOCKERFILE_EXTRAS = r""" RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y python3-dev gcc libsqlite3-mod-spatialite && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* ENV SQLITE_EXTENSIONS /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ """ def urlsafe_components(token): "Splits token on commas and URL decodes each component" return [urllib.parse.unquote_plus(b) for b in token.split(",")] def path_from_row_pks(row, pks, use_rowid, quote=True): """ Generate an optionally URL-quoted unique identifier for a row from its primary keys.""" if use_rowid: bits = [row["rowid"]] else: bits = [ row[pk]["value"] if isinstance(row[pk], dict) else row[pk] for pk in pks ] if quote: bits = [urllib.parse.quote_plus(str(bit)) for bit in bits] else: bits = [str(bit) for bit in bits] return ",".join(bits) def compound_keys_after_sql(pks, start_index=0): # Implementation of keyset pagination # See # For pk1/pk2/pk3 returns: # # ([pk1] > :p0) # or # ([pk1] = :p0 and [pk2] > :p1) # or # ([pk1] = :p0 and [pk2] = :p1 and [pk3] > :p2) or_clauses = [] pks_left = pks[:] while pks_left: and_clauses = [] last = pks_left[-1] rest = pks_left[:-1] and_clauses = [ "{} = :p{}".format(escape_sqlite(pk), (i + start_index)) for i, pk in enumerate(rest) ] and_clauses.append( "{} > :p{}".format(escape_sqlite(last), (len(rest) + start_index)) ) or_clauses.append("({})".format(" and ".join(and_clauses))) pks_left.pop() or_clauses.reverse() return "({})".format("\n or\n".join(or_clauses)) class CustomJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, sqlite3.Row): return tuple(obj) if isinstance(obj, sqlite3.Cursor): return list(obj) if isinstance(obj, bytes): # Does it encode to utf8? try: return obj.decode("utf8") except UnicodeDecodeError: return { "$base64": True, "encoded": base64.b64encode(obj).decode("latin1"), } return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) @contextmanager def sqlite_timelimit(conn, ms): deadline = time.time() + (ms / 1000) # n is the number of SQLite virtual machine instructions that will be # executed between each check. It's hard to know what to pick here. # After some experimentation, I've decided to go with 1000 by default and # 1 for time limits that are less than 50ms n = 1000 if ms < 50: n = 1 def handler(): if time.time() >= deadline: return 1 conn.set_progress_handler(handler, n) try: yield finally: conn.set_progress_handler(None, n) class InvalidSql(Exception): pass allowed_sql_res = [ re.compile(r"^select\b"), re.compile(r"^explain select\b"), re.compile(r"^explain query plan select\b"), re.compile(r"^with\b"), re.compile(r"^explain with\b"), re.compile(r"^explain query plan with\b"), ] allowed_pragmas = ( "database_list", "foreign_key_list", "function_list", "index_info", "index_list", "index_xinfo", "page_count", "max_page_count", "page_size", "schema_version", "table_info", "table_xinfo", ) disallawed_sql_res = [ ( re.compile("pragma(?!_({}))".format("|".join(allowed_pragmas))), "Statement may not contain PRAGMA", ) ] def validate_sql_select(sql): sql = "\n".join( line for line in sql.split("\n") if not line.strip().startswith("--") ) sql = sql.strip().lower() if not any(r.match(sql) for r in allowed_sql_res): raise InvalidSql("Statement must be a SELECT") for r, msg in disallawed_sql_res: if raise InvalidSql(msg) def append_querystring(url, querystring): op = "&" if ("?" in url) else "?" return "{}{}{}".format(url, op, querystring) def path_with_added_args(request, args, path=None): path = path or request.path if isinstance(args, dict): args = args.items() args_to_remove = {k for k, v in args if v is None} current = [] for key, value in urllib.parse.parse_qsl(request.query_string): if key not in args_to_remove: current.append((key, value)) current.extend([(key, value) for key, value in args if value is not None]) query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode(current) if query_string: query_string = "?