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Tests to ensure certain things are documented.
2024-01-31 03:55:26 +00:00
from datasette import app, utils
from import Datasette
from datasette.filters import Filters
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
import re
docs_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "docs"
label_re = re.compile(r"\.\. _([^\s:]+):")
def get_headings(content, underline="-"):
heading_re = re.compile(r"(\w+)(\([^)]*\))?\n\{}+\n".format(underline))
return {h[0] for h in heading_re.findall(content)}
def get_labels(filename):
content = (docs_path / filename).read_text()
return set(label_re.findall(content))
def settings_headings():
return get_headings((docs_path / "settings.rst").read_text(), "~")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("setting", app.SETTINGS)
def test_settings_are_documented(settings_headings, setting):
assert in settings_headings
def plugin_hooks_content():
return (docs_path / "plugin_hooks.rst").read_text()
"plugin", [name for name in dir( if not name.startswith("_")]
def test_plugin_hooks_are_documented(plugin, plugin_hooks_content):
headings = set()
headings.update(get_headings(plugin_hooks_content, "-"))
headings.update(get_headings(plugin_hooks_content, "~"))
assert plugin in headings
hook_caller = getattr(, plugin)
arg_names = [a for a in hook_caller.spec.argnames if a != "__multicall__"]
# Check for plugin_name(arg1, arg2, arg3)
expected = f"{plugin}({', '.join(arg_names)})"
2020-08-16 17:35:14 +00:00
assert (
expected in plugin_hooks_content
), f"Missing from plugin hook documentation: {expected}"
def documented_views():
view_labels = set()
for filename in docs_path.glob("*.rst"):
for label in get_labels(filename):
first_word = label.split("_")[0]
if first_word.endswith("View"):
# We deliberately don't document these:
view_labels.update(("PatternPortfolioView", "AuthTokenView", "ApiExplorerView"))
return view_labels
@pytest.mark.parametrize("view_class", [v for v in dir(app) if v.endswith("View")])
def test_view_classes_are_documented(documented_views, view_class):
assert view_class in documented_views
def documented_table_filters():
json_api_rst = (docs_path / "json_api.rst").read_text()
section = json_api_rst.split(".. _table_arguments:")[-1]
# Lines starting with ``?column__exact= are docs for filters
return {
for line in section.split("\n")
if line.startswith("``?column__")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("filter", [f.key for f in Filters._filters])
def test_table_filters_are_documented(documented_table_filters, filter):
assert filter in documented_table_filters
def documented_fns():
internals_rst = (docs_path / "internals.rst").read_text()
# Any line that starts .. _internals_utils_X
lines = internals_rst.split("\n")
prefix = ".. _internals_utils_"
return {
line.split(prefix)[1].split(":")[0] for line in lines if line.startswith(prefix)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("fn", utils.functions_marked_as_documented)
def test_functions_marked_with_documented_are_documented(documented_fns, fn):
assert fn.__name__ in documented_fns
# Tests for testing_plugins.rst documentation
# fmt: off
# -- start test_homepage --
async def test_homepage():
ds = Datasette(memory=True)
response = await ds.client.get("/")
html = response.text
assert "<h1>" in html
# -- end test_homepage --
# -- start test_actor_is_null --
async def test_actor_is_null():
ds = Datasette(memory=True)
response = await ds.client.get("/-/actor.json")
assert response.json() == {"actor": None}
# -- end test_actor_is_null --
# -- start test_signed_cookie_actor --
async def test_signed_cookie_actor():
ds = Datasette(memory=True)
cookies = {"ds_actor": ds.client.actor_cookie({"id": "root"})}
response = await ds.client.get("/-/actor.json", cookies=cookies)
assert response.json() == {"actor": {"id": "root"}}
# -- end test_signed_cookie_actor --