
691 wiersze
23 KiB

* CUSF Landing Prediction Version 2
* Jon Sowman 2010
$(document).ready(function() {
// are we trying to display an old prediction?
if(window.location.hash != "") {
var ln = window.location.hash.split("=");
var posteq = ln[1];
if ( posteq.length != 40 ) {
throwError("The supplied hashstring was not a valid UUID.");
appendDebug("The hashstring was not the expected length");
} else {
current_uuid = posteq;
initMap(52, 0, 8);
// make launch card draggable
$("#input_form").draggable({containment: '#map_canvas', handle: 'img.handle', snap: '#map_canvas'});
$("#scenario_info").draggable({containment: '#map_canvas', handle: 'img.handle', snap: '#map_canvas'});
// see if we want an old prediction displayed
if ( current_uuid != '0' ) {
appendDebug("Got an old UUID to plot:<br>" + current_uuid);
appendDebug("Trying to populate form with scenario data...");
appendDebug("Trying to get flight path from server...");
// plot the initial launch location
function predSub() {
appendDebug(null, 1); // clear debug window
appendDebug("Sending data to server...");
// initialise progress bar
$("#prediction_progress").progressbar({ value: 0 });
$("#prediction_status").html("Sending data to server...");
function populateFormByUUID(pred_uuid) {
$.get("ajax.php", { "action":"getModelByUUID", "uuid":pred_uuid }, function(data) {
if ( !data.valid ) {
appendDebug("Populating form by UUID failed");
appendDebug("The server said the model it made was invalid");
} else {
// we're good to go, populate the form
// we need to make minutes be "04" instead of "4"
var scenario_minute = data.minute;
if ( scenario_minute < 10 ) scenario_minute = "0" + scenario_minute;
$("#month").attr("selectedIndex", data.month-1);
// we have to use [] notation for
// values that have -s in them
// now sort the map out
}, 'json');
function addHashLink(link) {
var ln = "#!/" + link;
window.location = ln;
function showMousePos(GLatLng) {
var curr_lat =;
var curr_lon = GLatLng.lng().toFixed(4);
// if we have a prediction displayed
// show range from launch and land:
if ( current_uuid != 0 && map_items['launch_marker'] != null ) {
var launch_pt = map_items['launch_marker'].position;
var land_pt = map_items['land_marker'].position;
var range_launch = distHaversine(launch_pt, GLatLng, 1);
var range_land = distHaversine(land_pt, GLatLng, 1);
function populateLaunchSite() {
$("#site > option").remove();
$.getJSON("sites.json", function(sites) {
$.each(sites, function(sitename, site) {
$("<option>").attr("value", sitename).text(sitename).appendTo("#site");
$("<option>").attr("value", "Other").text("Other").appendTo("#site");
return true;
return true;
function changeLaunchSite() {
var selectedName = $("#site").val();
$.getJSON("sites.json", function(sites) {
$.each(sites, function(sitename, site) {
if ( selectedName == sitename ) {
function throwError(data) {
function handlePred(pred_uuid) {
$("#prediction_status").html("Searching for wind data...");
$("#input_form").hide("slide", { direction: "down" }, 500);
$("#scenario_info").hide("slide", { direction: "up" }, 500);
// disable user control of the map canvas
$("#map_canvas").fadeTo(1000, 0.2);
// ajax to poll for progress
ajaxEventHandle = setInterval("getJSONProgress('"+pred_uuid+"')", stdPeriod);
function getCSV(pred_uuid) {
$.get("ajax.php", { "action":"getCSV", "uuid":pred_uuid }, function(data) {
if(data != null) {
appendDebug("Got JSON response from server for flight path, parsing...");
if (parseCSV(data) ) {
appendDebug("Parsing function returned successfully.");
appendDebug("Done, AJAX functions quitting.");
} else {
appendDebug("The parsing function failed.");
} else {
appendDebug("Server couldn't find a CSV for that UUID");
throwError("Sorry, we couldn't find the data for that UUID. "+
"Please run another prediction.");
}, 'json');
function getJSONProgress(pred_uuid) {
timeout: ajaxTimeout,
error: function(xhr, status, error) {
if ( status == "timeout" ) {
