from import Datasette, Database from datasette.utils import resolve_routes import pytest import pytest_asyncio @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def routes(): ds = Datasette() return ds._routes() @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,expected_class,expected_matches", ( ("/", "IndexView", {"format": None}), ("/foo", "DatabaseView", {"format": None, "database": "foo"}), ("/foo.csv", "DatabaseView", {"format": "csv", "database": "foo"}), ("/foo.json", "DatabaseView", {"format": "json", "database": "foo"}), ("/foo.humbug", "DatabaseView", {"format": "humbug", "database": "foo"}), ( "/foo/humbug", "TableView", {"database": "foo", "table": "humbug", "format": None}, ), ( "/foo/humbug.json", "TableView", {"database": "foo", "table": "humbug", "format": "json"}, ), ( "/foo/humbug.blah", "TableView", {"database": "foo", "table": "humbug", "format": "blah"}, ), ( "/foo/humbug/1", "RowView", {"format": None, "database": "foo", "pks": "1", "table": "humbug"}, ), ( "/foo/humbug/1.json", "RowView", {"format": "json", "database": "foo", "pks": "1", "table": "humbug"}, ), ("/-/metadata.json", "JsonDataView", {"format": "json"}), ("/-/metadata", "JsonDataView", {"format": None}), ), ) def test_routes(routes, path, expected_class, expected_matches): match, view = resolve_routes(routes, path) if expected_class is None: assert match is None else: assert view.view_class.__name__ == expected_class assert match.groupdict() == expected_matches @pytest_asyncio.fixture async def ds_with_route(): ds = Datasette() await ds.invoke_startup() ds.remove_database("_memory") db = Database(ds, is_memory=True, memory_name="route-name-db") ds.add_database(db, name="original-name", route="custom-route-name") await db.execute_write_script( """ create table if not exists t (id integer primary key); insert or replace into t (id) values (1); """ ) return ds @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_db_with_route_databases(ds_with_route): response = await ds_with_route.client.get("/-/databases.json") assert response.json()[0] == { "name": "original-name", "route": "custom-route-name", "path": None, "size": 0, "is_mutable": True, "is_memory": True, "hash": None, } @pytest.mark.asyncio @pytest.mark.parametrize( "path,expected_status", ( ("/", 200), ("/original-name", 404), ("/original-name/t", 404), ("/original-name/t/1", 404), ("/custom-route-name", 200), ("/custom-route-name?sql=select+id+from+t", 200), ("/custom-route-name/t", 200), ("/custom-route-name/t/1", 200), ), ) async def test_db_with_route_that_does_not_match_name( ds_with_route, path, expected_status ): response = await ds_with_route.client.get(path) assert response.status_code == expected_status # There should be links to custom-route-name but none to original-name if response.status_code == 200: assert "/custom-route-name" in response.text assert "/original-name" not in response.text