#!/bin/bash set -e # So the script fails if there are any errors # Build the wheel python3 -m build # Find name of wheel, strip off the dist/ wheel=$(basename $(ls dist/*.whl)) # Create a blank index page echo ' ' > dist/index.html # Run a server for that dist/ folder cd dist python3 -m http.server 8529 & cd .. shot-scraper javascript http://localhost:8529/ " async () => { let pyodide = await loadPyodide(); await pyodide.loadPackage(['micropip', 'ssl', 'setuptools']); let output = await pyodide.runPythonAsync(\` import micropip await micropip.install('h11==0.12.0') await micropip.install('http://localhost:8529/$wheel') import ssl import setuptools from datasette.app import Datasette ds = Datasette(memory=True, settings={'num_sql_threads': 0}) (await ds.client.get('/_memory.json?sql=select+55+as+itworks&_shape=array')).text \`); if (JSON.parse(output)[0].itworks != 55) { throw 'Got ' + output + ', expected itworks: 55'; } return 'Test passed!'; } " # Shut down the server pkill -f 'http.server 8529'