appendDebug("Polling for progress JSON timed out");
// check that we haven't reached maximum allowed timeout
if ( ajaxTimeout < maxAjaxTimeout ) {
// if not, add the delta to the timeout value
newTimeout = ajaxTimeout + deltaAjaxTimeout;
appendDebug("Increasing AJAX timeout from " + ajaxTimeout
+ "ms to " + newTimeout + "ms");
ajaxTimeout = newTimeout;
} else if ( ajaxTimeout != hlTimeout ) {
// otherwise, increase poll delay and timeout
appendDebug("Reached maximum ajaxTimeout value of " + maxAjaxTimeout);
appendDebug("Switching to high latency mode");
appendDebug("Setting polling interval to "+hlPeriod+"ms");
appendDebug("Setting progress JSON timeout to "+hlTimeout+"ms");
ajaxTimeout = hlTimeout;
ajaxEventHandle = setInterval("getJSONProgress('"+pred_uuid+"')", hlPeriod);
success: processProgress
function resetGUI() {
// now clear the status window
$("#prediction_progress").progressbar("options", "value", 0);
// bring the input form back up
toggleWindow("input_form", null, null, null, "show");
toggleWindow("scenario_info", null, null, null, "show");
// un-fade the map canvas
$("#map_canvas").fadeTo(1500, 1);
function processProgress(progress) {
if ( progress['error'] ) {
appendDebug("There was an error in running the prediction: "+progress['error']);
} else {
// get the progress of the wind data
if ( progress['gfs_complete'] == true ) {
if ( progress['pred_complete'] == true ) { // pred has finished
$("#prediction_status").html("Prediction finished.");
appendDebug("Server says: the predictor finished running.");
appendDebug("Attempting to retrieve flight path from server");
// reset the GUI
// stop polling for JSON
// parse the data
} else if ( progress['pred_running'] != true ) {
$("#prediction_status").html("Waiting for predictor to run...");
appendDebug("Server says: predictor not yet running...");
} else if ( progress['pred_running'] == true ) {
$("#prediction_status").html("Predictor running...");
appendDebug("Server says: predictor currently running");
} else {
$("#prediction_status").html("Downloading wind data");
$("#prediction_progress").progressbar("option", "value",
$("#prediction_percent").html(progress['gfs_percent'] +
"% - Estimated time remaining: " + progress['gfs_timeremaining']);
appendDebug("Server says: downloaded " +
progress['gfs_percent'] + "% of GFS files");
return true;
function parseCSV(lines) {
if(lines.length <= 0) {
appendDebug("The server returned an empty CSV file");
return false;
var path = [];
var max_height = -10; //just any -ve number
var max_point = null;
var launch_lat;
var launch_lon;
var land_lat;
var land_lon;
var launch_pt;
var land_pt;
var burst_lat;
var burst_lon;
var burst_pt;
var burst_time;
var launch_time;
var land_time;
$.each(lines, function(idx, line) {
entry = line.split(',');
if(entry.length >= 4) { // check valid entry length
var point = new google.maps.LatLng( parseFloat(entry[1]), parseFloat(entry[2]) );
if ( idx == 0 ) { // get the launch lat/long for marker
launch_lat = entry[1];
launch_lon = entry[2];
launch_time = entry[0];
launch_pt = point;
// set on every iteration, last valid entry
// gives landing position
land_lat = entry[1];
land_lon = entry[2];
land_time = entry[0];
land_pt = point;
if(parseFloat(entry[3]) > max_height) {
max_height = parseFloat(entry[3]);
burst_pt = point;
burst_lat = entry[1];
burst_lon = entry[2];
burst_time = entry[0];
appendDebug("Flight data parsed, creating map plot...");
// calculate range and time of flight
var range = distHaversine(launch_pt, land_pt, 1);
var flighttime = land_time - launch_time;
var f_hours = Math.floor((flighttime % 86400) / 3600);
var f_minutes = Math.floor(((flighttime % 86400) % 3600) / 60);
if ( f_minutes < 10 ) f_minutes = "0"+f_minutes;
flighttime = f_hours + "hr" + f_minutes;
// populate the download links
$("#dlcsv").attr("href", "preds/"+current_uuid+"/flight_path.csv");
$("#dlkml").attr("href", "kml.php?uuid="+current_uuid);
// make some nice icons
