counting('habhub.predictor.php.get_csv'); break; case "JSONexists": $uuid = $_GET['uuid']; if(file_exists(PREDS_PATH . $uuid . "/" . PROGRESS_JSON)) { echo true; } else { echo false; } break; case "locationSave": $lat = $_POST['req_lat']; $lon = $_POST['req_lon']; $alt = $_POST['req_alt']; $locname = $_POST['req_name']; if ( $locname == '' || !LOCATION_SAVE_ENABLE ) { echo "false"; return; } $str = "Latitude: " . $lat . "\n" . "Longitude: " . $lon . "\n" . "Altitude: " . $alt . "\n" . "Name: " . $locname . "\n"; $headers = "From: ". ADMIN_EMAIL ."\r\\r\nX-Mailer: PHP/".phpversion(); if ( mail(ADMIN_EMAIL, "Location Request Save", $str, $headers) ) { echo "true"; } else { echo "false"; } break; case "getModelByUUID": $uuid = ( isset($_GET['uuid']) ? $_GET['uuid'] : false ); if( !$uuid ) die ("No uuid given to getModelByUUID"); // make a new model $pred_model = array(); if ( !file_exists(PREDS_PATH . $uuid . "/" . SCENARIO_FILE ) ) { $pred_model['valid'] = false; $stats->counting('habhub.predictor.php.couldnt_get_by_uuid'); } else { // populate the array, JSON encode it and return $pred_model = parse_ini_file(PREDS_PATH . $uuid . "/" . SCENARIO_FILE); if ( verifyModel($pred_model, $software_available) ){ $pred_model['valid'] = true; } else { $pred_model['valid'] = false; } $pred_model['uuid'] = $uuid; $stats->counting('habhub.predictor.php.got_by_uuid'); } echo json_encode($pred_model); break; case "submitForm": $pred_model = array(); $json_return = array(); $json_return['valid'] = "false"; // Make sure we have a submitted form if ( isset($_POST['submit'])) { // First, make a model from the form data if ( !$pred_model = createModel($_POST)) { $json_return['error'] = "Server couldn't make a model from the form data"; echo json_encode($json_return); $stats->counting('habhub.predictor.php.form_error'); break; } // If that worked, make sure the model is valid $verify_dump = verifyModel($pred_model, $software_available); if ( !$verify_dump['valid'] ) { $json_return['error'] = $verify_dump['msg']; echo json_encode($json_return); $stats->counting('habhub.predictor.php.invalid_model'); break; } // If we have a valid model, try and make a UUID if ( !$pred_model['uuid'] = makesha1hash($pred_model) ) { $json_return['error'] = "Couldn't make the SHA1 hash"; echo json_encode($json_return); $stats->counting('habhub.predictor.php.unhashable'); break; } // If all of the above worked, let's run the prediction runPred($pred_model); $json_return['valid'] = "true"; $json_return['uuid'] = $pred_model['uuid']; $json_return['timestamp'] = $pred_model['timestamp']; $stats->counting('habhub.predictor.php.prediction_run'); } else { $json_return['error'] = "The form submit function was called without any data"; $stats->counting('habhub.predictor.php.no_form_data'); } echo json_encode($json_return); break; default: echo "Couldn't interpret 'action' variable"; break; } ?>