Improved documentation for RequestParameters class

Simon Willison 2020-05-30 10:54:22 -07:00
rodzic de1cde65a6
commit 5ae14c9f20
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@ -278,16 +278,27 @@ The object also has one awaitable method:
The RequestParameters class
This class, returned by ``request.args``, is a dictionary-like object.
``request.args`` is a ``RequestParameters`` object - a dictionary-like object which provides access to querystring parameters that may have multiple values.
Consider the querystring ``?foo=1&foo=2``. This will produce a ``request.args`` that looks like this::
Consider the querystring ``?foo=1&foo=2&bar=3`` - with two values for ``foo`` and one value for ``bar``.
RequestParameters({"foo": ["1", "2"]})
``request.args[key]`` - string
Returns the first value for that key, or raises a ``KeyError`` if the key is missing. For the above example ``request.args["foo"]`` would return ``"1"``.
``request.args["foo"]`` returns the first value, ``"1"`` - or raises ``KeyError`` if that key is missing.
``request.args.get(key)`` - string or None
Returns the first value for that key, or ``None`` if the key is missing. Pass a second argument to specify a different default, e.g. ``q = request.args.get("q", "")``.
``request.args.get("foo")`` returns ``"1"`` - or ``None`` if the key is missing. A second argument can be used to specify a different default value.
``request.args.getlist(key)`` - list of strings
Returns the list of strings for that key. ``request.args.getlist("foo")`` would return ``["1", "2"]`` in the above example. ``request.args.getlist("bar")`` would return ``["3"]``. If the key is missing an empty list will be returned.
``request.args.getlist("foo")`` returns the full list, ``["1", "2"]``. If you call it on a missing key it will return ``[]``.
``request.args.keys()`` - list of strings
Returns the list of available keys - for the example this would be ``["foo", "bar"]``.
You can use ``if key in request.args`` to check if a key is present. ``for key in request.args`` will iterate through the keys, or you can use ``request.args.keys()`` to get all of the keys.
``key in request.args`` - True or False
You can use ``if key in request.args`` to check if a key is present.
``for key in request.args`` - iterator
This lets you loop through every available key.
``len(request.args)`` - integer
Returns the number of keys.