var launch_icon = new google.maps.MarkerImage(launch_img,
new google.maps.Size(16,16),
new google.maps.Point(0, 0),
new google.maps.Point(8, 8)
var land_icon = new google.maps.MarkerImage(land_img,
new google.maps.Size(16,16),
new google.maps.Point(0, 0),
new google.maps.Point(8, 8)
var launch_marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: launch_pt,
map: map,
icon: launch_icon,
title: 'Balloon launch ('+launch_lat+', '+launch_lon+') at ' + POSIXtoHM(launch_time)
var land_marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: land_pt,
icon: land_icon,
title: 'Predicted Landing ('+land_lat+', '+land_lon+') at ' + POSIXtoHM(land_time)
var path_polyline = new google.maps.Polyline({
map: map,
strokeColor: '#000000',
strokeWeight: 3,
strokeOpacity: 0.75
var pop_marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: burst_pt,
map: map,
icon: burst_img,
title: 'Balloon burst ('+burst_lat+', '+burst_lon+' at altitude ' + max_height + 'm) at ' + POSIXtoHM(burst_time)
// now add the launch/land markers to map
// we might need these later, so push them
// associatively
map_items['launch_marker'] = launch_marker;
map_items['land_marker'] = land_marker;
map_items['pop_marker'] = pop_marker;
map_items['path_polyline'] = path_polyline;
// we wiped off the old delta square,
// and it may have changed anyway, so re-plot
// pan to the new position
return true;
function drawPolygon(points, gmap_object) {
var newPoly = new google.maps.Polygon({
paths: points,
strokeColor: "#FF0000",
strokeOpacity: 0.4,
fillColor: "#FFFFFF",
fillOpacity: 0,
strokeWeight: 2
map_items['delta_square'] = newPoly;
function plotClick() {
// clear the old marker
// get the new values from the form
click_lat = parseFloat($("#lat").val());
click_lon = parseFloat($("#lon").val());
var click_pt = new google.maps.LatLng(click_lat, click_lon);
clickMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: click_pt,
map: map,
icon: 'images/target-1-sm.png',
title: 'Currently selected launch location ('+click_lat+', '+click_lon+')'
map_items['clickMarker'] = clickMarker;
// redraw the delta square
function drawDeltaSquare(map) {
// clear any old squares
if ( map_items['delta_square'] ) map_items['delta_square'].setMap(null);
// get the values from the form
var lat = parseFloat($("#lat").val());
var lon = parseFloat($("#lon").val());
var dlon = parseFloat($("#delta_lat").val());
var dlat = parseFloat($("#delta_lon").val());
// make a rectange of points
var points = [
new google.maps.LatLng(lat+dlat, lon+dlon),
new google.maps.LatLng(lat-dlat, lon+dlon),
new google.maps.LatLng(lat-dlat, lon-dlon),
new google.maps.LatLng(lat+dlat, lon-dlon)
// write the poly to the map
drawPolygon(points, map);
function setFormLatLon(GLatLng) {
// remove the event handler so another click doesn't register
// change the dropdown to read "other"
// plot the new marker for launch location
function setLatLonByClick(state) {
if ( state == true ) {
// check this listener doesn't already exist
if (!clickListener) {
clickListener = google.maps.event.addListener(map,
'click', function(event) {
// tell the user what to do next
throwError("Now click your desired launch location on the map");
} else if ( state == false ) {
clickListener = null;
} else {
appendDebug("Unrecognised state for setLatLonByClick");
function enableMap(map, state) {
if ( state != false && state != true) {
appendDebug("Unrecognised map state");
} else if (state == false) {
map.draggable = false;
map.disableDoubleClickZoom = true;
map.scrollwheel = false;
map.navigationControl = false;
} else if (state == true ) {
map.draggable = true;
map.disableDoubleClickZoom = false;
map.scrollwheel = false;
map.navigationControl = true;
function clearMapItems() {
if(getAssocSize(map_items) > 0) {
appendDebug("Clearing previous map trace");
for(i in map_items) {
map_items = [];
function getAssocSize(arr) {
var i = 0;
for ( j in arr ) {
return i;
function appendDebug(appendage, clear) {
