# Datasette running behind an Apache proxy See also [Running Datasette behind a proxy](https://docs.datasette.io/en/latest/deploying.html#running-datasette-behind-a-proxy) This live demo is running at https://datasette-apache-proxy-demo.fly.dev/prefix/ To build locally, passing in a Datasette commit hash (or `main` for the main branch): docker build -t datasette-apache-proxy-demo . \ --build-arg DATASETTE_REF=c617e1769ea27e045b0f2907ef49a9a1244e577d Then run it like this: docker run -p 5000:80 datasette-apache-proxy-demo And visit `http://localhost:5000/` or `http://localhost:5000/prefix/` ## Deployment to Fly To deploy to [Fly](https://fly.io/) first create an application there by running: flyctl apps create --name datasette-apache-proxy-demo You will need a different name, since I have already taken that one. Then run this command to deploy: flyctl deploy --build-arg DATASETTE_REF=main This uses `fly.toml` in this directory, which hard-codes the `datasette-apache-proxy-demo` name - so you would need to edit that file to match your application name before running this. ## Deployment to Cloud Run Deployments to Cloud Run currently result in intermittent 503 errors and I'm not sure why, see [issue #1522](https://github.com/simonw/datasette/issues/1522). You can deploy like this: DATASETTE_REF=main ./deploy-to-cloud-run.sh