import json from datasette.utils import ( value_as_boolean, remove_infinites, CustomJSONEncoder, path_from_row_pks, sqlite3, ) from datasette.utils.asgi import Response def convert_specific_columns_to_json(rows, columns, json_cols): json_cols = set(json_cols) if not json_cols.intersection(columns): return rows new_rows = [] for row in rows: new_row = [] for value, column in zip(row, columns): if column in json_cols: try: value = json.loads(value) except (TypeError, ValueError) as e: pass new_row.append(value) new_rows.append(new_row) return new_rows def json_renderer(request, args, data, error, truncated=None): """Render a response as JSON""" status_code = 200 # Handle the _json= parameter which may modify data["rows"] json_cols = [] if "_json" in args: json_cols = args.getlist("_json") if json_cols and "rows" in data and "columns" in data: data["rows"] = convert_specific_columns_to_json( data["rows"], data["columns"], json_cols ) # unless _json_infinity=1 requested, replace infinity with None if "rows" in data and not value_as_boolean(args.get("_json_infinity", "0")): data["rows"] = [remove_infinites(row) for row in data["rows"]] # Deal with the _shape option shape = args.get("_shape", "objects") # if there's an error, ignore the shape entirely data["ok"] = True if error: shape = "objects" status_code = 400 data["error"] = error data["ok"] = False if truncated is not None: data["truncated"] = truncated if shape == "arrayfirst": if not data["rows"]: data = [] elif isinstance(data["rows"][0], sqlite3.Row): data = [row[0] for row in data["rows"]] else: assert isinstance(data["rows"][0], dict) data = [next(iter(row.values())) for row in data["rows"]] elif shape in ("objects", "object", "array"): columns = data.get("columns") rows = data.get("rows") if rows and columns: data["rows"] = [dict(zip(columns, row)) for row in rows] if shape == "object": shape_error = None if "primary_keys" not in data: shape_error = "_shape=object is only available on tables" else: pks = data["primary_keys"] if not pks: shape_error = ( "_shape=object not available for tables with no primary keys" ) else: object_rows = {} for row in data["rows"]: pk_string = path_from_row_pks(row, pks, not pks) object_rows[pk_string] = row data = object_rows if shape_error: data = {"ok": False, "error": shape_error} elif shape == "array": data = data["rows"] elif shape == "arrays": if not data["rows"]: pass elif isinstance(data["rows"][0], sqlite3.Row): data["rows"] = [list(row) for row in data["rows"]] else: data["rows"] = [list(row.values()) for row in data["rows"]] else: status_code = 400 data = { "ok": False, "error": f"Invalid _shape: {shape}", "status": 400, "title": None, } # Don't include "columns" in output # if isinstance(data, dict) and "columns" not in request.args.getlist("_extra"): data.pop("columns", None) # Handle _nl option for _shape=array nl = args.get("_nl", "") if nl and shape == "array": body = "\n".join(json.dumps(item, cls=CustomJSONEncoder) for item in data) content_type = "text/plain" else: body = json.dumps(data, cls=CustomJSONEncoder) content_type = "application/json; charset=utf-8" headers = {} return Response( body, status=status_code, headers=headers, content_type=content_type )