if ( clear == null ){
var curr = $("#debuginfo").html();
curr += "<br>" + appendage;
} else {
// keep the debug window scrolled to bottom
function scrollToBottom(div_id) {
$("#"+div_id).animate({scrollTop: $("#"+div_id)[0].scrollHeight});
function toggleWindow(window_name, linker, onhide, onshow, force) {
if ( force == null ) {
if( $("#"+window_name).css('display') != "none" ){
$("#"+window_name+"").hide("slide", { direction: "down" }, 500);
} else {
$("#"+window_name).show("slide", { direction: "down" }, 500);
} else if ( force == "hide" ) {
if( $("#"+window_name).css('display') != "none" ){
$("#"+window_name+"").hide("slide", { direction: "down" }, 500);
} else if ( force == "show") {
if( $("#"+window_name).css('display') == "none" ){
$("#"+window_name).show("slide", { direction: "down" }, 500);
} else {
appendDebug("toggleWindow force parameter unrecognised");
function initMap(centre_lat, centre_lon, zoom_level) {
// make the map and set center
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(centre_lat, centre_lon);
var myOptions = {
zoom: zoom_level,
scaleControl: true,
scaleControlOptions: { position: google.maps.ControlPosition.BOTTOM_LEFT } ,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN,
center: latlng
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), myOptions);
function setupEventHandlers() {
// attach form submit event handler to launch card
url: 'ajax.php?action=submitForm',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
if ( data.valid == "false" ) {
appendDebug("The server rejected the submitted form data");
throwError("The server rejected the submitted form data: \n" +
} else if ( data.valid == "true" ) {
appendDebug("The server accepted the form data");
// update the global current_uuid variable
current_uuid = data.uuid;
appendDebug("The server gave us uuid:<br>" + current_uuid);
appendDebug("Starting to poll for progress JSON");
} else {
appendDebug("data.valid was not a recognised state: " + data.valid);
url: 'ajax.php?action=locationSave',
type: 'POST',
success: function(data) {
if (data == "true") {
appendDebug("Server returned OK - closing window");
} else {
alert("The server rejected the request for location save");
appendDebug("Failed to request location save from server");
// activate the "Set with Map" link
$("#setWithClick").click(function() {
// attach onchange handlers to the lat/long boxes
$("#lat").change(function() {
$("#lon").change(function() {
$("#site").change(function() {
$("#showHideDebug").click(function() {
toggleWindow("scenario_template", "showHideDebug", "Show Debug", "Hide Debug");
$("#showHideDebug_status").click(function() {
toggleWindow("scenario_template", "showHideDebug", "Show Debug", "Hide Debug");
$("#showHideForm").click(function() {
toggleWindow("input_form", "showHideForm", "Show Launch Card",
"Hide Launch Card");
$("#closeErrorWindow").click(function() {
$("#about_window_show").click(function() {
buttons: {
Close: function() {
$("#delta_lat").change(function() {
$("#delta_lon").change(function() {
$("#site").change(function() {
$("#req_close").click(function() {
$("#req_open").click(function() {
// this is bad, use a geocoder to guess it
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'mousemove', function(event) {
function POSIXtoHM(timestamp) {
// using JS port of PHP's date()
var ts = new Date();
// account for DST
if ( ts.format("I") == 1 ) {
var str = ts.format("H:i");
return str;
function SetSiteOther() {
rad = function(x) {return x*Math.PI/180;}
distHaversine = function(p1, p2, precision) {
var R = 6371; // earth's mean radius in km
var dLat = rad( -;
var dLong = rad(p2.lng() - p1.lng());
var a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) +
Math.cos(rad( * Math.cos(rad( * Math.sin(dLong/2) * Math.sin(dLong/2);
var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a));
var d = R * c;
if ( precision == null ) {
return d.toFixed(3);
} else {
return d.toFixed(precision);