# CUSF standalone predictor Working on improving the Cambridge University Spaceflight landing predictor, used for predicting the flight path and landing location of latex balloons. ## Install The source for the standalone predictor is somewhere where nobody can find it, that'll be here when I can get hold of it. The GFS/DAP predictor is in the pred_src directory and building instructions can be found there. The webserver needs to have a connection timeout of 30+. The GFS data needs to be updated regularly, that script is part of the hourly predictor [here](http://www.github.com/rjw57/cusf-landing-prediction). Credit as detailed in individual files, but notably: * Rich Wareham - The new predictor and the hourly predictor system * Rob Anderson - The GRIB predictor * And Fergus Noble, Ed Moore and many others Jon Sowman 2010 [http://www.hexoc.com](http://www.hexoc.com) [jon@hexoc.com](mailto:jon@hexoc.com)