{}".format(query_string) return path + query_string def path_with_removed_args(request, args, path=None): query_string = request.query_string if path is None: path = request.path else: if "?" in path: bits = path.split("?", 1) path, query_string = bits # args can be a dict or a set current = [] if isinstance(args, set): def should_remove(key, value): return key in args elif isinstance(args, dict): # Must match key AND value def should_remove(key, value): return args.get(key) == value for key, value in urllib.parse.parse_qsl(query_string): if not should_remove(key, value): current.append((key, value)) query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode(current) if query_string: query_string = "?{}".format(query_string) return path + query_string def path_with_replaced_args(request, args, path=None): path = path or request.path if isinstance(args, dict): args = args.items() keys_to_replace = {p[0] for p in args} current = [] for key, value in urllib.parse.parse_qsl(request.query_string): if key not in keys_to_replace: current.append((key, value)) current.extend([p for p in args if p[1] is not None]) query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode(current) if query_string: query_string = "?{}".format(query_string) return path + query_string _css_re = re.compile(r"""['"\n\\]""") _boring_keyword_re = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$") def escape_css_string(s): return _css_re.sub(lambda m: "\\{:X}".format(ord(, s) def escape_sqlite(s): if _boring_keyword_re.match(s) and (s.lower() not in reserved_words): return s else: return "[{}]".format(s) def make_dockerfile( files, metadata_file, extra_options, branch, template_dir, plugins_dir, static, install, spatialite, version_note, environment_variables=None, port=8001, ): cmd = ["datasette", "serve", "--host", ""] for filename in files: cmd.extend(["-i", filename]) cmd.extend(["--cors", "--inspect-file", "inspect-data.json"]) if metadata_file: cmd.extend(["--metadata", "{}".format(metadata_file)]) if template_dir: cmd.extend(["--template-dir", "templates/"]) if plugins_dir: cmd.extend(["--plugins-dir", "plugins/"]) if version_note: cmd.extend(["--version-note", "{}".format(version_note)]) if static: for mount_point, _ in static: cmd.extend(["--static", "{}:{}".format(mount_point, mount_point)]) if extra_options: for opt in extra_options.split(): cmd.append("{}".format(opt)) cmd = [shlex.quote(part) for part in cmd] # port attribute is a (fixed) env variable and should not be quoted cmd.extend(["--port", "$PORT"]) cmd = " ".join(cmd) if branch: install = [ "{}.zip".format(branch) ] + list(install) else: install = ["datasette"] + list(install) return """ FROM python:3.8 COPY . /app WORKDIR /app {spatialite_extras} {environment_variables} RUN pip install -U {install_from} RUN datasette inspect {files} --inspect-file inspect-data.json ENV PORT {port} EXPOSE {port} CMD {cmd}""".format( environment_variables="\n".join( [ "ENV {} '{}'".format(key, value) for key, value in (environment_variables or {}).items() ] ), files=" ".join(files), cmd=cmd, install_from=" ".join(install), spatialite_extras=SPATIALITE_DOCKERFILE_EXTRAS if spatialite else "", port=port, ).strip() @contextmanager def temporary_docker_directory( files, name, metadata, extra_options, branch, template_dir, plugins_dir, static, install, spatialite, version_note, extra_metadata=None, environment_variables=None, port=8001, ): extra_metadata = extra_metadata or {} tmp = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() # We create a datasette folder in there to get a nicer now deploy name datasette_dir = os.path.join(, name) os.mkdir(datasette_dir) saved_cwd = os.getcwd() file_paths = [os.path.join(saved_cwd, file_path) for file_path in files] file_names = [os.path.split(f)[-1] for f in files] if metadata: metadata_content = parse_metadata( else: metadata_content = {} # Merge in the non-null values in extra_metadata mergedeep.merge( metadata_content, {key: value