Hide tables starting with an _, refs #2104

Simon Willison 2024-03-07 00:03:42 -05:00
rodzic a395256c8c
commit 7818e8b9d1
3 zmienionych plików z 31 dodań i 0 usunięć

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@ -469,6 +469,7 @@ class Database:
and (
) or name in ('sqlite_stat1', 'sqlite_stat2', 'sqlite_stat3', 'sqlite_stat4')
or name like '\\_%' escape '\\'

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@ -40,6 +40,21 @@ The JSON version of this page provides programmatic access to the underlying dat
* `fivethirtyeight.datasettes.com/fivethirtyeight.json <https://fivethirtyeight.datasettes.com/fivethirtyeight.json>`_
* `global-power-plants.datasettes.com/global-power-plants.json <https://global-power-plants.datasettes.com/global-power-plants.json>`_
.. _DatabaseView_hidden:
Hidden tables
Some tables listed on the database page are treated as hidden. Hidden tables are not completely invisible - they can be accessed through the "hidden tables" link at the bottom of the page. They are hidden because they represent low-level implementation details which are generally not useful to end-users of Datasette.
The following tables are hidden by default:
- Any table with a name that starts with an underscore - this is a Datasette convention to help plugins easily hide their own internal tables.
- Tables that have been configured as ``"hidden": true`` using :ref:`metadata_hiding_tables`.
- ``*_fts`` tables that implement SQLite full-text search indexes.
- Tables relating to the inner workings of the SpatiaLite SQLite extension.
- ``sqlite_stat`` tables used to store statistics used by the query optimizer.
.. _TableView:

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@ -1018,6 +1018,21 @@ async def test_hidden_sqlite_stat1_table():
async def test_hide_tables_starting_with_underscore():
ds = Datasette()
db = ds.add_memory_database("test_hide_tables_starting_with_underscore")
await db.execute_write("create table normal (id integer primary key, name text)")
await db.execute_write("create table _hidden (id integer primary key, name text)")
data = (
await ds.client.get(
tables = [(t["name"], t["hidden"]) for t in data["tables"]]
assert tables == [("normal", False), ("_hidden", True)]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("db_name", ("foo", r"fo%o", "f~/c.d"))
async def test_tilde_encoded_database_names(db_name):