for key, value in extra_metadata.items() if value is not None}, ) try: dockerfile = make_dockerfile( file_names, metadata_content and "metadata.json", extra_options, branch, template_dir, plugins_dir, static, install, spatialite, version_note, environment_variables, port=port, ) os.chdir(datasette_dir) if metadata_content: open("metadata.json", "w").write(json.dumps(metadata_content, indent=2)) open("Dockerfile", "w").write(dockerfile) for path, filename in zip(file_paths, file_names): link_or_copy(path, os.path.join(datasette_dir, filename)) if template_dir: link_or_copy_directory( os.path.join(saved_cwd, template_dir), os.path.join(datasette_dir, "templates"), ) if plugins_dir: link_or_copy_directory( os.path.join(saved_cwd, plugins_dir), os.path.join(datasette_dir, "plugins"), ) for mount_point, path in static: link_or_copy_directory( os.path.join(saved_cwd, path), os.path.join(datasette_dir, mount_point) ) yield datasette_dir finally: tmp.cleanup() os.chdir(saved_cwd) def detect_primary_keys(conn, table): " Figure out primary keys for a table. " table_info_rows = [ row for row in conn.execute('PRAGMA table_info("{}")'.format(table)).fetchall() if row[-1] ] table_info_rows.sort(key=lambda row: row[-1]) return [str(r[1]) for r in table_info_rows] def get_outbound_foreign_keys(conn, table): infos = conn.execute("PRAGMA foreign_key_list([{}])".format(table)).fetchall() fks = [] for info in infos: if info is not None: id, seq, table_name, from_, to_, on_update, on_delete, match = info fks.append( {"column": from_, "other_table": table_name, "other_column": to_} ) return fks def get_all_foreign_keys(conn): tables = [ r[0] for r in conn.execute('select name from sqlite_master where type="table"') ] table_to_foreign_keys = {} for table in tables: table_to_foreign_keys[table] = {"incoming": [], "outgoing": []} for table in tables: infos = conn.execute("PRAGMA foreign_key_list([{}])".format(table)).fetchall() for info in infos: if info is not None: id, seq, table_name, from_, to_, on_update, on_delete, match = info if table_name not in table_to_foreign_keys: # Weird edge case where something refers to a table that does # not actually exist continue table_to_foreign_keys[table_name]["incoming"].append( {"other_table": table, "column": to_, "other_column": from_} ) table_to_foreign_keys[table]["outgoing"].append( {"other_table": table_name, "column": from_, "other_column": to_} ) return table_to_foreign_keys def detect_spatialite(conn): rows = conn.execute( 'select 1 from sqlite_master where tbl_name = "geometry_columns"' ).fetchall() return len(rows) > 0 def detect_fts(conn, table): "Detect if table has a corresponding FTS virtual table and return it" rows = conn.execute(detect_fts_sql(table)).fetchall() if len(rows) == 0: return None else: return rows[0][0] def detect_fts_sql(table): return r""" select name from sqlite_master where rootpage = 0 and ( sql like '%VIRTUAL TABLE%USING FTS%content="{table}"%' or sql like '%VIRTUAL TABLE%USING FTS%content=[{table}]%' or ( tbl_name = "{table}" and sql like '%VIRTUAL TABLE%USING FTS%' ) ) """.format( table=table ) def detect_json1(conn=None): if conn is None: conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:") try: conn.execute("SELECT json('{}')") return True except Exception: return False def table_columns(conn, table): return [ r[1] for r in conn.execute( "PRAGMA table_info({});".format(escape_sqlite(table)) ).fetchall() ] filter_column_re = re.compile(r"^_filter_column_\d+$") def filters_should_redirect(special_args): redirect_params = [] # Handle _filter_column=foo&_filter_op=exact&_filter_value=... filter_column = special_args.get("_filter_column") filter_op = special_args.get("_filter_op") or "" filter_value = special_args.get("_filter_value") or "" if "__" in filter_op: filter_op, filter_value = filter_op.split("__", 1) if filter_column: redirect_params.append( ("{}__{}".format(filter_column, filter_op), filter_value) ) for key in ("_filter_column", "_filter_op", "_filter_value"): if key in special_args: redirect_params.append((key, None)) # Now handle _filter_column_1=name&_filter_op_1=contains&_filter_value_1=hello column_keys = [k for k in special_args if filter_column_re.match(k)] for column_key in column_keys: number = column_key.split("_")[-1] column = special_args[column_key] op = special_args.get("_filter_op_{}".format(number)) or "exact" value = special_args.get("_filter_value_{}".format(number)) or "" if "__" in op: op, value = op.split("__", 1) if column: redirect_params.append(("{}__{}".format(column, op), value)) redirect_params.extend( [ ("_filter_column_{}".format(number), None), ("_filter_op_{}".format(number), None), ("_filter_value_{}".format(number), None), ] ) return redirect_params whitespace_re = re.compile(r"\s") def is_url(value): "Must start with http:// or https:// and contain JUST a URL" if not isinstance(value, str): return False if not value.startswith("http://") and not value.startswith("https://"): return False # Any whitespace at all is invalid if return False return True css_class_re = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9-]*$") css_invalid_chars_re = re.compile(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]") def to_css_class(s): """ Given a string (e.g. a table name) returns a valid unique CSS class. For simple cases, just returns the string again. If the string is not a valid CSS class (we disallow - and _ prefixes even though they are valid as they may be confused with browser prefixes) we strip invalid characters and add a 6 char md5 sum suffix, to make sure two tables with identical names after stripping characters don't end up with the same CSS class. """ if css_class_re.match(s): return s md5_suffix = hashlib.md5(s.encode("utf8")).hexdigest()[:6] # Strip leading _, - s = s.lstrip("_").lstrip("-") # Replace any whitespace with hyphens s = "-".join(s.split()) # Remove any remaining invalid characters s = css_invalid_chars_re.sub("", s) # Attach the md5 suffix bits = [b for b in (s, md5_suffix) if b] return "-".join(bits) def link_or_copy(src, dst): # Intended for use in populating a temp directory. We link if possible, # but fall back to copying if the temp directory is on a different device # try:, dst) except OSError: shutil.copyfile(src, dst) def link_or_copy_directory(src, dst): try: copytree(src, dst,, dirs_exist_ok=True) except OSError: copytree(src, dst, dirs_exist_ok=True) def module_from_path(path, name): # Adapted from mod = types.ModuleType(name) mod.__file__ = path with open(path, "r") as file: code = compile(, path, "exec", dont_inherit=True) exec(code, mod.__dict__) return mod async def resolve_table_and_format(table_and_format, table_exists, allowed_formats=[]): if "." in table_and_format: # Check if a table exists with this exact name it_exists = await table_exists(table_and_format) if it_exists: return table_and_format, None # Check if table ends with a known format formats = list(allowed_formats) + ["csv", "jsono"] for _format in formats: if table_and_format.endswith(".{}".format(_format)): table = table_and_format[: -(len(_format) + 1)] return table, _format return table_and_format, None def path_with_format(request, format, extra_qs=None): qs = extra_qs or {} path = request.path if "." in request.path: qs["_format"] = format else: path = "{}.{}".format(path, format) if qs: extra = urllib.parse.urlencode(sorted(qs.items())) if request.query_string: path = "{}?{}&{}".format(path, request.query_string, extra) else: path = "{}?{}".format(path, extra) elif request.query_string: path = "{}?{}".format(path, request.query_string) return path class CustomRow(OrderedDict): # Loose imitation of sqlite3.Row which offers # both index-based AND key-based lookups def __init__(self, columns, values=None): self.columns = columns if values: self.update(values) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, int): return super().__getitem__(self.columns[key]) else: return super().__getitem__(key) def __iter__(self): for column in self.columns: yield self[column] def value_as_boolean(value): if value.lower() not in ("on", "off", "true", "false", "1", "0"): raise ValueAsBooleanError return value.lower() in ("on", "true", "1") class ValueAsBooleanError(ValueError): pass class WriteLimitExceeded(Exception): pass class LimitedWriter: def __init__(self, writer, limit_mb): self.writer = writer self.limit_bytes = limit_mb * 1024 * 1024 self.bytes_count = 0 async def write(self, bytes): self.bytes_count += len(bytes) if self.limit_bytes and (self.bytes_count > self.limit_bytes): raise WriteLimitExceeded( "CSV contains more than {} bytes".format(self.limit_bytes) ) await self.writer.write(bytes) _infinities = {float("inf"), float("-inf")} def remove_infinites(row): if any((c in _infinities) if isinstance(c, float) else 0 for c in row): return [None if (isinstance(c, float) and c in _infinities) else c for c in row] return row class StaticMount(click.ParamType): name = "mount:directory" def convert(self, value, param, ctx): if ":" not in value: '"{}" should be of format mountpoint:directory'.format(value), param, ctx, ) path, dirpath = value.split(":", 1) dirpath = os.path.abspath(dirpath) if not os.path.exists(dirpath) or not os.path.isdir(dirpath):"%s is not a valid directory path" % value, param, ctx) return path, dirpath def format_bytes(bytes): current = float(bytes) for unit in ("bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB"): if current < 1024: break current = current / 1024 if unit == "bytes": return "{} {}".format(int(current), unit) else: return "{:.1f} {}".format(current, unit) _escape_fts_re = re.compile(r'\s+|(".*?")') def escape_fts(query): # If query has unbalanced ", add one at end if query.count('"') % 2: query += '"' bits = _escape_fts_re.split(query) bits = [b for b in bits if b and b != '""'] return " ".join( '"{}"'.format(bit) if not bit.startswith('"') else bit for bit in bits ) class RequestParameters: def __init__(self, data): # data is a dictionary of key => [list, of, values] assert isinstance(data, dict), "data should be a dictionary of key => [list]" for key in data: assert isinstance( data[key], list ), "data should be a dictionary of key => [list]" self._data = data def __contains__(self, key): return key in self._data def __getitem__(self, key): return self._data[key][0] def keys(self): return self._data.keys() def __iter__(self): yield from self._data.keys() def __len__(self): return len(self._data) def get(self, name, default=None): "Return first value in the list, if available" try: return self._data.get(name)[0] except (KeyError, TypeError): return default def getlist(self, name): "Return full list" return self._data.get(name) or [] class ConnectionProblem(Exception): pass class SpatialiteConnectionProblem(ConnectionProblem): pass def check_connection(conn): tables = [ r[0] for r in conn.execute( "select name from sqlite_master where type='table'" ).fetchall() ] for table in tables: try: conn.execute("PRAGMA table_info({});".format(escape_sqlite(table)),) except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: if e.args[0] == "no such module: VirtualSpatialIndex": raise SpatialiteConnectionProblem(e) else: raise ConnectionProblem(e) class BadMetadataError(Exception): pass def parse_metadata(content): # content can be JSON or YAML try: return json.loads(content) except json.JSONDecodeError: try: return yaml.safe_load(content) except yaml.YAMLError: raise BadMetadataError("Metadata is not valid JSON or YAML") def call_with_supported_arguments(fn, **kwargs): parameters = inspect.signature(fn).parameters.keys() call_with = [] for parameter in parameters: if parameter not in kwargs: raise TypeError( "{} requires parameters {}, missing: {}".format( fn, tuple(parameters), set(parameters) - set(kwargs.keys()) ) ) call_with.append(kwargs[parameter]) return fn(*call_with)